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Bangladesh Navy

Two more builds of Bangladesh Navy‘s C13B (export variant of Type 056) corvette in progress at Wuchang shipyard. (CCTV screen capture images courtesy of brother Dafeng Cao)

Defence Technology of Bangladesh-DTB
Bangladesh Coast Guards received বাংলাদেশ কোস্টগার্ডের জন্য যুক্তরাষ্ট্র থেকে কেনা 30 X Defiant Class High Speed Interception Boat (HSIB) এর প্রথম ৩০ টি গ্রহন করেছে।
এরকম মোট an order for total 90 were placed, the rest are sheduled to reach shortly ৯০ টি অর্ডার দেয়া হয়েছিলো।
বাকিগুলো খুব শীঘ্রই দেশে চলে আসবে
Defence Technology of Bangladesh-DTB added a new photo.
Bangladesh and Indonesia are jointly constructing Combat Assault Boats for BN SWADS বাংলাদেশ এবং ইন্দোনেশিয়া যৌথভাবে বাংলাদেশ নৌবাহিনীর স্পেশাল ফোর্স SWADS এর জন্য অত্যাধুনিক Combat Assault Boat নির্মান করছে।
এগুলো সুইডেনের these are based on Swedish CB90 Assault Boat এর উপর বেইস করে বানানো।এগুলোতে 1 X HMG AND 2 X LMG's ১ টি হেভি মেশিনগান এবং ২ টি লাইট মেশিনগান বসানো হবে।দরকার মত কাস্টমাইজ করে আরো অস্ত্র বসানো সম্ভব।এগুলোর স্পিড speed 35 knots ৩৫ কিলো নট।তথ্যসূত্র-বিডিমিলিটারী+
ছবিতে সুইডেনের CB90 Assault Boat

FINCANTIERI DELIVERS THE LAST TWO OPVS TO THE BANGLADESH COAST GUARD "Urania" and "Danaide", decommissioned by the Italian Navy, have been converted 12 OCTOBER 2017

Fincantieri today has delivered at its shipyard in Muggiano (La Spezia) the last two units part of the supply contract of four Offshore Patrol Vessels (OPV), to the Bangladesh Coast Guard (BCG), through the upgrading and conversion of the “Minerva” class corvettes, decommissioned by the Italian Navy. These are the "Urania" and "Danaide" vessels, renamed “KARAMUZZAMAN” and “MANSOOR ALI”, which have been retired from the national fleet in March 2016 and shortly after arrived at Fincantieri’s dock in Genova, where the upgrading and conversion activities started. The units have been completed at the Integrated naval shipyard of Muggiano (La Spezia).

Attending the ceremony, among others, Mr Mostafa Kamal Uddin, Secretary to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, Rear Adm. AMMM Aurangzeb Chowdhury, Director General of the Bangladesh Coast Guard, while Fincantieri was represented by Paolo Frino, Deputy Senior Vice President Fincantieri Services.

Together with “Minerva” and “Sibilla”, renamed “SYED NAZRUL” and “TAJUDDIN” and delivered in August 2016, these vessels will form the backbone of the Bangladesh Coast Guard’s fleet, with an extension of the lifespan by more than twenty years.

The units will be used to patrol the country's maritime boundaries and traffic in its Exclusive Economic Zone, with capabilities to contain environmental pollution and to rescue and assist civilian populations in the case of humanitarian emergencies. This contract has confirmed, therefore, the ability of Fincantieri – the only one among the suppliers of naval vessels – to offer tailor-made solutions for every Navy and Coast Guard, according to individual needs and characteristics, by developing new projects or, alternatively, thanks to the precious support of the Italian Navy, by performing in-depth and strict refitting process on second-hand units.

Within the development of Fincantieri business in the Far East, this agreement is moreover particularly relevant for the supply of after-sales services for naval vessels, because it allows to provide a full range of services for both the platform and the combat system: from industrial Maintenance, Repair, Overhaul and Conversions to those related to the Life Cycle Management of the vessels, both through the supply of Integrated Logistic Support services, usually developed during construction or conversion, and of In Service Support activities, ensured after the delivery, during the operation of the vessels.


