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Bangladesh Navy

Everything has been done, the :wave: ships are jumping, home destination


Grazie mille per il vostro servizio. :cheers:
Kindly translate in English,for us the be enlightened.:-):-):-)

I gave @sahureka2 a vote of Thanks for preparing these ships for our Coast Guard.

They were one of the better purchase decisions by that organization - with full refurbishment by Fincantieri.

I agree with a lot of Europeans that there is more to a ship than simply welding steel plates together. To those who love and honor Italy's ancient naval tradition, it is emotional for them to let these ships get decommissioned (which they have known for long) and to let them go.

I believe our Coast Guard will give them a good home and will take good care of them.
SEA STATE" means হচ্ছে উন্মুক্ত সাগরের বুকে বিশাল ধাতব বস্তুর ভাসমান অবস্থাকে বুঝায়। "SEA STATE" এর লেভেল মুলত ঢেউয়ের উচ্চতা, স্থায়িত্ব, ঢেউ থেকে নির্গত শক্তির উপর নির্ভর করে।

"SEA STATE " মুলত ওয়েভ রাডার, রিমোট সেন্সিং স্যাটেলাইট, ও দক্ষ নাবিক দিয়ে পরিমাপ করা হয়।

"SEA STATE" ব্যাপারটি সমুদ্রগামী জাহাজের জন্য খুব গুরুত্বপুর্ন। আর যুদ্ধ জাহাজের জন্য এটি অপরিহার্য বিষয়। কারন যুদ্ধ জাহাজকে এর জীবনের বেশিরভাগ সময়কেই উন্মুক্ত সাগরে কাটাতে হয়। তাই এদের "SEA STATE" বা সমুদ্রের ঢেউ মোকাবেলা করার ক্ষমতা থাকতে হয়।

আজকের দিনে এসব বিশাল ঢেউ মোকাবেলা করার জন্য নৌস্থপতিরা একটি সহজ কিন্তু অত্যন্ত কার্যকরি ব্যাবস্থা উদ্ভাবন করেছেন। তা হল "বাবলস বো"। জাহাজের মাথায় মোটা ও সুচালো অগ্রভাগকে। এটি জাহাজকে বিশাল ঢেউয়ের মধ্যেও টিকে থাকতে সাহায্য করে।

আসুন আমরা এবার "SEA STATE" এর বিভিন্ন স্টেজ নিয়ে আলোচনা করি।

Sea state 1 - .1 meter wave height

Sea state 2 - . 1 meter - . 5 meter

Sea state 3 - . 5 meter - 1.25 meter

Sea state 4 - 1.25 meter - 2.5 meter

Sea state 5 - 2.5 meter - 4 meter

Sea state 6 - 4 meter - 6 meter

Sea state 7 - 6 meter - 9 meter

Sea state 8 - 9 meter - 14 meter

Sea state 9 - over 14 meter.

এতগুলো কথা বলার একটা কারন আছে।
অনেকেই মিয়ানমারের "কিয়ান সিত্তা" ফ্রিগেট নিয়ে খুব চিহ্নিত। সবচেয়ে বড় কথা হচ্ছে মিয়ানমারের এই ফ্রিগেট "SEA STATE-4" ঢেউ সর্বোচ্চ মোকাবেলা করতে পারে। মানে এটি অস্ত্রসম্ভার, সাইজে ফ্রিগেট হলেও এটি আমাদের ফ্রিগেটে গুলোর সাথে পাল্লা দিয়ে গভীর সমুদ্রে কাজ করতে পারবে না । এটি ফ্রিগেট হলেও আপদকালিন সময়ে একে উপকুলীয় অঞ্চলের ভিতরেই টহল দিতে হবে।
এর চেয়ে বরং আমাদের পদ্মা ক্লাস গানবোট ডিজাইনের দিক থেকে অনেক উন্নত।
কারন এটি "লেভেল -৬" এর ঢেউয়ে অনায়াসে চলতে পারে।

