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Bangladesh Navy

BAL needs to be uprooted ..... military rule is better than this unelected illegitimate government
ahare ekhono joley? Might be STD's...after all we know what you guys get up to in the UK grooming young and vulnerable British girls.

It was elected - that your mommy Khaleda didn't come to the election is her fault. It is legitimate - because it is the govt and while you jamaati-bnp wankers continue to cry, the rest of the world has moved on...Bangladesh is far from the pariah you, madam, your jamaati butt buddies the UK and Chora Tareq might say :lol:
ahare ekhono joley? Might be STD's...after all we know what you guys get up to in the UK grooming young and vulnerable British girls.

It was elected - that your mommy Khaleda didn't come to the election is her fault. It is legitimate - because it is the govt and while you jamaati-bnp wankers continue to cry, the rest of the world has moved on...Bangladesh is far from the pariah you, madam, your jamaati butt buddies the UK and Chora Tareq might say :lol:

Bhai well noted but lets get back to the topic....please? :-)






DHAKA: For six months, two-year-old Akhimoni waited for the surgery she desperately needed for her burn injuries.
Her father, Abul Kalam, and mother, Nazma Begum, could not afford a hospital in Dhaka, the Bangladeshi capital, and had almost given up hope.

Then Nazma heard about the Emirates Friendship Hospital, a floating medical center in the Gaibandha District, and set off with her daughter on the four-hour journey there.

“Here, Akhimoni got her surgery free of cost yesterday,” she said. “Not only that, we are also getting all the medicines for free.”

The family are not the only ones from the char areas, the wetlands of Bangladesh, to benefit from the floating hospital. The islands they live on are often far from the mainland, and difficult to reach. The people of the chars are mostly deprived of proper education and health care.

The hospital was launched in 2008 by Friendship, a non-governmental organization, in collaboration with the Dubai-based Emirates airline. The aim is to provide health care for the remote char communities, which Friendship describes as among the “most vulnerable and marginalized people in the world.”

Emirates Friendship is the organization’s second floating hospital. The first, the Lifebuoy Friendship Hospital, was launched in 2001 in a converted French river barge, with sponsorship from Unilever Bangladesh. There are now three, providing free treatment including primary health care and mother-and-child care.

Each one is fully equipped and staffed with a professionally qualified MBBS doctor, a group of nurses, and medical assistants. More than 30 staff serve in each ship around the clock, seven days a week. The villagers can visit from 9 a.m. until 4 p.m. Each hospital has up to eight beds for critical patients. Friendship also operates 400 satellite clinics to provide primary health care to people in the chars.

“We believe in maximum level of care for the patient so that they are cured. Otherwise there is no meaning in visiting our hospital,” said Runa Khan, the founder and executive director of Friendship.

“With these three Friendship floating hospitals and 400 satellite clinics, we have treated around 4.2 million poor people over the last 13 years.

“We will introduce another 250 satellite clinics next year. In addition, we will launch five more floating hospitals named King Abdullah Friendship Hospital, a donation from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which are now under construction in a shipyard near Dhaka.”

Friendship also plans to launch a 50-bed hospital at Shyamnagar Thana for the people of the coastal area, who are struggling every day with the effects of climate change.

I admire your initiative, but this is not really the place for this subject. A better more relevant thread (Developments in Bangladesh) is here,

Defence Technology of Bangladesh-DTB

Two more Warships constructed at Khulna Shipyard. Inauguration in November
খুলনা শিপইয়ার্ডে প্রস্তুত আরও দুই যুদ্ধ জাহাজ, উদ্বোধন নভেম্বরে | Dailybdnews.net
ডেইলি বিডি নিউজঃ খুলনা শিপইয়ার্ড আন্তর্জাতিকমানের আরও দুটি যুদ্ধ জাহাজ নির্মাণ করেছে। বাংলাদেশ নৌবাহিনীর জন্য নির্মিত এই দুই যুদ্ধ জাহাজের নাম BNS Nishan & BNS Durgam নিষাণ ও দুর্গম।
Defence Technology of Bangladesh-DTB

Two more Warships constructed at Khulna Shipyard. Inauguration in November
খুলনা শিপইয়ার্ডে প্রস্তুত আরও দুই যুদ্ধ জাহাজ, উদ্বোধন নভেম্বরে | Dailybdnews.net
ডেইলি বিডি নিউজঃ খুলনা শিপইয়ার্ড আন্তর্জাতিকমানের আরও দুটি যুদ্ধ জাহাজ নির্মাণ করেছে। বাংলাদেশ নৌবাহিনীর জন্য নির্মিত এই দুই যুদ্ধ জাহাজের নাম BNS Nishan & BNS Durgam নিষাণ ও দুর্গম।

BNS Nishan and Durgam (LARGE PATROL CRAFT) were being fitted out with weapons and superstructure.


