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'Azerbaijan granted Israel access to air bases on Iran border'

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ok can people stay on topic this is not about pakistan or india or history of middle east its about azerbaijan and iran and israel lets talk about that so all of us can learn from each others opinion rather then making it into a troll fest
Hezbollah will be a means to an end. The oppressed gained a voice in Lebanon thanks to Hezbollah and it will be the same in Azarbaijan. If Aliyev wants to play with fire, he's going to get burned. Trust me, if the Iranian leadership can create a proxy in Yemen, where Arabs came from, it can create a proxy in Azarbaijan, a neighboring country that we share history, religion and future with.


When you fire the weapons, innocents may get hurt. Every one innocent life lost causes 10 more enemies.
Hezbollah will be a means to an end. The oppressed gained a voice in Lebanon thanks to Hezbollah and it will be the same in Azarbaijan. If Aliyev wants to play with fire, he's going to get burned. Trust me, if the Iranian leadership can create a proxy in Yemen, where Arabs came from, it can create a proxy in Azarbaijan, a neighboring country that we share history, religion and future with.

so what you r saying is through a proxy you will try to start a civil war if aliyev agreed to something this big then israel and us will make sure he stays on term for a long time
Hezbollah will be a means to an end. The oppressed gained a voice in Lebanon thanks to Hezbollah and it will be the same in Azarbaijan. If Aliyev wants to play with fire, he's going to get burned. Trust me, if the Iranian leadership can create a proxy in Yemen, where Arabs came from, it can create a proxy in Azarbaijan, a neighboring country that we share history, religion and future with.


That only becomes an option if ever Iran is attacked. Not right now. Right now Iran should intensify its public relations against the dictatorial regime of Azerbaijan and its bed fellow Israel and educate Azerbaijan people of the treachery being done by the Azerbaijan regime.
When you fire the weapons, innocents may get hurt. Every one innocent life lost causes 10 more enemies.
we haven't attacked another country in 300 years. We only support the oppressed. If there are oppressed people around the region that have a just cause to fight, we will support them with money and arms.

Also, 1 friend is better than 1000 enemies. The West can go to hell, and so can their puppets around the ME. They can hate us till judgement day.
When you fire the weapons, innocents may get hurt. Every one innocent life lost causes 10 more enemies.

ok i get what he will do is wrong but israel will use those bases to attacking iran and then iran will attack azerbaijan wouldnt innocent people die in such an event too... now i am not saying using proxy is right all i am saying this will happen then too another solution is required
I believe Iran should fully stay indifferent to Azerbaijan's provocations. Aliyev is setting her feet on Saddam's footprint. They're letting the MKE terrorist come and live in their country, they are siding with Iran's enemy, they are trying to play ethnic cards in Iran. We all know what happened to Saddam when he tried to do the same thing, the same is going to happen to Aliyev.
Azerbaijan is already in trouble, they're suppressing ordinary religious people under the pretext that they are Iran's spies. They are no threat to us, they just like to pretend that they are a threat, but in reality they are no threat to us and we are a much greater threat to them. We should only leave them alone playing their childish games and at the end Aliyev's destiny will be the same as Iraq. Iraq is the best example to be compared with Azerbaijan in the current situation.
LOL obviously we will target specific areas such as where that aliyev prick is and the israeli bases..
why would we kill innocent shia who love Iran.

not all azerbaijanis are Zionist lovers like the one on this forum.
its bed fellow Israel and educate Azerbaijan people of the treachery being done by the Azerbaijan regime.

as long as they have internet and newspapers they know the problem is not educating people about treacheries it comes when you have get the people out of their houses and into the streets and for that you need a leader who will guide them

LOL obviously we will target specific areas such as where that aliyev prick is and the israeli bases..
why would we kill innocent shia who love Iran.

not all azerbaijanis are Zionist lovers like the one on this forum.

war buddy you can be careful all you want and can only attack bases innocent people will still fall

lol, you think everyone here is a kid that easily impressed by some fallacies?

Im a 31 year old man (white) living on my own from age 19 far far away from South Africa-no connection what so ever.. Living comfortably enough to be able to form my own opinions, inform myself through various channels and not follow someone's agenda.
^^ Something new, right?

If you want to discuss where we draw the line on the original inhabitants of Palestine i am open for discussion-but notin this thread.
Im not here to promote any arian (nazi) beliefs. Also Stormfront? lolz, at least you are funny!
Pro west =/=* Stormfront

* means not not equal in computer language
we haven't attacked another country in 300 years. We only support the oppressed. If there are oppressed people around the region that have a just cause to fight, we will support them with money and arms.

Also, 1 friend is better than 1000 enemies. The West can go to hell, and so can their puppets around the ME. They can hate us till judgement day.

You need more friends than 1 single friend, to counter 1000 enemies.

I can think outside this Sunni-Shia conflict. Iran is an important player in the region. And a gateway to somewhere else. (Lets keep it covered.)

When things get settled, you ll need us, we ll need you.
ok i get what he will do is wrong but israel will use those bases to attacking iran and then iran will attack azerbaijan wouldnt innocent people die in such an event too... now i am not saying using proxy is right all i am saying this will happen then too another solution is required

Whats the matter with you. Pakistan threatened India when India was going to allow bases to Israelis to attack Pakistanis nukes. Iran would be within its rights to attack any country that allows attacks on it from its land. Its natural and legal what do you expect
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