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Ayodhya negotiators come up with dual-shrine solution to settle dispute

It is fashion to glorify Sufi Islam. Ajmer where Islam came violently with destruction of numerous temples and mosques raised at their sites is now bastion of Moin Uddin Chisti cult.

Siyarul Auliya a work written by a sufi in fourteenth century shows real nature of Moin Uddin Chisti and Sufis.

"The other miracle is that before his arrival the whole of Hindustan was submerged by unbelief and idol-worship. Every haughty man in Hind pronounced himself to be Almighty God and considered himself as the partner of God. All the people of India used to prostrate themselves before stones, idols, trees, animals, cows and cow-dung. Because of the darkness of unbelief over this land their hearts were locked and hardened.

All India was ignorant of orders of religion and law. All were ignorant of Allãh and His Prophet. None had seen the Kaba. None had heard of the Greatness of Allãh.

Because of his coming, the, Sun of real believers, the helper of religion, Muîn al-dîn, the darkness of unbelief in this land was illumined by the light of Islam.

Because of his Sword, instead of idols and temples in the land of unbelief now there are mosques, mihrãb and mimbar. In the land where there were the sayings of the idol-worshippers, there is the sound of Allãhu Akbar.

This has been the aim of Sufis, sappers and miners of Islamic armies.


Allauddin attacked Gujrat in 1299, Tarikh I Wassaf was written in 1300 by Abdullah of Shiraz, Iran. This is what he tells us( some clueless Indians think that Persians were some angels, just see this man's reaction on slaughter of innocents).

"In short, the Muhammadan army brought the country to utter ruin, and destroyed the lives of the inhabitants, and plundered the cities, and captured their offspring, so that many temples were deserted and the idols were broken and trodden under foot, the largest of which was one called Somnãt,fixed upon stone, polished like a mirror of charming shape and admirable workmanship Its head was adorned with a crown set with gold and rubies and pearls and other precious stones and a necklace of large shining pearls, like the belt of Orion, depended from the shoulder towards the side of the body.

The Muhammadan soldiers plundered all these jewels and rapidly set themselves to demolish the idol. The surviving infidels were deeply affected with grief, and they engaged to pay a thousand pieces of gold as ransom for the idol, but they were indignantly rejected, and the idol was destroyed, and its limbs, which were anointed with ambergris and perfumed, were cut off.The fragments were conveyed to Delhi, and the entrance of the Jãmi Masjid was paved with them, that people might remember and talk of this brilliant victory. Praise be to God, the Lord of the worlds. Amen!"

Shihab Ud Din Umari was an Arabi writer of Damisk in Syria, he wrote in 14th century and tells this about Muhammad Bin Tughlaq ( who has been glorified by that Girish Karnad and numerous western indologists are friend of this Kannda writer).

"The Sultãn is not slack in jihãd. He never lets go of his spear or bridle in pursuing jihãd by land and sea routes. This is his main occupation which engages his eyes and ears. He has spent vast sums for the establishment of the faith and the spread of Islãm in these lands, as a result of which the light of Islãm has reached the inhabitants and the flash of the true faith brightened among them.Fire temples have been destroyed and the images and idols of Budd have been broken, and the lands have been freed from those who were not included in the dãrul Islãm, that is, those who had refused to become zimmîs.Islãm has been spread by him in the far east and has reached the point of sunrise. In the words of Abû Nasr al-Ãinî, he has carried the flags of the followers of Islãm where they had never reached before and where no chapter or verse (of the Qurãn) had ever been recited. Thereafter he got mosques and places of worship erected, and music replaced by call to prayers (azãn), and the incantations of fire-worshippers stopped by recitations of the Qurãn. He directed the people of Islãm towards the citadels of the infidels and, by the grace of Allãh, made them (the believers) inheritors of wealth and land and that country which they (the believers) had never trodden upon"


Tarikh I Firoz Shahi is a classic work of Medieval Indian histriography. It was written by Ziauddin Barani , a man who tells us that but for Hanafi school, Hindus should not have lived and how Mahmud being Shafai always killed Hindus.

