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BD to Purchase Submarines

well dear bangladeshi brother lets start the discussion on th possible purchase and its different feature . we are spoiling our time on indian members un necessary rubbish .
Someone still thinking indian did all the job in 71 whe bengli was eating grass. If u can did this alone than there would be new history in after kargil.
Thats what I said earlier, we need to use our influence and stop this from happening.

I have no two doubts in my mind, this development (if it happens) will be really serious for India in the long term.


And pray how will you stop it? Are we able to stop PAK from acquiring the Agostas? They are right now (By all publications) the epicenter of terrorism for the world. But still Germany and France are willing to sell them subs.
BD has no such badge of honor, they have the money and good relationship with Germany, they will go ahead and sell them the subs.

As for long term development, I don't feel that BD would be foolish enough to attack IN, the subs is for coastal defense and they have a *RIGHT* to protect their maritime boundary.

In case of war, IN has enough weapons at its disposal to meet and neutralize the threat.
So much brouhaha on BD supposedly buying a sub. lol. What BD will do with a sub anyway?

yes try to teach you fellow country man not to fear our small batch of 4 to 6 submarine which will be in our own water.
If this is what you guys want to behave then so be it, I will try of all I can in the way of blogs and will use all my contacts in the defence circles to ensure that this development gets noticed before hand.

CHinese agents cannot be allowed to get control of an attack sub (irrespective of whether they beg, borrow or steal money to get one!).

Some ppl here underestimate the presence of an attack sub in Bangla hands. This development will force Indian navy to permanently divert some of out anti submarine capabilities to keep track of all strategic assests that we have in our neighborhood.

I am not against Bangladesh developing their arsenal but something like an attack sub cannot be taken lightly.

BN's acquisition of an attck sub could very well ignite the CHinese string od pearls into a real fire cracker for India. The last thing we want is for Sri Lanka to follow suit and create more problems for India.

What exactly do you want the GoI to do? Bangladesh, contrary to the behaviour of many Indian & Bangladeshi posters here is considered as a friendly neighbour(especially this government). We must keep things in perspective. Why do you decide that India is the intended target? They have had & still have, issues with Burma. They have the right to make whatever defence purchase that they feel like. You are overemphasizing China's influence in BD. China will do its best to secure its national interest, we need to do the same. Going ballistic about the purchase of a submarine will do nothing but reinforce suspicions in Bangladeshi minds about Indian intentions. A little trust won't hurt India. If we don't trust a friendly government to keep in mind our concerns, who do we trust? If India can be paranoid about a single sub then why is it difficult to understand the fears of our neighbours at the armada outside their door.
Such things are best left to respective governments to be discussed..I am sure GOI will take notice act accordingly in such an events(as GOI hasn't let us down on diplomatic front ).

When and IF Bangladesh buys a second hand submarine...and when and if GOB starts acting against Indian interests..I am sure Indian govt will act accordingly..but there is no use complaining about something we can do little about .. especially when we are not even sure its going to happen.

I am sure Bangladesh will not become a hostile nation because, Bangladeshi are smart people..and do realize that for us a hostile Bangladesh will be small itch in our backs but for them a hostile India will become a matter of survival.
ok so the subs are supposed to track and chase hostile ships when required. Saw the news today about another ship being hijacked by the pirates maybe this subs could be used for stealth operations?

And pray how will you stop it? Are we able to stop PAK from acquiring the Agostas? They are right now (By all publications) the epicenter of terrorism for the world. But still Germany and France are willing to sell them subs.
BD has no such badge of honor, they have the money and good relationship with Germany, they will go ahead and sell them the subs.

As for long term development, I don't feel that BD would be foolish enough to attack IN, the subs is for coastal defense and they have a *RIGHT* to protect their maritime boundary.

In case of war, IN has enough weapons at its disposal to meet and neutralize the threat.

Who is talking of war? (I made a similar comment earlier but it was mistake).

Comparing Bangladesh with Pakistan is not going to take this discussion anywhere. Indian diplomacy can be far more effective against BN than it can be against PK.

I hope no one here is underestimating the capabilities of an attack sub.

See geography, see the geopolitics and its not difficult to understand the purpose of an attack sub in BN hands.

Imagine a change in government in BN and the consequences will there to see for everyone.

Do not underestimate increasing CHinese influence on BN.
Such things are best left to respective governments to be discussed..I am sure GOI will take notice act accordingly in such an events(as GOI hasn't let us down on diplomatic front ).

When and IF Bangladesh buys a second hand submarine...and when and if GOB starts acting against Indian interests..I am sure Indian govt will act accordingly..but there is no use complaining about something we can do little about .. especially when we are not even sure its going to happen.

I am sure Bangladesh will not become a hostile nation because, Bangladeshi are smart people..and do realize that for us a hostile Bangladesh will be small itch in our backs but for them a hostile India will become a matter of survival.

If you become a matter of survival for us we will not sit idle and watch. india is surrounding us as well as we are too surrounding india . china and pakistan will not spare you if any move happens.
ok so the subs are supposed to track and chase hostile ships when required. Saw the news today about another ship being hijacked by the pirates maybe this subs could be used for stealth operations?

Why do you need stealth operations against pirate dhingis ..what will a sub do..if it spots a pirate ship?..torpedo then?...torpedo it self will be more expensive than pirate dhingis.
What exactly do you want the GoI to do? Bangladesh, contrary to the behaviour of many Indian & Bangladeshi posters here is considered as a friendly neighbour(especially this government). We must keep things in perspective. Why do you decide that India is the intended target? They have had & still have issues with Burma. They have the right to make whatever defence purchase that they feel like. You are overemphasizing China's influence in BD. China will do its best to secure its national interest, we need to do the same. Going ballistic about the purchase of a submarine will do nothing but reinforce suspicions in Bangladeshi minds about Indian intentions. A little trust won't hurt India. If we don't trust a friendly government to keep in mind our concerns, who do we trust? If India can be paranoid about a single sub then why is it difficult to understand the fears of our neighbours at the armada outside their door.

The part in bild above very much paves way to an answer to ur post.

Please see my reply to wild_fire1979, it answers the points made in ur post too.
I was talking about tracking those ships and performing commando operations not firing torpedoes.
If you become a matter of survival for us we will not sit idle and watch. india is surrounding us as well as we are too surrounding india . china and pakistan will not spare you if any move happens.

I am pretty sure I clearly specified the preconditions " If Bangladesh becomes a hostile nation"..other than that it is basic geography and military balance.
I was talking about tracking those ships and performing commando operations not firing torpedoes.

Commando operations from a sub?..is it something along the lines of frog men exiting from torpedo door of a sub and swimming to pirate ships and taking over the vessel?
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