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Beef Ban Brings Back Memories of Dogra Rule.

Beef Ban Brings Back Memories of Dogra Rule.

When on September 9 the Jammu & Kashmir High Court issued a ruling banning consumption of beef in the state, the Valley erupted against the decision. The issue, which is now threatening to snowball into a full-scale confrontation, has already put the Peoples Democratic Party-led state government in a precarious position.
The court ruling came in response to a petition filed by Parimkosh Seth, lawyer and member of BJP’s National Executive Wing – who has since been appointed the state’s Deputy Advocate General – seeking the implementation of an existing ban on beef that dates back to 1932.

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@Horus @Zarvan @WAJsal @fakhre mirpur @Shamain @Indus Falcon @Windjammer @Abu Namr @Akheilos @django @Kashir @waz @Imran Khan @DESERT FIGHTER
beef ban is just the beginning, a lot more will bring back Dogra rule memories if they jihad.
The more they subdued minorities the more its good for us .
You know the reaction but under majority and hostile regime they did what the can according to their resources but that incident laid the first brick for revolution, waiting for the time when spring under pressure unleashed deadly energy.
I want full scale rebellion against India by Indian muslims, otherwise i will rate them cowards.
Beef ban in Kashmir: A’ Hindutva’ plan?
The slaughter of bovines and sale of beef is banned in Jammu and Kashmir since the pre-Partition era when the then princely state was ruled by the Dogra rulers.
he J&K High Court has directed the government to strictly enforce the ban on sale of beef in the state. The court direction came in a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) filed by a Jammu resident. The slaughter of bovines and sale of beef is banned in Jammu and Kashmir since the pre-Partition era when the then princely state was ruled by the Dogra rulers. In the Dogra era, the ban was strictly enforced across the state.
However, after elected governments took over, there was a relaxation in the sale of beef. While the slaughter of bovines and the sale of beef were strictly banned in the Hindu majority areas of Jammu, beef was sold at many places in Muslim majority Kashmir.
In 1986, some Hindu groups demanded strict implementation of the ban on the sale of beef. An offshoot of the beef controversy was that it brought to centre stage a little known cleric in south Kashmir. Qazi Nisar, the cleric, slaughtered a cow in the main chowk in Anantnag turning him into a leader and one of the founders of the Muslim United Front (MUF), an amalgam of religious parties which took on the Congress-National Conference coalition in the 1987 elections – the alleged rigging of that election resulted in the rise of militancy in Kashmir. This time too, the beef ban is snowballing into a major controversy with separatists terming it an “interference in the religion”. They have already announced street protests and called for a shutdown. In fact, women separatist leader Andrabi slaughtered a cow on Thursday in defiance of the high court order. Though traditionally Kashmiris prefer mutton over beef, especially in the urban centres, the high court order is seen as an attack on religious identity– especially in Kashmir. With Maharashtra at the back of the mind and the BJP a coalition partner in the J&K government, people see this as part of a “Hindutva plan” which could well mean more unrest in the Muslim areas of the valley.
Beef ban in Kashmir: A’ Hindutva’ plan? | The Indian Express
I want full scale rebellion against India by Indian muslims, otherwise i will rate them cowards.
Well this cowardice is a result of poor policy making in our Islamabad. Why did Pakistan close its borders to migrants in 62 before all migrants had even arrived in Pakistan. Why did we migrants treat the relatives left in Indian occupied parts differently and why did we not adopt a more patriotic stance towards Pakistan rather than ask for more.

I think we need to take some serious steps to win muslims left there. We unfortunately treat them as outsiders.
Actually ban on beef will be counterproductive for Indian Govt and Modi, Muslim in India will come to the point either they live in slavery or got the rid of hostile Hindu regime. The time is not far from when Indian Muslim demand separation on same points on which Pakistan created.

Actually indian Muslims are not radicals as others. They have seen what has happened to their counterparts who crossed the border to live in an Islamic country. Look here what they say.

Muslim chamber welcomes cow slaughter ban | Zee News
I'm not a Hindu. My religion has nothing about not eating beef. But I am part of a people who venerate and worship the cow.

Therefore the way we are brought up, it would be extremely rude and disrespectful to my brothers to go out and cut something holy to them to eat it.

India is the ancestral land of Hindus and other Dharmic faiths.

Get over it people. Migrate to a more beef friendly land if your tastebuds demand it.

