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Bangladesh Navy

Coast Guard IPVs and FPBs, respectively, being fitted out at DEW. 2 each in this batch for now, and well equipped. :-)

Present batch of four boats will be commissioned in September. BCGS SHOBUJ BANGLA and BCGS KUTUBDIA are seen below.

Keels for next batch will be laid shortly at DEW. Further two SHOBUJ BANGLA CLASS IPVs being completed at KSY.

Excellent prospects for export to African and South American navies and coast guard forces for patrol duties.

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Hovercraft kinna ki luv hoibo? Halara poisha khali nordomai falai.
বাংলাদেশ কোস্টগার্ড ব্রিটেন from the U.K থেকে ২ টি 2 X Griffon Hovercraft কিনবে বলে শোনা যাচ্ছে।

এটি এই এলাকায় শুধুমাত্র used by the Indian's ভারত ব্যবহার করে।তাই কোস্টগার্ডের সদস্যদের ভারতে ট্রেনিং এর জন্য পাঠানো হচ্ছে।

Yes brother, that's why Coast Guard training from the Brits is still in the realm of assumption, not a reality because there are concerns.
Otherwise, you might have noticed that we're buying C130J from the Brits and everything else related to the purchase also from the Brits, despite the fact that the Indians are the only one in South Asia so far who operate and maintain a big fleet of the C130J aircrafts.
We didn't go to the Indians for training, spare parts or even maintenance of the C130J, and looks like we won't as well. Despite being ruled under "amlig".

And I neither support any party nor I have ever went to vote till now. But logically speaking, I've got to say that, this is the same "amlig" you're talking about which approved the purchase of two Chinese Submarines, causing discomfort of the Indians.
Naval Aviation News - Bangladesh
Bangladesh Navy to receive Leonardo’s AESA surveillance radars for new MPA

Leonardo has signed a contract with RUAG Aviation, original equipment manufacturer and type certificate holder of the Dornier 228 aircraft, to provide its Seaspray 5000E Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radars for the two new production model Dornier 228 multirole aircraft, recently ordered by the Bangladesh Navy. The new aircraft will be used to help monitor and protect Bangladesh’s 120,000 square kilometres of maritime territorial area and exclusive economic zone (EEZ). The radars will be delivered in 2018.

The Navy’s two new Dornier 228 multirole aircraft will be equipped with Leonardo’s
‘Seaspray 5000E’ AESA radars

Seaspray, which can detect small targets in rough seas, will be used by the Bangladesh Navy to conduct anti-smuggling and anti-pollution missions and for the prevention of illegal fishing and migration. Because the radar is particularly suited to search-and-rescue tasks, the new Seasprayequipped multirole aircraft will also be able to help protect the lives of sailors during natural disasters. This is of particular importance to the Bangladesh Navy as the Bay of Bengal is prone to cyclones and hurricanes.

Leonardo is the world-leader in applying AESA technology in the field of surveillance radars. The term AESA means that instead of needing to physically point the radar’s antenna at its target, a matrix of miniature radar modules are used to steer the beam electronically. This technology allows the company’s Seaspray and Osprey families of surveillance radars to combine high performance with ultra-competitive levels of reliability and cost-of-ownership, as well as being easy to install and operate.

Leonardo’s AESA surveillance radars are in-service internationally, including with the Australian Maritime Safety Authority, and continue to be selected in the world’s most demanding competitions, such as the US Navy’s MQ-8C Fire Scout programme. In total, 30 international customers have chosen Leonardo AESA radars.

As well as providing AESA surveillance radars, Leonardo is Europe’s leader in fire control radar. The company provides the Raven ES-05 AESA radar for Saab’s Gripen-E combat jet and leads the pan-European Euroradar consortium in the development of the Typhoon’s new Captor-E AESA radar.
How Powerful is Bangladesh Navy Type 053H3 Missile Frigate
Defense Update Bangladesh
Published on Jul 8, 2017
Bangladesh Navy buying to Chinese Type 053H3 guided missile frigates. These two new ship of BN will serve as “stop gap” warship in the fleet. Bangladesh going to license build PLAN Type 056 Jiangdao-class corvettes and Type 054A multipurpose air-defence missile frigates in home.
As built:

As modernized for PLAN service

Both are better armed than 056 (though the latter may have better ASW).


054 possibly better ASW than 053H3, equal ASuW and AAW.


054A way better AAW than 053H3, possibly better ASW and equal ASuW
Bangladesh Navy SWADS operative holding a M4A1 SOPMOD which is incorporated with
* GS33.STS-TAN 3.25x Magnifier
* Eotech Holographic Red Dot Sight
* AN/PEQ-15 ATPIAL (Advanced Target Pointer Illuminator Aiming Laser)

Defence Technology of Bangladesh-DTB
এই বছরের নভেম্বর মাসে বাংলাদেশ নৌবাহিনীর সাবমেরিন by the Nonember of this year advanced Chinise torpedos are arriving for BN Submarines "বিএনএস নবযাত্রা" ও "বিএনএস জয়যাত্রা" এর জন্য কেনা অত্যাধুনিক টর্পেডো দেশে আসবে বলে শোনা যাচ্ছে।

সাবমেরিনের জন্য চীন থেকে the SLM are Yu-4B type মডেলের টর্পেডো কেনা হয়েছে।এই টর্পেডো ৩০৯ কেজির হাই-এক্সপ্লোসিভ ওয়ারহেড বহন করে এবং এর সর্বোচ্চ রেঞ্জ range 15 km ১৫ কিমি।

এছাড়া নৌবাহিনীর আপকামিং for the upcoming Type-053H3 heavy Frigates হেভি ফ্রিগেটের জন্য ইউরোপ European long range heavy torpedos with 20+ km range থেকে লং রেঞ্জ (২০+কিমি) এর হেভি টর্পেডো কেনা হতে পারে।

jotodin leadership valo na hobe totodin ai desher kono future nei. India kono help korche na shudhu relief diye khushi rakche r amader netara shei khushite bogol bajaye berachhe. shamne election india jane hasina ke akhon lang marlao hasina indiar paa charbe na. r agulai bangladesher jonno shorbonash deke anche.

we r not getting benefit despite of BD has skilled army.
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