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Beijing tech show highlights advances in Chinese fighter sensors


May 12, 2010
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Beijing tech show highlights advances in Chinese fighter sensors
Richard D Fisher Jr, Washington, DC - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
16 July 2015
A-Star's EOTS-86 appears to be similar to the Electro-Optical Targeting System (EOTS) that equips the Lockheed Martin F-35. (Via Top81 web page)

China's Jiangsu A-Star Aviation Industries Company (A-Star) used the first Beijing exhibition promoting "civil-military integration" to reveal new combat aircraft electro-optical systems, some of which may be slated for the country's fifth-generation fighters.

A-Star's booth featured images of a Shenyang Aircraft Corporation J-31 fifth-generation export fighter to highlight two electro-optical systems, although it is not clear that A-Star's systems will equip future developments of this fighter, revealed as the FC-31 at the November 2014 Zhuhai Air Show.

A-Star's EORD-31 appears to be a conventional infrared search and tracking (IRST) system but with a faceted sensor dome; and the claimed ability to detect a F-22. (Via Top81 web page)

The EOTS-89 resembles the Electro-Optical Targeting System (EOTS) of the Lockheed Martin F-35, which combines Forward Looking Infrared and Infrared Search and Track (IRST) capabilities.

Beijing tech show highlights advances in Chinese fighter sensors - IHS Jane's 360
A-Star‘s products are for exports NOT for the PLAAF。

Defense industry civil-military integrated development expo to kick off in Beijing

(Source: China Military Online)


BEIJING, July 2 (ChinaMil) -- The achievement expo of China's defense industry civil-military integration development will be held in the National Agricultural Exhibition Center in Beijing from July 16 to 25, 2015.

The expo is sponsored by China Association of Peaceful Uses for Military Industrial Technologies and jointly hosted by China National Nuclear Corporation, China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, China State Shipbuilding Corporation, China North Industries Group Corporation and China Electronics Technology Group Corporation.

The expo will showcase the results of civil-military integration development of the defense industry in recent years and demonstrates the role of military high-tech in leading national scientific and technological innovation as well as in contributing to China's economic and social development.

In the exhibition area of about 20,000 square meters, major achievements and products of the defense-related technologies converted for civil use will be displayed with real products and models, accompanied by pictures, texts and videos. Meanwhile, advanced technologies and products of military enterprises and private enterprises in support of weaponry research and production will also have their debut in the expo.

During the ten days' expo, a forum on civil-military integration development of the defense industry will also be held. Leaders and experts from the government, the military, defense industry enterprises and private companies will attend the forum.

Editor:Ouyang Dongmei

Defense industry civil-military integrated development expo to kick off in Beijing


Civil-military integrated technology and equipment expo opens

2015-07-09 09:51

China Military Online Editor: Wang Fan

The 1st China Military and Civilian Integration Expo, co-sponsored by China Association for Science and Technology (CAST) and China North Industries Group Corporations (NORINCO GROUP), and hosted by Chinese Institute of Command and Control (CICC), opened in Beijing National Convention Center on July 7, 2015.

High-tech products from nearly 200 organizations such as Norinco Group, Sugon, Tsinghua University, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing Union University, and Military Transportation University, are on display at the expo.

Nearly 2000 persons in delegations from the PLA General Staff Headquarters, General Logistics Department, General Armament Department, the People's Armed Police, the Ministry of Public Security, the PLA Navy, Air Force and Second Artillery Force, military academies and military research institutes were invited to visit the expo.

The expo was designed to provide a driving force for the development of defense technology and the transformation and upgrading of defense-related enterprises by setting up an open exchange platform for the hi-tech results of the military and civilian integration development.

In an area of over 10,000 square meters, visitors to the expo are able to see high technologies that boast both civilian and military applications, such as the command information system, digitized soldiers, cyber security, unmanned system, location based services, infrared night vision equipment, emergency rescue system, border monitoring and control system, virtual reality technology, simulation system and air control system, etc.

A mixture of exhibitions and forums has become a major attraction in this expo. The forums during the expo are expected to attract more than 100 academicians and experts in the R&D of command and control technologies, who will make up to 100 academic reports.

Civil-military integrated technology and equipment expo opens

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Interesting concepts - esp. these two wingtip-pods for the Flankers - but are they for export only or also for the PLAAF !?
But all said and done , the chinese don't have confidence to use these China MFD sensors and jet engines in their fighter planes , and I don't blame them.
When we buy equipment from the Chinese , we are careful to specify German electronics , German hydraulics , while the non critical machined parts are bought from the Chinese.
And guess what the problems we face are in these machined parts are with their finishing ,tolerances or hardness.
Its surprising to me that Pakistanis trust the Chinese MFD goods for their critical defence needs.

Chinese sensors are in operation with all Chinese fighters and all Chinese J-11B, J-11D, J-16 are all equipped with Chinese WS-10 engines.

India won't be making a turbofan engine like the WS-10 for several decades, if ever. India doesn't have the slightest clue on how to make turbofan engines like the WS-10.

Can India make anything like the J-20 by itself? NOPE!
How can you develop 5th generation fighters when you can't even develop a piece of junk like the LCA even with foreign help. India has been developing the LCA for 30 freaking years. Shows how backward India truly is :lol:

All your future weapons are just Russian projects, none of them are actually developed by the Indian defence industry.

India is not even in the same league as China in domestic weapons technology.
India is atleast 30-40 years behind China in weapons technology.
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you're wrong. india is technologically supa hyper advanced. here, look at what china is copying from them :D

"Only a few years ago, the Chinese discovered some Sanskrit documents in Lhasa, Tibet and sent them to the University of Chandrigarh to be translated. Dr. Ruth Reyna of the University said recently that the documents contain directions for building interstellar spaceships! Their method of propulsion, she said, was "anti- gravitational" and was based upon a system analogous to that of "laghima," the unknown power of the ego existing in man's physiological makeup, "a centrifugal force strong enough to counteract all gravitational pull."

According to Hindu Yogis, it is this "laghima" which enables a person to levitate. Dr. Reyna said that on board these machines, which were called "Astras" by the text, the ancient Indians could have sent a detachment of men onto any planet, according to the document, which is thought to be thousands of years old. The manuscripts were also said to reveal the secret of "antima", "the cap of invisibility" and "garima", "how to become as heavy as a mountain of lead". Naturally, Indian scientists did not take the texts very seriously, but then became more positive about the value of them when the Chinese announced that they were including certain parts of the data for study in their space program!"

Ancient Writings tell of UFO visit in 4000 BC

Assuming the IRST can pick up, track, and engage a target at the range claimed in the spec:
how can a radar guided missile like the AIM-120 actually acquire and track the target if the radar couldn't find it? Does it track the stealth enemy aircraft via datalinking with the IRST?
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