Firuz Shah Tughlaq(1351-1388) in Puri

"After the hunt was over, the Sultãn directed his attention to the Rãî of Jãjnagar, and entering the palace where he dwelt he found many fine buildings.It is reported that inside the Rãîs fort, there was a stone idol which the infidels called Jagannãth, and to which they paid their devotions. Sultãn Fîroz, in emulation of Mahmûd Subuktigîn, having rooted up the idol, carried it away to Delhi where he placed it in an ignominious position"

More details are given by other works like Sirat I Firozshahi

"Allãh, who is the only true God and has no other emanation,endowed the king of Islãm with the strength to destroy this ancient shrine on the eastern sea-coast and to plunge it into the sea, and after its destruction, he ordered the nose of the image of Jagannãth to be perforated and disgraced it by casting it down on the ground. They dug out other idols, which were worshipped by the polytheists in the kingdom of Jãjnagar, and overthrew them as they did the image of Jagannãth, for being laid in front of the mosques along the path of the Sunnis and way of the musallis (the multitude who offer prayers) and stretched them in front of the portals of every mosque, so that the body and sides of the images may be trampled at the time of ascent and descent, entrance and exit, by the shoes on the feet of the Muslims.

After this sack,

Firuz Shah Tughlaq attacked an island on the sea-coast where nearly 100,000 men of Jãjnagar had taken refuge with their women, children, kinsmen and relations.The swordsmen of Islam turned the island into a basin of blood by the massacre of the unbelievers. A worse fate overtook the Hindu women. Sîrat-i-Fîrûz Shãhî records: Women with babies and pregnant ladies were haltered, manacled, fettered and enchained, and pressed as slaves into service in the house of every soldier

See this incident and notice what real Islam is. This is from Tarikh I Firozshahi of Shams uddin Siraj

"A report was brought to the Sultãn that there was in Delhi an old Brahman (zunãr dãr) who persisted in publicly performing the worship of idols in his house; and that people of the city, both Musulmãns and Hindus, used to resort to his house to worship the idol. The Brahman had constructed a wooden tablet (muhrak), which was covered within and without with paintings of demons and other objectsAn order was accordingly given that the Brahman, with his tablet, should be brought into the presence of the Sultãn at Fîrozãbãd. The judges and doctors and elders and lawyers were summoned, and the case of the Brahman was submitted for their opinion. Their reply was that the provisions of the Law were clear: the Brahman must either become a Musulmãn or be burned.The true faith was declared to the Brahman, and the right course pointed out, but he refused to accept it. Orders were given for raising a pile of faggots before the door of the darbãr. The Brahman was tied hand and foot and cast into it; the tablet was thrown on top and the pile was lighted. The writer of this book was present at the darbãr and witnessed the execution. The tablet of the Brahman was lighted in two places, at his head and at his feet; the wood was dry, and the fire first reached his feet, and drew from him a cry, but the flames quickly enveloped his head and consumed him.Behold the Sultãns strict adherence to law and rectitude, how he would not deviate in the least from its decrees!"

So this is what decrees of Islam are, burning a brahman in his native city for idol worship. Ofcourse medieval kings who spent years studying Islam, scholars like Barani or Afif did not know 'real Islam'. This is only known to some leftists of India and Europe.


Some people tell us that fanaticism is due to 'Wahabis'. So all these Sultans and Islamic warlords from Qasim to Firuz were Wahabis? All scholars like Barani, Khusru and Afif and all other( please note consistency, how every author celebrates killings of innocent civilians and says' glory to allah, this is fate of infidels') were Wahabis?

Tarikh I Afghana by Ahmad Yadgar tells this about Sikandar Lodi in Kangra a place for Jwala Devi

"Sultãn Sikandar led a very pious life Islãm was regarded very highly in his reign.The infidels could not muster the courage to worship idols or bathe in the (sacred) streams. During his holy reign, idols were hidden underground. The stone (idol) of Nagarkot, which had misled the (whole) world, was brought and handed over to butchers so that they might weigh meat with it."

