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Bangladesh Navy

Russian Navy gets new Admiral Essen (Project 11356 Admiral Grigorovich class) frigate built for Black Sea fleet.

The ship has a balanced weapons suite, an artillery system, the sophisticated Kalibr missile system and a well-balanced up-to-date Shtil-1 surface-to-air missile system

Further on the new 4000 ton frigate concept by CSOC shown at Langkawi earlier this year....


China's CSOC showcases a new 4,000-tonne frigate
Michele Capeleto, Langkawi - IHS Jane's Navy International
28 March 2017


A model of the 4,000-tonne frigate showcased by China Shipbuilding and Offshore International Company (CSOC) at LIMA 2017 in Langkawi. Source: IHS Markit/ Michele Capeleto

Chinese state-owned shipbuilder China Shipbuilding and Offshore International Company (CSOC) revealed technical specifications of a new frigate design it is showcasing at the LIMA 2017 exhibition in Langkawi.

In an interview with Jane's, a CSOC engineer disclosed that the "new ship is a derivative of the Jiangkai II class of frigates, but features a renewed superstructure".
(My notes - Current production version of Jiangkai II or 054 class frigate shown below, newer design has a more streamlined forecastle/bow and integrated mast, also improved stealth qualities. VLS cells can now possibly accommodate multiple types of missiles/warheads in modular fashion).


According to specifications confirmed by the company, the vessel is slightly larger than the Jiangkai II, featuring an overall length of 135 m, a beam of 16 m, a draught of 4.4 m, and a displacement of around 3,850 tonne.

The platform is powered by four sets of 16PA6STC engines in a CODAD configuration, driving two propeller shafts for a top speed of up to 26 kt. It has an endurance of 21 days, and standard range of 4,000 nautical miles at cruising speed of 18 kt.

Where the innovation stands, however, is in the armament suite and sensors. Weapons aboard comprise a single-barrel 76 mm main naval guns, topped up by two six-barrel Type 730A 30 mm guns for short-range self defence.


Stern view of the 4,000-tonne frigate model showcased by China Shipbuilding and Offshore International Company (CSOC) at LIMA 2017 in Langkawi. (IHS Markit/ Michele Capeleto)

"Unlike in other versions [of frigates displayed by CSOC at defence shows], the two 30 mm guns are no longer mounted on the main bridge, but rather amid-ship, closer to the [24-cells] surface-to-air missile [SAM] launcher."

The ship's foredeck still hosts a 32-cell vertical launching system (VLS) firing the HHQ-16 (40 km of range), and there are two quadruple launchers of the C-802 surface-to-surface missile (SSM) mounted amid-ship.

Commenting on the sensors, the engineer added that "the above-water sensor suite will include a phased-array radar mounted in an integrated mast. The ship will also mount an over the horizon [OTH] radar comparable to the [active/passive] SLR66".

The frigate's anti-submarine warfare (ASW) capabilities will be provided by a hull-mounted sonar and torpedo tubes.
These are notes for Indian P-17A Frigate vendor selection. A bit old but worth taking note...interesting that they took a decade to DESIGN these ships....:-)

Project 17A Frigate
India has embarked on one of the most ambitious naval building and procurement plans in the world. Among the projects is the Project 17A Shivalik-class frigate, the follow on the Project 17 (Shivalik class) frigates for the Indian Navy. Project 17A could either extend Indian modifications of the Krivak IIIs once again, or adopt an entirely different base platform. A total of seven ships will be built, though in 2007 it was reported that 12 more of improved Project 17A model may be built. As of 2000 India was looking to purchase one Stealthy Frigate from a foreign yard and several more to be constructed domestically.

To augment its surface combatant fleet with a new class of multi-role, fast stealth frigates, the Indian Navy floated a global request for information (RFI) in December 2006 to a number of Russian, European and American shipyards for building one vessel in an international shipyard and six in India, most probably at the Mazagon Dock Limited, Mumbai, or the Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers, Kolkata. The deal was expected to be worth around Rs. 30,000 crore. Three American companies (Lockheed Martin, NorthropGrumman, and General Dynamics) have been sent the initial requests for information.

As of late 2007 the Navy reportedly planned to order four more frigates under Project-17A. As of December 2008 the Russian shipbuilding industry was in line for for the co-design and joint fabrication of seven guided-missile frigates under Project 17A, for which Moscow was said to be offering the "Project 1167" FFG. But no one has ever heard of a "Project 1167" FFG from Russia, and if a Russian frigate were on offer to India it is far more likely to be the the 4,500 ton Project 22350 Gorshkov DDG was implausibly said to be offered for the Indian Project 15B destroyer program. Project 17A would be a "one plus six" program, with the first built abroad and the remaining six built in India.

