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Stolen F-35 Secrets Now Showing Up in China’s Stealth Fighter

The original comments of this news is also very interesting

Comments (67)

Brad 15.03.2014 12:51
And this is coming from the MIC that stole Russian MiG 25 data for their f-15s, corporated Japanese aircraft carrier designs and copied German military hardware. Wow the steaming pile of hypocrisy is just getting stronger and stronger. Be glad Britian saved your skin by tipping their innovation hat during WW2.


Harry Lorenz 15.03.2014 07:33
Top Bullshit


Joker 15.03.2014 06:31
NSA has invested Billions to find out China also does internet spying, and so stole F35 tech.

Anoth er made in China story, I hope they can get the jet to finally work..............
It wouldn't be the first time. They even steal the design of the jet without shame.
americans are stealing too, after soviet union collapsed america and westerners bought every soviet weapon they could find in former soviet countries whit the exception to russia. Not much few examples to copy our technology
House of Commons Hansard Debates for 3 Feb 1994
T80U Tank
Dr. David Clark : To ask the Secretary of State for Defence if he will make a statement on his Department's receipt of a tank from Russia for research purposes.

Mr. Aitken : In 1992 a Russian T80U tank was imported for defence research and development purposes.

Mr. Menzies Campbell : To ask the Secretary of State for Defence whether any department of his Ministry has taken delivery of a T80U main battle tank.

Mr. Aitken : Yes. A Russian T80U tank was imported for defence research and development purposes.
It wouldn't be the first time. They even steal the design of the jet without shame.

So you can "steal" from an extortionist and mass murderer that wants to butcher your family? I don't think so. War is war.
Such article is bullshit.

J-20 looks nothing like F-35. And to discredit China's own hardwork is the usual tactic used by the western media.
Such article is bullshit.

J-20 looks nothing like F-35. And to discredit China's own hardwork is the usual tactic used by the western media.
Your post is the real bullshit.

In a way, it is easy to forgive you because you obviously have no experience in manufacturing, let alone aviation, in order to understand how adaptation of a known functioning component into a different product with the same design goals. Take a hydraulic actuator for example...

Flight Control Actuation - Comprehensive Offering | Moog

Changing the shaft length does not alter the fact that you took a known good functioning component and made a working copy for your own system.

If you have the plan for a circuit board layout and faithfully produced the physical board from that plan, that does not mean you designed your own. The J-20 may not have the outer appearance similar to the F-35, but that was not the article's intent.
Your post is the real bullshit.

In a way, it is easy to forgive you because you obviously have no experience in manufacturing, let alone aviation, in order to understand how adaptation of a known functioning component into a different product with the same design goals. Take a hydraulic actuator for example...

Flight Control Actuation - Comprehensive Offering | Moog

Changing the shaft length does not alter the fact that you took a known good functioning component and made a working copy for your own system.

If you have the plan for a circuit board layout and faithfully produced the physical board from that plan, that does not mean you designed your own. The J-20 may not have the outer appearance similar to the F-35, but that was not the article's intent.

You long written paragraph still looks like a pile of gibberish to me.

Just get lost, stop tailing after my posts every time.
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