And as per Waqyat I Mustaki he did this in Mathura ( note how same sacred place is being targeted by Jehad for centuries from GHazanavi to Lodis and then finally by Aurangzeb)

"He got the temples of the infidels destroyed. No trace of infidelity was left at the place in Mathurã where the infidels used to take bath. He got caravanserais constructed so that people could stay there, and also the shops of various professionals such as the butchers, bãwarchîs, nãnbãîs and sweetmeatsellers. If a Hindu went there for bathing even by mistake, he was made to lose his limbs and punished severely.No Hindu could get shaved at that place. No barber would go near a Hindu, whatever be the payment offered."

Even with this oppression, less than 10 percent of Mathura was Muslim in 1881 after a hell of six centuries, so much for 'oppressive caste system'.


Provincial Sultans were no less 'pious' in Jehad. Muzzafarids of Gujrat were founded by Muzaffar Shah who ruled from 1392-1410. As per Tabkat I Akhari this is what he did in Idar the tiny but heroic kingdom

"In AH 796 (AD 1393-94), it was reported that Sultãn Muhammad bin Fîrûz Shãh had died at Delhî and that the affairs of the kingdom were in disorder so that a majority of zamîndãrs were in revolt, particularly the Rãjã of Îdar. Zafar Khãn collected a large army and mountain-like elephants and proceeded to Îdar in order to punish the RãjãThe Rãjã of Îdar had no time to prepare a defence and shut himself in the fort. The armies of Zafar Khãn occupied the Kingdom of Îdar and started plundering and destroying it. They levelled with the ground whatever temple they found."

Despite being so small, Idar resisted heroically.

"In AH 803 (AD 1399-1400) Ãzam Humãyûn paid one years wages (in advance) to his army and after making great preparations, he attacked the fort of Îdar with a view to conquer it. After the armies of the Sultãn had besieged the fort from all sidesand the battle continued non-stop for several days "In the morning Zafar Khãn entered the fort and, after expressing his gratefulness to Allãh, and destroying the temples,he appointed officers in the fort"

Noe see case of Somnath. Ghaznavi had to kill more than 50,000 and Allauddin too made a great slaughter. Hindus once again raised temple there and Islam once again attacked that sacred place

"In AH 797 (AD 1394-95) he proceeded for the destruction of the temple of Somnãt. On the way he made Rajpûts food for his sword and demolished whatever temple he saw at any place. When he arrived at Somnãt, he got the temple burnt and the idol of Somnãt broken. He made a slaughter of the infidels and laid waste the city. He got a Jãmi Masjid raised there and appointed officers of the Sharih

So Hindus of Veraval now should respect that mosque,absurd.

Hindus did not lose heart and once again raised temples.

"In AH 804 (AD 1401-02) reports were received by Zafar Khãn that the infidels and Hindûs of Somnãt had again started making efforts for promoting the ways of their religion.Ãzam Humãyûn started for that place and sent an army in advance.When the residents of Somnãt learnt this, they advanced along the sea-shore and offered battle. Ãzam Humãyûn reached that place speedily and he slaughtered that group. Those who survived took shelter in the fort of the port at Dîp (Diu). After some time, he conquered that place as well, slaughtered that group also and got their leaders trampled under the feet of elephants. He got the temples demolished and a Jãmi Masjid constructed. Having appointed a qãzî, muftî and other guardians of Shariah he returned to the capital at PaTan.

This was fourth attack killing tens of thousands of people who were trying to protect their sacred place.

Do Posters want more examples of brotherhood and tolerance?I could supply them as many example as they want.
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It is fashion to glorify Sufi Islam. Ajmer where Islam came violently with destruction of numerous temples and mosques raised at their sites is now bastion of Moin Uddin Chisti cult.

Siyarul Auliya a work written by a sufi in fourteenth century shows real nature of Moin Uddin Chisti and Sufis.

"The other miracle is that before his arrival the whole of Hindustan was submerged by unbelief and idol-worship. Every haughty man in Hind pronounced himself to be Almighty God and considered himself as the partner of God. All the people of India used to prostrate themselves before stones, idols, trees, animals, cows and cow-dung. Because of the darkness of unbelief over this land their hearts were locked and hardened.

