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Ayodhya negotiators come up with dual-shrine solution to settle dispute

Where did @seiko go? Why is his name not getting bolded?

What do you mean by "at least" bro?

Don't want to sound either alarmist or pompous bro but as of today there are only two hardcore Hindu states in the country, Maharashtra (which was always hard-core as I have explained to @DESERT FIGHTER and @save_ghenda elsewhere), and Gujarat which discovered itself after being punched upon for a long long time.

Once (and if) these fall, you can welcome Arabia into a once Dharmic land.

seiko changed his username new name is @Iggy
because only marathis gave a bitter fight to mughals and invading parties. out of hindus .. actually we hindus are ball less you know.

Sir, it is Marathas, not marathis as you keep saying. We are a proud warrior race that has bled for the faith and the soil. At least say our name right.

What do you mean by "at least" bro?

Don't want to sound either alarmist or pompous bro but as of today there are only two hardcore Hindu states in the country, Maharashtra (which was always hard-core as I have explained to @DESERT FIGHTER and @save_ghenda elsewhere), and Gujarat which discovered itself after being punched upon for a long long time.

Once (and if) these fall, you can welcome Arabia into a once Dharmic land.

By At least I meant that at least Marathis had balls and they did not allowed tomb of Afzal khan to be converted into a shrine, unlike UP bhaiyya Hindus who still visit shrine of supoposed pir in reality a Ghazi, Salar masud, whose tomb is located in bahraich and was constructed by Firuz Tuglaq. He was nephew of Mohd Ghaznavi and invaded India after death of Ghaznavi, but was defeated and killed any killed by Hindu commenwealth armies in battle of Bahraich. Muslims consider him a peer and some retarded Hindus play along. Had he prevailed, we would have seem a Delhi sultunate in 1000AD rather than 1300AD.
Sir, it is Marathas, not marathis as you keep saying. We are a proud warrior race that has bled for the faith and the soil. At least say our name right.

yar whatever it is marathis or marathas .. the point is... we are hindus and we are inferior to muslims. See the aggression in muslims and motivation to conquer and we believe in peace.. lol. which shows our fear.
Bt At least I meant that at least Marathis had balls and they did not allowed tomb of Afzal khan to be converted into a shrine, unlike UP bhaiyya Hindus who still visit shrine of supoposed pir in reality a Ghazi, Salar masud, whose tomb is located in bahraich and was constructed by Firuz Tuglaq. He was nephew of Mohd Ghaznavi and invaded India after death of Ghaznavi, but was defeated and killed any killed by Hindu commenwealth armies in battle of Bahraich. Muslims consider him a peer and some retarded Hindus play along.

My point was there is no "at least" about Marathas.

And @Screambowl we did not give the muslim armies a "bitter fight" See the map. We khaderoed them from India. A pan-continental rout of epic medieval military proportions.
My point was there is no "at least" about Marathas.

And @Screambowl we did not give the muslim armies a "bitter fight" See the map. We khaderoed them from India. A pan-continental rout of epic medieval military proportions.

Let's have a new country marathistan :D

and then came abdalli who conquered Delhi and marathas went back to Mumbai.
because only marathis gave a bitter fight to mughals and invading parties. out of hindus .. actually we hindus are ball less you know.

Actually that is only partially true.

The reason that India is still 80% Hindu is because Muslims were given a fight at every instance. It is just that only Marathas succeded at a large scale. Persians surrendered and look what became of Zorastarianism.

Sultunate ,for most of the time, was bogged down by fights in Gangetic valley itself and thus had very little time to expand into South. Between Qutub din Aibak's rule and that of Balban, there was a situation where Delhi was ruled by Muslims and Bengal was ruled by Muslims, but UP and Bihar were ruled by Hindus.Gahadvals recovered from their defeat at the hands of Ghori and repatured UP. They were finshed off by Illtutmish.

My point was there is no "at least" about Marathas.

And @Screambowl we did not give the muslim armies a "bitter fight" See the map. We khaderoed them from India. A pan-continental rout of epic medieval military proportions.

At least is a comparative clause. It menas that at least marathis from whole zoo of Indian ethnic groups had balls to stop muslims from converting tomb of azfal khan into a shrine.
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At least Marathis have some balls compared to UPwallahs, or else tomb of Afzal khan would have became a sufi shrine by now, like that of Ghazi Saiyyad Salar Masud has become.

The worst irony here is that even shameless Hindus visit his shrine even though he was one of the biggest mass murderer of their ancestors.

Self Respect is a rare thing among Hindus in India. Courage is even rare.

Which is why Gandhi, one of the meekest leaders in the world is lauded for his "courage" in India.

His mantra was Swallow your Self Respect and pretend those raping your Nation are "just people" and forgive them. That apparently is "courage".
Let's have a new country marathistan :D

and then came abdalli who conquered Delhi and marathas went back to Mumbai.

The Maratha warrior did a far sight more than any other Indian tribe. Against an invading army and ideology. Including those we now call our neighbors.

