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Pakistan woman stoned to death by family for marrying man she loved

and u know what the worst part is ......few here will try to defend this...ans still live on denial...

This law is used by rich if they kill someone belonging to family which is way poorer then their own. After year or two in courts, family have already recovered somewhat from loss. Then they see million in Rs or $ depending how rich killer is, and all is forgiven.
Once a week?......What is your age?...........:P;)

23 and we are happily married for 3 years. She knows her place is barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen whilst I live the good life ;)
Woman are like pets. Train them well when they are young and they will be well house-trained :D

I am just kidding !!
Oh my god!!!
This is shocking.
I have yet to understand the logic behind such honor killings.Is there no other way these perpetrators can be punished???
Galling and pathetic!!

Is this true?

Its as pathetic as it seems, worst maybe, love-marriage is almost as if its a crime, families dont allow their girls, and if girls are able to do so, they hunt them down and kill in the name of honor... as for courts, they are pathetic, clearly they dont set examples by punishing such murderers on the plea of irrational behavior or sudden reaction whatever they call it and above that the family forgives.. :(

the report title is misleading, she was beaten with bricks, it was not like some ceremony was arranged where she was stoned to death.
Ek news 10 bar post karoghe bc hindus? Do i need to remind you Bharat is numner 1 country in terms of honour killings? 2 days ago dalit boy was killed for going out with high caste girl.
Ek news 10 bar post karoghe bc hindus? Do i need to remind you Bharat is numner 1 country in terms of honour killings? 2 days ago dalit boy was killed for going out with high caste girl.
mc yeh hadsa court ke saamne din dahare hua hai .. kisi door daraz ke gaon mein nahin ..
Just seeing the responses in this thread gives me hope that this sort of behavior is on its last leg.

This has nothing to do with religion, that I am certain.
Our Law Because if someone from a family is murdered forgiveness is given by the family only... And if they want to kill someone from the family they simply assign the task to someone else and after that they forgive that assasin in court...Under Pakistani law, families can escape punishment by following a few simple steps: a brother ‘confesses’ to having killed his sister. His father ‘forgives’ him, or accepts blood money. No money actually changes hands and the matter is closed.
Now that is stupid...Pure abuse of the system

Well a pregnant woman means two lives were ended, thats the difference?
My question was where in the article did it mention the woman was pregnant? What was OP high on?

But of course you would support your countrymen no matter what stupidity emerges :tup:


Here is the article you never read...Point out the word Pregnant (the end of 2 lives)

(Reuters) - A 25-year-old woman was stoned to death by her family outside one of Pakistan's top courts on Tuesday in a so-called "honor" killing for marrying the man she loved, police said.

Farzana Iqbal was waiting for the High Court in the eastern city of Lahore to open when a group of around dozen men began attacking her with bricks, said Umer Cheema, a senior police officer.

Her father, two brothers and former fiance were among the attackers, he said. Iqbal suffered severe head injuries and was pronounced dead in hospital, police said.

All the suspects except her father escaped. He admitted killing his daughter, Cheema said, and explained it was a matter of honor. Many Pakistani families think a woman marrying her own choice of man brings dishonor on the family.

Iqbal had been engaged to her cousin but married another man, Cheema said. Her family registered a kidnapping case against him but Iqbal had come to court to argue that she had married of her own free will, he said.

Around 1,000 Pakistani women are killed every year by their families in honor killings, according to Pakistani rights group the Aurat Foundation.

The true figure is probably many times higher since the Aurat Foundation only compiles figures from newspaper reports. The government does not compile national statistics.

Campaigners say few cases come to court, and those that do can take years to be heard. No one tracks how many cases are successfully prosecuted.

Even those that do result in a conviction may end with the killers walking free. Pakistani law allows a victim's family to forgive their killer.

But in honor killings, most of the time the women's killers are her family, said Wasim Wagha of the Aurat Foundation. The law allows them to nominate someone to do the murder, then forgive him.

"This is a huge flaw in the law," he said. "We are really struggling on this issue."

Pakistan woman stoned to death by family for marrying man she loved| Reuters
Last I checked I was not a biatch however you still don't want to violate my Territory or i shall hand you over to my observer since I'm Alpha, I hand you over to the observer to deals with little things...:laugh:

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