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Bangladesh Air Force

We need lots of subs.... but a carrier battle group for what... they are very much a slow moving target.. very very expensive to maintain... we in my opinion do not need that nor can we efford it and not is it a best use of resources in my opinion... we need to nimble and deadly.... 6-8 proper subs and 10-12 mini subs backed up by landbased sams covering the whole of the bay and beyond onto international shipping lines will ensure no blocade is envisaged by anyone... infact i am probably overestimating the numbers 4 subs and 8 mini subs probably will do the job fine.
I would say 16 frigates, 8 subs and maybe 2-4 destroyers are enough for Bangladesh navy
We need lots of subs.... but a carrier battle group for what... they are very much a slow moving target.. very very expensive to maintain... we in my opinion do not need that nor can we efford it and nor is it a best use of resources ... we need to nimble and deadly.... 6-8 proper subs and 10-12 mini subs backed up by landbased sams covering the whole of the bay and beyond onto international shipping lines will ensure no blocade is envisaged by anyone... infact i am probably overestimating the numbers 4 subs and 8 mini subs probably will do the job fine.
Subs would be the best investment. My opinion is that Submarines are an Asymmetric response to an opponent with a massive surface fleet. For one submarine , you need to allocate ASW aircraft , helos , subchasers (idk if they are a thing anymore) and many other surface vessels that you could have otherwise used against your opponent.

The glimmer of hope is that the sub-base built in Cox's Bazar could house more than just two subs. In addition to this, the BN spokesperson explicitly said that the two subs we have a dual role of training and subsurface warfare. Implying that more subs are to come. My thoughts
Subs would be the best investment. My opinion is that Submarines are an Asymmetric response to an opponent with a massive surface fleet. For one submarine , you need to allocate ASW aircraft , helos , subchasers (idk if they are a thing anymore) and many other surface vessels that you could have otherwise used against your opponent.

The glimmer of hope is that the sub-base built in Cox's Bazar could house more than just two subs. In addition to this, the BN spokesperson explicitly said that the two subs we have a dual role of training and subsurface warfare. Implying that more subs are to come. My thoughts
They won’t drop 2 billion dollars on a base that can only host 2 submarines... what I would worry about is if air defense of the base can be ensured because that’s when submarine will be at its most vulnerable state
They won’t drop 2 billion dollars on a base that can only host 2 submarines... what I would worry about is if air defense of the base can be ensured because that’s when submarine will be at its most vulnerable state
Navy will get MRSAM before BAF.
2-4 destroyers are enough
Destroyers will be turned into floating officers hotels like the IJN Yamato.
Subs would be the best investment. My opinion is that Submarines are an Asymmetric response to an opponent with a massive surface fleet. For one submarine , you need to allocate ASW aircraft , helos , subchasers (idk if they are a thing anymore) and many other surface vessels that you could have otherwise used against your opponent.

The glimmer of hope is that the sub-base built in Cox's Bazar could house more than just two subs. In addition to this, the BN spokesperson explicitly said that the two subs we have a dual role of training and subsurface warfare. Implying that more subs are to come. My thoughts

BN is planning for a number of subs without doubt. Not sure how many....

We need to consider a few minisubs for the bay as well. As you said they are force multipliers... i would prioritise subs over surface combatants.
BN is planning for a number of subs without doubt. Not sure how many....

We need to consider a few minisubs for the bay as well. As you said they are force multipliers... i would prioritise subs over surface combatants.
My opinion is that surface fleet should specialise in Air defense (our weakness) + Anti-ship and anti sub warfare (by means of ASW helos).
Does BD have any coastal anti ship missiles?

Marte ER+Exocet Block 3 would be a pretty lethal combination in my opinion that would be able to supplement the anti ship capabilities of Bangladesh.


My opinion is that surface fleet should specialise in Air defense (our weakness) + Anti-ship and anti sub warfare (by means of ASW helos).
So you want a ship like the Saar 6 basically? At 1900 tons this is probably the most armed ship per ton holy shit imagine if BD could get this ship in another dimension. 10 of these ships would be a huge force multiplier to BD.



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We need lots of subs.... but a carrier battle group for what... they are very much a slow moving target.. very very expensive to maintain... we in my opinion do not need that nor can we efford it and nor is it a best use of resources ... we need to nimble and deadly.... 6-8 proper subs and 10-12 mini subs backed up by landbased sams covering the whole of the bay and beyond onto international shipping lines will ensure no blocade is envisaged by anyone... infact i am probably overestimating the numbers 4 subs and 8 mini subs probably will do the job fine.

So no destroyers ? I mean BN does have a plan of LHDs sooo
My opinion is that surface fleet should specialise in Air defense (our weakness) + Anti-ship and anti sub warfare (by means of ASW helos).

One issue , our CMs have terrible range against the Indian Brahmos lol we need wayy better range CMs and hopefully not get caught by the MTCR lol.

300km is good against Myanmar and nothing against India
Navy will get MRSAM before BAF.

Destroyers will be turned into floating officers hotels like the IJN Yamato.

