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Bangladesh vs Pakistan: Victory of 2 Takkas!!

India has no interest in threatening Pakistan, it's not a threat, only Pakistanis have some competition with India in their mind.

Indian politicians are the ones that keep bringing up Pakistan, especially during elections. whereas in Pakistan during elections, you never hear India being brought up by our politicians.
extreme poverty in bd 5%
extreme poverty in pak less then 3%
There are dozens of indices where Pakistan is better than BD.

In higher education Pakistan has about 23 universities in QS Asia top 300, BD has only 6.

In GDP PPP Pakistan is at 1.2 trillion USD, BD is around 850 billion USD.

More working women in BD is due to RMG industry, in Pakistan women are in senior positions in larger numbers, in parliament too.
The reality is quite the opposite. Pakistan is clueless, your economy is in doldrums, you're heavily depended on China to even pay off your loans to ME countries. A civil war in Afghanistan is looming, practically Pakistan has no friends in its neighbourhood. Not only that, your foreign policy blunders have you locking horns with the Middle East countries. Old kings in ME are slowly getting replaced with young ones who have the economy in mind are not too keen on giving differed oil payments or free oil and gas.

Russia was never a strategic ally of India, our only strategic ally was USSR, India is on it's own now and is making new friends and joining relevant groups. India has no interest in threatening Pakistan, it's not a threat, only Pakistanis have some competition with India in their mind.

Lol what a piece of crap from an Indian as usual. Who refuses to see the reality. Gets humiliated every other day. From China taking over 1000sqkm of land without firing a bullet and over 30 Indian soldiers dying a disgraceful death in a fist fight with Chinese, Colonel of Indian Army was taken as war prisoner and you are telling us Pakistan is clueless. :rofl:

Do you guys even use any part of brain????

But hey feel free to live in your Lala land and get humiliated every other day. We love that.
Indian politicians are the ones that keep bringing up Pakistan, especially during elections. whereas in Pakistan during elections, you never hear India being brought up by our politicians.
Lol! So what? Elections are different from policies. Practically our relationships were in cold storage did you see us trying to improve our relationship? India has been going on like Pakistan is invisible and/or a rogue state.

Speaking of Pakistani politicians, your entire cabinet has been talking day in day out about RSS- Modi - BJP Imran Khan goes Modi-Nazi-Hitler, your Science and Tech minister, your internal affairs minister are all busy watching what's happening in India. Fawas Chaudhary even asked people in Delhi to not vote for BJP :rofl:
Obsessive much.
Lol what a piece of crap from an Indian as usual. Who refuses to see the reality. Gets humiliated every other day. From China taking over 1000sqkm of land without firing a bullet and over 30 Indian soldiers dying a disgraceful death in a fist fight with Chinese, Colonel of Indian Army was taken as war prisoner and you are telling us Pakistan is clueless. :rofl:

Do you guys even use any part of brain????

But hey feel free to live in your Lala land and get humiliated every other day. We love that.
As usual, Adhominems. LOL!
There are dozens of indices where Pakistan is better than BD.

In higher education Pakistan has about 23 universities in QS Asia top 300, BD has only 6.

In GDP PPP Pakistan is at 1.2 trillion USD, BD is around 850 billion USD.

More working women in BD is due to RMG industry, in Pakistan women are in senior positions in larger numbers, in parliament too.

Ah sure but some people want to put forward a certain narrative so they ll cherry pick what suits them, this is just a snapshot of few random figures, which makes no sense.

But again Bahrtis only hobby is to discredit Pakistan. So I am not surprised.
Bangladesh vs Pakistan: Victory of 2 Takkas!!

View attachment 726420

Only 1 thing behind Bangladesh's progress and that is empowerment of women.

View attachment 726421

What Can Biden’s Plan Do for Poverty? Look to Bangladesh.
As that nation turns 50, its surprising success offers lessons about investing in the most marginalized.

And we are happing that every side that Pakistan takes wins.
We pay a very heavy price of these affairs. And we are not ready to appreciate the seriousness of the situation.
Indian politicians are the ones that keep bringing up Pakistan, especially during elections. whereas in Pakistan during elections, you never hear India being brought up by our politicians.

You can see Indian obsession on this thread, nothing to do with Indian yet you find them here like street do@s wandering purposelessly and barking on every one. :cuckoo:
Bangladesh had more stability than Pak, it is like a one party system.

Also Pak had to go to war with 2 superpowers in Afghanistan, first against
the Soviets and then U.S/ Nato. The blowback of these wars really affected
Pakistan's economy.
That's not true. Japan was nuked but today it one of the biggest economic powerhouses in the world. The real reason why pakistan is not doing well because the foundation of the Pakistani economy is weak and it's human capital is of poor quality. On the top of that pakistan has never been led by a visionary leader but incompetent and corrupt military dictators and civilian leaders.
Lol! So what? Elections are different from policies.

shows india is obsessed with Pakistan. debunking the crap you spoke earlier.

Speaking of Pakistani politicians, your entire cabinet has been talking day in day out about RSS- Modi - BJP Imran Khan goes Modi-Nazi-Hitler, your Science and Tech minister, your internal affairs minister are all busy watching what's happening in India. Fawas Chaudhary even asked people in Delhi to not vote for BJP :rofl:
Obsessive much.

as you can see, we speak when something happens in india. whereas india speaks about pakistan daily. if i google "pakistan news" right now, majority of the websites in the front page will be indian websites that are constantly running Pakistan news, and have entire subsections just to talk shit about Pakistan. shows who is obsessed with who.
The entire business, industry, finances, media, education, transportation, real estates, health, construction etc. of BD are controlled by the Indian Marwaris via their local Bangal agents and cohorts. Indian "experts" can work in any sector - both government and private - without any permissions or regulations whatsoever. They officially remit 10b$ to India per year....

BD's public education and services are destroyed via politicization to such an extent a medical grad can't even study a simple X-ray report....

If you're not from the ruling party you can't even open a corner store....

The top floor of BD Military's HQ building is occupied by RAW, and no Bangals are permitted there....

This is an eye-opener, didn't know India is so well entrenched in BD affairs.

This is strange...

Bangladesh East of Pakistan got independence from united India in 1947 after so much sacrifices.

And lost its independence to India in 71.

And they have to constantly come up with such articles and media vibes to justify the road taken, mostly to pander to India, being a vassal state, and many times the writers were Indians or BDs on Indian payroll and being their moles.

BD common masses are clueless...a large numbers of them hate India.
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shows india is obsessed with Pakistan. debunking the crap you spoke earlier.

as you can see, we speak when something happens in india. whereas india speaks about pakistan daily. if i google "pakistan news" right now, majority of the websites in the front page will be indian websites that are constantly running Pakistan news, and have entire subsections just to talk shit about Pakistan. shows who is obsessed with who.
I don't even remember the last time Modi tweeted anything about Pakistan. Or any of his cabinet ministers. But I agree, mocking Pakistan is some pass time for many Indians. But that's the public, government has bigger things to worry about than some weak neighbour. You're even less economically of any interest to us than Bangladesh.
There are dozens of indices where Pakistan is better than BD.

In higher education Pakistan has about 23 universities in QS Asia top 300, BD has only 6.

In GDP PPP Pakistan is at 1.2 trillion USD, BD is around 850 billion USD.

More working women in BD is due to RMG industry, in Pakistan women are in senior positions in larger numbers, in parliament too.
its just picky propaganda nothing more i can see my city islamabad and BD can not have such city in next 30 years .
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