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Bangladesh Navy

Go with whoever offers the most comprehensive TOT and whichever platform is the most leather and cost effective in the long run.

If that proves to be Chinese then so be it.

Form my perspective I believe Chinese option is currently the best for BD.

We must judge china by her actions since the beginning of diplomatic relations in the 1970s. It has been overwhelming positive. However we are not a Chinese client state and we are not formal allies. It is unrealistic for us to expect them to abondon Burma which is a hermit state totally dependent on china for survival.

I do believe china is playing a positive role in the background. The waffle about bilateral agreement is for Burmese monkeys benefit..... the fact that china is involved makes it trilateral..... lol..... this would be beyond the comprehension on Burmese subhumans.....China understands that BD will pursue a multilateral approach....its advocation of bilateral approach is to mollify the uneducated Burmese animals who has no grasp of diplomatic subtleties.

Anyhow coming back to point ...... BN plans have been formulated on the basis of Chinese tech.... our threat scenario is also evolving.... our primary threat comes from India and to tackle that we need to work with china.

There is no harm looking but unless qualatitively and strategically it makes more sense we should go with the Chinese as we are both impacted by Indian nefarious design in the region.
Defence Technology of Bangladesh-DTB
বাংলাদেশ নেভাল এভিয়েশন টেন্ডারের ভিত্তিতে Bangladesh Naval Aviation to purchase ২ টি 2 X AW-159 "Wildcat" ASW helicopters হেলিকপ্টার এবং along with 2 X ২ টি Dornior Do-228NG MPA কিনেছে।
এছাড়া also under G2G পদ্ধতিতে আরো ২ টি 2 X AW-159 Wildcat এবং ১/২ টি and 1/2 X Armed Maritime Patrol Aircraft (AMPA) will be brought কেনা হবে।

২০১৮ সালেই ২ টি AW-159 will arrive by 2018 আসবে এবং সম্ভবত ২০১৮ এর শেষ বা ২০১৯ এর শুরুতে ২ টি Dornior Do-228NG by latest by 2019 আসবে।
২০১৮-১৯ এ AMPA অর্ডার দেয়ার সম্ভাবনা আছে.

লিংক- http://m.banglanews24.com/national/news/bd/618944.details
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These are the competing designs for Bangladesh Navy's new generation frigate program:

Belharra class (France)
Gepard 3.9 class (Russia)
Incheon class (Modified) - South Korea
Soverign class - Singapore
Tiger class (China)

r 6 will be built at CDDL, but another two will be built at a foreign shipyard of the partner ensuring BN has 8 new stealth frigates.

ST Marine’s Sovereign Class Frigate
18 Mei 2017

Sovereign class frigate (all images : ST Marine)

The Sovereign class frigate is an indigenous ST Marine designed vessel validated through extensive model testing with machineries and equipment based on proven designs.

Possessing enhanced sea-keeping (operable in sea state 5) and high manoeuvrability, this is a versatile multi-role platform with a wide range of capabilities.

Incorporating ST Marine’s designed modular mast for optimisation of sensors’ performance and with a wide array of sensors and weapons systems, this is a vessel that can exert influence over a wide air, surface and sub-surface zones.

Possessing a great endurance and designed for crew comfort, these vessels are ideal for sea lines of communication protection and interdiction operations.

(ST Marine)
NurW di 09.38

I vote for the Burmese 'stealth' design Kyan Sitthar class. We need that alien technology to stand any chance in this cruel world. All those nonsense designs in that above list doesnt come any close.
Belharra or Formidable singapore/ Sovereign.....stealthy and both of them has VLS

Although i doubt BD govt will go for them.....Sovereign class, i guess will be better choice as france would demand $$$$$$$$$$....but singapore is an ASEAN country...Does MM possess any influence being an ASEAN country....over SG