Lol , Destroyers have top tier air defense though so ehh
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Subs would be the best investment. My opinion is that Submarines are an Asymmetric response to an opponent with a massive surface fleet. For one submarine , you need to allocate ASW aircraft , helos , subchasers (idk if they are a thing anymore) and many other surface vessels that you could have otherwise used against your opponent.

The glimmer of hope is that the sub-base built in Cox's Bazar could house more than just two subs. In addition to this, the BN spokesperson explicitly said that the two subs we have a dual role of training and subsurface warfare. Implying that more subs are to come. My thoughts

I have a feeling that China has every right to host PLAN subs and surface ships near and in that base.

Now wonder Indians were so eager about placing radars in Bangladesh. I am sure we can shut that thing down at the right moment. ;-)

There has to be a limit on Indian dadagiri.

Any talk about PLAN subs in Bay of Bengal, and Indian Navy starts peeing in their pants.
I have a feeling that China has every right to host PLAN subs and surface ships near and in that base.

Now wonder Indians were so eager about placing radars in Bangladesh. I am sure we can shut that thing down at the right moment. ;-)

There has to be a limit on Indian dadagiri.

Any talk about PLAN subs in Bay of Bengal, and Indian Navy starts peeing in their pants.

Why should PLAN have any right to a BD base. No rights should be granted to any foreign country.

BD sovereignty must always be sacrosanct.
Why should PLAN have any right to a BD base. No rights should be granted to any foreign country.

BD sovereignty must always be sacrosanct.

Lol I guess , we need to build our own Navy first if we want challenge the Indians
IMO better to use drone as attack hellicopter can get shot by short range missile easil

I told that to @Destranator before but seems he has different opinions. Well, he has some valid points and both gonna come anyway so no point in arguing.

Here, it is a plan that has been around 8 years old
But since government is not interested in funding the program so this just stop on the design phase, without further development to make any real prototype.

Looks like AH-1Z Viper with wheeled landing gear. If Bangladesh becomes self-sufficient in aerospace tech, keeps doing good in economy and decides to manufacture attack helicopter in future with joint venture, i hope they check this option too. BAF 216 MRO plant already has vision for that.

It will probably be the best air defense SHORAD in the world for a little bit, sixty missiles in each launcher and up to three launchers per Skynex. Twenty missiles in the air at the same time per launcher(Total eighty simultaneous interceptions) and 16 launched in 3.5 seconds.

What is the maximum slant/altitude range of this missile?

When you are South Asian and you're white wife tries making Biriyani 🤣

What's this supposed to mean?! :what: Are you saying we South Asians don't have white skin? :what:

I didn't want to share it here, as it's rumor-level. However, as far as I understand, there are some rumors on the Bangladesh side as well. In the near future, Bangladesh may become one of the countries producing their own tactical armed UAVs.

Already doing it. BAF has taken project and Navy's R&D did and still doing it.

Go through army drone tender pdf. Check their requirements. Only Turkish drones (specifically Anka s) matches their requirements.

I don't think Anka-S has chance. Not sure about TB2 either. The altitude requirements is lower than Anka-S and i don't know if TB2 has two cabin for EO/IR and SAR/EW and other sensors or not.

Enemy tanks can be easily taken out by land and airborne ATGMs and guided artillery.

BD already has more than enough tanks to defend NW. All they need is back up by artillery and air support.

Same can be said for attack helicopter and UCAV/UAV. Maybe we have enough tanks but they aren't modern enough. We need to replace Type 69IIG and under-powered Type-59G Durjoy.

BN is planning for a number of subs without doubt. Not sure how many

6/8 subs by 2030.

I think i read BD does have or aquiring land based antiship missiles.... its in the forum somewhere...

I think it's a false news and speculation by Bangladeshi defense pages. If it really happened we would've seen it by now and there would've been official announcement by govt.

Why should PLAN have any right to a BD base. No rights should be granted to any foreign country.

BD sovereignty must always be sacrosanct.

"ভাতৃপ্রীতির নামে অতিমাত্রায় চাটুকারিতা এবং পদলেহন করিতে গিয়া মক্কেলটি হিতাহিত জ্ঞান হারাইয়া, নিজের দেশের সার্বভৌমত্ব জলাঞ্জলি দিয়া আবোল-তাবোল বকিতে শুরু করিয়াছেন। চার বছর পর ওনার কাজকর্ম ও এই প্রকৃত রুপ দেখিয়া আমি যারপরনাই বিস্মিত, বাকরুদ্ধ, মর্মাহত, আমোদিত এবং শিহরিত। (বলিয়াছেন হিরোহিতো) চতুষ্পদী জীবের অনুরুপ মনিবের প্রতি তাহার এই আনুগত্য, (উনার নিজের ভাষ্যমতে) তিনি আমার/আমাদের নিকট হইতে কিভাবে ঘুমন্ত আগ্নেয়গিরির চাপিয়া রাখিয়া এত বছর পর তীব্রশক্তিতে উদগীরণ করিয়াছেন তাহা অবশ্যই গবেষনার বিষয়।"

(বানী- জাপানের সম্রাট হিরোহিতো)
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