In the FORCE November 2008 issue the Controller of Warship Production and Acquisition has stated "a total of 7 destroyers, 13 frigates..." as the major warship construction that would have been accomplished by 2022. That would indicate (3 P15A + 4 P15B} destroyers and {3 Krivaks + 3 P17 + 7 P17A} frigates. Interviews of senior Indian navy officials in the December 2008 issue of FORCE talk of future warship construction projects, with the seven Project 15B DDGs and seven Project 17A FFGs clealy identified. The Improved Krivaks are of imported origin and do not form part of the domestic warship construction package. That still leaves a shortfall of six yet-to-be-built FFGs and this void is to be filled by an additional 3 Project 1135.6 FFGs to add to the six, plus ordering an additional three more Project 17 FFGs as a Batch 2 package.

In November 2008 Vice Admiral Dilip Deshpande, Controller of Warship Production and Acquisition, said that with three frigates (Project 17) under construction at MDL and three more frigates (Talwar Class follow-on) under construction at Yantar Shipyard in Russia. "We have plans to order seven more frigates under Project 17A where we plan to adopt a new build technology or integrated construction. We are looking at transfer of technology for this type of construction where modules are completed and fitted together as a whole. At present, we are in discussion with advanced shipyards for this technology (like DCNS, Fincantieri, shipyards in South Korea, Bath Iron Works, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Gruman and Rosboronexport). Whoever emerges as the best option in terms of technology transfers and costs would be given the contract. Where these frigates will be constructed has not been decided as yet."

India had never done modular shipbuilding, which involves constructing a multi-thousand-ton warship in 300-ton modules, which are brought together and assembled. both GRSE and Mazagon Dock Limited, Mumbai (MDL) are spending hundreds of crores on creating modularconstruction facilities by mid-2011, by when assembly of the Project 17-A frigates is due to start. The project may be split between two shipyards. Vice Admiral HS Malhi, chairman and managing director (CMD) of MDL explains, "We have to ensure that the navy gets all these seven warships by 2021. That means GRSE and MDL might both work concurrently on Project 17 A; you might have four built in MDL and three in GRSE. There is enough work for both shipyards." GRSE and MDL insist that Project 17-A be built entirely in India. Business Standard has reported that the Indian Navy wanted the first two frigates to be built abroad by the design partner.

By early 2009 there appeared to be three contenders - the French FM400, German MEKO frigate and Russian Admiral Sergai Gorshkov class frigates. The French FM400 and German MEKO class frigates are quite different from what India currently operated. As the La fayette is out of production, DCNS offered the FM400, a smaller cheaper version of FREMM. As the Sachsen is not on offer, the Germans offered the MEKO D500, a 5000 ton frigate similar to the Project 17A requirement, or an enlarged version MEKO D600, which is of 6000 tons. There was also some suggestion that the P17A tender for 7 frigates had been split into two parts, with possible purchase of 3 additional Modified Krivak class frigates, and 4 additional Shivalik class frigates, to fulfill the 7 frigates wanted by the Navy.

By July 2012 Project-17A was finally gathering steam, with the Contract Negotiation Committee was underway for Project-17A, with thee contract to be awarded "soon" after the final nod from the Cabinet Committee on Security. India was planning to spend a mammoth Rs. 50,000 crore (USD 8.8 billion) to construct seven advanced stealth frigates with all weapon and missile systems inside the hull for lower radar signature. The construction of these stealth frigates under Project-17A was to be undertaken by Mazagon Docks (MDL) at Mumbai and Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers (GRSE) at Kolkata. According to one report, four of the seven frigates to be built in Mumbai and the remaining three in Kolkata. Other reports say that one vessel was supposed to be built at a foreign shipyard, with the remaining six to be built by Indian companies under license.

Having successfully completed the construction of Shivalik class frigates, by md-2012 Mazagon Dock Ltd, was looking ahead to future with confidence. Its order book is an envy of any defence ship builder in the world. Under construction in MDL’s berths were three destroyers of Project 15A — Kolkata, Kochi and Chennai — joining the navy’s fleet in 2013 onwards. Also on order were four more destroyers of Project 15B, to be followed at that yard by four stealth frigates of the Project 17A.