I love this regional forum "ASEAN"....respectve leaders are truly committed to the cause of ASEAN...i believe BD used to have a dream of joining this group one day..that is why BD govt was sweet to MM regime...now that dream is a distant reality.....we should accept the bitter truth of our poor G.strategic position and act accordingly.....in a pragmatic way....the problem of our leaders is, their lack of gut/ confidence...they blv/want to blv that big brothers will help us to advance BD...hence one goes to IND...other one starts foaming at the mouth for china in front of camera ( they want china to be in SAARC...as if it will solve all the poroblems of SAARC.)....both of them should read the SINGAPORE STORY
Belharra or Formidable singapore/ Sovereign.....stealthy and both of them has VLS

Although i doubt BD govt will go for them.....Sovereign class, i guess will be better choice as france would demand $$$$$$$$$$....but singapore is an ASEAN country...Does MM possess any influence being an ASEAN country....over SG

I love this regional forum "ASEAN"....respectve leaders are truly committed to the cause of ASEAN...i believe BD used to have a dream of joining this group one day..that is why BD govt was sweet to MM regime...now that dream is a distant reality.....we should accept the bitter truth of our poor G.strategic position and act accordingly.....in a pragmatic way....the problem of our leaders is, their lack of gut/ confidence...they blv/want to blv that big brothers will help us to advance BD...hence one goes to IND...other one starts foaming at the mouth for china in front of camera ( they want china to be in SAARC...as if it will solve all the poroblems of SAARC.)....both of them should read the SINGAPORE STORY
I strongly reject SG ship. We should buy ships from anybody who are world power.
These are the competing designs for Bangladesh Navy's new generation frigate program:

Belharra class (France)
Gepard 3.9 class (Russia)
Incheon class (Modified) - South Korea
Soverign class - Singapore
Tiger class (China)

r 6 will be built at CDDL, but another two will be built at a foreign shipyard of the partner ensuring BN has 8 new stealth frigates.

@Bilal9 - Expert opinion please.

Jokes apart, I would prefer the French or Singaporean option.

I vote for the Burmese 'stealth' design Kyan Sitthar class. We need that alien technology to stand any chance in this cruel world. All those nonsense designs in that above list doesnt come any close.


They might upgrade the sensors and manpads in their ship - don't make too much fun of their stuff.

@Bilal9 - Expert opinion please.

Jokes apart, I would prefer the French or Singaporean option.

Bhai first of all - I dabble in naval subject once in a while, but I'm hardly an expert. Real expert is @Penguin brother whose opinion is actually what we need. He's seemingly busy though. I hope he answers, even briefly.

When we are talking about frigates to be built locally under ToT, we're talking about "first rank" surface combatants way better than light frigates like Bangabandhu class, my understanding is that we need,
  • A frigate that has shallow enough draft to get close enough to shore in BoB littoral waters for launching munitions and missiles at shore positions, but,
  • A frigate that is larger than say KyanSitTha class frigates which at 4000 tons is fairly large (but definitely not as weak munitions and sensor wise like the UMS frigates), and also (mainly for deterrence purposes) approaching the sophistication of sensors and armament of India's much larger P17 and P17A frigates (the latter approaching almost 7000 tons at fully loaded displacement and boasting VLS missile suites both front and rear).
  • We cannot go back to 2500 ton class frigates, those days are gone. Too many limitations on freedom of sensor placement, munitions suites etc. They were sophisticated for their time, but it is time to move on.
So what are the choices? Feet firmly placed on ground as opposed to daydreaming - that is.
  • Belharra class (France) - This was the queen of the show from DCNS at EURONAVAL 2016 last year. But the details aren't finalized yet. Great design from DCNS - but will be very EXPENSIVE. ToT (being a brand new product) will be tough to negotiate price-wise. Too sophisticated and too much of a reach and a leap for our dockyard situation in my opinion, but still possible, with time. Not a safe, easy choice. But if Indians can pull off a nuclear sub program, I think for us this is entirely doable with time and money. Gowind class is too small - Belharra is a good size for patrolling larger areas of BoB. Hull akin to the Zumwalt class which is avant garde design. 4000 tons plus and large enough.