Anyways, as I siad, I know there is no fear in me. And I am not here to prove myself braver than other Indians. Just that with or without their suport the mosque is not going to be rebuilt there. Period.
Actually that is only partially true.

The reason that India is still 80% Hindu is because Muslims were given a fight at every instance. It is just that only Marathas succeded at a large scale. Persians surrendered and look what became of Zorastarianism.

Sultunate ,for most of the time, was bogged down by fights in Gangetic valley itself and thus had very little time to expand into South. Between Qutub din Aibak's rule and that of Balban, there was a situation where Delhi was ruled by Muslims and Bengal was ruled by Muslims, but UP and Bihar were ruled by Hindus. UP was captured by Gahadvals who recovered from their defeat at the hands of Ghori and repatured UP. They were finshed off by Illtutmish.

At least is a comparative clause. It menas that at least marathis from whole zoo of Indian ethnic groups had balls to stop muslims from converting tomb of azfal khan into a shrine.

I am a pahadi and neither Mullahs nor goras could ever conquer us .. britishers came but in 20 years they were throw out. But we used to fight with gurkhas they invaded us, but still they are our own relatives. :P

But still I believe we hindus are soft and easy target. Hindus started winning because no more arabs invaded us. all invaders were either turks or afghans.. similar to us.

If they were arabs.. we would have never won against them. They are true believers and the most powerful breed on earth you know. And we are Grass eating Hindu Baniyas.
Self Respect is a rare thing among Hindus in India. Courage is even rare.

Which is why Gandhi, one of the meekest leaders in the world is lauded for his "courage" in India.

His mantra was Swallow your Self Respect and pretend those raping your Nation are "just people" and forgive them. That apparently is "courage".

It is more of a recent phenomenon, I would say post 1857CE one.

If you read History, Hindus always put up resistance.

Jat rebellion was ignited by Aurangzeb's desecration of Mathura's temple. Jats in retaliation dug up Akbar's grave and burned his bones.

Whole Rajput commonwealth with exception of Kachawaha Rajputs (that too because their kingdom was less than 100Km away from Delhi) revolted when Aurangzeb decided to go on iconoclastic spree.

Rana sanga defeated sultunate under Lodhis in four straight battles and would have suceeded in expelling Muslims from India had Gunpowder army of Babur not defeated him (though he invited him but he did not knew that Babur has enough technological superiority that it would be impossible to expel him later on).

Then there is Vijaynagar empire, Hemu, and example og Orissa.
The Maratha warrior did a far sight more than any other Indian tribe. Against an invading army and ideology. Including those we now call our neighbors.

Anyways, as I siad, I know there is no fear in me. And I am not here to prove myself braver than other Indians. Just that with or without their suport the mosque is not going to be rebuilt there. Period.

In the next 20 years they will make a mosque , through love jehad. Muslim handsome boys will make hindu girls target and soon there will be a muslim groom in every hindu family. They will mould policy and take over RSS. Then who will stop them?
At least Marathis have some balls compared to UPwallahs, or else tomb of Afzal khan would have became a sufi shrine by now, like that of Ghazi Saiyyad Salar Masud has become.

The worst irony here is that even shameless Hindus visit his shrine even though he was one of the biggest mass murderer of their ancestors.

Its a story that repeats itself in India ALL the time.

Here is the photo of goan Priests venerating the body of St. Xavier who actually conducted the Goa Inquisition, who tortured and converted the locals into christians.

The man was the greatest evil know to goa till this date and Indians still fawn over his dead body :sick:


Once as a kid I was taken to see this corpse and was told its a miracle that the body of a "holy man" was preserved so well. Its only much later I read about the horrible evils this fiend committed on the innocent locals of Goa. Thanks to the internet I may add.
I am a pahadi and neither Mullahs nor goras could ever conquer us .. britishers came but in 20 years they were throw out. But we used to fight with gurkhas they invaded us, but still they are our own relatives. :P

But still I believe we hindus are soft and easy target. Hindus started winning because no more arabs invaded us. all invaders were either turks or afghans.. similar to us.

If they were arabs.. we would have never won against them. They are true believers and the most powerful breed on earth you know. And we are Grass eating Hindu Baniyas.


Arabs invaded us and were defeated so comprehensively that they swore off never to attack India. The ones who were in Baluchistan accepted vassal status under Gujara-Pratihara empire.

Arabs invasion were very big failure with most of them dying at hand of Gujara-Pratihara empire in Battle of Rajasthan.

Central asians won because they had Horse archers, which were superior to Elephant cavalry, Heavy horse cavalry and infantry that Indian fielded.
Where did @seiko go? Why is his name not getting bolded?

What do you mean by "at least" bro?

Don't want to sound either alarmist or pompous bro but as of today there are only two hardcore Hindu states in the country, Maharashtra (which was always hard-core as I have explained to @DESERT FIGHTER and @save_ghenda elsewhere), and Gujarat which discovered itself after being punched upon for a long long time.

Once (and if) these fall, you can welcome Arabia into a once Dharmic land.
And that is why we are the least liked people in India :) A fact I am proud of :)
Jai Maharashtra
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