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Arabs invaded us and were defeated so comprehensively that they swore off never to attack India. The ones who were in Baluchistan accepted vassal status under Gujara-Pratihara empire.

Arabs invasion were very big failure with most of them dying at hand of Gujara-Pratihara empire in Battle of Rajasthan.

Central asians won because they had Horse archers, which were superior to Elephant cavalry, Heavy horse cavalry and infantry that Indian fielded.

Then how Muslims have managed to maintain babri issue past 150 years the day it started? We are 80% and still fighting to build ram mandir lol. That means Muslims are united against us and merely 17% can give us a hit back.
Its a story that repeats itself in India ALL the time.

Here is the photo of goan Priests venerating the body of St. Xavier who actually conducted the Goa Inquisition, who tortured and converted the locals into christians.

The man was the greatest evil know to goa till this date and Indians still fawn over his dead body :sick:


Once as a kid I was taken to see this corpse and was told its a miracle that the body of a "holy man" was preserved so well. Its only much later I read about the horrible evils this fiend committed on the innocent locals of Goa. Thanks to the internet I may add.

He after his little adventure in Goa had gone to Japan as he had heared that Japanese are more willing to listen to "voice of reason". He returned despodent after 8 year when he was not able to convert Japanese in any significant number.

Goa inquisition is well known among History enthusiasts, but it's details are not clear as Catholic Church destroyed all recordes when that inquisition was called off.

Muslims convert by Sword because they are stupid and does not know how to use propaganda well. Church is cunning. When muslims kill, they boast about in their literature, when Chrisatians kill, they cover it up.
Its a story that repeats itself in India ALL the time.

Here is the photo of goan Priests venerating the body of St. Xavier who actually conducted the Goa Inquisition, who tortured and converted the locals into christians.

The man was the greatest evil know to goa till this date and Indians still fawn over his dead body :sick:


Once as a kid I was taken to see this corpse and was told its a miracle that the body of a "holy man" was preserved so well. Its only much later I read about the horrible evils this fiend committed on the innocent locals of Goa. Thanks to the internet I may add.
I am a GSB .... this fucker nearly wiped out my bloodline :(
He after his little adventure in Goa had gone to Japan as he had heared that Japanese are more willing to listen to "voice of reason". He returned despodent after 8 year when he was not able to convert Japanese in any significant number.

Goa inquisition is well known among History enthusiasts, but it's details are not clear as Catholic Church destroyed all recordes when that inquisition was called off.

Muslims convert by Sword because they are stupid and does not know how to use propaganda well. Church is cunning. When muslims kill, they boast about in their literature, when Chrisatians kill, they cover it up.

That is why Christian missionaries are infinitely more dangerous than crude attempts by muslims at conversion.
Let's have a new country marathistan :D

and then came abdalli who conquered Delhi and marathas went back to Mumbai.

Not true.

Third battle of Panipat (1761) was only a temporary setback and Maratha had put up their nominee on Delhi's throne in 1772. Thirs battle of Panipat was a 10 year setback to Marathas, not a mortal blow.

Sikhs gained in wake of Third battle of Panipat ,not Muslims, as they were able to fill vacuum left by Marathas.
GSB's been running all their lives. That is why you are spread from Kashmir to Kanyakumari, to Bengal coast.
Hahaa......GSB is a sub class of saraswat brahmins .. but I am not sure about it all maybe a fellow (saraswat?) @SarthakGanguly can tell us :lol:
Anyway ... we know nobody gonna stand up for us so we do what we can....did anyone stand up for Kashmiri Pandits?
Not true.

Third battle of Panipat (1761) was only a temporary setback and Maratha had put up their nominee on Delhi's throne in 1772. Thirs battle of Panipat was a 10 year setback to Marathas, not a mortal blow.

Sikhs gained in wake of Third battle of Panipat ,not Muslims, as they were able to fill vacuum left by Marathas.

and after than christians took over India lol
And that is why we are the least liked people in India :) A fact I am proud of :)
Jai Maharashtra

Jai Hind. Jai Maharashtra.

That is probably because you have no ethics :P

Ethics get you killed against an unethical foe.

I repeat what I told @DESERT FIGHTER

The reason a maratha makes any Muslim with a bad attitude s.hit his pants is because in us he recognizes a kindred spirit in terms of vicious bloodthirstiness and a complete vacuum of morals and chivalry in a blood fight.
50% of the north east is christian only

Though good news from North-east is that tide of cross has been halted there ,and Populations has become stable finally.

and after than christians took over India lol

That is correct.

Third battle of Panipat determined who would not rule India rather than who would. Had Marathas won, they would have smoothly supplanted Mughals as Emprorers of India.

That battle also contributed to adoption of stupid military tactics by Marathas later on. In Third battle of Panipat, French artillery was not very effective (though it was dut to MAratha cavalry charging Afghan lines at wrong time). This shook Maratha confidence in artillery and from that point onward they were very quick to concede guns on battlefield, which every professional army considered harakiri.

Third battle of Panipat also teach up about the perils of having sympathizer of enemy in your country. Area around Panipat was populated by muslims and it was the biggest reason that Maratha army starved in months following to this battle. Muslims (not Afghan Army, local muslims) sabotaged supply and adopted scorched earth policy which imperiled situation of Maratha in field.
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