  • Gepard 3.9 class (Russia) - This frigate (if it can be called one) is rather small. Only 2500 tons. The sensor fitment is inadequate as offered and I don't have a lot of faith in Russian electronics or sensor suites for defense which are less sophisticated than western offerings. Gepard class are not the heavy ones for the Russian Navy, this is lightweight units they offer for affordable export only. Vietnam Navy bought two.
  • 2l-Image-53.jpg
The Russians do have a nice recent 4500 ton design called the Admiral Gorshkov class, which is better than the Gepard class designs. But getting ToT for that one might be a stretch. Here's an illustration.

A huge problem with Russian ToT and purchases is, they always let Indians 'latch on' as subcontractors in their ToT deals with us (like in Rooppur, they will let Indians supply missiles and electronics in the frigate builds). Do we want this?

  • Incheon class (Modified) - South Korea
Design and setup is dated now. I don't see a VLS system up front. Still 3000 tons. Not a favourite but could be attractive price-wise (not as attractive though as China CSOC offerings). Not a fan.

South Korea has better offerings smaller downgrade to the KDX-IIA.

  • Sovereign class - Singapore. Modern design at 3000 tons. I like it although small. Could be enlarged (scaled up). Singapore's own navy has the most modern ships - even more modern than US Navy by far. Resembles the US LCS class stealth design, nice layout. ST engg. is a world class institution but their experience in building modern warships is limited to assembling their own 'Formidable class' frigates. ToT may be much easier to get, as easy as China. More modern than other designs here (except Belharra).

  • Tiger class (China) -
    The Tiger-class frigate is an evolution of the F-22P Zulfiqar class, but with a newer, stealthier (i.e. lower radar cross-section) hull coupled with a 16-cell vertical-launch system (VLS) for surface-to-air missiles (SAM). Tiger-class has a displacement of 2,780 tons and can be equipped with dual quad-cell (2×4) AShM launchers, two triple (2×3) anti-submarine warfare (ASW) torpedo-launchers, a 76-mm main gun, a 30-mm gun and 24-cell point-defence missile system (PDMS). The Tiger-class can reach a top speed of 27 knots and a ferry range of 4,000 nm at 15 knots.
I am okay with the tiger class design, but I like the large 4000 ton frigate design better (see below), also released by CSOC at Lima 2017.

CSOC’s 4,000-ton multi-mission frigate design retains the AShW and ASW capabilities of its sibling designs, coupling them with a 32-cell VLS system for SAMs. It is considered a variant of the Type 054, but with a “renewed superstructure” (IHS Jane’s). It will feature a phased-array radar with a complementary over-the-horizon (OTH) radar for long-range passive surveillance of aerial and surface targets.

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They might upgrade the sensors and manpads in their ship - don't make too much fun of their stuff.

Yes we have a tendency to look down upon them...it is wrong ...with money they can easily upgrade their existing platforms...which is affordable......

Bhai first of all - I dabble in naval subject once in a while, but I'm hardly an expert. Real expert is @Penguin brother whose opinion is actually what we need. He's seemingly busy though. I hope he answers, even briefly.

When we are talking about frigates to be built locally under ToT, we're talking about "first rank" surface combatants way better than light frigates like Bangabandhu class, my understanding is that we need,
  • A frigate that has shallow enough draft to get close enough to shore in BoB littoral waters for launching munitions and missiles at shore positions, but,
  • A frigate that is larger than say KyanSitTha class frigates which at 4000 tons is fairly large (but definitely not as weak munitions and sensor wise like the UM), and also (mainly for deterrence purposes) approaching the sophistication of sensors and armament of India's P17 and P17A frigates (the latter approaching almost 7000 tons at fully loaded displacement and boasting VLS missile suites both front and rear).
  • We cannot go back to 2500 ton class frigates, those days are gone. Too many limitations on freedom of sensor placement, munitions suites etc. They were sophisticated for their time, but it is time to move on.
So what are the choices? Feet firmly placed on ground as opposed to daydreaming - that is.
  • Belharra class (France) - This was the queen of the show from DCNS at EURONAVAL 2016 last year. But the details aren't finalized yet. Great designfrom DCNS but will be very EXPENSIVE. ToT (being a brand new product) will be tough to negotiate price-wise. Too sophisticated and too much of a reach and a leap for our dockyard situation in my opinion, but still possible, with time. Not a safe, easy choice. But if Indians can pull off a nuclear sub program, I think for us this is entirely doable with time and money. Gowind class is too small - Belharra is a good size for patrolling larger areas of BoB.