All India was ignorant of orders of religion and law. All were ignorant of Allãh and His Prophet. None had seen the Kaba. None had heard of the Greatness of Allãh.

Because of his coming, the, Sun of real believers, the helper of religion, Muîn al-dîn, the darkness of unbelief in this land was illumined by the light of Islam.

Because of his Sword, instead of idols and temples in the land of unbelief now there are mosques, mihrãb and mimbar. In the land where there were the sayings of the idol-worshippers, there is the sound of Allãhu Akbar.

This has been the aim of Sufis, sappers and miners of Islamic armies.

Allauddin attacked Gujrat in 1299, Tarikh I Wassaf was written in 1300 by Abdullah of Shiraz, Iran. This is what he tells us( some clueless Indians think that Persians were some angels, just see this man's reaction on slaughter of innocents).

"In short, the Muhammadan army brought the country to utter ruin, and destroyed the lives of the inhabitants, and plundered the cities, and captured their offspring, so that many temples were deserted and the idols were broken and trodden under foot, the largest of which was one called Somnãt,fixed upon stone, polished like a mirror of charming shape and admirable workmanship Its head was adorned with a crown set with gold and rubies and pearls and other precious stones and a necklace of large shining pearls, like the belt of Orion, depended from the shoulder towards the side of the body.

The Muhammadan soldiers plundered all these jewels and rapidly set themselves to demolish the idol. The surviving infidels were deeply affected with grief, and they engaged to pay a thousand pieces of gold as ransom for the idol, but they were indignantly rejected, and the idol was destroyed, and its limbs, which were anointed with ambergris and perfumed, were cut off.The fragments were conveyed to Delhi, and the entrance of the Jãmi Masjid was paved with them, that people might remember and talk of this brilliant victory. Praise be to God, the Lord of the worlds. Amen!"

Shihab Ud Din Umari was an Arabi writer of Damisk in Syria, he wrote in 14th century and tells this about Muhammad Bin Tughlaq ( who has been glorified by that Girish Karnad and numerous western indologists are friend of this Kannda writer).

"The Sultãn is not slack in jihãd. He never lets go of his spear or bridle in pursuing jihãd by land and sea routes. This is his main occupation which engages his eyes and ears. He has spent vast sums for the establishment of the faith and the spread of Islãm in these lands, as a result of which the light of Islãm has reached the inhabitants and the flash of the true faith brightened among them.Fire temples have been destroyed and the images and idols of Budd have been broken, and the lands have been freed from those who were not included in the dãrul Islãm, that is, those who had refused to become zimmîs.Islãm has been spread by him in the far east and has reached the point of sunrise. In the words of Abû Nasr al-Ãinî, he has carried the flags of the followers of Islãm where they had never reached before and where no chapter or verse (of the Qurãn) had ever been recited. Thereafter he got mosques and places of worship erected, and music replaced by call to prayers (azãn), and the incantations of fire-worshippers stopped by recitations of the Qurãn. He directed the people of Islãm towards the citadels of the infidels and, by the grace of Allãh, made them (the believers) inheritors of wealth and land and that country which they (the believers) had never trodden upon"

Tarikh I Firoz Shahi is a classic work of Medieval Indian histriography. It was written by Ziauddin Barani , a man who tells us that but for Hanafi school, Hindus should not have lived and how Mahmud being Shafai always killed Hindus.

Jagannath is more important for same class about which JNU morons go gaga that is dalits and tribals. I visited Puri and saw participation of tribals, a scene where a poor woman selling toys left her work and raised her child so that he could get darshan of idol still reminds me of simple but pure faith of our people.