আপনারা খেয়াল করলে দেখবেন সমুদ্রগামী জাহাজে সুচালো মাথা থাকলেও মিয়ানমারের ফ্রিগেটে তা নেই। মিয়ানমার এই ক্লাসের ৫ টা জাহাজ বানালেও তাদের জাহাজের মান নিয়ে সংশয় আছে অনেক।

শেষ কথা এই যে মিয়ানমার তাড়াহুড়া করে ফ্রিগেট বানালেও নৌ-শিল্পে বিশেষ করে যুদ্ধ জাহাজ নির্মানের কারিগরি বিদ্যায় তারা এখনো আমাদের চেয়ে অনেক পিছিয়ে আছে।

Bangladesh Navy holding talks on national frigate project
bdmilitaryJoin BDM+
The Bangladesh Navy is discussing options with several nations for acquiring complete Transfer of Technology (ToT) for building medium-sized guided missile frigates indigenously at Chittagong Dry Dock Limited (CDDL).

Armed with a full complement of Western made weapons and Thales sensors, the Bangladesh Navy's multi-role frigate will be capable countering any threat from surface, air or sub-surface. The deadly 3,000 tonne frigates are equipped with a 127mm gun, 30mm CIWS, Otomat Mk II anti-ship missiles, VLS for SAM, torpedoes, one AW159 ASW helicopter, unmanned systems and much more.

Six frigates will be built in Bangladesh and the first two will be built abroad with the partner shipyard.

This is the base level specs of various models offered to BN -
• AAW;
• ASuW;
• ASW;
• EW.
Weapon Suite
• Otobreda 127 mm large calibre gun;
• 2 x Goalkeeper close in weapons systems;
• Mk 41 VLS for Evolved Sea Sparrow missile and Standard Missile 2;
• 2 x 4 Otomat anti-ship missile systems;
• 2 x Mk 32 torpedo launchers;
• 2 x Oerlikon 20 mm guns;
• Thales Sabre ECM;
• 4 x decoy launchers.
Sensor Suite
• Thales APAR multifunction radar system;
• Thales SMART-L 3D long range surveillance radar system;
• Atlas Elektronik hull-mounted sonar;
• Thales SIRIUS long range infra-red search and track system;
• Thales Mirador electro-optical surveillance and fire control system
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DCNS Showcasing the Belhara Next Gen Frigate and Mistral LHD at IMDEX Asia 2017

DCNS is the European leader in naval defense and a major player in marine renewable energy. A long-term partner of Singapore, the Group is willing to strengthen its cooperation with local industry to enhance the city-state’s sovereignty at sea and contribute to protect its strategic interests. The ultimate exhibition for the maritime defence community in Asia-Pacific, IMDEX 2017 is a great opportunity for DCNS to showcase its expertise and meet key-players on the Asia-Pacific market.

DCNS Showcasing the Bellhara Next Gen Frigate and Mistral LHD at IMDEX Asia 2017DCNS stand at IMDEX Asia 2017

Already well implanted in the Asia Pacific region with several ongoing programs in India, Australia or Malaysia, DCNS is committed to establishing long-term partnerships with local industry and shipyards to enhance its clients’ local high-tech industrial content.

DCNS has a strong commitment in Singapore where it opened its first subsidiary in Asia, DCNS Far East, in 2005. The Group relies on its subsidiary to reinforce its partnership with Singaporean naval defense industry and its participation in naval defense projects launched by the Republic of Singapore Navy (RSN).

DCNS already has a successful experience with the RSN for the design and construction of six Formidable-class frigates, today considered as the most advanced surface combatants in Southeast Asia. In the frame of this program, DCNS developed close cooperation with local shipyard Singapore Technology Marine: while the first frigate was built in DCNS shipyard in Lorient (France), the other five were built in Singapore, through a full transfer of technology.

