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Bangladesh Airforce inviting tender for 8 MRCA

With requirement like 3 airforce operated,double engine, and ferry range only typhoon and rafale is the choice. The russian,chinese,american option are closed.
With requirement like 3 airforce operated,double engine, and ferry range only typhoon and rafale is the choice. The russian,chinese,american option are closed.
Sukui meet the rquirement. F-15 does too.

Ok ok. Now happy..? :partay: Lol we don't fail any attack from rebel and we just keep pressure on them to sign NCA as we have no plan to destroy them.
YES, very indeed. That's not pressure on rebels.
It clearly shows how incapable your army is.
Lol That's great.. we can fly fighter planes without training.. seem flying planes is our genes.. Lol
maintenance crew.... read carefully.... before spitting out a comment.... most of your migs are grounded after lack of proper maintenance and spares..... oh and also with the last crash... even if all are working y'all have 31 left
Bangladesh Invites Bids For Twin-Engine, Multi-Role Fighter Jets With AESA Radar
Friday, March 03, 2017 by Indiandefense News


Bangladesh’s Directorate General of Defence Purchases (DGDP) has issued a global tender for eight multi-role combat aircraft plus four options for the Bangladesh Air Force (BAF).

The new fighters are being sought for fortifying Bangladesh’s defensibility against aerial threats as well as providing it with a platform for anti-surface, maritime and offensive counter-air operations, Quwa reported Wednesday.

As per the BAF’s requirements, the fighter must be new-built, with manufacturing starting no earlier than the year of signing the contract.

It must be a twin-engine design, with each power plant providing at least 5,500 kg in dry thrust and more than 8,000 kg with afterburn. It must have a minimum of eight hard points and a minimum payload of 5,000 kg.

The government wants the fighter to be equipped with an electronically-scanned array radar with an air-to-air range and air-to-surface range of 150 km and 50 km, respectively.

The fighter is also to be equipped with an integrated electronic warfare (EW) and electronic countermeasures (ECCM) suite; infrared search and track (IRST) system with a target tracking range of at least 50 km; helmet-mounted display and sight (HMD/S) system with cueing; head-up display (HUD) and modern glass cockpit.

The BAF is seeking a complete package comprising of the aircraft, maintenance and training package, and a set of air-to-air and air-to-surface munitions.

The aircraft are to be delivered in two batches, with each comprising of four aircraft. The second batch must be delivered 18-24 months after the first.

United Aircraft Corporation (UAC)’s Su-35, MiG-35 and Su-30SM are the leading contenders.

The UAC MiG-35 is the only Russian platform equipped with an active electronically-scanned array (AESA) radar, though updated iterations of the Su-35 and Su-30SM should be expected, especially for the BAF bid, which is structuring the BAF fighter fleet for a high-technology threat environment.

The bid also indicates that the BAF is open to the incorporation of Western subsystems. When Mikoyan was competing for the Indian Air Force (IAF)’s earlier fighter bid, the MiG-35 was envisaged to carry a Thales TopOwl-F HMD/S and Elettronica ELT/568(v2) EW/ECM pod. UAC could reinitiate those links with Thales and Elettronica for the BAF bid (via the MiG-35 or Flanker/-E).
Khaled's post of jets coming from Chittagong to fend off an attack at Dhaka does not make sense. If they are planning for 10 squadrons, it's reasonable to assume the jets will be allotted to multiple airbases in the country. So an attack on Dhaka should be defended by jets from the vicinity of Dhaka.

As for attacking long range, Chennai is not reachable even with SU-35 given the aircraft with full load has to go there, carry out the mission and come back too. For that kind of attack if ever, should be carried out by submarine launched cruise missiles, Navy should plan to acquire that.
submarine launched cruise missiles is off the market internationally.... you either jointly or make your own....

the reason you don't understand my scenario is because you're assuming well get all the jet at once//// what if we are in middle of the delivery process when conflict arises.... then you have to use the methods i mentioned...

J-10 is next in the menu. We will be retiring all the F-7s which will be replaced by J-10s or any other single engine aircraft. SU-30 is there for a reason.
i would like those f7 to be gone asap.... that wont happen for another 20-30 years i guess..... j-10 replacing those will be ideal

Sure the military has a plan but as for discussion IMO if they really want 10 sqdns jets, it should be J-10 4.5 Gen. It will cover the requirement of air force fully, it will be affordable for our economy and BD air space will be almost impenetrable if coupled with a few AWACS and long and medium range SAM. J-10 should not be procured later, it should rather be procured now, since 4.5 gen is fast getting outdated and all airforce will start inducting 5th gen in the next 5-10 years. Inducting J-10 5 years from now will be too late. BAF should induct J-10 and plan and save money for a few 5th gen for the future (in 5-10 years), something like J-31 when if becomes mature.
the irony.... if its getting outdated... why even procure something that will be obsolete...

sounds like saddam's logic to me.... we should wait for j-31 to materialise tbh

What makes you so desperate. If it becomes late we will rather buy J-31 skipping J-10. Why is it a even a problem. We need both long and short range fighters to back each other.

You think, at the time of war they will identify themselves as Indian or Burmese? One will be in Canada hiding behind muscular sikh and another will claim hismelf as Chinese in Singapore.
damn you're going over the charts roasting them... i wonder their comeback on you!

Yeah I think so.

But can't be happy with it. Russian jets can't be acquired in large numbers because of financial reasons and will suffer from spares issues during conflict. So not sure what the air force is thinking. Maybe the decision is influenced by Hasina and co, the Indians will be more at ease with BD acquiring Russian weapons than Chinese weapons, they can influence the Russians but can't influence the Chinese.
i am sure the air fore planners are well aware and more experienced than you or me? whatever they'll chose is for the better.... you and i should only pay the damn taxes.... instead of whining about the money.