Firuz Shah Tughlaq(1351-1388) in Puri

"After the hunt was over, the Sultãn directed his attention to the Rãî of Jãjnagar, and entering the palace where he dwelt he found many fine buildings.It is reported that inside the Rãîs fort, there was a stone idol which the infidels called Jagannãth, and to which they paid their devotions. Sultãn Fîroz, in emulation of Mahmûd Subuktigîn, having rooted up the idol, carried it away to Delhi where he placed it in an ignominious position"

More details are given by other works like Sirat I Firozshahi

"Allãh, who is the only true God and has no other emanation,endowed the king of Islãm with the strength to destroy this ancient shrine on the eastern sea-coast and to plunge it into the sea, and after its destruction, he ordered the nose of the image of Jagannãth to be perforated and disgraced it by casting it down on the ground. They dug out other idols, which were worshipped by the polytheists in the kingdom of Jãjnagar, and overthrew them as they did the image of Jagannãth, for being laid in front of the mosques along the path of the Sunnis and way of the musallis (the multitude who offer prayers) and stretched them in front of the portals of every mosque, so that the body and sides of the images may be trampled at the time of ascent and descent, entrance and exit, by the shoes on the feet of the Muslims.

After this sack,

Firuz Shah Tughlaq attacked an island on the sea-coast where nearly 100,000 men of Jãjnagar had taken refuge with their women, children, kinsmen and relations.The swordsmen of Islam turned the island into a basin of blood by the massacre of the unbelievers. A worse fate overtook the Hindu women. Sîrat-i-Fîrûz Shãhî records: Women with babies and pregnant ladies were haltered, manacled, fettered and enchained, and pressed as slaves into service in the house of every soldier

See this incident and notice what real Islam is. This is from Tarikh I Firozshahi of Shams uddin Siraj

"A report was brought to the Sultãn that there was in Delhi an old Brahman (zunãr dãr) who persisted in publicly performing the worship of idols in his house; and that people of the city, both Musulmãns and Hindus, used to resort to his house to worship the idol. The Brahman had constructed a wooden tablet (muhrak), which was covered within and without with paintings of demons and other objectsAn order was accordingly given that the Brahman, with his tablet, should be brought into the presence of the Sultãn at Fîrozãbãd. The judges and doctors and elders and lawyers were summoned, and the case of the Brahman was submitted for their opinion. Their reply was that the provisions of the Law were clear: the Brahman must either become a Musulmãn or be burned.The true faith was declared to the Brahman, and the right course pointed out, but he refused to accept it. Orders were given for raising a pile of faggots before the door of the darbãr. The Brahman was tied hand and foot and cast into it; the tablet was thrown on top and the pile was lighted. The writer of this book was present at the darbãr and witnessed the execution. The tablet of the Brahman was lighted in two places, at his head and at his feet; the wood was dry, and the fire first reached his feet, and drew from him a cry, but the flames quickly enveloped his head and consumed him.Behold the Sultãns strict adherence to law and rectitude, how he would not deviate in the least from its decrees!"

So this is what decrees of Islam are, burning a brahman in his native city for idol worship. Ofcourse medieval kings who spent years studying Islam, scholars like Barani or Afif did not know 'real Islam'. This is only known to some leftists of India and Europe.

Some people tell us that fanaticism is due to 'Wahabis'. So all these Sultans and Islamic warlords from Qasim to Firuz were Wahabis? All scholars like Barani, Khusru and Afif and all other( please note consistency, how every author celebrates killings of innocent civilians and says' glory to allah, this is fate of infidels') were Wahabis?

Tarikh I Afghana by Ahmad Yadgar tells this about Sikandar Lodi in Kangra a place for Jwala Devi

"Sultãn Sikandar led a very pious life Islãm was regarded very highly in his reign.The infidels could not muster the courage to worship idols or bathe in the (sacred) streams. During his holy reign, idols were hidden underground. The stone (idol) of Nagarkot, which had misled the (whole) world, was brought and handed over to butchers so that they might weigh meat with it."

