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Stolen F-35 Secrets Now Showing Up in China’s Stealth Fighter

So easy to steal? Why didn't China steal the F-35 engine secret? Or those sourgrapes yankee suddenly wanted to claim suddenly engine secret is not able to steal? Lol.. Only sourgrape jealous of J -20 progress will believe this crap news.

Of course China stole secrets. Look, their fighters have 2 wings, radar, a cockpit and engine! On top of that , they also carry weapons just like other US fighters. Bunch of thieves!

Lockheed Martin is one of the world's largest Defence Contractors
Lockheed Martin employs 116,000 people worldwide.
In 2009, 74% of Lockheed Martin's revenues came from military sales.
& MY point is ? ??
Lockheed Martin isn't suspected ??? the big company??? Large numbers of employees??? during the recession Lockheed Martin itself share the technology for Big Revenue from needy clints???

I guess the article somehow forgot to include that part ?
Next story, China cyber espionage has stolen B-2 secrets, but couldn't steal the engine technology.
West has complete info about Chinese projects , chinese imitations will prove costly for them.

Then by that logic the Chinese would know every single weapons system in the world inside out since they invented explosives.

Now why am I not surprised? :P

Hey wait! the paint is different!! :woot: So it ain't a 100% copy after all! Stupid media! :pissed::laughcry:

Then, the paintjob is the only thing that separates the Tejas from the Mirage 2000 from which it was apparently copied. This article is a waste of time and any belief or analysis of it would be so as well.
It would be naive to think that the US doesn't have active espionage to find out the true capabilities of Chinese and Russian weapons, as opposed to published specs.

It would be even more naive to think that all these countries don't have a fake honeypot scheme to divulge misleading -- or 90ish% real -- "discoveries" to known spies.

It's always a game of guessing, and double guessing, and triple guessing...
It wouldn't be the first time. They even steal the design of the jet without shame.
It wouldn't be the first time. They even steal the design of the jet without shame.
What about europeans stealing american tech?
Americans steal brillant brains everywhere, so ir's legitimate that people take their technologies.
F35 must be a sweet lie to China ... the real F35 would be very different from pseudo aircraft the world and China see ...
What about europeans stealing american tech?
Americans steal brillant brains everywhere, so ir's legitimate that people take their technologies.
Getting license is not the same as shameless stealing

F35 must be a sweet lie to China ... the real F35 would be very different from pseudo aircraft the world and China see ...
As the article says they are trying to get the tech, the current Chinese ripoff jet is just papertiger that looks the same but it doesn't have same internal parts. In a war it wouldn't have a chance. From one perspective Chinese are shooting theirselves in the foot. Nobody will trust Chinese, or better said they will mistrust Chinese more than they are already doing.
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Good. China is a divine nation, the only nation which holds the Mandate of Heaven. It has a divine right to be the most technologically capable nation, and any action which closes the gap it and the current leader is a righteous action.
Getting license is not the same as shameless stealing
How do we know that the Rafale, Typhoon, Tornado are not copied from the F18 or the F16?

Good. China is a divine nation, the only nation which holds the Mandate of Heaven. It has a divine right to be the most technologically capable nation, and any action which closes the gap it and the current leader is a righteous action.
??? You've been smoking weed this time
??? You've been smoking weed this time


His post reminds me of what a religious zealot who lives in his own self-important reality might say.
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