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'Azerbaijan granted Israel access to air bases on Iran border'

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Usually you make sense, but really not this time.
There is no scenario, no matter how wild your imagination, that Israel will lose in any conflict.

War with Iran is impossible for US and it is surely impossible for Israel. A Strike against Iran's nuclear facilities was impossible without fueling but now Israel can fuel their jets but they still can't reach Iranian nuclear sites without a nuclear strike because of Iranian sites are under 100-200 feet...

Not to mention that Israel can't hit all of the facilities nor it can destroy a certian part of Iran's nuclear chain... Some of the out of reach... Some of them has backup facilities... AND World would never side with Israel against Iran, politicans might but people won't specially if Israel use nukes which even US has to ambargo Israel...

No one was talking about Turkey that we could justify him getting angry.

I didn't like his comments about Turks.... Azeri Turks are my kin so that was the reason I replied like that :)
War with Iran is impossible for US and it is surely impossible for Israel. A Strike against Iran's nuclear facilities was impossible without fueling but now Israel can fuel their jets but they still can't reach Iranian nuclear sites without a nuclear strike because of Iranian sites are under 100-200 feet...

Not to mention that Israel can't hit all of the facilities nor it can destroy a certian part of Iran's nuclear chain... Some of the out of reach... Some of them has backup facilities... AND World would never side with Israel against Iran, politicans might but people won't specially if Israel use nukes which even US has to ambargo Israel...

I didn't like his comments about Turks.... Azeri Turks are my kin so that was the reason I replied like that :)
Thats what they said about US and Iraq until USA went ahead with it:azn:
I didn't like his comments about Turks.... Azeri Turks are my kin so that was the reason I replied like that :)

I understand your sentiments about your race but you could simply message him or talk personally to him instead of flaming an unnecessary war my friend.
It might be a risky move but dont think it's about Iran, they are doing this to counter the Armenians. They grant access to Israelis and in return they get weapons, training and maybe more. Besides Iran always supported Armenia anyway Azerbaijan just doing the same back now....
here's the thing though, it's not like this is a game changer for Iran. The possible side effects to this are possibly fatal for Azarbaijan. Iran can flatten Azarbaijan and send millions of soldiers to the country in a matter of days and they wouldn't be able to do anything about it. I think they're gambling on the fact that Israel is going to attack Iran if they do this. If they don't, things will get nasty for Azarbaijan fast.

Iran's support for Armenia has never been set in stone. We could have done MUCH more over the years. On top of that, we've proven MORE than capable of creating proxies in every country, from Lebanon to... We have more Azaris than Azarbaijan and it's a fact that Azaris in Iran are more religious than other nationalities. They're fiercely proud of their shia roots. If push comes to shove, we can start sending hundreds of people over the border with millions in suit cases to start havoc in Azarbaijan. In the 80's we sent Arab-Iranians with suit cases full of cash to Lebanon, the end result was Hezbollah.

This is a classic dictator move. One man makes decisions for an entire nation and it will prove costly down the road. Saddam did the same with Iraq.
Yes but USA will be involved in any future conflict that Iran faces....
you cannot dismiss their presence:no:

They won't and can't... Iran is not Iraq... Iranian people even though from different ethnicities will unite against a threat from US. Not to mention that the problems with US economy... US needs atleast ten years before thinking about wars...
They won't and can't... Iran is not Iraq... Iranian people even though from different ethnicities will unite against a threat from US. Not to mention that the problems with US economy... US needs atleast ten years before thinking about wars...
I don't have much knowledge on the matter of Iranian unity, but as you can remember US isn't exactly laidback when it comes to war;) Also if US mangaes to win this one, than it will gain control of the world's second largest oil reserves, which is a big enough reward economically I imagine:azn:
I don't have much knowledge on the matter of Iranian unity, but as you can remember US isn't exactly laidback when it comes to war;) Also if US mangaes to win this one, than it will gain control of the world's second largest oil reserves, which is a big enough reward economically I imagine:azn:

Nope... Not for US economy but for Oil Componies economy... This won't help US one bit... Iraqi oil cost 2 dollars for barrell to get it out of earth... It is the worlds most profitable oil... But that didn't helped US economy one bit...
I don't have much knowledge on the matter of Iranian unity, but as you can remember US isn't exactly laidback when it comes to war;) Also if US mangaes to win this one, than it will gain control of the world's second largest oil reserves, which is a big enough reward economically I imagine:azn:
second largest gas reserves not oil reserves.
We are the second largest exporter of OPEC, but we don't have the second biggest reserves. I think it's SA first, then Russia and then probably someone else after.
second largest gas reserves not oil reserves.
We are the second largest exporter of OPEC, but we don't have the second biggest reserves. I think it's SA first, then Russia and then probably someone else after.

For oil

Venezuella ( most of the oil cost too much to profit )


Canada ( Not too much knowledge )

Iran ( Again, drilling cost is too high because of rough terrain and transportation problems that comes with terrain)

P.S: This information is from Discovery channel :D Don't know if its accurate or not :P
Actually, it was India that backed off from the plan because Pakistan relayed that Indian nuclear sites would be bombed in retaliation.

It was India that backed off. We have discussed on here before, but we did offer to level Dimona as well.

My point is that if Indians were scared/worried about Pakistan attacking them surely in this situation Azerbaijan should or would be worried about Iranian retribution.
WOW, Persian trolls.

As late as 1925, Iran was ruled by an Azeri dynasty, Qajars!

How shameless can a people get? Look at all Azerbaijani-Turkic dynasties that have ruled Iran until 1925, then talk. There have never been a Persian rule over Azerbaijan. By the way no one cares about ancient times, because Azeri Turks came to the region in 11th century, and from that time always ruled over Iran.

We are descendets of Seljuqs for God's sake. :disagree:

Listen to this genius. According to him anybody who shares part of his racial background throughout history becomes an Azarbaijani citizen. He can't distinguish between the present day state of Azarbaijan and anybody who might have had some kind of Turkic ancestry, even in the distant past. It's like me taking credit for the actions of Croatians or Afghans or Scythians...

Well I have news for you buddy. From its mighty warlord turkic warrior creation myths, down to its name, almost everything about your country is a fake and a lie. You've just been exposed to a lifetime of propaganda. So you just can't see beyond it. I guess when you don't have anything to be proud of, you might as well invent something.
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