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Azeri Drones on ‘Spy Missions’ along Iran Border

People don't go off topic. We saw what happen last time =/
Can someone warn this troll moron that he should watch his language.

Do not talk about things you don't know moron arse, namely the Bavar BS of mollahs, now you just give me retarded responses.

The arms procurement for last 2 years amounted to $3.7 billion and the amount that will go to arms procurement will be even more for the next 2 years. Your simple talking out of your arse.

Among Azerbaijan's new arms purchase, T-90 and BMP-3 can be given as an example of armor modernization (separate from the $3.7 billion spending). Air-defence systems, helicopters, artillery systems are the other developments.
Kajutyun, do you know about any possible Iranian-Armenian military cooperation? Why does Iran for instance doesn't sell any drones to Armenia? I know Venezuela are operating Iranian drones, but can't understand why Armenia not?
Not really. I will try to find the map showing their range.

What not really? I'm telling you the maximum effective range of S-300PMU2, it is 200km against aircraft and 40km against ballistic missiles. The 200km range would also cover large parts of central Azerbaijan even if the systems are placed around Absheron peninsula, but as I said, there are other systems aswell, and of course the most recent important purchase, the Barak-8. Part of the new systems can be placed around Ganja and Mingachevir.
Back on topic:


When do you guys think Azerbaijan will get one of these Turkic birds?
Please ban this silly armenian troll.

We must be the best copiers in the world that we made a whole new different design which we copied.

First time in my life I have seen something copied that's different looking.
Probably that's why Saudi Arabia and Egypt is getting ANKA, EU countries asking for assistance on their UAV program.
TEI is currently developing a stronger turbofan engine to be mounted on ANKA. Considering that even Israel's Herons fly with American Rotax engines. It's certain that we are one of the best there is.

Israel started development of UAVs much earlier than Turkey but we are catching up.

^Surenas :lol: really? "Israeli experts" this is just throwing mud. Overjealousy
I can understand their inferiority but some things are beyond funny they claim.
Comparing our UAV is uncomparable to design of any UAV in our inventory.

Their jealousy is evident, exports are coming as well this will rise their inferiority complex and jealousy even more.
Denying things again? Hmmm.
nope, need to be a fact to deny.

Only fact is that according to an israeli newspaper "israeli experts" think ANKA was inspired from Heron

I don't even credit Turkish newspapers on defence-related matters, never.

Btw iranian airforce is a junkyard :wave:
Do you seriously believe that Turkey INDEPENDENTLY created this drone...
Yes, and i know more than what you could show with a picture about these planes.

...despite having an arsenal of these drones to copy from???
First of all, you're over your head again. The picture you've posted isn't the Turkish version of Heron.

Here you go, I save you from trouble.

Now it's time for your lecture.
First acknowledge this, Turkey is a country that fights with terrorism and spent it's last 30 years doing so. And for countries that fight with these kind of assymetrical threats some needs become "emergency".TAI was contracted for the development of ANKA in 2004. It was but a project called TIHA back then. By now you should've realized that it doesn't take 8 years of R&D process to copy a plane. But it isn't just that.

Israel intentionally delayed the deliveries of our version of HERON UAVs. Almost a couple of years passed after the planned delivery date. By the time we've received Herons, the design of Anka as you know it was published on defence magazines. Not only we didn't "copy" anything from Heron but we have installed our own sub-systems on Heron, our version has a superior sensor array.

@Deno there are dozens of literally empty posts that needs deleting. Why are you deleting my perfectly educative posts? :unsure:
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I can't believe that a thread based on common border control missions such as patroling got this much attention and caused some members to create scenarios such as invasion of Azerbaijan. :)

@Deno there are dozens of literally empty posts that needs deleting. Why are you deleting my perfectly educative posts? :unsure:

I am sorry but I deleted all posts that is not related with Azerbaijan's drone capabilities and Azerbaijanian air defence systems as they were off-topic and it would be seen as me favoring you if I didn't delete your posts too even though they were as you said ''educating''. :'(

It is good to be back to forum as a full fledged member after me freezing my architecture school for a year, registry into English Language and Literature on a whim and my unending work. :D Please stay on topic and be civil.
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Can you elaborate?

It was a rhetorical question but more specifically I'm referring to the fact that Iran through it's missiles has the capability to significantly reduce the amount of oil that is exported from it's near region. Since the price and amount of oil on the world market is correlated to how well economies perform, the priority of keeping the world economy as healthy as possible could be directly related to iranian missiles. This is a deterrence.

And the same goes for azeri drones along the iranian border aswell....
Turkey is the only country that produces MALE class UAVs in Europe. There are more advanced projects in Europe such as BAE's Taranis but they are all experimental. Our products are operational. I'm not gonna talk about Armenia, even Russia is so far behind Turkey at the moment.

Don't make me laugh :) What defensive military doctrine? Most of your investments go to ballistic missiles.

When i told you Iranians a few months ago to invest on your cold war era airforce you laughed at me and said "planes are just toys, ballistic missiles create deterrent". Conventionally, you can't think of going offensive with such a miserable airforce. So my advice stands, go build yourselves a decent airforce FFS.

You are reduced to how many F14s? 25? 30?

Actually , ballistic missile have no use for invading other countries ..... normaly , you need , tank and air force to invade a country .... ballistic missile are good to keep other country in watch .....
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