By August 2013 the design of Project 17A had been completed, and final nod was still awaited from the defence ministry to launch construction.

Indian Defense PSU Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers (GRSE) won $3.1 billion (INR 20,000 crore) order in April 2015 to build three advanced stealth frigates for the country’s navy. "This is the highest-ever order which GRSE has got. This shows how much trust the government and the Navy has on us. It is a big shot in the arm for us," GRSE's Chairman and Managing Director Rear Admiral A K Verma told reportersy. Under project P-17A, Mazagon Dock Ltd (MDL), Mumbai, will make four stealth frigates while the Kolkata shipyard will make three such frigates, all of which will be of the same design.
These are notes for Indian P-17A Frigate vendor selection. A bit old but worth taking note...interesting that they took a decade to DESIGN these ships....:-)

Project 17A Frigate
India has embarked on one of the most ambitious naval building and procurement plans in the world. Among the projects is the Project 17A Shivalik-class frigate, the follow on the Project 17 (Shivalik class) frigates for the Indian Navy. Project 17A could either extend Indian modifications of the Krivak IIIs once again, or adopt an entirely different base platform. A total of seven ships will be built, though in 2007 it was reported that 12 more of improved Project 17A model may be built. As of 2000 India was looking to purchase one Stealthy Frigate from a foreign yard and several more to be constructed domestically.

To augment its surface combatant fleet with a new class of multi-role, fast stealth frigates, the Indian Navy floated a global request for information (RFI) in December 2006 to a number of Russian, European and American shipyards for building one vessel in an international shipyard and six in India, most probably at the Mazagon Dock Limited, Mumbai, or the Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers, Kolkata. The deal was expected to be worth around Rs. 30,000 crore. Three American companies (Lockheed Martin, NorthropGrumman, and General Dynamics) have been sent the initial requests for information.

As of late 2007 the Navy reportedly planned to order four more frigates under Project-17A. As of December 2008 the Russian shipbuilding industry was in line for for the co-design and joint fabrication of seven guided-missile frigates under Project 17A, for which Moscow was said to be offering the "Project 1167" FFG. But no one has ever heard of a "Project 1167" FFG from Russia, and if a Russian frigate were on offer to India it is far more likely to be the the 4,500 ton Project 22350 Gorshkov DDG was implausibly said to be offered for the Indian Project 15B destroyer program. Project 17A would be a "one plus six" program, with the first built abroad and the remaining six built in India.

In the FORCE November 2008 issue the Controller of Warship Production and Acquisition has stated "a total of 7 destroyers, 13 frigates..." as the major warship construction that would have been accomplished by 2022. That would indicate (3 P15A + 4 P15B} destroyers and {3 Krivaks + 3 P17 + 7 P17A} frigates. Interviews of senior Indian navy officials in the December 2008 issue of FORCE talk of future warship construction projects, with the seven Project 15B DDGs and seven Project 17A FFGs clealy identified. The Improved Krivaks are of imported origin and do not form part of the domestic warship construction package. That still leaves a shortfall of six yet-to-be-built FFGs and this void is to be filled by an additional 3 Project 1135.6 FFGs to add to the six, plus ordering an additional three more Project 17 FFGs as a Batch 2 package.

In November 2008 Vice Admiral Dilip Deshpande, Controller of Warship Production and Acquisition, said that with three frigates (Project 17) under construction at MDL and three more frigates (Talwar Class follow-on) under construction at Yantar Shipyard in Russia. "We have plans to order seven more frigates under Project 17A where we plan to adopt a new build technology or integrated construction. We are looking at transfer of technology for this type of construction where modules are completed and fitted together as a whole. At present, we are in discussion with advanced shipyards for this technology (like DCNS, Fincantieri, shipyards in South Korea, Bath Iron Works, Lockheed Martin, Northrop Gruman and Rosboronexport). Whoever emerges as the best option in terms of technology transfers and costs would be given the contract. Where these frigates will be constructed has not been decided as yet."

India had never done modular shipbuilding, which involves constructing a multi-thousand-ton warship in 300-ton modules, which are brought together and assembled. both GRSE and Mazagon Dock Limited, Mumbai (MDL) are spending hundreds of crores on creating modularconstruction facilities by mid-2011, by when assembly of the Project 17-A frigates is due to start. The project may be split between two shipyards. Vice Admiral HS Malhi, chairman and managing director (CMD) of MDL explains, "We have to ensure that the navy gets all these seven warships by 2021. That means GRSE and MDL might both work concurrently on Project 17 A; you might have four built in MDL and three in GRSE. There is enough work for both shipyards." GRSE and MDL insist that Project 17-A be built entirely in India. Business Standard has reported that the Indian Navy wanted the first two frigates to be built abroad by the design partner.

