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Azeri Drones on ‘Spy Missions’ along Iran Border

These Persians make me laugh so much they are imagining that they deterred the US from attacking. They think their north Korea style things have done anything.

Could somebody tell me why would USA attack iran? Why?

Would they spend so much money and resources or just sit back and watch iran crippling?

USA if they really wanted would turn you into stone age but they realised what's the point when we could just sit and watch.
There is time so no rushing is needed. Everybody in the neighborhood needs to get prepared and with each day, the elements favor the allies.
Actually I'd go further, the point is not just to make things at home. The point is that in a war situation, when the enemy country has already blown up your oil wells and refineries and you can't ship your oil anyway b/c the pipelines have also been sent to hell, you're gonna have limited income. On top of that if you rely on foreign stuff, you're gonna be running around for the most simple and stupid things imaginable (fuel pumps, fuses, special kinds of bullets, certain machinery etc...). You can have yourself the shiniest foreign made toy, but if you're out of a special kind of fuse/fuel pump or if the shiny toy is damaged, YOU'RE FUCKED. On top of that you don't even have any more $$ anymore b/c your whole oil infrastructure has gone to hell thanks to enemy bombing.


And do you know what real power is? When France keep selling military equipment like Mirage fighters to Iraq during the Iran-Iraq war, Iran set up several attacks in French cities to deter France from selling those weapons to Iraq. What did Iran accomplish? Talks took place in complete secrecy, and a step-by-step solution was agreed to: As soon as France initiated an arms-and-financial package for Iran, the Iranians released French hostages held by the Revolutionary Guards in Lebanon.

Thats real power, and no air force in the world could accomplish that. ^
500 lb (227 kg) 90 kg T-HE

compared to a ballistic missile even this unguided one is a more effective way of carrying certain amount of HE from point A to point B :) and with a reusable platform...


True..And with better accuracy..God bless TuAF :D
These Persians make me laugh so much they are imagining that they deterred the US from attacking. They think their north Korea style things have done anything.

Former CIA-officer who dealt with Iran. Listen from 06:00.

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I think that some people tend to fuse ,facts, with ,impressing facts, sometimes. These are two different things.

The Bavar 373 is an Iranian version of the S300, based off of the S300. There is no reason to believe that it is inferior. And please, if Iran wanted to, it could burn Baku to the ground in 30 minutes. You think that because your country bought some new toys with petrodollars that Azerbaijan is a military power now?

Besides, Azerbaijan is utterly unprepared for an Iranian offensive, as most of its resources/manpower are directed against Artsakh. On the other hand, Iran has slowly but surely been preparing an attack plan against the nation that claims "Southern Azerbaijan".

Edit: Slightly unrelated, but I remember seeing on Wikimapia Azerbaijan's placement of their S300PMU-2s was such that only Baku, Sumqayit, and the Caspian coast was protected. This leaves much of central Azerbaijan vulnerable to a potential Armenian or Iranian offensive.
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I can't help myself but agree with TuranKhan. It is so silly to consider the missiles of Iran and its obsolete army as real deterrence to US. With the help of the sanctions and the corruption within, Iran is devouring itself. So trying to show those toys as the main reason of why USA hasn't attack Iran is not making sense.


The Bavar 373 is an Iranian version of the S300, based off of the S300. There is no reason to believe that it is inferior. And please, if Iran wanted to, it could burn Baku to the ground in 30 minutes. You think that because your country bought some new toys with petrodollars that Azerbaijan is a military power now?

Besides, Azerbaijan is utterly unprepared for an Iranian offensive, as most of its resources/manpower are directed against Artsakh. On the other hand, Iran has slowly but surely been preparing an attack plan against the nation that claims "Southern Azerbaijan".

As a matter of fact, there is a reason to believe it is inferior while there was no reason for you to believe ANKA was a copy of some other system since all of its components, specifications and national contrubition rates made public. My point is, stop flaming and trolling Turkish threads.
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Kajutyun, just like your other comments, this is an another retarded comment, not supposed to be taken seriously. Your sole presence here is trolling, I don't think it is possible to find a single normal post of yours where a dose of trolling is not involved.

How is that the case when Iran has no base to develop it from, neither any technological capabilities. There are claims but no evidence that any S-300 passed to Iran, but even then it is not so simple. Morover, you are also among the people who do not realize the difference between different S-300 variants. Saying simple "S-300" does not make any sense, it would be retarded to claim that Iran could develop anything better than earliest S-300 variants at best.

Yeah sure, as always, you just utter none-sense, never ever present any argument.
I can't help myself but agree with TuranKhan. It is so silly to consider the missiles of Iran and its obsolete army as real deterrence to US. With the help of the sanctions and the corruption within, Iran is devouring itself. So trying to show those toys as the main reason of why USA hasn't attack Iran is not making sense.

As a matter of fact, there is a reason to believe it is inferior while there was no reason for you to believe ANKA was a copy of some other system since all of its components, specifications and national contrubition rates made public. My point is, stop flaming and trolling Turkish threads.

If the potential outcome of hurting the world economy is not a deterrence for USA then what is?
This ASQ is always trying to rape everyone with his useless opinion

Buddy, nobody cares whay you think. Facts on the ground matter more than a racist grey wolf's opinion. Read the last page.
As a matter of fact, there is a reason to believe it is inferior while there was no reason for you to believe ANKA was a copy of some other system since all of its components, specifications and national contrubition rates made public. My point is, stop flaming and trolling Turkish threads.

I'm sorry...it's just that it looks like an Israeli drone and Turkey has lots of Israeli drones to copy from. What the f am I supposed to think.
Edit: Slightly unrelated, but I remember seeing on Wikimapia Azerbaijan's placement of their S300PMU-2s was such that only Baku, Sumqayit, and the Caspian coast was protected.

The S-300PMU2 has 200km range, thus, placing it around Baku and Sumqayit would also give it a coverage over central parts.

And then there is the Barak-8 with 120km range, not yet delivered but neverthless ordered, they could be stationed further west. Of course there are other systems aswell.
I'm sorry...it's just that it looks like an Israeli drone and Turkey has lots of Israeli drones to copy from. What the f am I supposed to think.

Nothing. You should had some knowledge before having an opinion. You didn't even know hot it look before some members posted a picture of it. Do not go off-topic, i gave that example in order to show your hypocrisy and hate.

If the potential outcome of hurting the world economy is not a deterrence for USA then what is?

Can you elaborate?
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