In the continuity of this program, together with DCNS Far East, DCNS further strengthened its cooperation with the Singaporean industry to provide engineering, technical and maintenance support to the frigates of the RSN. Today, the company also ensures the maintenance of the French Navy’s Pacific-based surveillance frigates and extended its activities over the past years to provide expertise in port security systems, a deterrent device designed to protect military and civil assets.


DCNS is showcasing its new Belharra frigate for the first time in Asia. BELH@RRA is the new front-line digital frigate dedicated to the international market and which renews the heavily-armed 4,000-tonne segment. DNCS completes its product line by positioning a latest-generation vessel between the 6,000-tonne FREMM multi-mission frigate segment and that of the 2,500- to 3,000-tonne GOWIND corvettes. With the BELH@RRA frigate, DCNS responds to the expectations of navies looking for a compact frigate, capable of ensuring long-range missions, operating alone or embedded in a naval force, on the high seas or as part of coastal surveillance missions in a dense and hostile environment. The new BELH@RRA frigate offers operational intelligence that is unequalled on the market, in addition to a modular design, robustness and simplified use, which are all the fruit of the technological evolutions of the last few years.

DCNS Showcasing the Bellhara Next Gen Frigate and Mistral LHD at IMDEX Asia 2017Mistral-class LHD scale model at IMDEX Asia 2017

DCNS is also showcasing the Mistral-class LHD. The Mistral-class LHD is a vessel that responds to the needs of numerous navies thanks to its versatility. It allows a wide spectrum of civil and military missions. With a length of 199 metres and a speed exceeding 18 knots, the Mistral-class LHD vessel is characterised by its high capacity for the transportation of troops, equipment, heavy helicopters and landing craft, which the LHD is capable of projecting around the world. It is equipped with an electric propulsion system that uses pods. It also has an onboard hospital, and can carry out large-scale humanitarian missions. Its highly capable communication system makes it the ideal command vessel within a naval force. The three first LHDs, Mistral, Tonnerre and Dixmude were delivered to the French Navy in 2006, 2007 and 2012.Two Mistral-class LHDs were delivered in 2016 to the Arab Republic of Egypt, including multiannual through-life support.
Bangladesh Navy holding talks on national frigate project
bdmilitaryJoin BDM+
The Bangladesh Navy is discussing options with several nations for acquiring complete Transfer of Technology (ToT) for building medium-sized guided missile frigates indigenously at Chittagong Dry Dock Limited (CDDL).

Armed with a full complement of Western made weapons and Thales sensors, the Bangladesh Navy's multi-role frigate will be capable countering any threat from surface, air or sub-surface. The deadly 3,000 tonne frigates are equipped with a 127mm gun, 30mm CIWS, Otomat Mk II anti-ship missiles, VLS for SAM, torpedoes, one AW159 ASW helicopter, unmanned systems and much more.

Six frigates will be built in Bangladesh and the first two will be built abroad with the partner shipyard.

This is the base level specs of various models offered to BN -
• AAW;
• ASuW;
• ASW;
• EW.
Weapon Suite
• Otobreda 127 mm large calibre gun;
• 2 x Goalkeeper close in weapons systems;
• Mk 41 VLS for Evolved Sea Sparrow missile and Standard Missile 2;
• 2 x 4 Otomat anti-ship missile systems;
• 2 x Mk 32 torpedo launchers;
• 2 x Oerlikon 20 mm guns;
• Thales Sabre ECM;
• 4 x decoy launchers.
Sensor Suite
• Thales APAR multifunction radar system;
• Thales SMART-L 3D long range surveillance radar system;
• Atlas Elektronik hull-mounted sonar;
• Thales SIRIUS long range infra-red search and track system;
• Thales Mirador electro-optical surveillance and fire control system

With China's position as regards Myanmar, it probably is the correct decision to look to the West for the frigate programme. Only downside is that the cost will be a little bit more.
Totally worth the extra cost. Look west young man!

