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'Azerbaijan granted Israel access to air bases on Iran border'

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Azerbaijan is a Muslim nation, not an Islamist one like Iran and all those other lovely nations.
Israel and Muslim nations can be the greatest of allies while Islamist nations tend to chop off hands and stone people, you get my drift?
That is why Israel has great relations with these Muslim nations (Turkey too, before an Islamist party was elected).

iran is being encircled;)


may be another one..
First of all, the term Azeri was invented by Russians, as i remember. That dynasty you mentioned was Qajar, or Kacars.

You should befriend yourself with Iranians, if you want a hand against Armenia. Your enemy is not Iran. There in Iran are people from your blood. Only ones who gain from this conflict are Joos and Armos.

He will not understand your words. He is under the influence of Zionist media.
Azerbaijan is a Muslim nation, not an Islamist one like Iran and all those other lovely nations.
Israel and Muslim nations can be the greatest of allies while Islamist nations tend to chop off hands and stone people, you get my drift?
That is why Israel has great relations with these Muslim nations (Turkey too, before an Islamist party was elected).

Israel and Ilham Aliyev are allies, not more.
^^ What original inhabitants?
How long in the past do you want to go to define "original"?
Do you see where i am heading with this? You guys have feuds centuries old instead of just living a life worthy of a man.

BTW: even though i am very much pro-West i always felt that in the israeli/palestine situation both sides would have to give some away. Sadly, nothing has come of it.

Original inhabitants are those who used to live before the colonial occupation of the land. And it is not that far ago. Yes both sides have to compromise, now that is for sure. The same happened in South Africa.
Major reason why Iran is going for nukes, and i support that.

huh.......i think iran will be the last country to go for nukes..

every country will be bombed if verified making nukes.

nuclear iran is red line for world.
Usually you make sense, but really not this time.
There is no scenario, no matter how wild your imagination, that Israel will lose in any conflict.
Yes if Iran and Israel only fights then Israel would win without doubt but this won't happen cuz there are two super powers of the world are involved directly against any Israeli's attack on Iran so bye bye to Israel or USA in this game.....:smokin:
huh.......i think iran will be the last country to go for nukes..

every country will be bombed if verified making nukes.

nuclear iran is red line for world.

Is it not past your bed time kid? go to bed you will have to get up early tomorrow to watch cinderla.
Time to send a few Azari-Iranians with suitcases full of cash. Hezbollah 2.0, Baku division.

I've read a little about the creation of Hezbollah in Leb and quite honestly, it was just an Arab-Iranian with a suit case of cash that started it all. Aliyev is gonna be fighting proxies in his own country very soon. Come to think of it, it's the perfect breading ground. Azaris and shiaism mix like tea and sugar.
yeah why don't you go and hide behind your autorikshaw. It's not safe to hang around with Iranians on this web site. You may get dust on your finely combed hair...

If my posts hurt you go tell your mom and cry . Dont reply foolishly . I gave my opinion and if you dont have any , go and sleep .
Azerbaijan is a Muslim nation, not an Islamist one like Iran and all those other lovely nations.
Israel and Muslim nations can be the greatest of allies while Islamist nations tend to chop off hands and stone people, you get my drift?
That is why Israel has great relations with these Muslim nations (Turkey too, before an Islamist party was elected).

so according to your book a right islamic nation is the one that befriends israel... thats like saying its my way or the highway pal i decide who is good or bad. well anyway i still say azerbaijan will be nothing but a toy in this war it will be used and then left alone as long as it fulfills its usefulness after that it will face much brunt of the war. same can be said about qatar and yemen who are allowing bases for iran attack iran will not only attack israel but those bases and countries too since it would look too iran that they r helping israel in attacking their country which they would be doing believe it or not in these types of long distance wars providing bases is much worse then sending your own troops to battle with that enemy
Original inhabitants are those who used to live before the colonial occupation of the land. And it is not that far ago. Yes both sides have to compromise, now that is for sure. The same happened in South Africa.

Where do you draw the line? Which colonial occupation? The British?
I see you conveniently placed the line at about the time when there was very little to no Jews there.

btw-South Africa is a horrible place to live if you are a white farmer on a lonely ranch. So things aren't that great there to be referencing them as an example.
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