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Bangladesh Airforce inviting tender for 8 MRCA

Ok get a j-10B then? 4.5 Gen single engine should be enough for a small country like BD, until the time neighbors start inducting stealth.
J-10 is next in the menu. We will be retiring all the F-7s which will be replaced by J-10s or any other single engine aircraft. SU-30 is there for a reason.
Sure the military has a plan but as for discussion IMO if they really want 10 sqdns jets, it should be J-10 4.5 Gen. It will cover the requirement of air force fully, it will be affordable for our economy and BD air space will be almost impenetrable if coupled with a few AWACS and long and medium range SAM. J-10 should not be procured later, it should rather be procured now, since 4.5 gen is fast getting outdated and all airforce will start inducting 5th gen in the next 5-10 years. Inducting J-10 5 years from now will be too late. BAF should induct J-10 and plan and save money for a few 5th gen for the future (in 5-10 years), something like J-31 when if becomes mature.

What makes you so desperate. If it becomes late we will rather buy J-31 skipping J-10. Why is it a even a problem. We need both long and short range fighters to back each other.

Are you planning to demolish the house of @Nilgiri and @Aung Zaya ?:rofl:

You think, at the time of war they will identify themselves as Indian or Burmese? One will be in Canada hiding behind muscular sikh and another will claim hismelf as Chinese in Singapore.
Money! Sukhoi and Migs are more expensive than J-10 specially when we are talking about 10sqdns, when J-10 can more than adequately do the job.

Sukhoi and Migs are also operated by Indians, they know those aircrafts like the back of their palm. We will be new operators, our pilots will be no match with Indian pilots given the long service history of Mig and Sukhoi in IAF. Also, India is a massive weapons market of Russia, in any conflict India will have lot of influencing power on the Russians to stop supplying spares. Whereas the Chinese will happily oblige to provide us with everything needed to counter an Indian assault. This is a very important factor to consider.
Ok man.. I think its a done deal. Tender is just formality. You got to live with it and be happy.
Yeah I think so.

But can't be happy with it. Russian jets can't be acquired in large numbers because of financial reasons and will suffer from spares issues during conflict. So not sure what the air force is thinking. Maybe the decision is influenced by Hasina and co, the Indians will be more at ease with BD acquiring Russian weapons than Chinese weapons, they can influence the Russians but can't influence the Chinese.

Chinese fighters specially J-10 are no match for Indian Sukui or Rafael let alone S-400. That is why China itself is buying large number of Flankers. If you really want to fight a war against India, you need real fighter like Sukui, F-18, F-16 etc in addition to J-10. Sukuis are great fighters proven in Syria.
Even China hasn't formed a full sqdn with J-10C yet why'll they offer it to us ? :whistle:

Mig-Mapo's after sales service has proven to be Sh*t,every nation that bought Mig-29 had to resort to cannibalisation, why are we falling for that trap again? :pissed:
because spliting up of the company and the legal rights to produce em between ukraine and russia.... anyways.... not all countries faced cannibalisation... for ex... myanmar bought their planes without training proper maintenance crew or tools purchase... so had to resort to canibalisation whereas we didn't

A blunt dagger that can still slash your enemy is infinitely better than an automatic rifle without ammo and spares, agreed?

J-10 maybe be inferior to SU-35s, but with the latest radars, avionics and weapons packages, if acquired in large numbers can make BD air space totally sealed. Sukhois will be grounded within a short period of conflict because of lack of spares. I bet you, the Indians will do their whining and bitching they are famous for to the Russians to stop supplying us in a conflict. The Russians will bend to Indians' request because it's a very big customer. What will be the point of getting super duper sukhoi when it will be a hanger queen in the conflict time?
why are you so keen to wage a war with india?
Well they themselves are advertising 10 squadrons by 2030. If there is shortage of money, how are they planning to procure 160 jets by 2030? Didn't they factor in the money issue? Also if there is shortage of money, how does it help to buy Mig-35 or SU-30 or 35? They are even more expensive than J-10. 160 Mig or Sukhoi is definitely more expensive than 160 J-10, no?

