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Bangladesh Navy

a strategic strike capability has now become an urgent deterrent..... its quite evident now that if you don't have any strategic strike capability, you're a nobody and others will play with you..... our last several months' experience tells us that we simply don't have any other alternative.....

Russia has opened the lid of naval strategic strike capabilities when they fired land-attack cruise missiles from 1,500km away from a platform in the Caspian Sea that barely passed the size to be called a corvette....

this tech is the future.... small, but deadly strategic deterrent.... Russia knew that they would get orders for these after their Syria stunt....

I remember that episode well with the video footage. There were three Buyan-M class ships involved, Grad Sviyazhsk, Uglich and Velikiy Ustyug. Kalibr Missiles were fired toward Syrian IS controlled towns from these as well as the lead ship in the group which was a GEPARD class frigate.

1500 KM strike range (even 300 KM at this time) would be a significant game changer for us. Per Wiki, The Buyan-M class corvettes are capable of carrying Kalibr cruise missiles (NATO code name 'Sizzler') in their VLS magazines which can be nuclear-capable.

What @BDforever dropped hints on, are follow-ons to the Buyan-M by the way (a bit lighter at 800 tons compared to 900+tons for the Buyan M or project 21631).
In my humble opinion - you can't really call a naval craft a FAC unless the speed is at least 40 knots or so (fast interception and asset insertion/extrication needs, using waterjet powering at least a third of the shaft power transmitted to the props), and they are properly armed (at least C704/C803 missile-equipped). I believe BN 037 class (Houjian class) and OSA classes which had this capability have almost all been de-commissioned. Some of our FAC craft also had sub-chaser capability if I am correct.

But Bangladesh has at least half a dozen yards now who are entirely capable of building these small FACs and integrating weapons systems on them. Heck- even our private yards build them for overseas customers. We should definitely ask for ToT and build these locally at either Navy yards at Narayanganj, Khulna, Chittagong or even Meghnaghat if need be. Plenty of (more than twenty plus) private yards fully capable of building these things.

Here is a thread from brother @Penguin sometime ago about definition of FACs,


Well let's take a look at some newer Fast Attack Craft worldwide, shall we? Add some yourself if you want to discuss, or if you want, let's move the discussion off this thread to a new one.

Houbei 022 class (China) - (224 tons full load)

Azmat Class (Pakistan) - 560 tons

Ezzat Class (Egypt) or Ambassador class made by VT Halter Marine and Lockheed Martin (US) - 600 tons (probably the most advanced technology Missile FAC in use today)

Kılıç I and II class (Turkey) - a bit older, aging fast and large at 550 tons but potent nonetheless...


Hayabusa class (Japan) -240 tonnes

Gumdoksuri Class (Korea) - 200 tonnes

Damen-designed Indonesian-made KCR-60 Class (460 tons)
My brother the Pakistani ships u see.... Is a monster..... It carries European and Pak sensors and weapons... the newest ships are carrying Pak ASHMs and possibly Anti Surface Missiles..
Defence Technology of Bangladesh-DTB খুলনা শিপইয়ার্ড লিমিটেড (KSY has started building) আজ বাংলাদেশ কোস্টগার্ড ( for BCG) এর জন্য আনুষ্ঠানিকভাবে ৬ টি 6 X High Speed Patrol Boat বানানো শুরু করছে।

খুলনা শিপইয়ার্ডে আজ কোস্টগার্ডের প্রধান রিয়ার এডমিরাল আওরঙ্গজেব চৌধুরী এই প্রোজেক্টের উদ্বোধন করেছেন।

(ছবিটি প্রতীকী)
Image photo

That picture included with the news report may not be representative at all because the six high speed patrol boats that Khulna Shipyard is building for BCG, are based on Damen designs, specifically Damen Stan Patrol 2600 series from Damen Holland.

There are slight variations on superstructures, based on operational location, mission requirements etc. however they are all thoroughly modern, functional, sleek designs. They displace roughly 25 tons.

This is the standard 'base' configuration from Damen.

This is the Damen 2606 for Saudi Coast Guard ('Al Dhahran' class).