  • Gepard 3.9 class (Russia) - This frigate (if it can be called one) is rather small. Only 2500 tons. The sensor fitment is questionable. These are not the heavy ones for the Russian Navy, this is what they offer for affordable export only.
  • 2l-Image-53.jpg

  • Incheon class (Modified) - South Korea

Design and setup is dated now. I don't see a VLS system up front. Still 3000 tons.
  • Sovereign class - Singapore. Modern design at 3000 tons. Like it.
  • Tiger class (China) - I will research this.
Sovereign class has 24 missiles....more than any other contemporaries.......but i doubt there will be a lot of hurdle to get the tot....radars and sensors are from Thales, Mbda, GE...
Defence Technology of Bangladesh-DTB
বাংলাদেশ নেভাল স্পেশাল কমান্ডো ফোর্স BN Naval SWADS এর জন্য নতুন to get new unspecified numbers of new Carbine rifle's from European countries কেনা হচ্ছে।ইউরোপীয় দেশগুলো থেকে এগুলো কেনা হবে।সংখ্যাটা অজানা।

SWADS বাংলাদেশের সবচেয়ে Well equiped Commando Force.
তাদের অস্ত্রসম্ভারে সব western এবং NATO standard weapon আছে।

ছবিটি প্রতীকী


এবার শেখ হাসিনা সাবমেরিন ঘাঁটি হচ্ছে কুতুবদিয়ায়

22 Nov, 2017
নৌবাহিনীর জন্য স্থায়ী সাবমেরিন ঘাঁটি নির্মাণ করার উদ্যোগ নিয়েছে সরকার।

কক্সবাজারের পেকুয়ায় জিটুজি ভিত্তিতে ‘বানৌজা শেখ হাসিনা’ নামে এ ঘাঁটি নির্মাণের জন্য আন্তঃমন্ত্রণালয় যৌথ কমিটি গঠনের সিদ্ধান্ত নিয়েছে প্রতিরক্ষা মন্ত্রণালয়। আর এ কমিটিতে সদস্য হিসেবে যুগ্ম সচিব পদ মর্যাদার একজন কর্মকর্তাকে মনোনয়নে প্রয়োজনীয় ব্যবস্থা নেওয়ার অনুরোধ করে গত ৫ নভেম্বর অর্থ বিভাগের সচিবের কাছে চিঠি পাঠান প্রতিরক্ষা মন্ত্রণালয়ের যুগ্ম সচিব এসএম আবুল কালাম আজাদ।

সংশ্লিষ্ট সূত্র জানিয়েছে, কক্সবাজার জেলার কুতুবদিয়ার পেকুয়ায় ওই ঘাঁটি নির্মাণের পরিকল্পনা করা হয়েছে। এরই মধ্যে ওই এলাকায় জমি অধিগ্রহণ করা হয়েছে।

সাবমেরিনের জন্য স্থায়ী ঘাঁটি নির্মাণের লক্ষ্যে চীনা কর্তৃপক্ষের সঙ্গে নৌবাহিনীর একটি সমঝোতা স্মারক (এমওইউ) স্বাক্ষরিত হয়েছে। নৌবাহিনীতে সম্প্রতি দুটি সাবমেরিন সংযোজিত হওয়ার পর এ উদ্যোগ নিচ্ছে সরকার। এটিই হবে বাংলাদেশের প্রথম সাবমেরিন ঘাঁটি।

সূত্র আরও জানায়, চলতি বছরের ১২ মার্চ প্রধানমন্ত্রী শেখ হাসিনা সাবমেরিন দুটির কমিশনিং করেন। এ দুটির নাম রাখা হয় বানৌজা জয়যাত্রা ও বানৌজা নবযাত্রা।

