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'Azerbaijan granted Israel access to air bases on Iran border'

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You see..we arent suicidal like you. We have something to live for.

Yea we know what Indians have to look forward to. I cant even mention it here cos I would get an infraction

so that mean Azerbaijan regime giving us a good reason to invade them if anything happen , right !?

No they have denied the claim
so that mean Azerbaijan regime giving us a good reason to invade them if anything happen , right !?

Invade is a big word for you my friend, human waves times in GW1 is over, one cluster missile from Himras MRLS can incerate everything within 500 KM squire, only one missile. You know what kind of military you have. The only thing that Iran can hurt with is missiles and rockets and that can be solved with anti-missile defense systems and air-superiority over Iranian neighboring territories. Iraq was far more stronger than Iran today. It had about 17000+ ani air missiles, 4000 anti air canons, 5000 tanks (2600 T-72), 7000 (armored vehicles), 700 aircrafts; Mig-21-23-25-29, Mirage-f1, SU-22-20-25...etc. The first missile Iran launch on Azeris the game will be over.
Azerbaijan has S-300PMU2 and recently signed a $1.6 billion deal with Israel which includes anti-air and anti-missile systems, aswell 2 Green Pine radars.

With regards to defence against ballistic missiles...
why dident bahrain gave access to israel?:undecided:
azerbaijan should stay away from it..in my humble opinion....israeli airforce will leave in one piece only for azerbaijan to suffer in the long run.
Invade is a big word for you my friend, human waves times in GW1 is over, one cluster missile from Himras MRLS can incerate everything within 500 KM squire, only one missile. You know what kind of military you have. The only thing that Iran can hurt with is missiles and rockets and that can be solved with anti-missile defense systems and air-superiority over Iranian neighboring territories. Iraq was far more stronger than Iran today. It had about 17000+ ani air missiles, 4000 anti air canons, 5000 tanks (2600 T-72), 7000 (armored vehicles), 700 aircrafts; Mig-21-23-25-29, Mirage-f1, SU-22-20-25...etc. The first missile Iran launch on Azeris the game will be over.

yes its the end of the world if one stands up for themselves bending over and giving up is best way to live well congratulation Arab leaders have achieved that.

Iraq was a dictator ship and Saddam was most hated man by Iraqis including his military personal big difference plus he was attacked by a lot more countries then one.(we don't need to go into details)
Azerbaijan has S-300PMU2 and recently signed a $1.6 billion deal with Israel which includes anti-air and anti-missile systems, as well 2 Green Pine radars.

With regards to defense against ballistic missiles...

A week ago, a Russian newspaper reported that Russia was preparing to sell Azerbaijan two batteries of S-300 air defense systems. That report has yet to be confirmed, and it has been denied by all sorts of sources, but it has nonetheless resulted in a tidal wave of speculation in Yerevan and Baku.

The deal, if it actually happened, would be worth $300 million and be the largest single purchase by any post-Soviet state (other than Russia). There are reasons for skepticism: $300 million is about a quarter of Azerbaijan's current defense budget, which is a lot to spend for two air defense systems. And Russia hasn't sold Azerbaijan any arms of note since the early days of independence, Moscow, of course, being more traditionally aligned with Armenia.
Those statements containing information about Moscow’s possible delivery of anti-aircraft missile launchers C-300 to Azerbaijan are not true, an unnamed defense ministry senior official told Russian Interfax agency.

“There are not any agreements on C-300, and they will hardly be signed in the near future. It is impossible to describe the absurdity of the whole thing. Those statements are bluff, a profanation,” the source is quoted by Interfax as saying.
He said “the supply of Russian C-300 rockets to Azerbaijan is impossible today.”

signed a $1.6 billion deal with Israel

1.6 billion is more then Azerbaijan complete defense budget care to explain how Azerbaijan will spend more then its defense budget to buy few items from Israel.

Its OK if you wanna make claims to make few here happy but this isn't child play and we are not living in fantasy world please do share with us the info with links.
The guy who talks has no idea. Azerbaijan's defence budget is $4.4-5 billion, here:

Azerbaijan Business Center -

Morover, Azerbaijan is an oil producing country with considerable revenues.

"He said “the supply of Russian C-300 rockets to Azerbaijan is impossible today.”"



Are you a troll? Seriously...

Israel signs $1.6 billion arms deal with Azerbaijan - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News
This is now pointless. Israelis newspaper claimed they were getting bases Azerbhijan have denied it. What more to discuss??
The plan is still there. Freedom to Azeri Turks of Southern Azerbaijan and Arabs of Khuzestan. Stop stealing Arabian oil and wealth. Persians will be nothing more than mountain dwellers without these parts. No oil (Arabistan-Khuzestan), no agriculture (Southern Azerbaijan).
LOL russian sold you some cement mixers and said they gave you s-300.
what I find funny is that this midget country who got raped over and over by armenia is now is standing up to Iran.

pussies admitted it now they did not give access, cause you know, your country would become a good target practice for Iran if you did.
we will free the shia from aliyevbaijan and take back the land we own.
You are probably referring to the cement mixers you paraded. LOL
I am sure Azerbaijan has a great military and is very prosperous. But you still can't stand up to Iran ,because as Admiral Gorshkov once said"Quantity has it's own quality"
You are probably referring to the cement mixers you paraded. LOL

That was never said to be the s-300, it had "we can do it" written on it.
they are working on bavar now. but then again a mentally retarded person can not understand this.
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