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'Azerbaijan granted Israel access to air bases on Iran border'

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Can i just ask why you guys bring up ancient dynasties and empires and who ruled whom 1000 years ago?

It's pointless, it means nothing (at present), nowadays all that matters is realpolitik and "if you scratch my back i'll scratch yours".

It is not that long ago. Russia occupied Iran's Azerbaijan almost 100 years ago. And I am sure the Azeri leader of Iran has a long term plan to make sure that Azerbaijan joins the motherland again. He can not leave his brethren out in the cold.

its good news:)

Now Zionists, dictators and despots are also joined by an Indian in their quest. It makes things even more clear. Who is with who. Now we know better.
It is not that long ago. Russia occupied Iran's Azerbaijan almost 100 years ago. And I am sure the Azeri leader of Iran has a long term plan to make sure that Azerbaijan joins the motherland again. He can not leave his brethren out in the cold.

Now Zionists, dictators and despots are also joined by an Indian in their quest. It makes things even more clear. Who is with who. Now we know better.

May I ask you not to bring up this issue any more my dearest friend on PDF? Let everyone live in his/her own country without joining anyone with the other.
...And I am sure the Azeri leader of Iran has a long term plan to make sure that Azerbaijan joins the motherland again. He can not leave his brethren out in the cold....

My grasp on internal Iranian politics is pretty weak, however i did manage to notice news in the last years that Ahmadinejad is not particularly well written in the eyes of the ayatollah.
If it were my money ,I wouldn't be betting on him to return anything to the motherland-i got the feeling he can disapear some day.
Now Zionists, dictators and despots are also joined by an Indian in their quest. It makes things even more clear. Who is with who. Now we know better.

oh come on dude!!!!!

i dont represent my country here and neither you:hitwall:

i just see where are our interest:azn:
For oil

Venezuella ( most of the oil cost too much to profit )


Canada ( Not too much knowledge )

Iran ( Again, drilling cost is too high because of rough terrain and transportation problems that comes with terrain)

P.S: This information is from Discovery channel :D Don't know if its accurate or not :P

Still better than Turkey with no oil.

Venezuela: Large conventional oil fields with low drilling costs. Still larger Shale oil with high cost of recovery.

KSA: Has lied about its reserves which are fast dwindling due to maximum sucking of oil for money

Canada: Reserves are mostly Shale oil with high cost of recovery.

Iran: Large conventional oil fields with low recovery cost. Also Iran has one of the most extensive pipeline systems running tens of thousands of kilometers for oil and gas. Even Iran's power plants are integrated into this oil network for cheap and reliable fuel transfer.

PS. Deno, you do not know anything. So stop lying.

May I ask you not to bring up this issue any more my dearest friend on PDF? Let everyone live in his/her own country without joining anyone with the other.

If you say so. But that is the truth and might even happen in few years time. Iran throughout history has shrunk and got bigger in cycles. This is history.

My grasp on internal Iranian politics is pretty weak, however i did manage to notice news in the last years that Ahmadinejad is not particularly well written in the eyes of the ayatollah.
If it were my money ,I wouldn't be betting on him to return anything to the motherland-i got the feeling he can disapear some day.

Iranian leader means the Ayatollah. Not Ahmadinejad whose term is going to end in 2013.
If you say so. But that is the truth and might even happen in few years time. Iran throughout history has shrunk and got bigger in cycles. This is history.

The truth is that historically more countries have become separated from each other than the number of countries that have joined each other.

Longbrained is a true friend of Iran, let him speak anything he wants. After all, we shouldnt be afraid of anything because we speak the truth
Not only he's a true friend of Iran, but he's my best friend on PDF and he's one of the most respected people on this forum for me, but I don't think it's a good idea to talk about such a controversial and sensitive thing on an international forum.
It is just talk... Iranian regime is bluffing about bombing US military bases... They are not unlogical enough to do such thing... When Israel stike the Iranian Nuclear bases, Iran will have 300-400 missiles that could reach Israel which will create chaos in Israel and not to mention the Hamas and Hezbuallah... They will surely strike against Israel in that chaos even though their statements about not attacking Israel if a war brokes out... We all know that they were just talk...
Let's say what you say is true, this scenario comes to pass... Thousands of dead on the Israeli side, millions on the Iran, Lebanon and Gaza side. This axis of evil knows the power Israel posses and Israel's retaliation for such a high death count on our side.

But this won't happen.
If they could have destroyed us by now, they would have, but they can't.

This war will be swift and decisive.
Let's say what you say is true, this scenario comes to pass... Thousands of dead on the Israeli side, millions on the Iran, Lebanon and Gaza side. This axis of evil knows the power Israel posses and Israel's retaliation for such a high death count on our side.
If they could have destroyed us by now, they would have, but they can't.

This war will be swift and decisive.

lol. Only thousands of dead on the Israeli side? :lol: You should say an eternal good bye to the Jewish land once Dimona gets hit which is surely going to happen if Israel wants to bring unconventional weapons in. (More than one thousands of those so called 'Scud' missiles are just pointing at Dimona at the moment I'm writing this. Call our missiles whatever you want, it doesn't change the fact that they pose a serious threat to you ;))
azerbaijan is muslim nation i think.........Another muslim nation against iran
Let's say what you say is true, this scenario comes to pass... Thousands of dead on the Israeli side, millions on the Iran, Lebanon and Gaza side. This axis of evil knows the power Israel posses and Israel's retaliation for such a high death count on our side.

But this won't happen.
If they could have destroyed us by now, they would have, but they can't.

This war will be swift and decisive.

Iran never wants to destroy you in the sense you mean or what fox news says.
The ahmadinejad says he wants to finish of the zionists state meaning throw you out and give land back to the palestnians.

however if you attack Iran, that is a wayyyyy different matter.
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