Also, there is no need for the air force and the navy to have same aircraft. With India surrounding us from three sides and they being covered by multi-layer SAM network and a strong airforce, there is little to no chance of BAF going on offensive inside India in case of hostilities. These are not stealth jets, they will be detected and shot down. Only chance BAF has is to use the jets inside BD territory to defend against Indian jets. That means one thing, long range twin engine jets are not needed for air force.

As for the Navy, they can procure Sukhois because of the range requirement.
it's called phased planning.... you dont buy 160 jets right away... you get 160 jets before 2030...
dude you will need more j-10 to do what sukhois will do... eventually cost will be same if not more....

our navy still doesnt have offensive fighter sdr... or pilots for that matter.... before that is done... there is no way navy can operate their own fighter... they need air force's help

why is the scenario always against india... we are not pakistan to go in war with india.... or burma for that matter.... it's not offensive capability we are looking for... it;s detterence we seek.

I am not. More than likely it is the Indians who will try that shit against us, overtly or covertly, in any case BD needs to be prepared. Burmese are not a real concern.
you don't have to raise your BP for that.... india won't do monkey business with us... we complement their economy and they complement us.... the last thing they need is another enemy....
Phased planning? Even if we assume 8 jets will be ordered every year, that make it 104 jets till 2030.
I am not saying order all 160 in one go, but they should order at least two sqdns in one go. These jets take time to manufacture and deliver. If you order more in one go, you get cheaper price too.
i know... i would want that too.... but budget constraints dont allow that... this year navy's allocations is reduced and air force and army got a bump from those total of 3 bill... oh the 2 bill on paramilitary is actually spent on the armed forces... god knows how much of that goes where...

maybe it's 8 now as a safe bet because we haven't gone to the market for long... maybe once we get the first four and the pilots satisfied... the optional four will be ordered along to come in the second phase....

maybe after that 1 sdr a year kind of deal with 12 in 1 sdr

They are already doing monkey business with us. It is not only direct invasion I am talking about. Trying to control a sovereign country in itself is reason enough to warrant a potent military, that's the deterrence we should seek.
and while i agree with you.... who doesn;t do that with their neighbors..... it's upto our govt to hold up our sovereignty, failing to do that... they might as well save their a$$ and leave.
Realistically BD should sign up for 80 j-10s in one go and get soft loan from China with a 10-15 years payment term. That will make it a small amount to pay every year which is easily bearable. Same can be done for navy and army.

With this kind of small kanjoosi ordering, I honestly can't help but feel that they are just a deal to steal money by the ruling politicians and military leaders. It keeps the military happy with a small amount of fancy toys which will make little difference in war scenario because of lack of spares, also fills the pockets of the generals. Government stays in the good book of military, defense of the country gets flushed down the pan
bear in mind these are going to be part of the multirole sqd... there will be just 64 multirole fighters....
the rest will be air superiority sqd. so i don;t see why you're panicking so much... what if we didn;t buy anything for 3 more years.... what would you say then?

and gettting yourself in debt which won't get you output financially is a stupid move.... if you have taken some economics in high school at least... you would know
If we don't order anything for the next 3 years, then what I said about it being a money grabbing corrupt scheme will be proved true. And it will mean 10 sqdns by 2030 was actually BS. If they want 160 aircraft by 2030, they need to start ordering in large numbers now, otherwise there is no way to get that many aircraft in 13 years.

So what platform are they thinking for the multiroles? How can sukhoi be a a multirole, it's an air superiority fighter.
If they want multirole, they should go for j-10, Gripen or F-16 where gripen and f-16 are not realistic because of cost and American source. Only option left is J-10, or maybe JF-17 but that can't happen because of Hasina.
read my comments twice before saying something....

how can sukhois be multirole is enough said about your knowledge in this matter ..... please @TopCat @bd_4_ever please explain it to him....
why not the ultimate omnirole fighter, Rafale



or this beast

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Bangladesh got lot of money lately right?

