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Beef Ban Brings Back Memories of Dogra Rule.

How many more youtube videos are required to for merger?

Will dailymotion, be helpful in separating?
Its a start. At least we are bringing forward people who are thinking about the benefits of an independent lucknow, how such a state in Pakistan can come into being and the problems the Lucknowi people face. Every rebellion starts from there. ;)
There is no law that a Lucknowi can't be a tt. If you had any useful posts on this forum you would be one yourself. The sites purpose is debate so we can also debate the benefits of merging Lucknow with Pakistan.
Lucknow is a hindu majority state


now look at this map



Its a start. At least we are bringing forward people who are thinking about the benefits of an independent lucknow, how such a state in Pakistan can come into being and the problems the Lucknowi people face. Every rebellion starts from there. ;)

Ok, First step youtube videos.

What is next?
Its a start. At least we are bringing forward people who are thinking about the benefits of an independent lucknow, how such a state in Pakistan can come into being and the problems the Lucknowi people face. Every rebellion starts from there. ;)
Lucknow will have METRO train in few years,what do you ex lucknowi have presently a city bus service you call metro.

They will rather merge with somalia.
Actually ban on beef will be counterproductive for Indian Govt and Modi, Muslim in India will come to the point either they live in slavery or got the rid of hostile Hindu regime. The time is not far from when Indian Muslim demand separation on same points on which Pakistan created.
wow never knew that Eating Beef is the 6th pillar of islam ! thanks a lot for the revelation.
wow never knew that Eating Beef is the 6th pillar of islam ! thanks a lot for the revelation.
It is nonetheless eaten by Muslims. We are told to eat all which is allowed to us. Disallowing it is suppressing Islam.
Babur forbid beef in 1526 in his and in his will (wasiyatnama) wrote this

"The realm of Hindustan is full of diverse creeds. Praise be to God, the Righteous, the Glorious, the Highest, that He had granted unto you the Empire of it. It is but proper that you, with heart cleansed of all religious bigotry, should dispense justice according to the tenets of each community. And in particular refrain from the sacrifice of cow, for that way lies the conquest of the hearts of the people of Hindustan; and the subjects of the realm will, through royal favour, be devoted to you"

I've discussed this with old timers here in the past. Let me repeat my thoughts.

We Indians live together, Hindus and Muslims. We adjust. And its ingrained into us from when we are very small what is offensive to the other. And we do not cross those lines.

I am a Parsi. I know I enjoy liberties which neither my Hindu or Muslim brothers enjoy, because everyone takes us to be a bit eccentric, weird, lovable, harmless, wicked sarcasm and wit, and very mooh fatt. Plus Hindi is not our strongest suites. So when we say tu, tere ko, etc. no one really takes offense.

But even I would not chomp down on my favorites salami sandwich or drunken pork or bbq pork ribs sitting on the same table as my Muslim friends. In fact once when we were on a ride to Goa, my Muslim friend realizing how much I loved pork (and Goa being Pork Central) actually told me to order the dish he knows I like and eat it. I did, but I was really in spite of that conscious about the sight, and smell etc.

Now think about Hindus and Muslims.

Here on this thread, and most other beef ones, regardless of sensible and sensitive guys like Irfan and Oscar, who understand Indians, the others from their side would mouth off. Partly of course to finger us (this is PDF after all .... it goes with the territory), but equally because they do not get it.

The Christians in their country are mainly the low class sweeper, bootlegger, dalit types. Dark, dirty, looked down upon socially.

The Hindus and Sikhs need no explanation.

Parsis I agree they do have some fondness for. But only the urban educated among them. Not the fundos, who would still see us as atash parast.

Its not their fault. How many Hindus and Muslims do we know in our daily lives? Sit with work with study with play with eat with?

How many Hindus would a normal Pakistani here know?

Its different for them. And I get it. Accept it.

Does not mean we should change. This is our land, our culture, and its been here for thousands of years. We stay true to it. Proudly.
I've discussed this with old timers here in the past. Let me repeat my thoughts.

We Indians live together, Hindus and Muslims. We adjust. And its ingrained into us from when we are very small what is offensive to the other. And we do not cross those lines.

I am a Parsi. I know I enjoy liberties which neither my Hindu or Muslim brothers enjoy, because everyone takes us to be a bit eccentric, weird, lovable, harmless, wicked sarcasm and wit, and very mooh fatt. Plus Hindi is not our strongest suites. So when we say tu, tere ko, etc. no one really takes offense.

But even I would not chomp down on my favorites salami sandwich or drunken pork or bbq pork ribs sitting on the same table as my Muslim friends. In fact once when we were on a ride to Goa, my Muslim friend realizing how much I loved pork (and Goa being Pork Central) actually told me to order the dish he knows I like and eat it. I did, but I was really in spite of that conscious about the sight, and smell etc.

No think about Hindus and Muslims.

Here on this thread, and most other beef ones, regardless of sensible and sensitive guys like Irfan and Oscar, who understand Indians, the others from their side would mouth off. Partly of course to finger us (this is PDF after all .... it goes with the territory), but equally because they do not get it.

The Christians in their country are mainly the low class sweeper, bootlegger, dalit types. Dark, dirty, looked down upon socially.

The Hindus and Sikhs need no explanation.

Parsis I agree they do have some fondness for. But only the urban educated among them. Not the fundos, who would still see us as atash parast.

Its not their fault. How many Hindus and Muslims do we know in our daily lives? Sit with work with study with play with eat with?

How many Hindus would a normal Pakistani here know?

Its different for them. And I get it. Accept it.

Does not mean we should change. This is our land, our culture, and its been here for thousands of years. We stay true to it. Proudly.
IMO Culture is more important than religion and your thoughts is the example of why parsi is the most progressive and respective religion of indian society.
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