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Beef Ban Brings Back Memories of Dogra Rule.

I'm not a Hindu. My religion has nothing about not eating beef. But I am part of a people who venerate and worship the cow.

Therefore the way we are brought up, it would be extremely rude and disrespectful to my brothers to go out and cut something holy to them to eat it.

India is the ancestral land of Hindus and other Dharmic faiths.

Get over it people. Migrate to a more beef friendly land if your tastebuds demand it.

There will be no beef here. And Kashmir is here. In India.
It is obvious you support since Zoroastrians don't eat beef they have same type of respect for cows and OX so it is quite funny when you said you support beef ban despite you are not Hindu.
Typical Pakistani. Whatever he likes is tru and what they dislike is rubbish and false.
I am a Lucknowi and have contacts-or had contacts before I fell sick. You will be sleeping in bed when our Lucknow will be pulled out from under your dirty blood encrusted boots, boots which have been used to crush kashmiri and Lucknowi independence.
As far as I know (I would be happy to be corrected by more knowledgeable folk), Arabia never had cows native to the land. Camels yes. Horses too.

Neither Iran, to which it spread next.

So where did the practice of cutting cows come into the theology from?

Surely could not have been native to the land of its birth or origin. So was it ever a part of the original religion, or an geographical/regional adaptation that came later?

If it came later, then its not really Islam, is it? Because from what I've learned over the years, what came first was the final word. Never-changing.

Its a serious question, and I would prefer potentially butthurt bigots to take cognizance of my signature.
And where will these deprived muslims go? Pakistan? only insane would leave India for Pakistan..be it muslims or cows
We did. Pakistan is not as bad as the media makes it. My parents and grandparents all were born in Lucknow, 2/5th of my khandaan left Lucknow-1/5th stayed and continued to support Pakistan like my nana and 2/5th became Indian. it was natural as they fell in the Indian sphere of influence. But with Modi ruling muslims are realizing their interests are currently under siege.
Its like Faez Khan fake muslim at it again

In Pakistan, there is a fashion to declare others as fake Mslims. While killing Pakistanis, Talibans says that they are fake Muslims. ISIS says shias are fake Muslims. Every Mullah and radical element has reserve a right to declare others fake Muslim.
We did. Pakistan is not as bad as the media makes it. My parents and grandparents all were born in Lucknow, 2/5th of my khandaan left Lucknow-1/5th stayed and continued to support Pakistan like my nana and 2/5th became Indian. it was natural as they fell in the Indian sphere of influence. But with Modi ruling muslims are realizing their interests are currently under siege.

Mature Muslims support Modi fully. They know very well that Modi is the only man who can check their young generation from going in wrong direction and falling in Wrong hands. Some of Maulvis in Gujarat were big fan of Modi. They told that had Modi would not have been there, their young one would have fallen in wrong hand. Indian Muslims are learning to respect the sentiments of Others. This is a well come change. Our top 1000 Muslim priest came to gather and issued a fatwa declaring ISIS and Zihad unislamic. I think you should worry about Pakistan more rather than worrying about Indian Muslims. It is in the national interest of you guys. I am sure that when disappointed from violence and their own misdeed Muslims shall look for some hope or do some introspection, They will definitely look at Indian Muslims. You guys as a nation and as a community has a very big weakness. You guys are unwilling to learn. You always try to justify wrong.
In Pakistan, there is a fashion to declare others as fake Mslims. While killing Pakistanis, Talibans says that they are fake Muslims. ISIS says shias are fake Muslims. Every Mullah and radical element has reserve a right to declare others fake Muslim.
Well the said member was a hindutva troll posing as a muslim to direct islamic thought which is something all hindus try to do to tame them. He thought he could pull it off like most Hindutvas like you think they can speak for all muslims. All this is an attempt to brush Muslim problems under the rug. You would notice when it comes to rights issues most muslims left in India stay quiet and let us migrants to Pakistan talk for them. It is because they do not want to aggrevate the Hindutvas.

But believe me I speak for all muslims trapped in India here when I say that justice for Hindus and Muslims is different in india and there is major bias against the muslims.

Faez khan was a Hindu posing as a muslim. If you support that make another account as muslim and start posting pro hindu rubbish. You will be caught in a minute like he was.
Actually ban on beef will be counterproductive for Indian Govt and Modi, Muslim in India will come to the point either they live in slavery or got the rid of hostile Hindu regime. The time is not far from when Indian Muslim demand separation on same points on which Pakistan created.

This statement is wrong in so many ways , India is a secular Nation we respect all religions equally now this is in our constitution it doesn't matter how true it is in reality. Now this decision of banning beef can be seen against other non Hindu population but govt in their defence have taken this decision not to hurt Hindu sentiments , this can be a wrong decision or at other extreme taking rights from Muslims and Christians but that doesn't give them any right legally to ask for a different county. We give them equal rights to form parties and change this decision when they come to power IF THEY EVER WILL.

