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'Azerbaijan granted Israel access to air bases on Iran border'

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Azerbaijan is a lilliputian land locked impoverished country that can never stand up to Iran militarily. It is even a joke to think otherwise.

I am sure Azerbaijan has a great military and is very prosperous. But you still can't stand up to Iran ,because as Admiral Gorshkov once said"Quantity has it's own quality"

Now that quote from Admiral Gorshkov is really powerful.
Troll, yet Azerbaijan have and will have better weapons. Now go and parade fake S-300s.

Go and stone women you troll, your daily activity. Talk about being a troll.
Troll, yet Azerbaijan have and will have better weapons. Now go and parade fake S-300s.

Go and stone women you troll, your daily activity. Talk about being a troll.

Lol. You are quoting western propaganda. You know what your tragedy is? That Iran would not need to launch its ballistic and cruise missiles to take over you. Even their artillery would be enough since you are too small for Iranian missiles. Anyways, Azerbaijan is a poor country. It can not even export its oil if Iran had refused it to be shipped over Iranian territory. Without Iran, Azerbaijan is nothing.
So Azerbaijan exports it's oil through Iran? LOL...Ever heard of BTC pipeline? Azerbaijan has no oil export through Iran.

Then Iran is at the level of African nations...

This is one of the many new projects in Baku, which shows developement and general increase of wealth. And no I m not saying that skyscrapers are ultimate way of developement. Azerbaijan has huge infrastructure projects for this decade.


"hearing Persian footsteps"

Go and watch ***-**** dude, maybe there you can hear Persian footsteps.
Why you argue about this obviously fake report? Its authors are so lame that put pic of Shimon Peres in Kazakhstan to illustrate Israel's ties with Azerbaijan: :rolleyes:


Israel's Secret Staging Ground - By Mark Perry | Foreign Policy

As for Iran attacking Azerbaijan, it will never happen. Russia, US, Turkey all will stand behind Azerbaijan in this case and Iran will be crushed and became a total pariah. Iran knows that thats why they always use proxies and never act directly.
Homosexuals are fighters? Since when?

Persian men are infamous for their homosexuality and have been for the entire history of their existence.

I would invite you to the other thread I created and see how Azeris ethnically dominated military in Iran prior to 1925.

Well, even Iranian gays wouldn't face any difficulty when they want to conquer or destroy Azerbaijan. Maybe we should send only one gay division. I think thats enough for you guys. :lol:

Believe me, Iran will one day - under this regime or another - take Azerbaijan and it will be again with his original owner.







This thread is stupid. There were rumours that Israel would use Azerbaijan bases to attack Iran. Off course it is natural that Iranians would say they will attack if they are attacked from there. Now that that rumour has been proven just to be that what is all this macho Iran-Azerbhaijan war. Why would these two nations fight there people have much in common. To assist Zionist Jews??????
Enemies of Iran and Azerbhijan must be happy if this is all it takes to cause a fight between the two lol
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