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Bangladesh vs Pakistan: Victory of 2 Takkas!!

@peagle This is price of that bravado in Afghanistan.

Yaar there was no bravado, if a thief knocks on your door, and you get injured in the process of defending yourself, your family or your property, it is wrong to put the blame on yourself afterwards.

The wars in Afghanistan were not of Pakistan's making, but we were forced to respond, and respond we did. We paid a price, sure, but that's life. In the process we also looked after millions of refuges from around the world, especially Afghanistan. A constant figure of 3-4 million, people coming and going. Plus the Iran/Saudi Sunni/Shia drama in Pakistan.

We have fought our demons and have started to come out of it, but you cannot blame yourself for a fight that was thrust upon you.

Lets see how many Takkas our neighbours would have made if they were in similar situation. India is a drama queen, but lets look at Bangladesh, less then a million refugees for just a couple of years and they are crying like babies, forcing them to get out. They have not even faced other issues.

So, lets for a moment evaluate objectively, rather then passing empty judgements, then make a comparative judgement.
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If you're not from the ruling party you can't even open a corner store....

We know a guy originally from Dhaka who came here as student. After completing his degree he wanted to return to Bangladesh as per his dads wishes to pursue politics. He went back home and started the process... guess what cops landed at his home and threatened his dad that theyll throw him/ his son in jail. lol he came running back here. Funny thing is he is/was Haseena *** kisser

I don't know what these indicators are pointing to but real life Pak looks better built up than Bangladesh.
This is an eye-opener, didn't know India is so well entrenched in BD affairs.

This is strange...

Bangladesh East of Pakistan got independence from united India in 1947 after so much sacrifices.

And lost its independence to India in 71.

And they have to constantly come up with such articles and media vibes to justify the road taken, mostly to pander to India, being a vassal state, and many times the writers were Indians or BDs on Indian payroll and being their moles.

BD common masses are clueless...a large numbers of them hate India.
In essence: present BD is by India, for India, and of India....

And, the Muslims are 100% powerless to do anything against it....

BD has banned Waz by the Alims! Next in line is using loudspeakers for Azan....

By taking the side with India against Pak in 1971 BD has preferred Ba’til over Hak.....

As you are, so will you be ruled - Hadis-i Sherif
Bangladesh had more stability than Pak, it is like a one party system.

Also Pak had to go to war with 2 superpowers in Afghanistan, first against
the Soviets and then U.S/ Nato. The blowback of these wars really affected
Pakistan's economy.
it had more to do with policies of last 10 years rather then war
we had pretty much calm since 2014-15
still our performance is abysmal
look at sindh, it wasnt really hit that hard

one saving grace is that GDP per capita (purchasing power, which is really important) is still not that different US$5739 VS 5490$
but very soon they will out pace us in that too.

difference between pakistan and bengladesh is logic?

our logic is to give tax relief to middle class and rich while give some cash to poor
and there logic is to tax middle class and rich and give jobs to poor.

so we saw cheapest oil and cheapest gas in the region(70% of population has electricity and 20% gas)
while they saw most expensive oil and gas but got jobs via exports and primary education

we saw motorways 30 years ago in early 90s and they dont have motorways even now
we saw orange line, they dont have Dhaka metros

we saw imports and they saw exports

that mind set is still there and is still popular, we want subsidies, imports and imported cheez

i expect in 20 years we will still be talking about maryum nawaz sons and bilawal bhutto sons rivalry talkign about who is more handsome while they will be the next south korea..just like it happend in 1980s to 2000s when korea was behind in 1980s

anyway good for rich like me, we will be able to afford to keep 2-3 maids at home and buy good property
We know a guy originally from Dhaka who came here as student. After completing his degree he wanted to return to Bangladesh as per his dads wishes to pursue politics. He went back home and started the process... guess what cops landed at his home and threatened his dad that theyll throw him/ his son in jail. lol he came running back here. Funny thing is he is/was Haseena *** kisser

I don't know what these indicators are pointing to but real life Pak looks better built up than Bangladesh.
what this means is that middle class in pakistan and rich are enjoying while poor is being ****ed.

