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Big attack on Chaman Border crossing

Weapons seen with Afghan Taliban/military:
Pic 1&2: Humvee mounted .50cal heavy machine gun and SAW-M249 light machine gun.
Pic 3&4: Romanian FPK Sniper Rifle (7.62x54).

View attachment 906072

Look more closely.
It's a NSVT 12.7x108mm, not M2HB QCB 12.7x99mm.
Funny, NSVT was fitted to T-64/72/80 Series (And early T-90 obrig. 1992), Afghans never used these, only T-34/85, T-54B, T-55 & T-62 Series.
BUT sometimes Soviets changed the DSHKM on Soviet operated T-62M in Soviet-Afghan War with a NSVT ... maybe from there?
Bc I know that Afghans had some T-62M formerly operated by Soviets/Afghan allies.
Can't even build out your border fence without getting attacked? :lol: Oh Pakistanis when will you get some balls and swat the barbarian horde at your gate.

If you want peace at the western front then the back of the Afghan Pashtun must be broken. Pick your flavour, tactical nuke, carpet bombing, chemical attacks. Then line up a multi ethnic pro Pakistani regime which will agree for durand line to become a hard border in exchange for support. Agree on a half a mile no mans land on their end too so you can build you border fence in peace.
They didn't win because they weren't prepared to be brutes like Afghanistan and make every foreigner a target.

I'm not encouraging genocide, but if America was to return into Afghanistan and mark every Afghan as a target, do you really think they'd "win"?

Realistically they managed to keep guerrilla warfare sustained for long enough until America got tired.
the Afghan concept of a victory is an oxymoron.
We didn't do anything in retaliation and they literally killed civillians

Pakistan is officially a cuck nation
As a nation we are not but as a country yes we are from the beginning.
As a nation we are not but as a country yes we are from the beginning.

Think about the damage done to Afghanistan. Think about how many Hindus died or xxx in Bangla to ensure it remained a Muslim state.
India is 7 times bigger but hit it repeatedly
Pakistan had no qualms about taking on the USSR in Afghanistan
Nor did we have any qualms defending Pakistani strategic interests in Afghanistan against USA, India, NATO and the Afghan Republic

Pakistan has actually been remarkably ballsy throughout it's history

Can't make an assumption like that plus it's optics, you can't allow someone to just touch you like that without retaliation

We probably can,, the PTM pashto pashto pashto is strong amongst people In those areas

The dickhead Manzoor Pashteen and his band of idiots recently had a jalsa in Chaman to demand open borders blah blah blah and then soon after TTP create problems

TTP/PTM flip side of the same coin

You can pretty much bank the local idiots are PTM types
Pakistan will have to give calculated response. An overreaction with Tanks and Armed Helis will invite similar reaction from Taliban... They can use American leftover weapons.. A stinger hitting a Heli or, an ATGM hitting a Pakistani Tank will have immense propaganda value. And propaganda is like oxygen to them..
Centcom commander has arrived and met with COAS. I hope he couldn't convince Asim for any base.
Pakistan will have to give calculated response. An overreaction with Tanks and Armed Helis will invite similar reaction from Taliban... They can use American leftover weapons.. A stinger hitting a Heli or, an ATGM hitting a Pakistani Tank will have immense propaganda value. And propaganda is like oxygen to them..

Tanks can be used from a distance taking advantage of mobility and accurate main gun...

Drones and mirages are better to ise than helis

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