Metal Shark Enterprises in Louisiana (our prolific ongoing supplier of smaller Metal Shark patrol boats) also builds Damen 2606 designs for their local use and export (notice the RHIB launch ramp in the back, which is a handy feature),


The Cuban Coast Guard also have these boats, their examples were built at their friendly neighbor Venezuela's shipyard UCOCAR. These are called the PAGALO class.

Damen 2600's being built in Venezuela use an all Aluminum Alloy Hull (probably TIG welded all the way).

Here is the second Pagalo class boat 'Caricare' (PG-52) for Cuban Coast Guard, at UCOCAR (Venezuela). It's a good thing KSY has had good experience with Aluminum Alloy Hulls. That skill will be needed for smaller (under-hundred-ton class) patrol boat builds like this.

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That picture included with the news report may not be representative at all because the six high speed patrol boats that Khulna Shipyard is building for BCG, are based on Damen designs, specifically Damen Stan Patrol 2600 series from Damen Holland.

There are slight variations on superstructures, based on operational location, mission requirements etc. however they are all thoroughly modern, functional, sleek designs. They displace roughly 25 tons.

This is the standard 'base' configuration from Damen.

This is the Damen 2606 for Saudi Coast Guard ('Al Dhahran' class).

Metal Shark Enterprises in Louisiana (our prolific ongoing supplier of smaller Metal Shark patrol boats) also builds Damen 2606 designs for their local use and export (notice the RHIB launch ramp in the back, which is a handy feature),


The Cuban Coast Guard also have these boats, their examples were built at their friendly neighbor Venezuela's shipyard UCOCAR. These are called the PAGALO class.
As stated earlier,I really don't know about the nitty gritties of Naval vessels and Aircrafts,you are the expert in these technical issues.
Aye Aye, Sir.
Russia cant export any missile exceeding range of 300km. So neither cruise nor anti ship missile we are getting along with the corvette.

rules set by them are for us only..... not for our neighbours..... Myanmar was under so-called sanctions by the "international community"..... what was the result?.... Myanmar built up a huge military..... same goes to Iran, Pakistan and India.... nuclear issues were supposed to prevent these countries from getting anything.... what happened?.... they all have long-range missiles.... where's the so-called "international rules"?......

international rules will not protect us if we have a confrontation with Myanmar..... those rules are made for us only..... yes, we have to save our underwear industry..... so, lets dump any project that makes our underwear buyers unhappy....
Defence Technology of Bangladesh-DTB
বাংলাদেশ সরকার GOB to protect her vast coastline and ensure security of her coast has decided to form an Aviation Wing for the Coast Gaurds দেশের বিশাল সমুদ্রসীমা এবং উপকুলের সুরক্ষা,নজরদারী, উদ্ধার অভিযান পরিচালনা ও নিরাপত্তা নিশ্চিত করার জন্য খুব শীঘ্রই কোস্টগার্ডের জন্য এভিয়েশন উইং চালু করতে যাচ্ছে।

খুব শীঘ্রই কোস্টগার্ডের জন্য প্রাথমিকভাবে দুইটি ( very soon 2 X AW-139 SAR helicopters will be purchased by the Home Ministry) হেলিকপ্টার কেনা হবে বলে সরাস্ট্র মন্ত্রনালয় জানিয়েছে।

এর মাধ্যমে সমুদ্রসীমা, উপকুলীয় এলাকার সুরক্ষা,নজরদারী এবং উদ্ধারকাজ আরো বেগবান হবে।

নির্ভরযোগ্য সুত্রানুসারে according to reliable sources by 2025-30 the Coast Gaurds will have 10 helicopters in its air wing ২০২৫-৩০ সালের মধ্যে বাংলাদেশ কোস্টগার্ড এরকম ১০ টি হেলিকপ্টার পাবে।
(ছবিটি প্রতীকী) Symbolic picture

Defence Technology of Bangladesh-DTB
দক্ষিন কোরিয়ার নির্মিত South Korean Daweoo K-7 SMG
এটি বাংলাদেশ নৌবাহিনীর স্পেশাল ফোর্স used by BN
SWADS এর ব্যবহৃত একটি 9x19mm সাব-মেশিনগান। প্রতি মিনিটে ১১০০ রাউন্ড ফায়ার করতে সক্ষম এবং effective range ১৫০ মিটার
Bangladesh made a good choice by choosing the c-295 as a common platform for all the three branches of defense force....Airbus is coming up with more weapon systems for this aircraft....besides we can also work with Rokestan- a turkish firm, to further the weapon system

Airbus displays comprehensive range of weapons for armed C295


Airbus Defence and Space is showcasing its new C295 Armed ISR (Intelligence Surveillance & Reconnaissance) version at the Dubai Airshow. A C295 is exhibited on static display flanked by a wide range of weapons which have been selected to be integrated onto this versatile platform.