Full formal commissioning will be in November 2017.

Length OA: 64.2 m
.Breadth MLD(Mld): 9 m
.Depth(Mld): 5.25 m
.Engine Power (PIELSTICK, China) : 2X5702 KW each (7640 hp)
.Main DG (Caterpillar) : 3 X 165 KW
.Max Speed (Full Load): 25 Knots
.Endurance (Full Load) at economic speed : 2000 nm

.1 X Single Barrel 76.2 mm Gun (NG16-1, China)
.1 X 30 mm Gun (CS/AN2, China)
.2 X Triple Tuber Torpedo Launcher (TCU42A, China)

.2 X Navigation Radar (Vision Master, USA & JMA3336, Japan)
.1 X Air and Surface Search Radar (SR47AG, China)
.1 X Tracking Radar (TR47C, China)
.1 X Hull Mounted Active/Passive Sonar (ESS-2B, China)

Classification Society: China Classification Society (CCS).
Defence Technology of Bangladesh-DTB

Two more Warships constructed at Khulna Shipyard. Inauguration in November
খুলনা শিপইয়ার্ডে প্রস্তুত আরও দুই যুদ্ধ জাহাজ, উদ্বোধন নভেম্বরে | Dailybdnews.net
ডেইলি বিডি নিউজঃ খুলনা শিপইয়ার্ড আন্তর্জাতিকমানের আরও দুটি যুদ্ধ জাহাজ নির্মাণ করেছে। বাংলাদেশ নৌবাহিনীর জন্য নির্মিত এই দুই যুদ্ধ জাহাজের নাম BNS Nishan & BNS Durgam নিষাণ ও দুর্গম।

Hadn't this already been inducted?! Anyways, good news.

We have been doing the right thing by locally building our warships. Now, its high time to diversify to land and air force local production too. BD-08 and mortars wont cut it.
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Defence Technology of Bangladesh-DTB

Two more Warships constructed at Khulna Shipyard. Inauguration in November
খুলনা শিপইয়ার্ডে প্রস্তুত আরও দুই যুদ্ধ জাহাজ, উদ্বোধন নভেম্বরে | Dailybdnews.net
ডেইলি বিডি নিউজঃ খুলনা শিপইয়ার্ড আন্তর্জাতিকমানের আরও দুটি যুদ্ধ জাহাজ নির্মাণ করেছে। বাংলাদেশ নৌবাহিনীর জন্য নির্মিত এই দুই যুদ্ধ জাহাজের নাম BNS Nishan & BNS Durgam নিষাণ ও দুর্গম।
Who's naming ships nowadays? No tribute to military men of the past nothing... just some dank *** gay names.

La Spezia Italy, on October 12 there will be the flag exchange ceremony

Photo lobito1971 navi e armatori
I don't know much nbout ships... will anyone care to explain why this ship steel skin is wrinkly?
Hadn't this already been inducted?! Anyways, good news.

We have been doing the right thing by locally building our warships. Now, its high time to diversify to land and sir force local production too. BD-08 and mortars wont cut it.

These ASW capable LPC's (AFAIK) were 'launched' but not 'commissioned'. Launching means floating the hull on water, which is marked by religious ceremonies etc. which took place say around March (?) this year.

Commissioning needs weapons fitment, radar testing, torpedo testing, living quarters/kitchen/stores installation, you name it, the works....

For commissioning every ship gets a Navy Serial Number or 'Pennant Number' as well as a formal name, such as 'BNS Nishan'. Commissioning (which will happen in November) is usually a pomp and circumstance affair, attended by the head-of-state, in this case, Sheikh Hasina.


- Two more LPC's like these to be built inside the hall if not in progress already.

- Four more C13B corvettes also in progress, Two at Wuchang and Two at KSY (Keel to be laid soon).

- And long term, at least a batch of two Frigates in planning at Chittagong.

Please keep the list and builds cryptic, the less our 'friends' know, the better.

The similar design American safe boats (Coast guard 45 foot medium response boats) are quite a bit more capable, have a better/stable design and can start and stop on a dime. But eventually we will have to get up to that level in the next batch. 25 and 45 footer small/medium response boats seen below for harbor patrol anti-terrorism duties.

We already have a large fleet of these and should get licensing to produce them locally.

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