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A man of some of the people, Modi

you mean butchering people is is okay, as long as its not from your religion?

I didnt say that. He has been given a clean chit by the SC of India, so lets not be emotional here.
Dude- in the great United States of America, a certain Richard Nixon was re-elected with a landslide so large that it was referred to as 'coronation'. 18 months later he was booted out of office, his crime- he tried to bug the opposition (in which they largely failed). Americans till date consider it a dark chapter in their history, he is still hated- some 40 years after the incident. They still have not forgiven their leaders for not impeaching him. This is just 'bugging', and we're talking about rioting, murder, illegal surveillance for Modi. The Americans, no matter how badly they screw the rest of the world, have extremely high standards internally, especially in the way power is used. That's how nations become great.

At the end of the day if the India people compromise to bring Modi in, it will be a black day in Indian history- it will be our collective failure in keeping our standards high.

dude with idiot like with Rahul Gandhi now officially declared congress candidate for leading the nation through these rough times are you still gonna vote for them??? just wanted to ask you that
@AhsanAmin You will be surprised to see how many Muslims in Gujrat support him.

Which is a very good sign to me. Muslims there must know reality on ground better than I do. I really do wish Indians well always and hope that Hindus and Muslims there live peacefully together as good Indians. It will be a great India in that case.

But my country is really where I belong and truly love and I will have to keep myself on look for even the smallest possibility of threat to my country. Which really does not mean that we need to have any ill wishes for India ever. On the other hand, I think making India our friend, will be better for my country in every way.
There is no stage of any country where anything is more important than anything. When america was poor and illiterate Lincoln waged a war against the south. Every President in their history has had to maintain the dignity of their office.

You still refuse to reply to other parts of my response! And Kindly don compare Lincoln era with its current American Era!
To deal with terrorists in neighboring country, we will elect a "terrorist".


Its not an admission, but a justification why you are electing a terrorist.
Which is a very good sign to me. Muslims there must know reality on ground better than I do. I really do wish Indians well always and hope that Hindus and Muslims there live peacefully together as good Indians. It will be a great India in that case.

But my country is really where I belong and truly love and I will have to keep myself on look for even the smallest possibility of threat to my country. Which really does not mean that we need to have any ill wishes for India ever. On the other hand, I think making India our friend, will be better for my country in every way.
Modi is a terrorist and he is a danger to the region's peace. what Im really curious about is how you guys are okay with a terrorist getting elected?

first indian on the thread who acknowledged, atleast I appreciate you for being honest, somewhat honest !

nobody says he is peace lover, and your silence or anyone's silence on the fact that he is a terrorist, wont wash away a damn thing this blood thirsty hindu terrorist did !

You wont get Peace if u love it,infact if ur enemy has a talway and u only have a stone,u ll die.

Peace needs demilitarisation of both sides or arming of both sides.
You wont get Peace if u love it,infact if ur enemy has a talway and u only have a stone,u ll die.

Peace needs demilitarisation of both sides or arming of both sides.

Modi is no threat to NUCLEAR PAKISTAN, he is threat to India itself, if you are hoping for him to carry on Gujarat like killing... my point is why are you okay with what he did?
You still refuse to reply to other parts of my response! And Kindly don compare Lincoln era with its current American Era!

I don't see a point in the gradualist argument. Gradualists will keep arguing till the end of time why something is right or wrong- you want to justfy an unacceptable coice, you're doing it to yourself not to me. India has close to 80% literacy and 2 trillion economy, and still we are not 'ready' to take tough decisions?
I don't see a point in the gradualist argument. Gradualists will keep arguing till the end of time why something is right or wrong- you want to justfy an unacceptable coice, you're doing it to yourself not to me. India has close to 80% literacy and 2 trillion economy, and still we are not 'ready' to take tough decisions?

Yes, Indians are ready to take tough decisions! And this time I hope congress is whitewashed and Modi willl be PM.! Its tough decision for many people. Even congress supporters are not sure of their party chances next elections. Tough decisions depend on the situation it is made.!
British people didnt allow WWII war hero winston churchill another chance.! He was a hero, but they took tough decision as he is not capable of taking fwd the nation interest anymore, putting the past as past.!
I hope Indian people are also capable of tough decisions, putting the past behind them and take decisions according to the relevant situation! In India tough decisions means, putting the congress in opposition, rooting out corruption, development for all :)
PS: Modi is not convicted by any court
Its not an admission, but a justification why you are electing a terrorist.
Whatever you think, we don't care.

Which is a very good sign to me. Muslims there must know reality on ground better than I do. I really do wish Indians well always and hope that Hindus and Muslims there live peacefully together as good Indians. It will be a great India in that case.
But my country is really where I belong and truly love and I will have to keep myself on look for even the smallest possibility of threat to my country. Which really does not mean that we need to have any ill wishes for India ever. On the other hand, I think making India our friend, will be better for my country in every way.
India has two stand, either be friend or just remain indifferent and keep only trade ties.

Animosity will always result in deaths at both sides. India has lot of problems like hunger, poverty, illiteracy, health problems, social evils, unemployment etc. We want to focus on it.

For me, these are problems which should get rid of in coming decades. Our Muslim brethren also wants this. Muslims say that forget Godhara and all, we don't care about it. Why people bring it and keep us and you trapped in this. We want to have better standard of living. Its time to move on. Just like we move on from riots during partition.
Yes, Indians are ready to take tough decisions! And this time I hope congress is whitewashed and Modi willl be PM.! Its tough decision for many people. Even congress supporters are not sure of their party chances next elections. Tough decisions depend on the situation it is made.!
British people didnt allow WWII war hero winston churchill another chance.! He was a hero, but they took tough decision as he is not capable of taking fwd the nation interest anymore, putting the past as past.!
I hope Indian people are also capable of tough decisions, putting the past behind them and take decisions according to the relevant situation! In India tough decisions means, putting the congress in opposition, rooting out corruption, development for all :)
PS: Modi is not convicted by any court

This isn't a tough decision at all. And this is basically a gradualist argument trying to pass itself off as one with rationalizations. Gradualsm has been a bane in history and true changes have been made only when the system has been challenged (and modi is not a challenge- he is very much part of the system). People like you would have batted for the british to continue ruling until we were 'rich/ educated/ whatever. People would have wanted discrimination to continue to black rights were given 'over time' or women were enfranchised 'over time', 'when we are ready'. I'm not saying you are unpatriotic- I'm saying gradualists have no real solutions/ act as speed breaks because they think for something to happen something else must take place. The illustration of Nixon remains true no matter what the gradualists think.
Terrorist, terrorist, terrorist....hahaha....

BTW, Imran Khan is a terrorist too.

Why do Pakistanis think Narendra Modi is going to unleash hell on Muslims when he gets elected.

hell, he recently had to tone down his Hindutva credentials to attract coalition allies.

When are Pakistanis going to learnIndia is not just the Hindi belt but here are other regions where BJP has no presence and Modi may end up doing deals,

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