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BD to Purchase Submarines

I was talking 'bout a possible scenerio not routine operations. Obviously its not cheaper but sometimes important ships do get hijacked.
I am pretty sure I clearly specified the preconditions " If Bangladesh becomes a hostile nation"..other than that it is basic geography and military balance.

Bangladesh can't afford to become "hostile". Ignore the nincompoops in the forum. This forum doesn't give a proper perspective of Indo-BD relationship.
I was talking about tracking those ships and performing commando operations not firing torpedoes.

tracking whose ship ? the pirates have small boats and the commercial ship usaly gives its position to the operator .its not about that we are unable to locate the ship but the rescuing the crew and ship .
I don't think there is need for so much discussion on Bangladesh buying one Submarine. They can spend their money where ever they want and should be of least concern to us unless its in double digits.

I just couldn't stop laughing after reading these comments. I think you wrote these very emotionally. I hope you look at things realistically and realise Bangladesh geographical location is quiet unique and India can easily blocade the whole of Bay of Bengal 1000 miles away from anywhere near Bangladeshi Coast. Your small patrol vessels won't even find the indian ships. Compared this to Pakistan where a Blocade will be very difficult to enforce. And putting too much trust on Pakistani Navy...,the one that didn't even come out of Karachi Harbour that last time there was a War, well that will be too optimistic.

Anyways in over 38 years since your independence India has never done any such things and I don't see such a thing will happen in future also :cheers:

Better you Indians live in your shell mentality and do not get swayed by the purchase of a few frigates and submarines.
Even couple years back talk was BN will try to get U-209 from Turkish navy that will be retired. But Turkish navy is retiring ATILAY class U-209 Type 1200. These only have 4 torpedo tube and earlier version of U-209. Considering Sub is expansive purchase and long term investment these early versions of U-209 will not be good choice. Rather BN should look other attractive option perhaps South Korea can provide. South Korea had gained extensive know how in U-209 and U-214 and done quite some modification and assembly of these sub. South Korea recently ordered “material packages” for six U-214 with AIP system that will be modified to be better than original German package. These will be built in South Korea with significant Korean input. U-214 is highly customizable platform and considering all facts BN should go for U-214 and upgrade if older South Korean one available.
so far my knowledge we are building a submarine base in Kaptai with turkish assistance.i wonder why it is in Kapti its to close to myanmar . it could be in patuakhali .

I cannot think, one of these bases can be in Kaptai. How the submarines can move in a very shallow water of the river Karnaphuli, when even surface cargo ships have to wait until the time of spring tides (JOAR) to enter the river? Can someone explain me how the submarines will move in or out?

It can be in Patuakhali. But, it lies on a plain land visible from top by a spy satellite. Both the submarines and the base activities can be observed from above. In my opinion, submarines should not be seen by anybody except the base troops. Submarines should move in and out of the base in submerged condition.

So, my opinion is it should be somewhere north/south of Cox's Bazaar where there are at least 50 meter high mountains. Let the civil engineers find out ways to build very strong seawalls, excavate the seashore bed to deepen make it, and bring the seawalls to beneath the mountains where the engineers will build the base. Submarines can now move through the deep canals without being seen from above and the base will also be protected by the surrounding mountains.

A submarine base can also be located where the marine academy is (was?) located near the mouth of Karnaphuli and on a mountain island in the sea.
Neither Kaptai nor Patuakhali was selected for base. I would not say it here but what I learned from my source it is somewhere in jungle where it will be hard to detect from above.
Neither Kaptai nor Patuakhali was selected for base. I would not say it here but what I learned from my source it is somewhere in jungle where it will be hard to detect from above.

So, tell us how the submrines will move to those jungles if they are not near the sea. They cannot fly for sure. However, it may be built underground at the eastern jungle of Sundarbans. Although very near to India this area is protected by nature. The thick forest is infested with snakes, pythons, crocodiles and tigers.

Hundreds of canals crisscross the area. Even GPS will not help a commando group to come near such a base with so much of barriers. They will be eaten alive by tigers, pythons or crocodiles, because they cannot use fire arms for fear of exposure.

