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Bangladesh vs Pakistan: Victory of 2 Takkas!!

Too much trivialization of the matter.

1. 2 big wars with India
2, A decade spent against soviet invasion of Afghanistan
3. Supporting around 3 million afghan refugees since last 40 years
4. Again a decade spent going through the sufferings and loses of war on terror
5. Worst and most corrupt politicians in modern human history
6. A neighbor who from the get go wanted to annihilate you.

Without a doubt, if any other country had experienced even 50% of what Pakistan has suffered since it's inception, it would have simply vanished from the face of this earth. But Alhumdulillah Pakistan is very much alive and kicking with the grace of Allah SWT as per the golden words of our founding father "There is no power on Earth that can undo Pakistan".

So no need to bother with these hollow comparisons. We are on the right track and we will get out of the darkness Insha'Allah.
IMHO ... we should accept the failure. It's the only way we could get angry enough at our establishment and other status-quo factors. I'm not saying we're as bad as the stats may show, but we need to think like that so that we don't give our leaders a pass.
Only point i mentioned was empowerment of women. I don't know why people are bringing up other things.
God Bless our Women, they are our future. we are nothing without their empowerment and their support. our survival depends on strong, resourceful, educated and confident women as mothers, sisters, wives and daughters in house and as professionals and leaders in the society.

here in Pakistan our women are targeted due to the same "other things" main being the attacks from religious and ignorant elements. Law and order is the key for a smooth running of the state where people of all genders, race and faith and freely contribute to the well being of the society and the country.
IMHO ... we should accept the failure. It's the only way we could get angry enough at our establishment and other status-quo factors. I'm not saying we're as bad as the stats may show, but we need to think like that so that we don't give our leaders a pass.

Definitely...no two ways about it. Without accepting and analyzing our mistakes we can't move forward. First of all collectively as a nation we must vow never to bring the vile, blood sucking corrupt politicians back into power.
Secondly, the point raised by you holds the key. We have to switch from being a consumer to being a producer. Of course it's easier said than done when the whole system has been tuned in this way for decades. But we have to start somewhere. In the beginning it will be small items but as industrialization starts taking hold, we can move on to create value. We can see Imran Khan is trying to take this path but it will take long time before we can see the results provided he is allowed to continue.
IMHO ... we should accept the failure. It's the only way we could get angry enough at our establishment and other status-quo factors. I'm not saying we're as bad as the stats may show, but we need to think like that so that we don't give our leaders a pass.

Many people fall into this trap of war on terror, wars with india and insurgency. Lets look at the facts. In both Afghan wars, Pakistani economy actually did well as US support was there.

Just as an example, property values during 1980s and in 2000s sky rocketed.

How can some one make Afghan wars as an excuse of a downfall? Yes every war has a price and these ones had one too, but it had nothing to do with incompetence in running the country.

The problem is institutional corruption.

Get rich but dont pay tax.

Increase indirect taxes and turn SOEs into employment agencies to fund them.

Do not document the economy and continue smuggling.

When foreign aid dries up take loans, but never document economy.

Shadow economy in Pakistan is more than 80%. We need only 50 billion dollars US to run the country with ease. We cant even do that.

Secondly, the establishment is to blame because it deals with the politicians with a carrot and stick policy and introduces no reforms.

Lastly, anti state elements only became stronger because the state became weaker.

Why we couldn't create an credible internal intel agency like shin bet in israel, or ISD like singapore or FSB in russia? All we have is highly unprofessional and dysfunctional FIA and IB where people go for "Kamai"
Bangladesh should make Nawaz Shrif their PM for one term then we will talk.
Why do most Bangladeshi; wont admit it openly; admire Pakistan. There is more to a country than rank and numbers on papers.
there is no Afghan Indian Terrorism and war against Bangladesh - Period!
Definitely...no two ways about it. Without accepting and analyzing our mistakes we can't move forward. First of all collectively as a nation we must vow never to bring the vile, blood sucking corrupt politicians back into power.
Secondly, the point raised by you holds the key. We have to switch from being a consumer to being a producer. Of course it's easier said than done when the whole system has been tuned in this way for decades. But we have to start somewhere. In the beginning it will be small items but as industrialization starts taking hold, we can move on to create value. We can see Imran Khan is trying to take this path but it will take long time before we can see the results provided he is allowed to continue.