By early 2009 there appeared to be three contenders - the French FM400, German MEKO frigate and Russian Admiral Sergai Gorshkov class frigates. The French FM400 and German MEKO class frigates are quite different from what India currently operated. As the La fayette is out of production, DCNS offered the FM400, a smaller cheaper version of FREMM. As the Sachsen is not on offer, the Germans offered the MEKO D500, a 5000 ton frigate similar to the Project 17A requirement, or an enlarged version MEKO D600, which is of 6000 tons. There was also some suggestion that the P17A tender for 7 frigates had been split into two parts, with possible purchase of 3 additional Modified Krivak class frigates, and 4 additional Shivalik class frigates, to fulfill the 7 frigates wanted by the Navy.

By July 2012 Project-17A was finally gathering steam, with the Contract Negotiation Committee was underway for Project-17A, with thee contract to be awarded "soon" after the final nod from the Cabinet Committee on Security. India was planning to spend a mammoth Rs. 50,000 crore (USD 8.8 billion) to construct seven advanced stealth frigates with all weapon and missile systems inside the hull for lower radar signature. The construction of these stealth frigates under Project-17A was to be undertaken by Mazagon Docks (MDL) at Mumbai and Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers (GRSE) at Kolkata. According to one report, four of the seven frigates to be built in Mumbai and the remaining three in Kolkata. Other reports say that one vessel was supposed to be built at a foreign shipyard, with the remaining six to be built by Indian companies under license.

Having successfully completed the construction of Shivalik class frigates, by md-2012 Mazagon Dock Ltd, was looking ahead to future with confidence. Its order book is an envy of any defence ship builder in the world. Under construction in MDL’s berths were three destroyers of Project 15A — Kolkata, Kochi and Chennai — joining the navy’s fleet in 2013 onwards. Also on order were four more destroyers of Project 15B, to be followed at that yard by four stealth frigates of the Project 17A.

By August 2013 the design of Project 17A had been completed, and final nod was still awaited from the defence ministry to launch construction.

Indian Defense PSU Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers (GRSE) won $3.1 billion (INR 20,000 crore) order in April 2015 to build three advanced stealth frigates for the country’s navy. "This is the highest-ever order which GRSE has got. This shows how much trust the government and the Navy has on us. It is a big shot in the arm for us," GRSE's Chairman and Managing Director Rear Admiral A K Verma told reportersy. Under project P-17A, Mazagon Dock Ltd (MDL), Mumbai, will make four stealth frigates while the Kolkata shipyard will make three such frigates, all of which will be of the same design.

They should had consulted Union of Myanmar ship building company for technical expertise. MM is the only country in the world who could master the tricks so quick.
@Aung Zaya @Nilgiri
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Defence Technology of Bangladesh-DTB

Bangladesh Coast Guard (BCG) has its own smallএর নিজস্ব ছোটখাটো Ground Force/Unit আছে যারা জরুরি প্রয়োজনে স্থলভূমিতে অপারেশন করতে সক্ষম।

এরা শান্তিকালীন সময়ে কোস্টগার্ডের বিভিন্ন বেইসের নিরাপত্তা নিশ্চিত করে।তবে এসব ছাড়াও তাদের অন্যান্য যেসব কাজ করতে হয় তার মধ্যে উল্লেখযোগ্য হলো-
♦Fishery protection

♦Prevent illegal immigration through the sea

♦Piracy control

♦Prevent smuggling, trafficking of illegal arms, drugs and narcotics

♦Disaster relief operations

♦Search and rescue operations

♦Preservation of forest

♦Surveillance over the sea areas of Bangladesh. ইত্যাদি

এসব কাজে তারা কোস্টগার্ডের বিভিন্ন হাইস্পিড বোট ব্যবহার করে থাকে।তাদের ব্যবহৃত অস্ত্রের মধ্যে উল্লেখযোগ্য হলো Type-56 Assault rifle, BD-08 Assault, 9mm Side arm.

