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Narendra Modi to visit Ayodhya, pray at disputed site : Secular India

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Why make it Hindu vs Muslim?

India will be destroyed before they get a chance to retaliate...

We will also make sure our nukes reach pagan structures made by Baniya and destroy them as well, in our ancestors footsteps, ishallah it shall be Somnath destruction 2.0

hey just a piece of advice better keep Allah out of it things can get really nasty over here if you don't

anyways so far we have mostly followed our religious teachings to not to harm any significant religious structure of any religion(unlike the religion of peace and tolerance) but now its enough we won't think for a second before reducing your two holy mosques to smear of ashes :angel:
We dont give a damn about worlds strategies all we know is when we have to nuke you it should be at such a big scale that you shouldn't be able to retaliate and instead of 70 we might use 100 nukes within minutes..

100 nukes within a minute, how's that possible. :omghaha::omghaha:
Such replies come when one has nothing of substance to say..India has no remedy for our cruise missiles and bottom line is give kashmiries their rights and we have no other issue with indians otherwise we have no other enemy for whom we are building such a huge stockpile of nukes even bigger than incredible india. And maniacs like modi will bring that day sooner than anticipated.

If u have the guts try it out asap rather than saying(basically blabbering). We are eager to see what U try. One more thing, the contents of your posts doesn't need a substantial reply. It'll be my bad if I do so.
F-16 comes with strings attached , string being no deliver of Nuke :rofl:
Thats what they told fools like you to satisfy you , and what you think when it would be a matter of survival for us would we care about anything ?
We dont give a damn about worlds strategies all we know is when we have to nuke you it should be at such a big scale that you shouldn't be able to retaliate and instead of 70 we might use 100 nukes within minutes..

lol dude seriously go read about nuclear doctrines and strategies
Indias special facilites will be destroyed before a chance to retaliate

Listen fumbo dumbo we will soon have second strike capability may be by the end of 2013 but you don't have consider a scenario you nuke our cold start columns and in retaliation we take out all your strategic assets , so then where will Pakistan stand ??
100 nukes within a minute, how's that possible.

Read it again mate i said minutes not a minute and minutes mean something b/w 10-15 minutes and that would be the time b/w the launch of 1st and last one..I can see you sweating , you guys can avoid it by just giving kashmiries their rights.
Thats what they told fools like you to satisfy you , and what you think when it would be a matter of survival for us would we care about anything ?

We know the reality of Pakistani F-16, the aircraft is more suitable to be kept in museum because of American strings attached with it. :rofl:
We know the reality of Pakistani F-16, the aircraft is more suitable to be kept in museum because of American strings attached with it. :rofl:

Hope you keep thinking that when a shot down mirage 2000 falls on your house :rofl:
Listen fumbo dumbo we will soon have second strike capability may be by the end of 2013 but you don't have consider a scenario you nuke our cold start columns and in retaliation we take out all your strategic assets , so then where will Pakistan stand ??

Cold start columns nuking with smart bombs is to misguide dumbs like you as i said if it comes to nukes it would be dozens of them landing all over india from eastern to western coast..

Yeah our smart bombs are intended to destroy only military targets to avoid any civilian casualities as once the likes of modi will be nuked rest of indian hindus will become muslim so we dont wanna kill out future muslim brothers:smitten:
Thats what they told fools like you to satisfy you , and what you think when it would be a matter of survival for us would we care about anything ?

They have source codes idiot , do you understand the meaning of source codes ??? It's virtual kill switch , they can jam or blow any part of your F -16 at any time.:rofl:
Listen fumbo dumbo we will soon have second strike capability may be by the end of 2013 but you don't have consider a scenario you nuke our cold start columns and in retaliation we take out all your strategic assets , so then where will Pakistan stand ??

we will not nuke your cold start ****... we will go straight to nuking indian cities
Read it again mate i said minutes not a minute and minutes mean something b/w 10-15 minutes and that would be the time b/w the launch of 1st and last one..I can see you sweating , you guys can avoid it by just giving kashmiries their rights.

Your cruise missiles can reach only a small portion of India, you have geographical challenge here. You will be finished before accomplishing anything.
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