500 hours is the titanium alloy nozzle of the engine. That is a very quick procedure (removal and installation of new nozzle). You will find such for most fighter aircraft that have high performance engines.

Engine MTBO is about 1000 hours and engine full service life is about 3000 hours.

Airframe and such is much longer than these numbers....so full overhaul procedure (full engine replacement + airframe checks and pre-emptive fixes) would be every 3000 hours approximately at minimum....and average much more than that.
is it true that the sukhoi 30 mki india owns, below 50 percent are operational ready... that the air force plans to increase the availability to 75? saw it in pak def. homepage a couple of days ago

Careful buddy. This is classified info that you have posted. Although I must say such classification is BS. Never-the-less, we need to observe these as long as they are there.
classified but is on the open net.... nice joke bud!
Ok ok. Now happy..? :partay: Lol we don't fail any attack from rebel and we just keep pressure on them to sign NCA as we have no plan to destroy them.
most ironical statement ever.... why classify em as rebel then? lol

Is it multi-role or air superiority?
multirole requirements, but those fighters can also establish air superiority... basically just like how f-16 is used in pakistan.
Look for the parties dalals like Noor Ali are supporting. They will compete. The one dishing out most will get it. And in the next round around, the fattest ACM in history - barely having a say in the final decision, will get opportunity to loose some fat in jail.
YES, very indeed. That's not pressure on rebels.
It clearly shows how incapable your army is.
we wont completely destroy them for sure as they're our brothers and there're many limitations for army's move due to strong political strings attached. if u want to know our real ability , send ur army into Myanmar.. lol :p:

maintenance crew.... read carefully.... before spitting out a comment.... most of your migs are grounded after lack of proper maintenance and spares..... oh and also with the last crash... even if all are working y'all have 31 left
read your own sentense. it really means what u want to say..? most of our MiG are grounded..? lol :partay: why dont u send ur 6 MiGs to check whether they're grounded or not..?

most ironical statement ever.... why classify em as rebel then? lol
it's crystal clear that we just want to be more easier in keeping pressure on them. after they signed , automatically remove from the list..
we wont completely destroy them for sure as they're our brothers and there're many limitations for army's move due to strong political strings attached. if u want to know our real ability , send ur army into Myanmar.. lol :p:

read your own sentense. it really means what u want to say..? most of our MiG are grounded..? lol :partay: why dont u send ur 6 MiGs to check whether they're grounded or not..?

it's crystal clear that we just want to be more easier in keeping pressure on them. after they signed , automatically remove from the list..

If they are really your brothers then you should comply with their demand of getting independence, they don't want to live under the control of Bamar people.
If they are really your brothers then you should comply with their demand of getting independence, they don't want to live under the control of Bamar people.
lol it show u dont have any knowledge about Myanmar races..

check upper position of Gov
Daw Aung San Su Kyi - Half blood Mon ethnic
President U Htin Kyaw - Pure Mon ethnic
( his father is famous Mon ethnic writer)

Vice - President 2 - Pure Chin ethnic
Commander-in-Chief - Dawai ethnic
check also national assembly which make important decisions for the country.. there're 4 top postions in national assembly. 3 of 4 postions are not Bamar.
Head of Upper House -Manh Win Khaing Than pure Karen ethnic
deputy speaker of upper house - Pure Rakhine ethnic
another deputy speaker of lower house-
Pure kachin ethnic
and nearly half of MPs are not Bamar..

see..!! i dont see bamar in top positions of Gov organization.. lol .. there's only one reason to keep them with us. we're growing and need to unite this time to maintain the growth.if one is seperated with us , both will weak in economically and military. 1-1 cant be 2. but only 1+1 can. that's why we just pressure to sgin crease aggrement.

Karen state ( who signed the crease aggrement first ) is the best answer for this. building 3 more SEZ in that state while 2 SEZ are about to be online.. no more war.. no more refugee.. actually they all already got independance since 1947. no need more.. :-)
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lol it show u dont have any knowledge about Myanmar races..

check upper position of Gov
Daw Aung San Su Kyi - Half blood Mon ethnic
President U Htin Kyaw - Pure Mon ethnic
( his father is famous Mon ethnic writer)

Vice - President 2 - Pure Chin ethnic
Commander-in-Chief - Dawai ethnic
check also national assembly which make important decisions for the country.. there're 4 top postions in national assembly. 3 of 4 postions are not Bamar.
Head of Upper House -Manh Win Khaing Than pure Karen ethnic
deputy speaker of upper house - Pure Rakhine ethnic
another deputy speaker of lower house-
Pure kachin ethnic
and nearly half of MPs are not Bamar..

see..!! i dont see bamar in top positions of Gov organization.. lol .. there's only one reason to keep them with us. we're growing and need to unite this time to maintain the growth.if one is seperated with us , both will weak in economically and military. 1-1 cant be 2. but only 1+1 can. that's why we just pressure to sgin crease aggrement.

Can you show me the percentage of non-Bamars in Tatmadaw? Because Tatmadaw is the one which control the country.

I think economies of the states are dependent on China and Thailand, not Burma, so granting them independence wouldn't hurt their economy but will bring peace to the entire region.

And Commander in Cheif is a bamar going with his birth name Min Aung Hlaing.
should probably consider joining the supply chain of the new fighters coming out of that region - seeing the obvious bias here - mostly the chinese JF-17 or some other (bigger) aircraft. pretty sure Pakistan can help in that..
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