PS: they can try to make a new country by force but remember Mahatma Gandhi ain't alive no more.
As far as I know (I would be happy to be corrected by more knowledgeable folk), Arabia never had cows native to the land. Camels yes. Horses too.

Neither Iran, to which it spread next.

So where did the practice of cutting cows come into the theology from?

Surely could not have been native to the land of its birth or origin. So was it ever a part of the original religion, or an geographical/regional adaptation that came later?

If it came later, then its not really Islam, is it? Because from what I've learned over the years, what came first was the final word. Never-changing.

Its a serious question, and I would prefer potentially butthurt bigots to take cognizance of my signature.
When don't have reasonable answers / arguments go abusive
Mods pls have a look on his signatures which he is referring
Unintelligent and boring bigots are cordially invited to come sit on my pappu and spin.
@Slav Defence @Irfan Baloch @haviZsultan @WAJsal @Jango @Horus @Oscar

Mahatma Gandhi ain't alive no more
Because you people killed him.
Well the said member was a hindutva troll posing as a muslim to direct islamic thought which is something all hindus try to do to tame them.

I can quote many More Example and I am sure all are not fake Muslims.
Because you people killed him.

Yep I know my history thanks anyways , there was other stuff in my post too.

Your Muslim brothers can win elections or fight a lengthy judiciary fight. We gave them those rights.

So no , no freedom for them.
Mature Muslims support Modi fully. They know very well that Modi is the only man who can check their young generation from going in wrong direction and falling in Wrong hands. Some of Maulvis in Gujarat were big fan of Modi. They told that had Modi would not have been there, their young one would have fallen in wrong hand. Indian Muslims are learning to respect the sentiments of Others. This is a well come change. Our top 1000 Muslim priest came to gather and issued a fatwa declaring ISIS and Zihad unislamic. I think you should worry about Pakistan more rather than worrying about Indian Muslims. It is in the national interest of you guys.
I have exposed this lie constantly

Outreach failure: Of BJP's 32 Muslim candidates in J&K, only one won


The resounding victory of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in India's recently concluded general election is being interpreted by some as a religious vote in favour of the Hindu nationalist party.

It is true that the politically crucial states of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh - the two account for 120 of the 543 seats in the parliament - witnessed a decisive shift of votes of the upper castes, caste groups known as Other Backward Classes (OBC) and lower-caste Dalits (formerly known as untouchables) in favour of the BJP.

But it may be inappropriate to say that all those who voted for the BJP were motivated to vote for the party due to its ideology of Hindutva (Hinduness).

People voted for the BJP due to huge dissatisfaction with the former Congress led-government, a desire for change and an attraction for the party's prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi. The popular vote also cut across age, gender and social backgrounds.

Sections of the Hindu upper castes voted overwhelmingly in favour of the BJP. But his was hardly a reaction to a perceived consolidation of Muslims - who comprise 13% of India's billion-strong population - against the party.

A survey of the poll results by the Delhi-based Centre for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS) reveals that the recent election saw a marginal shift of the Muslim vote in favour of the BJP.

The survey indicates that 8% of Muslims voted for the BJP and its allies, nearly double from the 2009 polls.

But even in the past, Muslims have voted for the BJP in similar numbers - 7% of Muslims voted for the party and its allies in the three general elections held in 1998, 1999 and 2004.

There was a lot of media speculation in the run up to the elections that Muslims would vote heavily in favour of the Congress or the new anti-corruption Aam Aadmi Party (AAP).

The CSDS survey indicates that 38% of Muslim voters cast their ballots for the Congress and its allies - around the same as in the last election in 2009.

Image copyrightReuters
Image captionThe recent election saw a marginal shift of the Muslim vote in favour of the BJP
Over the last few general elections, a little more than a third of the Muslims have consistently voted for the Congress.

The AAP failed to attract the Muslim vote except in Varanasi constituency where party leader Arvind Kejriwal was contesting against BJP's prime-ministerial candidate Narendra Modi. The AAP also attracted a sizeable proportion of Muslim votes in the capital, Delhi.

Though the Congress party mopped up as much of the Muslim vote as it had secured in the 2009 polls, the community's support for the party was not uniform across the country.

In states like Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Chhattisgarh, Uttarakhand and Himachal Pradesh, where Congress was directly pitted against the BJP, the Muslims, in general, voted overwhelmingly in favour of the Congress.

But in states like Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, where Congress was not in a position to put up a direct challenge to the BJP, a large number of Muslims voted for powerful regional parties like the Samajwadi Party and the Rashtriya Janata Dal.

Sanjay Kumar is a political scientist and the director of Centre for the Study of Developing Societies (CSDS)

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