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Pakistan woman stoned to death by family for marrying man she loved

my very reaction Luftwaffe what did you just utter?

I seriously dont understand where these lunatics get these ideas from!

I wished the police and all those involved in our security were not biased and money oriented!

It has has to be decoded, anyway I don't want to ruin Thread.

Punjab Govt has miserably failed there is no credible true women/child protection social services in Pakistan. Judges and Police have become so corrupt that they over night can turn the cases even allow opponents to kill, what do we expect of Judiciary when current SC CJ is corrupt just as his predecessor. For example rape if proven, throwing acid on women should be punishable by death penalty but the problem is judges are not interesting in awarding punishment if they couldn't to taliban, these sort of criminals are free by default. We may pluck negatives about saudis but their judiciary is very fair my opinion.
All of those who participated in the killing should be sentenced to death.

Among those, all men in it should have their dxxks cut off to feed dogs.

After a few sentence like this, let's see how many bastards dare to do the disgusting stoning again???
I think cutting those men's dxxks would be the most effective punishment since those bastards would have no dxxks for their dreamed virgins :rofl:

If their god is peaceful and love, those bastards should have already been sentenced to hell burnt eternally for suffering.
@Rahul9090 Don't you have issues in India? what happened is a crime but when you Indians do stuff like this then it shows you are just & only targeting Pakistan. Is it going to be ok with you when I start posting unlimited Indian crimes on your pages or blogs? I am sure I will be attacked by online Indian.

Why did they kill her?

They were both of same religion

Well there is this BULLSH!T in some backward people who follow BARADRANA system & because of this BULL SH!T people suffer. I am sure you have the same in India, as I have heard similar crimes in India.
Well there is this BULLSH!T in some backward people who follow BARADRANA system & because of this BULL SH!T people suffer. I am sure you have the same in India, as I have heard similar crimes in India.
What is Baradrana? In India they get killed for marrying a lower caste person or a poor person.

Btw Rich Indian Muslims have no problem in marrying off their daughters to a poor family. Can't say the same for other communities.
What is Baradrana? In India they get killed for marrying a lower caste person or a poor person.

Btw Rich Indian Muslims have no problem in marrying off their daughters to a poor family. Can't say the same for other communities.
As an outsider can someone please explain why this happens in the 21st Century?? This is not a criticism, just I am shocked and stunned that some of these people seem to think this behaviour is correct? and what is wrong with the Police there?
Pakistan stoning victim's husband condemns police

BBC News - Pakistan stoning victim's husband condemns police

The husband of a Pakistani woman stoned to death by her own family in broad daylight outside a Lahore court says police just stood by during the attack.

Farzana Parveen, who was three months pregnant, was pelted with bricks and bludgeoned by relatives furious because she married against their wishes.

"They watched Farzana being killed and did nothing," her husband, Muhammad Iqbal, told the BBC.

Ms Parveen's father later surrendered to police but other relatives who took part in the attack are still free.

Mr Iqbal said they were threatening him and his family.

"Yesterday [on Tuesday] they said they would snatch the dead body," he said. "We came here with a police escort."

"We arrested a few of them and others are currently being investigated," local police chief Mujahid Hussain said.

Dragged to floor
Ms Parveen comes from a small town outside the city of Lahore. According to reports, her family were furious because she decided to marry Mr Iqbal instead of a man they had chosen.

Her relatives then filed a case for abduction against Mr Iqbal at the High Court.

The newlyweds were only at the Lahore court to contest this case. Ms Parveen had already testified to police that she had married of her own free will.

Mr Iqbal told the BBC that when the couple arrived at the court on Tuesday to contest the case, his wife's relatives were waiting and tried to take her away.

As she struggled to free herself they dragged her to the floor, pelted her with bricks and then smashed her head. She died on the pavement.

The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan says 869 women were murdered in "honour killings" in the country last year, although it is believed that the real figure could be higher.
There are hundreds of so-called "honour killings" in Pakistan each year.

UN human rights chief Navi Pillay said she was "deeply shocked" and urged Pakistan's government to take "urgent and strong measures".

"I do not even wish to use the phrase 'honour killing': there is not the faintest vestige of honour in killing a woman in this way."

Mr Iqbal described the police as "shameful" and "inhuman" for their failure to stop the attack.


