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Bangladesh Air Force

We had that plan before but never got funding from government, I will give you the model as soon as I can access my computer again, but IMO better to use drone as attack hellicopter can get shot by short range missile easily..

I told that to @Destranator before but seems he has different opinions. Well, both gonna come anyway so no point in arguing.
I am all in favour of using drones wherever possible.

However, drone technology is yet to advance to a stage where it can perform the role of attack helicopters.

Human pilots can make attack helicopters quickly turn around and stall mid air to allow the Weapon Systems Officers make split second decisions to fire cannons or missiles at very specific imminent threats to ground troops. This is difficult to achieve with jet powered UCAVs that are currently available.
Rotor blade powered heavy UCAVs capable of carrying ATGMs and cannons can eventually replace attack helicopters but not any time soon.
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I told that to @Destranator before but seems he has different opinions. Well, he has some valid points and both gonna come anyway so no point in arguing.

Looks like AH-1Z Viper with wheeled landing gear. If Bangladesh becomes self-sufficient in aerospace tech, keeps doing good in economy and decides to manufacture attack helicopter in future with joint venture, i hope they check this option too. BAF 216 MRO plant already has vision for that.

What is the maximum slant/altitude range of this missile?

What's this supposed to mean?! :what: Are you saying we South Asians don't have white skin? :what:

Already doing it. BAF has taken project and Navy's R&D did and still doing it.

I don't think Anka-S has chance. Not sure about TB2 either. The altitude requirements is lower than Anka-S and i don't know if TB2 has two cabin for EO/IR and SAR/EW and other sensors or not.

Same can be said for attack helicopter and UCAV/UAV. Maybe we have enough tanks but they aren't modern enough. We need to replace Type 69IIG and under-powered Type-59G Durjoy.

6/8 subs by 2030.

I think it's a false news and speculation by Bangladeshi defense pages. If it really happened we would've seen it by now and there would've been official announcement by govt.

"ভাতৃপ্রীতির নামে অতিমাত্রায় চাটুকারিতা এবং পদলেহন করিতে গিয়া মক্কেলটি হিতাহিত জ্ঞান হারাইয়া, নিজের দেশের সার্বভৌমত্ব জলাঞ্জলি দিয়া আবোল-তাবোল বকিতে শুরু করিয়াছেন। চার বছর পর ওনার কাজকর্ম ও এই প্রকৃত রুপ দেখিয়া আমি যারপরনাই বিস্মিত, বাকরুদ্ধ, মর্মাহত, আমোদিত এবং শিহরিত। (বলিয়াছেন হিরোহিতো) চতুষ্পদী জীবের অনুরুপ মনিবের প্রতি তাহার এই আনুগত্য, (উনার নিজের ভাষ্যমতে) তিনি আমার/আমাদের নিকট হইতে কিভাবে ঘুমন্ত আগ্নেয়গিরির চাপিয়া রাখিয়া এত বছর পর তীব্রশক্তিতে উদগীরণ করিয়াছেন তাহা অবশ্যই গবেষনার বিষয়।"

(বানী- জাপানের সম্রাট হিরোহিতো)

If we aren't getting the TB-2 or AnkaS what's even the point of getting Turkish drones if we aren't getting the best ?
What is the maximum slant/altitude range of this missile?
Altitude is not listed, I suppose at least 6 kms altitude but that is not imporant. This is supposed to operate to protect mainly against cruise missiles, CRAM, and PGMs all of which get to pretty low altitudes during descent near the target.
Altitude is not listed, I suppose at least 6 kms altitude but that is not imporant. This is supposed to operate to protect mainly against cruise missiles, CRAM, and PGMs all of which get to pretty low altitudes during descent near the target.

Is it low cost ? No strings attached ?
We need to be realistic and not talk things up.

BD armed forces are more or less complete cowards. They do not have the back bone for any kind of fight as the rohingya debacle proved.

As BD reaches 50 years what do we really make by ourselves.... we are not even self sufficient in small arms.... the machine tool factory of BD army at best produces a few things of 70s tech.