And as per Waqyat I Mustaki he did this in Mathura ( note how same sacred place is being targeted by Jehad for centuries from GHazanavi to Lodis and then finally by Aurangzeb)

"He got the temples of the infidels destroyed. No trace of infidelity was left at the place in Mathurã where the infidels used to take bath. He got caravanserais constructed so that people could stay there, and also the shops of various professionals such as the butchers, bãwarchîs, nãnbãîs and sweetmeatsellers. If a Hindu went there for bathing even by mistake, he was made to lose his limbs and punished severely.No Hindu could get shaved at that place. No barber would go near a Hindu, whatever be the payment offered."

Even with this oppression, less than 10 percent of Mathura was Muslim in 1881 after a hell of six centuries, so much for 'oppressive caste system'.

Provincial Sultans were no less 'pious' in Jehad. Muzzafarids of Gujrat were founded by Muzaffar Shah who ruled from 1392-1410. As per Tabkat I Akhari this is what he did in Idar the tiny but heroic kingdom

"In AH 796 (AD 1393-94), it was reported that Sultãn Muhammad bin Fîrûz Shãh had died at Delhî and that the affairs of the kingdom were in disorder so that a majority of zamîndãrs were in revolt, particularly the Rãjã of Îdar. Zafar Khãn collected a large army and mountain-like elephants and proceeded to Îdar in order to punish the RãjãThe Rãjã of Îdar had no time to prepare a defence and shut himself in the fort. The armies of Zafar Khãn occupied the Kingdom of Îdar and started plundering and destroying it. They levelled with the ground whatever temple they found."

Despite being so small, Idar resisted heroically.

"In AH 803 (AD 1399-1400) Ãzam Humãyûn paid one years wages (in advance) to his army and after making great preparations, he attacked the fort of Îdar with a view to conquer it. After the armies of the Sultãn had besieged the fort from all sidesand the battle continued non-stop for several days "In the morning Zafar Khãn entered the fort and, after expressing his gratefulness to Allãh, and destroying the temples,he appointed officers in the fort"

Noe see case of Somnath. Ghaznavi had to kill more than 50,000 and Allauddin too made a great slaughter. Hindus once again raised temple there and Islam once again attacked that sacred place

"In AH 797 (AD 1394-95) he proceeded for the destruction of the temple of Somnãt. On the way he made Rajpûts food for his sword and demolished whatever temple he saw at any place. When he arrived at Somnãt, he got the temple burnt and the idol of Somnãt broken. He made a slaughter of the infidels and laid waste the city. He got a Jãmi Masjid raised there and appointed officers of the Sharih

So Hindus of Veraval now should respect that mosque,absurd.

Hindus did not lose heart and once again raised temples.

"In AH 804 (AD 1401-02) reports were received by Zafar Khãn that the infidels and Hindûs of Somnãt had again started making efforts for promoting the ways of their religion.Ãzam Humãyûn started for that place and sent an army in advance.When the residents of Somnãt learnt this, they advanced along the sea-shore and offered battle. Ãzam Humãyûn reached that place speedily and he slaughtered that group. Those who survived took shelter in the fort of the port at Dîp (Diu). After some time, he conquered that place as well, slaughtered that group also and got their leaders trampled under the feet of elephants. He got the temples demolished and a Jãmi Masjid constructed. Having appointed a qãzî, muftî and other guardians of Shariah he returned to the capital at PaTan.

This was fourth attack killing tens of thousands of people who were trying to protect their sacred place.

Do Posters want more examples of brotherhood and tolerance?
@he-man likes this.
That is the best part. VHP has been pushed out of this solution. Even the Hindus dont want them to meddle in this.

I think Modi and Amit Shah have been working behind the scenes for this solution.

First Mohd Ansari- the oldest litigant decided to withdraw from the case, now this proposed solution and also note that they have said they will share the draft with Modi.

Modi has lot of experience in sidelining the VHP. The Tagodias and Ashok Singhals can take a hike.

Majority of the progressive Hindus will support this solution. BJP will have fulfilled one of their main campaign promises. The Muslims will also be happy as they will get a Mosque. Everyone will win except the "secular" parties. I expect opposition from Mullah Mulayam, Mayawati, Azam Khan etc.

LOL. What a foolish expectation.