see pakistan main problem is subsidizing utilties for the middle and rich(we spent 3-4 trillion in subsidies) while ignoring the rural areas

we spent another 1-2 trillion in motorways while ignoring key highways and ignoring how to generate reveneus from highways to fund more highways/motorways

so on average bengalis are doing good, in pakistan its a dichotomy, either very good(urban areas) or very bad(rural reas)
also our economy is highly undocumented so we have to keep that in view for per capita
secondly we have higher birth rate, no maternal care, younger marriage age, poor health infrastructure and social norms around women so higher child and maternal mortality that is dragging to average age

for example PTI push for maternal care and mother and child schools is angering people. People don't care about heir wives and kids

therefore key reforms needed are
1. Removal of subsidies from middles class(highly unpopular, hasn't happened, we have to think about 30% that doesn't has power and 70% has gas but both of these customers still have more subsidies then complete social welfare system..this is nuts)
2. primary education
3. primary health care especially other and child care
4.more documentation of economy
5. stop freebies and generate revenues from projects
6. increase GDP savings and investment
Bangladesh vs Pakistan: Victory of 2 Takkas!!

View attachment 726420

Only 1 thing behind Bangladesh's progress and that is empowerment of women.

View attachment 726421

What Can Biden’s Plan Do for Poverty? Look to Bangladesh.
As that nation turns 50, its surprising success offers lessons about investing in the most marginalized.

Selling your dignity for food doesn't make you great. Bangladesh is vassal state of India and India can destroy their economy anytime they want. Pakistan have so many enemy from day one. Our first PM was victim of one of our neighbor "Afghanistan" in year 1948 and they helped US CIA to assassinate him. Pakistan still showing her metal to the world and now we are progressing very well and in year 2026 we added at least 100 billion in our GDP. InShaAllah. All our CPEC early harvest (60 Billion) will be completed in 2026 and it will add at least 100 to 150 billion.
No comparison. Great bengali nation did a wonderful job to liberate itself.
extreme poverty in bd 5%
extreme poverty in pak less then 3%

BD gov is like banya did nto spend anything on public,

look at the damn transportation airports motorways infrastructure of both countries . if pakistan want to save money then we can easily generate 20bn$ per year if we stop spending . but pakistani issue is we spend more . haseena is treating BD like a poor women treat kids .

You are right. Haseena treats BD like poor women treat kids - its because BD is actually poor. People are not allowed to buy cars, restricted in sending money outside of BD and import of many consumer items is restricted.

BUT like a poor woman, the state provides necessities with that money saved. There is income support for elderly, disabled and widows. There is free basic healthcare, we have monthly stipends for thousands of poor students.

- 4m elderly people receive monthly cash payments

- 1.4m Widows and destitute women receive monthly cash payments

- 1m disabled people receive monthly cash payments

BD spends 2.5% of GDP on social programmes and 1.3% on defence.

Pakistan spend 4% plus on defence, not sure what on social programmes.

THAT SAID, I am not saying Pakistan is right or wrong - you have your own problems and we have ours and the solutions are different. That is why these comparisons are idiotic.
im really proud of Bangladesh . the way bangladesh is progressing and empowering its people is quiet impressive.

bengalis are very hard working and humble folks .
Pakistan's bureaucracy is actually the real culprit and the society has generally become incredibly corrupt.

Who stops the govt from privatizing loss making SOEs?

Who allows smuggling to continue?

Who allows mafias to continue?

The moment you question the bureaucracy, stay orders are issued.

This bureaucracy is a money making machine and in every project small or big, they leave nothing.

Finally, Pakistani leadership is non existent. After Jinnah R.A Pakistan never had a leader that was popular and commanded absolute respect.
1. politicians who want votes to get elected, they cannot end the employment of their voters
2. ANF, Rangers (Punjba and Sindh), FC (Balochistan and KPK) and of course Customs. Politicians too, who earn form these things, or have donors who are smugglers.
3. Politicians and police both.

In essence, not just the bureaucracy, but politicians, military and judiciary, all are involved. the society is rotten to the core.
- 4m elderly people receive monthly cash payments

- 1.4m Widows and destitute women receive monthly cash payments

- 1m disabled people receive monthly cash payments
what is the amount that is paid? seriously curious.
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