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Best anti tank weapons.


Apr 13, 2013
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Palestinian Territory, Occupied
United States
I was wondering today, from your people's perspectives. You have much more knowledge than me on weaponry and anti tank systems. What do you say is most effective against Israeli armor and tanks? They do have some Kornet missiles and RPG variants, mines, homemade devices. But if you look at their situation what would be best for them? Consider value, budget, effectiveness and also consider if it will be possible to smuggle through. Thank you.
The most effective anti-tank weapon the Palestinian Arabs could have is to make peace with the Jews of Israel rather than seeking to destroy them. Since the Jews of Israel have no interest in attacking Arabs save in self-defence what better anti-tank weapon could be imagined?
I'm not very well versed in weapon systems. However, the best weapon for Palestinian Arab would be to establish peace with Israel. War and destruction is no sign of heroism. Hero is the one who establishes peace.
The most effective anti-tank weapon the Palestinian Arabs could have is to make peace with the Jews of Israel rather than seeking to destroy them. Since the Jews of Israel have no interest in attacking Arabs save in self-defence what better anti-tank weapon could be imagined?
Yeah they are only interested in new settlements.
It will be interesting to see if Hazzy997 is interested in a peaceful, negotiated, agreement with Isreal to live and let live. He claims to be a Palestinian-American from Gaza. So, first question is "Why did you leave Gaza?" "Why did you leave your "homeland"?
He asked a very blunt close ended question, you guys are derailing the thread. Kindly make a new thread about aspirations of youngsters who have been systematically marginalized and are prisoners in their own country.
I'm not here to discuss politics, even though Solomon's view is deeply flawed. If people expect that one sided dogma is legitimate than they found the wrong guy to speak to. I've lived in occupied territories and I've had family members killed in this conflict. I know Israel more than any of you do. Saying they want peace is frankly a joke.

He asked a very blunt close ended question, you guys are derailing the thread. Kindly make a new thread about aspirations of youngsters who have been systematically marginalized and are prisoners in their own country.

Absolutely agree, they must think this is an Israeli forum of some sort. Their question basically is a fancy way of asking the Palestinians to surrender and accept an occupation.
I'm not here to discuss politics ...

I know Israel more than any of you do. Saying they want peace is frankly a joke.

Their question basically is a fancy way of asking the Palestinians to surrender and accept an occupation.

You have come to a Forum where political discussion is the norm. Your assertions above, about Isreal, are opinions, not facts. So, I ask, point blank, can you, a Palestinian-American, accept the existence of the JEWISH State of Isreal, or not?
You have come to a Forum where political discussion is the norm. Your assertions above, about Isreal, are opinions, not facts. So, I ask, point blank, can you, a Palestinian-American, accept the existence of the JEWISH State of Isreal, or not?

What's your point in asking this question? Are israelis suddenly peace loving people who can't wait for a Palestinian State aside them?
You can trying figuring things out yourself since you're the genius. But take yourself somewhere else and let the willing discuss this thread.

I'm sorry but you must be having misconceptions about how this forum normally runs. You cannot expect to get away with after making unfounded assertions and/or accusations. And your OP here is incitement to illegal activity (smuggling) and terror.
What's your point in asking this question? Are israelis suddenly peace loving people who can't wait for a Palestinian State aside them?

My point is simply to understand, whether or not, you, personally, can "live" with coexistence with a STATE that lives on some of the land that was formerly Jordan, but is now a Jewish majority entity called Israel. It's not a complicated question for you, is it?
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