সুরক্ষা ব্যবস্থা হিসেবে বুলেট প্রুফ ভেস্ট এবং ব্যালেস্টিক হেলমেট ব্যবহার করে থাকে।
Defence Technology of Bangladesh-DTB

Bangladesh Coast Guard (BCG) has its own smallএর নিজস্ব ছোটখাটো Ground Force/Unit আছে যারা জরুরি প্রয়োজনে স্থলভূমিতে অপারেশন করতে সক্ষম।

এরা শান্তিকালীন সময়ে কোস্টগার্ডের বিভিন্ন বেইসের নিরাপত্তা নিশ্চিত করে।তবে এসব ছাড়াও তাদের অন্যান্য যেসব কাজ করতে হয় তার মধ্যে উল্লেখযোগ্য হলো-
♦Fishery protection

♦Prevent illegal immigration through the sea

♦Piracy control

♦Prevent smuggling, trafficking of illegal arms, drugs and narcotics

♦Disaster relief operations

♦Search and rescue operations

♦Preservation of forest

♦Surveillance over the sea areas of Bangladesh. ইত্যাদি

এসব কাজে তারা কোস্টগার্ডের বিভিন্ন হাইস্পিড বোট ব্যবহার করে থাকে।তাদের ব্যবহৃত অস্ত্রের মধ্যে উল্লেখযোগ্য হলো Type-56 Assault rifle, BD-08 Assault, 9mm Side arm.

সুরক্ষা ব্যবস্থা হিসেবে বুলেট প্রুফ ভেস্ট এবং ব্যালেস্টিক হেলমেট ব্যবহার করে থাকে।

I don't know who designed these fatigues and vests, but they look - ahem - fashionable in an 'alternate lifestyle' sort of way. :cool:


Armani or Calvin Klein can't hold a candle to these. :tongue:
I don't know who designed these fatigues and vests, but they look - ahem - fashionable in an 'alternate lifestyle' sort of way. :cool:
Armani or Calvin Klein can't hold a candle to these. :tongue:
Completely agree with your above,comments, presently in a WW-1 era uniform.However, the positive side is that by 2018,hopefully all under command/affiliated branches of BN & BAF will be dressed in their new Combat fatigues/attires.:-)


Defence Technology of Bangladesh-DTB

বাংলাদেশ সরকার GOB with a view to modernise its Coast Gaurds কোস্টগার্ডের আধুনিকায়নের অংশ হিসেবে বিভিন্ন has adopted a long term vision দীর্ঘমেয়াদি পরিকল্পনা গ্রহন করেছে

কোস্টগার্ডের তথ্যানুসারে দীর্ঘমেয়াদী পরিকল্পনার অংশ হিসেবে Maritime Patrol Aircraft (MPA) এবং Maritime Search & Rescue (MSAR) হেলিকপ্টার এবং Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) are to be purchased কেনা হচ্ছে।

ভিডিও লিংক-
Defence Technology of Bangladesh-DTB

আমাদের নৌবাহিনীর আপকামিং গাইডেড মিসাইল ফ্রিগেট upcoming Frigates of BN 2 X Type-053H3 যা to be added to the fleet by 2018 ২০১৮ সালে নৌবহরে যুক্ত হবে।

এটি হতে যাচ্ছে আমাদের অন্যতম বড় ও শক্তিশালী ফ্রিগেট। এটি একটি multi role মাল্টিরোল ফ্রিগেট যা একাধারে আকাশ,জলপথ/স্থলপথ এবং সমুদ্রের নিচের যেকোন আক্রমন পরিচালনা করতে পারবে।
এর অস্ত্রসম্ভারে আছে-Weapons are as under:

♦8 × YJ-83 SSM in 2 x 4-cell box launchers

♦1 × 8-cell HQ-7
Surface-to-air missile system

♦1 × PJ33A dual 100 mm gun (automatic)

♦4 × Type 76A dual 37 mm (1.5 in) AA guns

♦2 × 6-tube Type 3200 ASW rocket launchers (36 rockets)

♦2 × DC racks & launcher

♦6 × torpedo launchers

♦2 × Type 946/PJ-46 15-barrel decoy rocket launchers

এছাড়া এটিতে Helipad and Hanger হ্যালিপ্যাড ও হ্যাঙ্গার আছে।

চীন থেকে কেনা এই দুইটি জাহাজ আগামী বছরের মাঝামাঝি দেশে আসবে।

Another good news Bangladesh is buying submarine rescue vehicle from China.
Bangladesh wants to get 6-8 submarine from 2021/22
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