My God, pythons will swallow the enemy commandos bit by bit. Enemy's attack route remains only in the open sea. But, there will certainly be watch towers there. Idune, you did a good job by suggesting such a formidable fort. You got 100 out of 100.
So, tell us how the submrines will move to those jungles if they are not near the sea. They cannot fly for sure. However, it may be built underground at the eastern jungle of Sundarbans. Although very near to India this area is protected by nature. The thick forest is infested with snakes, pythons, crocodiles and tigers.

Hundreds of canals crisscross the area. Even GPS will not help a commando group to come near such a base with so much of barriers. They will be eaten alive by tigers, pythons or crocodiles, because they cannot use fire arms for fear of exposure.

My God, pythons will swallow the enemy commandos bit by bit.
Enemy's only attack route remains only the open sea. But, there will certainly be watch towers there.You got 100 out of 100.

Idune, you did a good job by suggesting such a formidable fort. You got 100 out of 100.

I see! Tigers, pythons & crocodiles? Just one problem. How are you point to point out to them who should be eaten & who not? Seems that they might pay you guys regular visits since you are the food source always available as opposed to "enemy commandos" who may or may not turn up.:lol: Your submarine would soon progress to becoming an unmanned one.:D
I see! Tigers, pythons & crocodiles? Just one problem. How are you point to point out to them who should be eaten & who not? Seems that they might pay you guys regular visits since you are the food source always available as opposed to "enemy commandos" who may or may not turn up.:lol: Your submarine would soon progress to becoming an unmanned one.:D

They are Bengali tigers and crocs, they can differentiate. However python is a problem. You see there is no Royal Bengal Python in Sundarbon, guess Bangladesh have to import them from Amazon. BDians, Indians taste same to Latino pythons I guess.

A sub, surrounded by reptiles and which never leaves its base is no problem for anyone.

In that case, forget Type 209, ask US for Nebraska and Russia for Akulas.
So, tell us how the submrines will move to those jungles if they are not near the sea. They cannot fly for sure. However, it may be built underground at the eastern jungle of Sundarbans. Although very near to India this area is protected by nature. The thick forest is infested with snakes, pythons, crocodiles and tigers.

Hundreds of canals crisscross the area. Even GPS will not help a commando group to come near such a base with so much of barriers. They will be eaten alive by tigers, pythons or crocodiles, because they cannot use fire arms for fear of exposure.

My God, pythons will swallow the enemy commandos bit by bit. Enemy's attack route remains only in the open sea. But, there will certainly be watch towers there. Idune, you did a good job by suggesting such a formidable fort. You got 100 out of 100.

A Commando Well Versed In Jungle warfare can easily Over come all these Hurdles.... Anyways these are The Basics for Jungle warfare.... Jungle has threat, its a Normal Civilian who would be trapped, not a Commando...

Do You Know Commandos Can Eat Snakes and Crocodiles?? Well its there Survival training and About tigers, well do You know how many Tigers are Killed By Mere Poachers with a Double barrel Gun??
So, tell us how the submrines will move to those jungles if they are not near the sea. They cannot fly for sure. However, it may be built underground at the eastern jungle of Sundarbans. Although very near to India this area is protected by nature. The thick forest is infested with snakes, pythons, crocodiles and tigers.

Hundreds of canals crisscross the area. Even GPS will not help a commando group to come near such a base with so much of barriers. They will be eaten alive by tigers, pythons or crocodiles, because they cannot use fire arms for fear of exposure.

My God, pythons will swallow the enemy commandos bit by bit. Enemy's attack route remains only in the open sea. But, there will certainly be watch towers there. Idune, you did a good job by suggesting such a formidable fort. You got 100 out of 100.

R u really senior member..
Don't be silly..
Why do u think Air lifter are used..
Why is C-17,C-130J MTA are being designed and purchased..
They r to transport Tanks,Men machines ,they will be dropped from the sky..

The army don't need to cross the ur Nature fort by legs..
Airlifters will ease the jobs..

And about being exposed,why r silencers for guns used...
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