Police questioned witnesses as Ms Parveen's bloodied body lay on the pavement
"We were shouting for help, but nobody listened. One of my relatives took off his clothes to capture police attention but they didn't intervene.

Arranged marriages are the norm in Pakistan and to marry against the wishes of the family is unthinkable in many deeply conservative communities.
As an outsider can someone please explain why this happens in the 21st Century?? This is not a criticism, just I am shocked and stunned that some of these people seem to think this behaviour is correct? and what is wrong with the Police there?
Husband of Lahore woman stoned to death accuses police of standing by and letting it happen | Mail Online

Probably the same reason why this happened.

No Cookies | The Courier-Mail

A YOUNG woman who was allegedly sexually assaulted on a crowded Gold Coast bus says she was “heartbroken” no one tried to help her during the terrifying ordeal.

The criminal justice system is so soft on criminals that no one wants to get involved -- in case the crooks come after them after a slap on the wrist from the law.

It's worse in developing countries like Pakistan, where the laws are especially lax and the police can be bought off.
As an outsider can someone please explain why this happens in the 21st Century?? This is not a criticism, just I am shocked and stunned that some of these people seem to think this behaviour is correct? and what is wrong with the Police there?
British village boy ! Do a bit research on your British Empire. Then you will know the reality.

British rulers favoured extremists of all kind. They promoted extremism for their "Divide & Rule" agenda. Indian sub-continent was much tolerant and liberal before the British came in.
British village boy ! Do a bit research on your British Empire. Then you will know the reality.

British rulers favoured extremists of all kind. They promoted extremism for their "Divide & Rule" agenda. Indian sub-continent was much tolerant and liberal before the British came in.
British Village Boy? At 62? and born in a city? And a historian as well? You are pretty thick arent you..
British Village Boy? At 62? and born in a city? And a historian as well? You are pretty thick arent you..
Why don't British own up their mistakes? British have messed up more 80% of the world, factually speaking you were worse than Nazis. Just because you ended up on the right winning side, everything is forgotten.

Who incited religious violence ? British
Who incited inter-caste violence ? British
Who incited regionist violence ? British
Who looted the most wealthiest country on the planet ? British
Who left Indian sub-continent in the hands of incompetent politicians(British puppets) ? British

I can go on but are you going to own up anything?
Why don't British own up their mistakes? British have messed up more 80% of the world, factually speaking you were worse than Nazis. Just because you ended up on the right winning side, everything is forgotten.

Who incited religious violence ? British
Who incited inter-caste violence ? British
Who incited regionist violence ? British
Who looted the most wealthiest country on the planet ? British
Who left Indian sub-continent in the hands of incompetent politicians(British puppets) ? British

I can go on but are you going to own up anything?

OK I own up to it , all my fault, seeing I was born 5 years after partition. I hold my hands up, it was me and all my friends.
Now thats in the open you need to calm down and get out more, it seems you are sitting their all angry and twisted, with a race hatred , but actually I agree with all what you have said to a certain extent. But you need to stop blaming all your problems on us nasty British and start taking responsibility for your selves. The British are not there but there is still intercaste violence, and all the other stuff. The Brits left 70 years ago but you blame the stoning of this lady on us? Do you realise how ridiculous that sounds ? As for my ancestry we were farmers and weavers, low down the class system, how the hell do you think we had any say in the running of the Empire?? I asked a question, and you immediately saw I was British then came out with an ignorant 'Village Boy' statement without even knowing me.
The Brits left 70 years ago but you blame the stoning of this lady on us? Do you realise how ridiculous that sounds ? As for my ancestry we were farmers and weavers, low down the class system, how the hell do you think we had any say in the running of the Empire??
If you rape a woman several times, and then finally you leave saying that I am not going to bother you again. Do you think she is going recover?

Most of you whites from experience have no empathy at all. You think if our ancestors did some wrong we're not to be blamed for it. That's true. But you are benefitting from the actions of your ancestors. That you seem to forget.

Has Britian give back the looten wealth? Has Britian officialy apologized for any of its actions?

Since you claim to be an unbiased Historian let me ask you a question? Why do you western people hate Hitler while consider Churchill a hero?

Why because Hitler killed whites? While Churchill killed more worthless non-whites in Asia and Africa. Why don't you talk about Indian Holocaust by Churchill? Why do you have his statues all over UK?

Btw you are no historian, you're just an anglo-saxon peasant who is loyal to her majesty.
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