Defence Technology of Bangladesh-DTB added a new photo.
Bangladesh and Indonesia are jointly constructing Combat Assault Boats for BN SWADS বাংলাদেশ এবং ইন্দোনেশিয়া যৌথভাবে বাংলাদেশ নৌবাহিনীর স্পেশাল ফোর্স SWADS এর জন্য অত্যাধুনিক Combat Assault Boat নির্মান করছে।
এগুলো সুইডেনের these are based on Swedish CB90 Assault Boat এর উপর বেইস করে বানানো।এগুলোতে 1 X HMG AND 2 X LMG's ১ টি হেভি মেশিনগান এবং ২ টি লাইট মেশিনগান বসানো হবে।দরকার মত কাস্টমাইজ করে আরো অস্ত্র বসানো সম্ভব।এগুলোর স্পিড speed 35 knots ৩৫ কিলো নট।তথ্যসূত্র-বিডিমিলিটারী+
ছবিতে সুইডেনের CB90 Assault Boat


More like Bd ordering them from one of our private companies,


An aviation wing of the paramilitary Coast Guard with a good number of helicopters was an imperative for long
It is good to know that the government is going for capacity building of Bangladesh Coast Guard to boost the country’s maritime security. As the country has a formally recognised maritime territory now after disputes over it with Myanmar and India was settled in the international court, strengthening and increasing the ability of the Coast Guard has become a crucial need. In fact, we in this column several times urged the government to increase the capacity of the Coast Guard.

Thus the government’s strategic plan of a short, mid and long-term two-dimensional (sea and air) coastal force, as a Tuesday’s Independent report mentioned, is welcome. According to the plan, a “long-range identification and tracking (LRTI) and vessel trafficking monitoring and information system (VTMIS) by 2025" would be installed and the coastal force has been proposed to function under three regional headquarters.

An aviation wing of the paramilitary Coast Guard with a good number of helicopters was an imperative for long as there are insurgency movements along the border particularly with Myanmar. There are also the problems of sea piracy as well as illegal migration along the sea routes.

According to the report, the maritime force would initially procure 10 helicopters and a good number of vessels for various purposes, different boats for patrolling, diving and combat. This can support the Bangladesh Navy during any emergency situation. It is expected that this strategic plan of the coastal force would receive necessary approval from the home and foreign ministries where it has been sent.

Smuggling of narcotics as well as arms along the border is a very disturbing phenomenon and effective cooperation between the Border Guards of Bangladesh and the Coast Guard is very vital to stop smuggling. Moreover, as the capacity of the Coast Guard was limited for patrolling the sea, the Indian as well as Myanmar’s fishermen enter Bangladesh’s maritime zone and catch fish illegally. Even Thai fishermen enter Bangladesh’s sea to rob our green resources.

Bangladesh now has a Coast Guard Act, 2016 to make it a modern and digital paramilitary coastal force. To protect the country’s integrity and reap the benefits of its green economy, we need to have an efficient coastal paramilitary force like India. Since Myanmar is going to have radar surveillance along its coast, the coastal force of Bangladesh cannot remain behind in this regard. It is expected that step by step, through the short-, mid- and long-term plan, the Coast Guard would become a full fledged two-dimensional force.
source: http://www.theindependentbd.com/printversion/details/49694

Bangladeshi Navy orders two Do 228s for MPA mission
SAM Staff, October 13, 2017

The Dornier 228 New Generation in flight through beautiful mountainous terrain Photo: RUAG. Switzerland
Bangladesh’s navy has ordered two additional Dornier Do 228s for use in maritime patrol mission.

The contract will see the service’s fleet of the type grow to four, says manufacturer Ruag in a statement.

“The new Dornier 228s will build on [the navy’s] existing capabilities in the patrolling of the sea routes, territorial waters, coastal areas, and wetlands, essential to secure fishery operations, and critical vessel tracking,” says Ruag.

“The two additional Dornier 228 will also extend BN’s reach and endurance options for SAR and natural disaster missions.”

Flight Fleets Analyzer shows that the Bangladeshi Navy’s two in service Dornier 228’s were ordered in 2011 and delivered in 2013. Both serve as maritime patrol aircraft (MPA).