Industrialization starts by itself by private investor and entrepreneurs, its just a basic quality of human to make things unless you have a govt who is anti-producers, anti-business, anti-entrepreneurs like Pakistan had in last 10 years and even from the time of Musharaf. Shaukat Aziz was menace to Pakistan economy, he was sent by international bankers to make Pakistan consumer based economy. He did just that, Started importing everything killing Pakistani industries, numbers were showing great as 5-6% growth, money was coming from NATO countries in Afghanistan to make up the difference. NS and Zardari govt continued this policy killing most industry even the backbone of Pakistan economy the Textile industry. Only difference between NS/Zardari era with Shaukat Aziz Era was that Mushy was getting support money while Zardari and NS filled that gap with Loans. The only Hope Pakistan has now is Imran otherwise the end.
Bangladesh doesn't share border with Afghanistan. how can someone compare us with Bangladesh! Bangladesh is in continuous protection of India and hence no worries! here in Pakistan! we are facing 3 snakes namely India, afghan and irani mullah regime. anyway I can't justify our fall. we aren't good enough. we aren't working hard. we are just dreaming. slowly every country is moving toward development but here only corruption. people are mostly uneducated and half of the educated are liberals who wants Pakistanis to behave like Americans. this is sick!

This fall will continue. nobody can stop this. only a sensible leader can stop it and all this will stop with a series of severe punishments. I don't see any hope. everyday I see young boys working in mechanic shops. Pakistan is not where you are living right now. you must explore and see each and every province. you will realize how painful it's to see youth doing labour for money and no schools, no education at all. absolutely shameful and pathetic situation!
extreme poverty in bd 5%
extreme poverty in pak less then 3%

BD gov is like banya did nto spend anything on public,

look at the damn transportation airports motorways infrastructure of both countries . if pakistan want to save money then we can easily generate 20bn$ per year if we stop spending . but pakistani issue is we spend more . haseena is treating BD like a poor women treat kids .
Bangladesh vs Pakistan: Victory of 2 Takkas!!

View attachment 726420

Only 1 thing behind Bangladesh's progress and that is empowerment of women.

View attachment 726421

What Can Biden’s Plan Do for Poverty? Look to Bangladesh.
As that nation turns 50, its surprising success offers lessons about investing in the most marginalized.

bangalis achieved success after liberation . great achievements .
extreme poverty in bd 5%
extreme poverty in pak less then 3%

BD gov is like banya did nto spend anything on public,

look at the damn transportation airports motorways infrastructure of both countries . if pakistan want to save money then we can easily generate 20bn$ per year if we stop spending . but pakistani issue is we spend more . haseena is treating BD like a poor women treat kids .

bangalis are doing better than pakistan.
spending by taking loan upon loan ? you are not able to return your loan regularly .
There is no comparison between the two. Comparing few isolated figures mean nothing. One has to see the larger picture.

Having said that we are happy Bangladesh has progressed and want best for BD. Pakistan is rising, we were in a state of war for over a decade, which destroyed everything. Not using that an excuse but it is the aetiology of where Pakistan stands today.

The reason Pakistan is talking of peace and economic diplomacy is because Pakistan is much more confident today, the existential threat it faced from India over decades doesn't exist any more, Pakistan is much more united, confident and secure than it was 20 years ago. Also India is clueless with potential and realistic two front war scenario, getting kicked out of Afghanistan after spending billions. Losing strategic relations with Russia. India is in no position to threaten Pakistan, will however remain irritant as long as Modi stays in power.
The reason Pakistan is talking of peace and economic diplomacy is because Pakistan is much more confident today, the existential threat it faced from India over decades doesn't exist any more, Pakistan is much more united, confident and secure than it was 20 years ago. Also India is clueless with potential and realistic two front war scenario, getting kicked out of Afghanistan after spending billions. Losing strategic relations with Russia. India is in no position to threaten Pakistan, will however remain irritant as long as Modi stays in power.
The reality is quite the opposite. Pakistan is clueless, your economy is in doldrums, you're heavily depended on China to even pay off your loans to ME countries. A civil war in Afghanistan is looming, practically Pakistan has no friends in its neighbourhood. Not only that, your foreign policy blunders have you locking horns with the Middle East countries. Old kings in ME are slowly getting replaced with young ones who have the economy in mind are not too keen on giving differed oil payments or free oil and gas.

Russia was never a strategic ally of India, our only strategic ally was USSR, India is on it's own now and is making new friends and joining relevant groups. India has no interest in threatening Pakistan, it's not a threat, only Pakistanis have some competition with India in their mind.
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