The company has signed a series of agreements with air-to-surface weapon suppliers paving the way for flight-trials to qualify their products to equip the C295.

Since the previously announced memorandum of understanding with Roketsan of Turkey, similar arrangements have been reached with Expal, Escribano and Equipaer of Spain, as well as Rheinmetall of Germany, and the US suppliers Nobles Worldwide and US Ordnance.

Aircraft have already been delivered to an unidentified customer including two 12.7mm light machine guns and mounts, supplied by Nobles Worldwide and US Ordnance, to be mounted in the paratroop side doors.

The next weapon to undergo airborne carriage trials is planned to be Roketsan’s L-UMTAS anti-tank missile. Roketsan is also providing the Cirit laser-guided missile and Teber-82 laser bomb-guidance kit.

Rheinmetall’s BK 27 autocannon provides a heavier door-mounted option, targeted by Escribano’s Door Gun System.. Expal is displaying its CAT-70 (2.75 inch) rockets and Mk 82 warhead, and Equipaer has its CAT 70 Multiple Rocket Launcher in the exhibition.

Head of Military Aircraft Fernando Alonso said: “The development of further applications for the C295, as well as our other aircraft, is a key element of our strategy for the future. The remarkable flexibility designed into the C295 makes it a superb platform for a wide range of mission-specific configurations.”


Instead of buying grandfather era subs ( without AIP), BD should go for 1100/600 ton subs...MS200 is also an excellent option for special force, given it's small displacement...with mine laying and torpado tubes...although it is not clear whether it incorporates AIP tech or not

The MS200 is a mini-sub of 200t displacement. Measuring 30m long, 3.6m wide and 4.4m high, for covert missions. Photo by @combatpaparazzi

"It just reminds me of this midget-submarine report in 2015."


D&S 2017: Chinese floats whole submarine family for export

6th November 2017 - 12:11 GMT | by Gordon Arthur in Bangkok


China Shipbuilding and Offshore International Company (CSOC) S26T submarine of 2,550t displacement (Photo via Shephard)

Chinese companies were out in force at Defense & Security 2017 in Bangkok, including the China Shipbuilding and Offshore International Company (CSOC). Most prominent on its stand was a new family of submarines displacing 1,100t, 600t and 200t.

Scale models of these submarines were displayed alongside a model of the 2,550t S26T (pictured above) currently being built for the Royal Thai Navy (RTN) under a $385 million order lodged in May.

Perhaps the most interesting aspect was a video indicating countries currently interested in procuring Chinese submarines. In addition to Bangladesh and Pakistan that have already ordered Chinese platforms, those named by CSOC as interested parties are Algeria, Cuba, Egypt, Libya, Myanmar, Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Venezuela.

In a rare move from a state-owned Chinese corporation, a lot of specifications about this family of submarines were available. This relative openness, as well as the revelation of a family range spanning 200t to more than 2,500t, shows China is serious about gaining greater export clients for its underwater technology.

The S26T, it was revealed, is customised for the RTN though based on the Yuan class (Type 041) designed for the People’s Liberation Army Navy. It measures 77.7m long, has an 8.6m beam, height of 9.2m and can dive 300m deep.

The type’s maximum speed is 17kt and it can swim submerged for 260nm at 80% battery capacity. Its range using air-independent propulsion (AIP) is 768nm or 20 days. Meanwhile, its maximum range for mixed AIP and diesel-electric travel is 2,000nm or 65 days.

The teardrop-shaped hull accommodates 38 crew in 46 available berths. The boat is divided into six compartments, and employs a cross-stern rudder and bow hydroplanes. An optronic mast is fitted on the sail, while the type can launch anti-ship missiles.