জানা গেছে, বাংলাদেশ নৌবাহিনীকে আধুনিক বাহিনীতে রূপান্তর ও ক্ষমতা বাড়াতে ১০ বছরব্যাপী একটি পরিকল্পনার অংশ হিসেবে বর্তমান সরকার সাবমেরিন নৌঘাঁটি স্থাপনের প্রকল্প হাতে নিয়েছে।

সশস্ত্র বাহিনী বিভাগের দায়িতপ্রাপ্ত মন্ত্রী আনিসুল হক সম্প্রতি সংসদে প্রশ্নোত্তর পর্বে জানান, ২০১০-২০১৬ সময়ে বাংলাদেশ নৌবাহিনীতে
একটি হাইড্রোগ্রাফিক ভেসেল,
পাঁচটি প্যাট্রোল ক্রাফট,
দুটি লার্জ প্যাট্রোল ক্রাফট,
চারটি ফ্রিগেট, চারটি করভেট,
একটি ফ্লিট ট্যাঙ্কার,
দুটি ল্যান্ডিং ক্রাফট ইউটিলিটি,
দুটি ল্যান্ডিং ক্রাফট ট্যাঙ্ক,
দুটি কন্টেইনার ভেসেল,
দুটি মেরিটাইল হেলিকপ্টার,
দুটি মেরিটাইম প্যাট্রোল এয়ারক্রাফট সংযোজিত হয়েছে।

নৌবাহিনীতে অত্যাধুনিক সমরাস্ত্র সংযোজনের বিষয়টি তুলে ধরে মন্ত্রী জানান, দুটি জাহাজ বানৌজা স্বাধীনতা এবং বানৌজা প্রত্যয়ে সার্ফেস টু সার্ফেস এবং সার্ফেস টু এয়ার মিসাইল সি-৮০২এ, এফএল-৩০০এন স্যাম স্থাপিত হয়েছে।

বানৌজা ওসমানে রকেট ডেপথ চার্জ টাইপ ডিসিএল-০০৩ডি স্থাপিত হয়েছে। এটি ৯.৪ মিটার/সেকেন্ড দূরত্বে পানির তলদেশে সর্বোচ্চ ৫০০ মিটার গভীরে আঘাত হানতে পারে। এ ছাড়া বানৌজা বঙ্গবন্ধুর যুদ্ধ সক্ষমতা বৃদ্ধির লক্ষ্যে অটোম্যাট এমকে-২ মিসাইল কেনা হয়েছে।

নৌবাহিনীর মিসাইল বোট এবং জাহাজে সংযোজন করা হয়েছে আধুনিক সি-৭০৪ মিসাইল। পাশাপাশি জাহাজ থেকে শত্রু বিমানকে ধ্বংস করার জন্য শোল্ডার লঞ্চড কিউডব্লিউ-২ স্যাম ব্যবহার করা হয়ে থাকে।

এ ছাড়া সমুদ্র এলাকায় দ্রুত নজরদারি, সার্চ অ্যান্ড রেসকিউ অপারেশন, জরুরি সেবা ও একান্ত অর্থনৈতিক এলাকায় সার্বক্ষণিক নজরদারির লক্ষ্যে নৌবাহিনীতে সংযোজিত হয়েছে দুটি হেলিকপ্টার এবং দুটি মেরিটাইম প্যাট্রোল এয়ারক্রাফট (এমপিএ)।

English version follows
আমাদের সময়
উৎসঃ আামদের সময়
So, as a follow on from my previous post lets consider two more classes of frigates (for theoretical purposes at least). You guys can review these two designs as they are up and coming and pretty well regarded by experts in the field. These displace between 3500 and 4500 tons and are well equipped and armed. Sensor suites wise - I believe the Korean choice beats the Russian choice simply because Korea more or less copied the Raytheon systems (even AEGIS system in their much larger destroyers). Cost is very reasonable for both (say about 250 to 300 million for each example). The Indians have asked the Russians for design ToT on the latter.

Please read the material (may be boring at first). But without reviewing the choices and options offered we cannot discuss.

