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'Azerbaijan granted Israel access to air bases on Iran border'

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Time to send a few Azari-Iranians with suitcases full of cash. Hezbollah 2.0, Baku division.

I've read a little about the creation of Hezbollah in Leb and quite honestly, it was just an Arab-Iranian with a suit case of cash that started it all. Aliyev is gonna be fighting proxies in his own country very soon. Come to think of it, it's the perfect breading ground. Azaris and shiaism mix like tea and sugar.

Do you want a friend or war? Consider it as long friendship. One day enemies of Islam may not be here. We may create a business union from Balkans to East Asia.
The only places or Muslim countries that are complicit with Israel are those that are not representative of their people and their leaderships have been bribed or bullied into supporting Israeli injustices in that regards Azerbaijan is no different
India offered bases to Israelis to attack Pakistan. But when push came to shove they backed out. It's probably just talk.
Didnt you offer bases to maldives to attack us?:P
I dont know this is jokes forum :tongue:
If we want to attack you we would have attacked you directly . Why do we need Israel man .
why Israel need a base in Azerbaycan?
whats Azerbaycan's benefit?

Where do you draw the line? Which colonial occupation? The British?
I see you conveniently placed the line at about the time when there was very little to no Jews there.

btw-South Africa is a horrible place to live if you are a white farmer on a lonely ranch. So things aren't that great there to be referencing them as an example.

Exactly British. That is why it is called colonialism. It is an English word.

So you have basically exposed yourself. A white farmer in danger? What does that suppose to mean? Going back to fascism. Are you a fascist? Do you moonlight between here and stormfront forum?
How have i exposed myself? Explain:cheesy: what do you think i am? a white farmer in South Africa? You might want to search for a reason why i wrote that- and it was only to illustrate your really bad South African example-btw-its not so good if you are a black guy living in the ghetto as well. <<< More exposure?:rofl:

and again you completely "forgot" to adress the oh-so terribly convenient line you drew up and instead resorted to some sort personal attacks.
Didnt you offer bases to maldives to attack us?
I dont know this is jokes forum
If we want to attack you we would have attacked you directly . Why do we need Israel man .

what he meant was when we were researching nuclear tech in the 70,s israel used your place to launch an attack on us which was cancelled since our armed forces became aware of such an operation. if this had come to pass then our facilities would have been destroyed like syria,s etc... so in that sense you allowed israel to attack from your country thus giving them a base i couldnt have made it any more simpler:p:P
Didnt you offer bases to maldives to attack us?:P
I dont know this is jokes forum :tongue:
If we want to attack you we would have attacked you directly . Why do we need Israel man .

Mate you are showing your ignorance. Go google it there is information on the web. But in any event it has been discussed with sources on the forum a number of times.


Oh and the reason India didn't attack was I suppose because your leaders didn't have balls and were scared of retribution that Pakistan would lay on India. You will also note that this has been confirmed on this very thread that it was India that pulled it by the Israeli PteX

Back to topic Azerbaijan would get kicked by Iran if they allowed Israel bases to attack Iran.
Do you want a friend or war? Consider it as long friendship. One day enemies of Islam may not be here. We may create a business union from Balkans to East Asia.

Hezbollah will be a means to an end. The oppressed gained a voice in Lebanon thanks to Hezbollah and it will be the same in Azarbaijan. If Aliyev wants to play with fire, he's going to get burned. Trust me, if the Iranian leadership can create a proxy in Yemen, where Arabs came from, it can create a proxy in Azarbaijan, a neighboring country that we share history, religion and future with.

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