It will still take some time for China to construct the submarine for Thailand, with delivery expected in 2023. The RTN will eventually receive three submarines, with the budget allowing only one to be ordered at a time.

Continuing down in scale, the 1,100t submarine is 60m long, 5.6m wide and 6.8m high. Its speed is listed as 15kt, with a submerged AIP range of 800nm and mixed range of 3,000nm. It can dive 200m deep and carry 18 crew for up to 30 days. It carries ten torpedoes.

Moving further down in scale, the 600t conventional submarine is 50m long, 4.5m wide and 5.6m high. It travels at a top speed of 15kt with an AIP range of 400nm and submerged mixed range of 2,000nm. The 600t boat has a crew of 15 and can sustain a 20-day journey.

Finally, the MS200 is a mini-submarine of 200t displacement. Measuring 30m long, 3.6m wide and 4.4m high, it is designed for covert missions. It operates with a crew of six and can carry eight special forces operatives.

This small submarine moves at a maximum 8kt speed and submerged range of 120nm. Its endurance is 15 days and it can travel for up to 1,500nm submerged. It has two launching devices for torpedoes or mines.

Defence Technology of Bangladesh-DTB
Bangladesh Navy's Durjoy class LPC and Type-024 Missile Boat
বাংলাদেশ নেভির দূর্জয় ক্লাস এলপিসি আর টাইপ-০২৪ মিসাইল বোট।
BN is replacing the old Missile boats with LPC's বাংলাদেশ নেভি তাদের সকল পুরোনো মিসাইল বোট গুলোকে এই এলপিসি দিয়ে রিপ্লেস করছে। আপনারা অনেকেই বলে থাকেন এলপিসি দিয়ে মিসাইল বোট রিপ্লেস কেন করা হইসে।আজকে এই নিয়ে কিছু কথা বলব।

1. মিসাইল বোট গুলো থেকে সাধারণত Missile boate usally carry 2 X Missiles ২ টি মিসাইল কেরি করে সেখানে দূর্জয় ক্লাস while Durjoy class carries 4 X Missiles ৪ টি এন্টিশিপ মিসাইল কেরি করে।
2. বর্তমান এ বে অফ বেঙগল এ কম ওজন বা ডিসপ্লেসমেন্ট এর জাহাজ সুবিধাজনক ভাবে চলাচল করতে পারে না। তাই কম ওজন এর টাইপ-০২৪ মিশাইল বোট থেকে দূর্জয় ক্লাস ভাল ভাবে চলতে পারে। আর দূর্জয় ক্লাস কে গভীর সমুদ্রে চলাচল করতে পারে মত তৈরি করা হয়েছে।
3. একটি মিসাইল বোট মিসাইল নিক্ষেপ এর পরি বেস এ ফেরত আসা ছাড়া কোনো উপাই থাকে না।
সেখানে এলপিসি টহল,নজর দাড়ি করতে পারে।
4. মিসাইল বোট গুলা বেশিদিন সমুদ্রে থাকতে পারে না।
কিন্তু এলপিসি অনেক দিন থাকতে পারে।
আমি কথা গুলো সহজ ভাবে বললাম যেন আপ্নারা বুঝতে পারে।
There are no requirements for Missile boats
মিশাইল বোট এর কোনো দরকারইই এখন আর নেই।

আপনি যদি একটি এলপিসি দিয়ে ৪ টি মিসাইল বোট এর কাজ করতে পারে তাইলে আপনি কোনটা রাখবেন?
মিসাইল বোট নাকি এল্পিসি?
আর আপনারা অনেকেই দূজয় ক্লাস ও দূর্গম ক্লাস নিয়ে কনফিউশন এ থাকেন তাদের বলছি
দূর্জয় Durjoy Class is an Anti Ship class ক্লাস হল এন্টিশিপ এলপিসি আর while Durgam class is an Anti Submarine class দূর্গম ক্লাস হল এন্টিসাব এলপিসি।
Hoever both are interchangable কিন্তু চাইলেই দূর্গম এ এন্টি শীপ মিসাইল আর দূর্জয় এ এন্টি সাব টর্পেডো ইন্সটল করা যাবে .
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