I am _NOT_ going to discuss FREMM frigates or Germany's F125 frigate here, these at 600 to 700 million a copy are way out of our price range.

1. First - I will describe the Daegu (Taegu) Republic of Korea Navy FFX-II class
2. Second - Admiral Grigorovich-class (Project 11356) guided-missile stealth frigate (Indian improved Talwar class)

Daegu (Taegu) Republic of Korea Navy FFX-II class

South Korea's defense procurement agency Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) placed an order with Hyundai Heavy & Industries (HHI) on Tuesday to build two Daegu-class FFX-II frigates ahead of schedule to support the ailing local shipbuilding industry.


The first FFX-II Batch II ROKS Daegu during its launch ceremony. DSME picture.

The two FFX-II vessels will be the third and fourth in the series. Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering (DSME) launched the lead ship of the new Daegu-class FFX-II (also known as FFX batch II) frigate for the Republic of Korea Navy (ROK Navy) on June 2, 2016. Key updates of the Batch II over the ASW-focused Batch I include VLS and full electric propulsion system, as well as a larger hangar that can accomodate a 10-ton helicopter.

FFX-II batch II is the first South Korean warship to be fitted with DRS Hybrid Electric Drive system, coupled with Rolls-Royce MT-30 gas turbine engine for CODLAG integrated full-electric propulsion. This configuration is shared with the US Navy's LCS and Zumwalt destroyers, as well as with the Royal Navy's QE aircraft carriers and future Type 26 GCS. In terms of engine technology and acoustic reduction technology, this makes FFX-II one of the most advanced and 'reduced accoustic signature' ASW frigates among western navies.

Contacted in June by Navy Recognition, a DSME reprensentative said that first ship of the class ROKS-818,Daegu will be delivered to ROK Navy in late 2017 and will be commissioned in late 2018.

FFX-II batch II is not fitted with Mk 41 VLS but with KVLS meaning it will deploy Korean missiles (most probably designed by LIG Nex 1 such as the Cheolmae-2 medium-range air defense missile, Hong Sang Eo anti-submarine rocket, and possibly the Hyunmoo-3 series of land attack cruise missiles). The Korean guided munitions were 'inspired' by their American counterparts, some licensed and some not.

Daegu-class FFX-II frigate main specifications:
Displacement (Full): Abt. 2800 (3,600)
Length/ Beam: 122m / 14m
Max. Speed: 30 kts
Complement: 120 sailors
Major weapons: 5” Main gun (K Mk.45 Mod 4) / 20mm CIWS (Phalanx Block 1B) / KVLS (16 cells)
Propulsion: CODLOG
Ships in the class
ROKS Daegu FFG-818 - Launched 2017
FFG-819 DSME[5] Building

The Daegu-class is a development of the Incheon-class frigate (FFX-1), with many similarities, and many improvements. The FFX-1 itself was a follow on from the Ulsan class (Our lead ship BNS BangaBandhu was a modified Ulsan class). Modifications to the Incheon-class include a 16-cell Korean Vertical Launching System (K-VLS) that will be able to deploy the Cheolmae-2 air defense missile, Hong Sang Eo anti-submarine missile, and Haeseong-II and Hyunmoo-3 land attack cruise missiles.[2]

There will be a larger hangar for a 10-ton helicopter.[3][4] Propulsion will be all-electric, with the twin gas turbine layout replaced with a single Rolls Royce MT30 turbine engine.[1]




If you look closely at the mast of the ship above (click to open larger version), you can see the four white-colored panoramic IRSTs.



FFX-I and -II's AESA radar with technical information:



There are variations on this design. Thai and Philippine navy frigates are being built by Daewoo and Hyundai to a slightly different superstructure.

I will cover the Admiral Grigorovich-class in a follow on post later.

Admiral Grigorovich-class (Project 11356) guided-missile stealth frigate

Russia to resume the construction of the "last three" Project 11356 frigates in 2018

The United Shipbuilding Corporation (USC) will resume the construction of the last three Project 11356 frigates in 2018 (Project 11356 Admiral Grigorovich class is slightly modified for export compared to Project 11350 Admiral Gorshkov class).