Bangladesh’s Directorate General of Defence Purchases (DGDP) released its tender for eight – with four optional – new-built multi-role combat aircraft for the Bangladesh Air Force (BAF). In December 2016, the Bangladeshi government committed to finalizing the purchase in fiscal year 2016-2017.

The new fighters are being sought for fortifying Bangladesh’s defensibility against aerial threats as well as providing it with a platform for anti-surface, maritime and offensive counter-air operations.

As per the BAF’s requirements, the fighter must be new-built, with manufacturing starting no earlier than the year of signing the contract. It must be a twin-engine design, with each powerplant providing at least 5,500 kg in dry thrust and more than 8,000 kg with afterburn. It must have a minimum of eight hardpoints and a minimum payload of 5,000 kg.

Electronics wise, the fighter is to be equipped with an electronically-scanned array radar with an air-to-air range and air-to-surface range of 150 km and 50 km, respectively; an integrated electronic warfare (EW) and electronic countermeasures (ECCM) suite; infrared search and track (IRST) system with a target tracking range of at least 50 km; helmet-mounted display and sight (HMD/S) system with cueing; head-up display (HUD) and modern glass cockpit.

The BAF is seeking a complete package comprising of the aircraft, maintenance and training package, and a set of air-to-air and air-to-surface munitions. The aircraft are to be delivered in two batches, with each comprising of four aircraft. The second batch must be delivered 18-24 months after the first.

Notes & Comments:

United Aircraft Corporation (UAC)’s Su-35, MiG-35 and Su-30SM are the leading contenders. The UAC MiG-35 is the only Russian platform equipped with an active electronically-scanned array (AESA) radar, though updated iterations of the Su-35 and Su-30SM should be expected, especially for the BAF bid, which is structuring the BAF fighter fleet for a high-technology threat environment.

The bid also indicates that the BAF is open to (if not urging for) the incorporation of Western subsystems. When Mikoyan was competing for the Indian Air Force (IAF)’s earlier fighter bid, the MiG-35 was envisaged to carry a Thales TopOwl-F HMD/S and Elettronica ELT/568(v2) EW/ECM pod. UAC could reinitiate those links with Thales and Elettronica for the BAF bid (via the MiG-35 or Flanker/-E).

While twin-engine designs, the Su-35 and Su-30SM are heavier and longer-range than MiG-35, which is a medium-weight platform. UAC has pitched the MiG-35 as an affordable high-technology platform, one that may be close to the U.S. $45-50 million unit cost of the MiG-29M/M2. While upfront cost is a factor, Bangladesh will also need to weigh the respective maintenance and operational costs of each option.

For example, opting for the Su-35 or Su-30SM may push a need for a lighter platform for defensive tasks and lower operating costs. Bangladesh will weigh the added advantages of the Flanker-series to the MiG-35 and determine if the endurance or payload differences warrant the potential need for two new fighter platforms instead of one. Alternatively, two distinct platforms will provide the BAF with a significant level of flexibility, freeing the larger fighter for offensive operations. Bangladesh’s geo-strategic position and security environment certainly warrant such development.

In other aviation programs, the Bangladesh Navy is seeking two new anti-submarine warfare helicopters (steering to the Leonardo AW-159), while the Bangladesh Army has an Airbus Defence & Space C295 fixed-wing utility transport aircraft on order.

See more at - http://quwa.org/2017/03/01/bangladesh-releases-tender-new-multi-role-fighter/
The sukhois are primarily designed for air superiority role as direct competitors of F-15. In the cold war era the su-27 was designed as a competitor to f-15. Later models of sukhois are further improvement of the earlier models. Which part of this are you disputing?
So fighters like f15 and sukhoi 30 can't do other missions like ground attack etc?
Being a multi role fighter it's mission is to establish air superiority and also conduct other sorts of missions.

BD wont be buying French aircraft if only because of the cost.

It is likely to be either Mig-35 or SU-30. I would prefer SU-30 but the Mig-35 may be brought as it offers commonality with the 8 Mig-29s that BD already has.
Nothing is common between mig 29 and mig 35... even the damn engine has undergone changes to be smokeless.
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