Modi exist as PM because he is seen as a Hindtuvadi due to his reaction on Godhra train burning, his subsequent hard stand, his courage to stand by his conviction and his development agenda.

Development agenda is not Modi's exclusive copyright, Anyone can claim it and get votes. AAP has already demonstrated that. Modi gets votes and admiration because of his Hindutva image.

His development agenda is only a Fig leaf for his "secular" supporters.

The day he abandon's Temple at Ayodhya he will become another Advani. Make no mistake about it.

VHP's Sole purpose is to protect Hindu rights and fight for Hindu rights. We Hindus know this. That is why we forgive their foot in the mouth passes. But Ayodhya temple is a CORE issue. There is NOW WAY IN HELL BJP can survive if it betrays Hindus on this.

Vajpayee and Advani learnt it the hard way. Modi is smarter than that. He knows what he is required to do, either by conviction or for votes.

This Solution is NO solution. Its as simple as that.
In islam such religious buildings must not be allowed. It is against the basic rule of Islam. Let the temple remain!
He-man dosen't care about any religion.
Not entirely true
He-Man and the Religion of Eternia
Increasingly, He-Man is being viewed by worshippers of the Goddess, Eternia's most popular deity, as being ultimately empowered by her through the Sorceress of Castle Grayskull. The Sword of Power, as He-Man's main weapon, is also viewed as a symbol of the Goddess' power. Both as He-Man and as his alter ego Prince Adam, He-Man himself must view himself as specially endowed by the Goddess through the Sorceress Teela Na.
He-Man - Wiki Grayskull
BTW You should totally change your avatar to this
BTW, Posters should note that all sources in my previous three posts are those written by Islamic historians. I am not posting anything from Hindu or Christian camp which may have motivation to overplay Islamic barbarism in their writings.

He-man dosen't care about any religion.

Also don't care about history either.

This Solution is NO solution. Its as simple as that.

The fact that this solution was proposed is prepostrous.
BTW, Posters should note that all sources in my previous three posts are those written by Islamic historians. I am not posting anything from Hindu or Christian camp which may have motivation to overplay Islamic barbarism in their writings.

Also don't care about history either.

The fact that this solution was proposed is prepostrous.

I was Disgusted when I read about it, but it was too be expected by the "secular" hindus. After all some of the Rajputs gave up their daughters to Akbar harem for "peace" with him. I expect no less from these "seculars".

It IS preposterous and Insulting.
I was Disgusted when I read about it, but it was too be expected by the "secular" hindus. After all some of the Rajputs gave up their daughters to Akbar harem for "peace" with him. I expect no less from these "seculars".

It IS preposterous and Insulting.

At least Marathis have some balls compared to UPwallahs, or else tomb of Afzal khan would have became a sufi shrine by now, like that of Ghazi Saiyyad Salar Masud has become.

The worst irony here is that even shameless Hindus visit his shrine even though he was one of the biggest mass murderer of their ancestors.
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Best solution is to build a church only on that site. It's a pity that our Vatican secret agent man Seiko is no longer a member of this forum to give us his input on my suggestion :undecided:

Where did @seiko go? Why is his name not getting bolded?

At least Marathis have some balls

What do you mean by "at least" bro?

Don't want to sound either alarmist or pompous bro but as of today there are only two hardcore Hindu states in the country, Maharashtra (which was always hard-core as I have explained to @DESERT FIGHTER and @save_ghenda elsewhere), and Gujarat which discovered itself after being punched upon for a long long time.

Once (and if) these fall, you can welcome Arabia into a once Dharmic land.
Where did @seiko go? Why is his name not getting bolded?

What do you mean by "at least" bro?

Don't want to sound either alarmist or pompous bro but as of today there are only two hardcore Hindu states in the country, Maharashtra (which was always hard-core as I have explained to @DESERT FIGHTER and @save_ghenda elsewhere), and Gujarat which discovered itself after being punched upon for a long long time.

Once (and if) these fall, you can welcome Arabia into a once Dharmic land.

because only marathis gave a bitter fight to mughals and invading parties. out of hindus .. actually we hindus are ball less you know.
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