Earlier, the construction of these ships was suspended due to Kiev's refusal to supply gas turbine power plants. The decision to resume the work was made following the preliminary testing of the latest Russian gas turbine units M70FRU and M90FR. According to experts, the advent of these ships will significantly expand the Navy’s capabilities in the Mediterranean Sea, the Central and North Atlantic, and the Arctic zone, the newspaper Izvestia writes.


First ship of class Admiral Grigorovich joined the Russian Navy on March 11 2016. Picture: Yantar Shipyard

At present, two of the six ordered ships of this class are operational with the Navy. The frigates Admiral Grigorovich and Admiral Essen are part of the Black Sea Fleet. Admiral Makarov is undergoing the official tests. The remaining three frigates of the "Admiral" series - Butakov, Istomin, and Kornilov - are currently mothballed in varying degrees of completion at the Kaliningrad-based Yantar Shipyard. They were intended for the Baltic Fleet. Their construction was frozen because of Ukraine's refusal to supply the DS71 and D090 power plants manufactured by Zorya-Mashproekt, Nikolaev, Ukraine and previously paid by Russia. It was assumed that the "Admirals" would be sold to the Indian Navy because of the inability to complete them. Aleksey Rakhmanov, the head of the United Shipbuilding Corporation, told Izvestia that the construction of the ships will be resumed in 2018, after the appropriate tests and follow-on development to accommodate the new power plants.

"The decision has been made and R&D work will be required," explained Rakhmanov. However, due to the fact that design proceeded with regard to the groundwork laid by Russian gas turbine builders, no major modifications to the architecture of the ships will be needed. "We do not think that these R&D works will be so significant as to throw us back a few years ago."


Russian Navy Admiral Essen frigate sailing through Dutch EEZ in the North Sea. Picture: Royal Netherlands Navy

As noted by Rakhmanov, the timing depends not only on gas turbine units - the shipbuilders will have to resume contracts on all major systems. "Therefore, it is very important here that we are able to comply with the warranty periods, the service life of equipment and the corresponding storage life," the head of USC said.

As Izvestia was told at the Navy's Main HQ, the tandem power plant configuration of two M70FRU gas turbine engines is being considered as the core project. According to preliminary calculations, this should ensure the maximum power output of 14,000 hp. In this case, the ship will be able to move at a speed of 30 knots and the cruising range will be 4850 nautical miles (9,000 km). This is quite enough to go from the Baltic Fleet’s main base at Baltiysk to Russia’s Tartus naval base in Syria without fuel replenishment.


Three unfinished Project 11356 frigates at the PJSC "Baltic Shipyard" Yantar ". To the left of the wall stands the frigate "Admiral Butakov", launched in the water, the frigates "Admiral Istomin" (prepared for launching) and "Admiral Kornilov " standing in open pitches are visible. Picture taken in May 2017 via mil-avia.livejournal.com

Expert Alexander Mozgovoy told Izvestia that the decision to complete the Project 11356 frigates was welcome."Our Navy really needs them and we would have lost three good ships in case of selling them to India," said the expert. "These are general-purpose ships that can operate in the Mediterranean, in the central Atlantic and in the north. We are in desperate need of such ships today as all the large Soviet-era ships are badly worn and their service life is nearing the end. In fact, there is no alternative to the Project 11356 frigates."

Project 11356 frigates are designed to attack enemy surface ships and submarines both in the near and far maritime zones, counter air targets, both independently and as part of a task force. Frigates of this type are armed with a 100mm A-190 gun, strike and air defense missile systems, including Kalibr and Shtil, torpedoes. The ship can carry a Kamov Ka-27 helicopter and its versions. The ship's displacement is 3620 tons and its length is 124.8 meters. The full speed is 30 knots and the cruising range is 4850 miles.

Comment -

According to available information, the completion for the Russian Navy of three frigates of the modified project 11356 with the Russian all-mode main power plant based on gas turbine engines M70FRU is included in the draft State Armament Program for 2018-2025.


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