There will be no beef here. And Kashmir is here. In India.
Well this cowardice is a result of poor policy making in our Islamabad. Why did Pakistan close its borders to migrants in 62 before all migrants had even arrived in Pakistan. Why did we migrants treat the relatives left in Indian occupied parts differently and why did we not adopt a more patriotic stance towards Pakistan rather than ask for more.

I think we need to take some serious steps to win muslims left there. We unfortunately treat them as outsiders.
Muslims here may have some problems with the govt but they will never support pakistan ...that i can assure you :)
and what about protest if they are that loyal why you put lakhs of security forces there.

Lakhs fo security forces is a Pakistani figure. We have required security forces deployed in border according to the threat perception. We have our police to Take care of some naughty elements.
Actually indian Muslims are not radicals as others. They have seen what has happened to their counterparts who crossed the border to live in an Islamic country. Look here what they say.

Muslim chamber welcomes cow slaughter ban | Zee News
I think this rubbish news is a constant, Indian way of directing Muslim thought process and keeping them weak. Its like Faez Khan fake muslim at it again. India knows if muslims rebel it is in trouble so it tries to placate the muslims with false secular promises when hindutvas themselves do not believe in it. It is for me an attempt to subvert muslim thought. These fake news articles do not portray the real, oppressed picture of muslims. Beef ban is direct targetting of the muslim community-we are told to eat beef during bakra eid.

Ban On Beef: ‘BJP govt, prodded by RSS, has deprived Muslim dealers of a source of income’ - See more at: Ban On Beef: ‘BJP govt, prodded by RSS, has deprived Muslim dealers of a source of income’ | The Indian Express

A day after President Pranab Mukherjee gave his assent to the Maharashtra Animal Preservation (Amendment) Bill, 1995, banning the slaughter of bulls and bullocks in the state, beef dealers are gearing up to protest the ban, which they say will render them jobless.

The Mumbai Suburban Beef Dealer Association took up the issue with the state minority commission on Tuesday and will soon meet lawyers to find ways to legally challenge the ban.

“With this ban, the Bharatiya Janata Party government, prodded by the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, has deprived farmers and mainly Muslims involved in the business a good source of income. This is clear injustice from a government that says they work for the farmers and welfare of all minorities,” said Ansar Ahmed Qureshi, a member of the association that works out of the municipal abattoir at Deonar.

Now, anyone found to be selling beef or in possession of it can be jailed for five years and fined Rs 10,000.

“This is our main source of income and the source of cheap protein for the poor, especially the scheduled castes who mainly buy meat. Moreover, this ban will hike the prices of other meat and even vegetables, affecting everyone, not just meat-eaters,” said Mohammed Qureshi, president of the Mumbai Suburban Beef Dealer Association.

Approximately 400 bullocks and buffaloes are slaughtered at Deonar each day, according to Appasing Pawara, general manager, Deonar abattoir. “We have not received any notification as yet and as of today, bulls and bullocks are allowed to be slaughtered here,” he said.
Once the ban is effective, beef dealers at Deonar peg their daily collective losses at Rs 1.2 crore and the municipal corporation is set to lose around Rs 80,000 per day because of the ban. The BMC charges dealers a slaughtering fee and an entry fee.

The dealers, mainly Muslims of the Qureshi caste, purchase the old and infirmed cattle from farmers at Rs 25,000 per bullock.

“Now, a farmer in Maharashtra, already reeling under drought and currently hit by unseasonal rain, will have to spend more on 80 litres of water a day and fodder for bullocks that won’t even help with farm work,” explained Ansar Ahmed Qureshi.

Mohammed Hussein Khan, chairperson of Maharashtra’s Minority Commission, assured the association that he would recommend the chief minister to reconsider the ban.

“This Bill was passed in 1995 and now, the CM sent the Bill to Centre and got it passed. As the President has already signed the bill, there is little that can be done. So I suggested that the association, along with other affected Christians and other castes, make a representation before the CM and the PM to reconsider the bill. Once the association gives a formal request, I will recommend the issue to the CM,” said Khan.

- See more at: Ban On Beef: ‘BJP govt, prodded by RSS, has deprived Muslim dealers of a source of income’ | The Indian Express
Lakhs fo security forces is a Pakistani figure. We have required security forces deployed in border according to the threat perception. We have our police to Take care of some naughty elements.
99% Kashmiri peoples are naughty according to Hindu regime.:enjoy:
Muslims here may have some problems with the govt but they will never support pakistan ...that i can assure you :)
I am developing relations with deprived muslims of India, Muslims who would not think twivce at dividing India. Let me tell you that just as all musims do not want division of India some muslims do.

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