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Assam woman who kissed Rahul Gandhi burnt to death by husband

If its your home then why hate it? you earlier quoted that you are ashamed of your country, if so ashamed please gelf will be a better place for you not to be ashamed.

Nobody likes such incidents it, but for that you are ashamed of a whole country you were born in, shows your lack of self respect for your country and the awe of other country fixation you have.
Why drag the country into it?

who the fck are you to tell him what to do?
Say pretty please only then i will leave this country
whatever, you dont like the place, then people should go to places where they think its ideal and good according to them and not stay back and complain about how bad things are here instead of helping.
If its your home then why hate it? you earlier quoted that you are ashamed of your country, if so ashamed please gelf will be a better place for you not to be ashamed.

Nobody likes such incidents it, but for that you are ashamed of a whole country you were born in, shows your lack of self respect for your country and the awe of other country fixation you have.
Why drag the country into it?

Where did I say that I hate it?

I said that such barbarous incidents in India, which unfortunately happen too often ... and still in the 21st century, make me ashamed...

If such incidents happen in a country which calls itself a democracy and in which the principle of "rule of law" exists, it is nothing else than shameful and needs to be condemned and fought with all means.

I love my country, but I am not a blind nationalist. A true patriot sees mistakes done in his country and should very well feel ashamed/angry/sad about it..... because only then, he will take action against it.
whatever, you dont like the place, then people should go to places where they think its ideal and good according to them and not stay back and complain about how bad things are here instead of helping.
And how do you contribute in helping this country i would like to know.
Where did I say that I hate it?

I said that such barbarous incidents in India, which unfortunately happen too often ... and still in the 21st century, make me ashamed...

If such incidents happen in a country which calls itself a democracy and in which the principle of "rule of law" exists, it is nothing else than shameful and needs to be condemned and fought with all means.

I love my country, but I am not a blind nationalist. A true patriot sees mistakes done in his country and should very well feel ashamed/angry/sad about it..... because only then, he will take action against it.
My only tiff with you is why you had to bring in the country, i don't like this incident,you can be ashamed for all i care this is a international forum not your house,so you ashamed of your country is being watched by many around the world,that sends a wrong message indians themselves hate their country.

It is quite easy and fashionable to say"I hate my country,culture for this,that isnt it"? Makes you look cool,liberal and modern in front of your secular friends?

And how do you contribute in helping this country i would like to know.
I do my part but dont blame the country for problems, that is what i do, while there are people who blame their problems on the country,as if the nation is indebted to them somehow.
I do my part but dont blame the country for problems, that is what i do, while there are people who blame their problems on the country,as if the nation is indebted to them somehow.
I would like to know your part and your current location last time i saw your location flag was china and yes this country is indebted to its millions of citizens who are dirt poor and are being exploited in the name religion/culture/politics.
I would like to know your part and your current location last time i saw your location flag was china and yes this country is indebted to its millions of citizens who are dirt poor and are being exploited in the name religion/culture/politics.
My current location is india not china. I do my part in social service activities etc. Indebted how?care to explain?
My current location is india not china. I do my part in social service activities etc. Indebted how?care to explain?
I already explained in my previous post,lets just view the state of women in our country being half of our entire population we kill them in their wombs still after decades of Independence we are still unable to stop it, and if somehow they survive then they face discrimination from their own parents (education) and then there is always the risk of being killed for dowry assuming she is not raped/sexually abused and you think we should not be ashamed.
This country which promised a fair and equal treatment to all cannot even safeguard the womens basic right to life.
I already explained in my previous post,lets just view the state of women in our country being half of our entire population we kill them in their wombs still after decades of Independence we are still unable to stop it, and if somehow they survive then they face discrimination from their own parents (education) and then there is always the risk of being killed for dowry assuming she is not raped/sexually abused and you think we should not be ashamed.
This country which promised a fair and equal treatment to all cannot even safeguard the womens basic right to life.
Rape sexual assaults happen all around the world.Which country is utopian? Those gender based abortion have come down a lot, in case you didnt notice there is PNDT ACT. and 498a for dowry,wherein whole family is put in jail without any inquiry.How does that help in curbing discrimination?
For the rapes blame the uneducated in north states specially delhi haryana border ,You dont see such gender inequality in other states so why be ashamed of whole country for the act of some people, im sure even in northern states those who indulge in such acts are a minority.
Remember this there can never be equality for all there will always be have and have nots that is nature and how this planet is.
Arey wah, anything goes when it comes to portraying Rahul Gandhi as a murderer!!!

How come such stringent measures aren't applied to Modi as well? Just wondering.....

Narendra Modi is held to a worse standard. Congress propaganda is he is a mass murdered just by the virtue of being a CM during a riot :cheesy:

Still dragging Modi into this is not going to white wash your messiah's role in the women's death. ...just saying.

And how do you contribute in helping this country i would like to know.

How is that relevant ? He is not the one bad mouthing India.
First, Nobody knows for sure what caused the woman's death. It might or might not have been that incident. The point is since Rahul knows nothing about Indian cultural heritage and how conservative the society is, the woman should definitely be knowing that since she happens to be an Indian so why would she want to kiss another man knowing what implications such an act would have as well as the repercussions?? She wasn't born or raised in Italy or was she?? Though I agree this is far from an ideal way that a leader should behave.
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