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'Azerbaijan granted Israel access to air bases on Iran border'

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Nah...:no: we are all are just willing to free your country. You must be gratful my little boy.:agree:

Oh but what about your Bentley? What about your hair? You are most generous sir! You shame us with your generosity. See, hair is not all that is different between us. You're too good.
Oh but what about your Bentley? What about your hair? You are most generous sir! You shame us with your generosity. See, hair is not all that is different between us. You're too good.

Whats Bentley? what the hell are you talking about?, and why are you talking about hair?! My God! I didn't know my posts disturbed you that much...:lol: Ok I am cooling down...;)
Reports Israel at the gates of Iran slammed by Baku

Published: 29 March, 2012, 19:22

Baku has denied reports that an agreement has been reached between Azerbaijan and Israel, granting the latter air base access for potential strikes on Iran. A spokesman from the Azeri defense ministry said the claims are “absurd and groundless”.

*Senior official in Azerbaijan’s Presidential Administration Ali Gasanov called the reports a provocation. He told journalists that “certain international organizations and media structures under their control are intentionally increasing tensions around Iran” in order to worsen relations between his country and Iran.

Gasanov also reiterated “that there will be no actions against Iran… from the territory of Azerbaijan" – and that they won’t allow such speculation to damage ties between Baku and Tehran.

These statements come on the back of a Foreign Policy report that claimed cooperation between Azerbaijan and Israel was "heightening the risks of an Israeli strike on Iran".

The article also suggested that access to Azerbaijani airfields near the Iranian border could give Israeli fighter planes logistical advantages in carrying out attacks on research facilities in Iran – whom Tel Aviv accuses of developing nuclear weapons.

Iran has vehemently denied the accusations, maintaining that its nuclear program is entirely peaceful. But Israel has been chomping at the bit to strike the Islamic Republic, and egging on key ally USA to join in. Many suggest that this is because Israel fears it may soon lose its window to take out Iran's nuclear facilities. Washington, on the other hand, is pressuring Tel Aviv to hold off on what it considers would be a premature and dangerous attack on Iran, arguing that economic sanctions require time to take hold.

Reports Israel at the gates of Iran slammed by Baku — RT
Aaaannndd.... The news about base is false.... I am happy that Azerbaijan didn't do something like this... I was surely disapointed ,although I don't tink Aliyev would give too much muck about that :D...

I could somewhat understand, that if they gave information to Israel with their new radars and air defence systems and count that as normal strategic relationship but this was really extreme stuation.

Congradulation to Mark Perry for creating new problems for a region that already has more than she could handle... @sshole...
Aaaannndd.... The news about base is false.... I am happy that Azerbaijan didn't do something like this... I was surely disapointed ,although I don't tink Aliyev would give too much muck about that :D...

I could somewhat understand, that if they gave information to Israel with their new radars and air defence systems and count that as normal strategic relationship but this was really extreme stuation.

Congradulation to Mark Perry for creating new problems for a region that already has more than she could handle... @sshole...
Russia have a radar in Azerbaycan...But Iranians don't bark against to Russia :lol:
Whats Bentley? what the hell are you talking about?, and why are you talking about hair?! My God! I didn't know my posts disturbed you that much...:lol: Ok I am cooling down...;)

I don't know man! I got the impression that you and a friend wanted to come over to give us free hair or free dom or something to that effect. I just wanted to make sure we were ready to give you a proper greeting. Oh well!
ok..lets go step by step..
What does a Russian radar in Azerbaycan for ?

My friend everybody know Radar is for to see aeroplane or other ting moving in the sky throughup the air.
so that mean Azerbaijan regime giving us a good reason to invade them if anything happen , right !?
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