It also operates to Leonardo Helicopters AW109Es, and has orders for two Harbin Z-9 rotorcraft.
Defence Technology of Bangladesh-DTB
2 hrs ·
অনেকের মতে Coastal Defence System কোস্টাল ডিফেন্স সিস্টেম (CDS) সাধারনত নৌবাহিনী ব্যবহার করে থাকে......
তবে বাংলাদেশ সেনাবাহিনী এবং নৌবাহিনী যৌথভাবে সমুদ্র এলাকার নিরাপত্তা নিশ্চিত করার জন্য BN & BA are planning formation of a "Joint Command" যৌথ কমান্ড" গঠন করতে পারে।
এগুলো দেশের উপকুলীয় গুরুত্বপূর্ণ স্থাপনা এবং নেভাল ও এয়ারফোর্স বেইসকে নিরাপত্তা দিবে।
কিছু সুত্রানুসারে সেনাবাহিনীর জন্য C-802A এর কোস্টাল ডিফেন্স সিস্টেম কেনার বিষয়ে কথাবার্তা হচ্ছে এবং তা বেশ দুর এগিয়েছে।এই মিসাইলের সর্বোচ্চ রেঞ্জ range 180 km ১৮০কিমি এবং তা ভুমি এবং নৌপথে হামলা করতে সক্ষম।

তবে বাংলাদেশ নৌবাহিনী রাশিয়ার নির্মিত কোস্টাল ডিফেন্স সিস্টেমের প্রতি বেশি আগ্রহী। বাংলাদেশ নৌবাহিনীর জন্য রাশিয়ান BAL-E অথবা or Club-M CDS will not be purchadesd before 2019 কোস্টাল ডিফেন্স সিস্টেম কেনা হতে পারে।তবে তা ২০১৯ এর আগে নয়।

রাশিয়ানগুলো আপাতত আসছেনা। কারন নৌবাহিনীরর ভিন্ন ভিন্ন মিসাইল, রাড়ার, স্পেয়ার পার্টস মেইনটেন্স করতে গেলে, সময়, খরচ, ঝামেলা বেশি হবে। তাই ২০২০ এর আগে C-802A CMS ছাড়া অন্য কিছুর সম্বভনা খুব কম।
Defence Technology of Bangladesh-DTB BN already sent a team for inspection.
I propose again, a hypothesis of how the units of the Minerva class could appear armed with Chinese systems


Handsome little mini corvettes, excellent balanced design. @Penguin bhai mentioned this Chinese armament possibility almost a year ago when we heard news about Fincantieri refurbishing these ships for sale to our coast guard. Naval conversion entirely possible but the armed services are most probably not going to invest in new armament for older platforms ( even for something as elegant as these) given the current role of these 'Leader class' CGS vessels which is economic zone/fisheries patrolling and SAR duties.

For Naval corvette duties, Bangladesh uses the Shadhinota (Independence) C13B class (1300 tons), which is a modified Chinese 056 class corvette having stealth design and much more modernized tracking and offensive systems. There are plans to build these platforms locally after the initial batch of four are completed in China and inducted by early 2018. Bangladesh naval yards already routinely build 650 ton Large Patrol Missile Craft for Bangladesh Navy

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Handsome little mini corvettes, excellent balanced design. @Penguin bhai mentioned this Chinese armament possibility almost a year ago when we heard news about Fincantieri refurbishing these ships for sale to our coast guard. Naval conversion entirely possible but the armed services are most probably not going to invest in new armament for older platforms ( even for something as elegant as these) given the current role of these 'Leader class' CGS vessels which is economic zone/fisheries patrolling and SAR duties.

For Naval corvette duties, Bangladesh uses the Shadhinota (Independence) C13B class (1300 tons), which is a modified Chinese 056 class corvette having stealth design and much more modernized tracking and offensive systems. There are plans to build these platforms locally after the initial batch of four are completed in China and inducted by early 2018. Bangladesh naval yards already routinely build 650 ton Large Patrol Missile Craft for Bangladesh Navy

Yes sure, but never say never
the predispositions have remained, the raised superstructure where they installed the KBA 25/80 is bolted directly above the base on which previously supported the 76/62 Compact

and also the base where the anti-aircraft missile system was installed remained in its place

and space abounds for anti-ship missiles canister , both center-ship and aft-stern

in addition these units will have technical support for the next 20 years, so it might be an opportunity, possibly for two Minerva class, you could reuse weaponry of the 2 class Castle (ex OPV) C704 and tower 76mm, plus the systems dedicated to them


and the two Castle classes could return to their original mission, rearmed with a different typology of systems
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