At the end of the day the defense forces must have concrete threat preception and then a plan to mitigate that threat. BA just a few years ago announced it does not consider india a threat and it has proved on the ground it wont fight the burmese.

Let us not lionise our forces, they really have not done anything at all in their history to deserve much respect. Technical innovation wont come from these guys, if GOB opens up defense sector to private companies we may see some movement but otherwise i am afraid the proposition is totally unrealistic.
I understand the sentiment put i don't appreciate the comment

You have an armed force that is under equipped and underfunded, give them the proper equipment's and see what they do . It is unfair that one expects the BD armed forces to go to war without the proper equipment.

However the incompetence of BAF is legendary.

if your comments was aimed at the government of BD and BAF , yes i would agree with you

BA and BN has done an excellent job with the limited budget and bureaucratic constraints placed on them.
I understand the sentiment put i don't appreciate the comment

You have an armed force that is under equipped and underfunded, give them the proper equipment's and see what they do . It is unfair that one expects the BD armed forces to go to war without the proper equipment.

However the incompetence of BAF is legendary.

if your comments was aimed at the government of BD and BAF , yes i would agree with you

BA and BN has done an excellent job with the limited budget and bureaucratic constraints placed on them.

BA : We got T300 Kasirga GLMRS and VT-5 tanks
BN: We got 2 submarines,2 frigates and a corvette
BAF : We got no fighter jets and got some C-130Js
BA : We got T300 Kasirga GLMRS and VT-5 tanks
BN: We got 2 submarines,2 frigates and a corvette
BAF : We got no fighter jets and got some C-130Js

BA and BN are superior to their Myanmar counterparts.

BA in a defensive role, when combined with Ansar reservists, could make life hell for the IA if it ever invaded BD.

BAF on the otherhand just sits around doing nothing but playing with trainers and fighters.
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BA and BN are superior to their Myanmar counterparts.

BA in a defensive role, when combined with Ansar reservists, could make life hell for the IA if it ever invaded BD.

BAF on the otherhand just sits around doing nothing but playing with trainers and answers

If India ever invaded Bangladesh , it will be their own Vietnam lol
Gentlemen of culture!

Any word on the delivery of upgraded Mig-29s from Belarus?

Should be ready right about now.
Gentlemen of culture!

Any word on the delivery of upgraded Mig-29s from Belarus?

Should be ready right about now.

From what I have read, the first four have already been upgraded and returned to BD. These have modern radars and electronics and so BAF finally has true BVR fighters, which can fully utilise the R-27 BVRAAM to its maximum range and so can duel with the JF-17 Block 2 that MAF has.

It looks like the remaining four are still to be sent to Belarus for upgradation.
If India ever invaded Bangladesh , it will be their own Vietnam lol

To continue with Vietnam, US needed men, materiel and funds. They had plenty and they still had to withdraw at the end.

India could have some underfed soldiers, but materiel and funds are currently in pretty limited supply. Not Vietnam, it will be India's "Black Hawk Down".
BA : We got T300 Kasirga GLMRS and VT-5 tanks
BN: We got 2 submarines,2 frigates and a corvette
BAF : We got no fighter jets and got some C-130Js

C-130J is needed in case India asks for any large Bangladeshi purchase to be sent to us, since we are such "Mitron" to India, helping her industry. Bandha customer. Kanjoosis will not use their own airplanes for this.

Case in point, vaccines from Serum Institute. Which they have now canceled. Who knew about the foregone conclusion? :lol:
IMHO the BAF should look at the JAS-39E/F. It already offers super-cruising, GaN-type AESA radar, and all of the weapons integration you'll need.

Start with JAS-39E/Fs and build your mainstay fleet around it, but slot yourself into the KAI KFX.

The benefit of this approach is that the Gripen E/F and KFX use the same engine type. So, when you induct the KFX as your NGFA, you'll have engine commonality and fleet-wide supercruising.

Also, when speaking to Sweden and South Korea, you should ensure you're getting a 75% offset in the form of direct investment in your manufacturing, especially industrial inputs (jig manufacturing) and automobiles.

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