We cannot be sure how true this is as only a few months ago there were reports that 12-16 4000+ tonne ships will be built in BD based on the Chinese Type-054A hull but with more modern systems. Only time will tell but I have full faith in the BD Navy as they are led by capable men with strategic vision.
I take all these news reports with a grain of salt.

However, I sincerely hope there is a shift in thinking in terms of the politics of defense procurement.

If you look at the world as a whole right now there are a lot of changes in alignment going on.

For whatever reason, the old order is morphing.

Bangladesh can’t take anything for granted.

Specifically, the recent events of the rohingya situation illustrated how isolated and vulnerable we really are. This situation must be rectified.

I hope Bangladesh diversifies it’s sources for weaponry and looks to Turkey, Europe, and the US to shake up the apparent complacency of some of our neighbors and “friends”.
I take all these news reports with a grain of salt.

However, I sincerely hope there is a shift in thinking in terms of the politics of defense procurement.

If you look at the world as a whole right now there are a lot of changes in alignment going on.

For whatever reason, the old order is morphing.

Bangladesh can’t take anything for granted.

Specifically, the recent events of the rohingya situation illustrated how isolated and vulnerable we really are. This situation must be rectified.

I hope Bangladesh diversifies it’s sources for weaponry and looks to Turkey, Europe, and the US to shake up the apparent complacency of some of our neighbors and “friends”.

I agree that BD needs to diversify it's weapons suppliers.

Truth be told, BD mainly brought from China and Russia to a lesser extent as those were the only weapons it could buy in the past. When the Awami League came to power in 2009, the defence budget was only 1.2 US dollars and it has now almost tripled to 3.2 billion dollars in only 8 years. As long as the economy keeps growing healthily then there should be no reason for this steep increase to not continue. When you have money then you have more options.

As for India, only some Awami League people for their own politics sees it as a friend, and it has now truly shown it's true colours over the Rohingya issue.
We cannot be sure how true this is as only a few months ago there were reports that 12-16 4000+ tonne ships will be built in BD based on the Chinese Type-054A hull but with more modern systems. Only time will tell but I have full faith in the BD Navy as they are led by capable men with strategic vision.

Correct. The sheer amount of work the Navy leadership has accomplished is commendable, especially since 2009. We technically had a very poor navy with previous govt only purchasing OPVs. I remember seeing these inclusions on Channel I back then. It has not been 10 years even and we are already talking about local frigate production. That shows how the navy has turned around. Kudos to all the Rear Admirals and senior leadership of the Navy for coming this far.

Having said that, I still think the Navy would go with the Chinese option. Under the current circumstances, it might sound weird but is probably the smarter move. As this is our first of a kind project, we need to think about the cost, feasibility and most importantly learning. I doubt any western country would lend us that hand. But what can be done is building the ship on the Chinese hull and getting the equipment from western sources. That can work too, given we can work out a way with the Chinese.
We cannot be sure how true this is as only a few months ago there were reports that 12-16 4000+ tonne ships will be built in BD based on the Chinese Type-054A hull but with more modern systems. Only time will tell but I have full faith in the BD Navy as they are led by capable men with strategic vision.

Type 054A is still China's frontline frigate. They are averse to the design falling into the wrong hands (a navy so close to India and having so many Indian 'agents' supposedly in it).
With China's position as regards Myanmar, it probably is the correct decision to look to the West for the frigate programme. Only downside is that the cost will be a little bit more.

Probably the decision were taken for both Chinese position on Myanmar and our goal for diversify our military hardware. We have to remember we had all support from China for our military and economic development we can't and shouldn't lost put closeness with rising super power just for the rohyngia.
Probably the decision were taken for both Chinese position on Myanmar and our goal for diversify our military hardware. We have to remember we had all support from China for our military and economic development we can't and shouldn't lost put closeness with rising super power just for the rohyngia.
Now its just Rohingya, but what will happen if the problem is bigger than Rohingya? We need ally.. not just handouts
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