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Assam violence death toll rises to 21, shoot-at-sight order issued

I seriously want india to attack Bangladesh. It will provide Bangladesh reasons or excuse to go nuclear with pakistani help and it will seriously throw out Sheikh Hasina from internal politics! win win situation for nationalists!!

I also want India to attack Bangladesh, it will destroy India's already screwed economy which will lead to their bankruptcy as we will make America's attack on Vietnam a walk in the park. A bankruptcy will lead to breaking up of India into different states and we will get our west bengal, tripura and assam back.

Wow Bangaldeshi poonters...do you know how an Agni looks like or feels like ?

You guys will be swatted like the marshland mosquitos you are by the Myanmarese Army and here you are poonting about taking on your big daddy.

Dont drink and get high in the holy month of Ramjan. :disagree:
1. Most Indians are born with such pipe dreams and die dreaming. However, the saner elements know, should India ever try to attack BD, all hell will break loose. Like a blinded elephant of Himu or Prithviraj she will stampede on till death. Consider what the concerned parties are likely to do:

a. BD will move into Phase I of the Doctrine of Traditional People's War.

b. While holding of Indian advances, if the opportunity arises we will let loose our armored column to race towards the Himalayas to meet a likely Chinese advance.

c. NE and the East Indian peoples will magnify their insurgencies with assistance from us with arms and Special Forces leadership.

d. The Khalistanis will rise and take revenge of the desecration of the Golden Temple and the Sikh Genocide 1984.

e. Kashmiri Mujahedeen will get a lease of life and evict all Indian elements.

f. Kerala Muslims in collusion with TN Tamils would form an anti-Delhi political unit.

g. Marathas will not like to be left behind, and Bal Thackery might declare UDI.

h. The Brahmonic rulers of Delhi will really be left holding on to the Hindi/Hindu heartland of MP and Rajputana with the Rajputs back on the throne of Delhi.

2. Will China sit idle? Nope. In fact we would be working on joint strategies in NE, air defense and the Bay of Bengal ops.

3. Nepal, Bhutan and SL will all strike on India to get their piece of action.

4. Afghans and Pakistanis will not sit idle. In an instance they will forget their differences and launch ops towards Panipath and Somnath. Nothing will wrest the Pashtun tribesmen from crossing the Hindukush descending upon the plains of Hindustan replicating the raids of their forefathers.

5. Peoples of BD, NE and Eastern India has been waiting for such an eventuality to present an opportunity to regain what we lost on 23 June 1757. We do not see the Delhi Govt anything other than continuation of English colonial rule.

1) Are you in dreams why would India attempt to invade BD which is poor and sinking into Bay of Bengal on each year passing. Worry about El Nino and its effects your enemy is not India. We need to stop these infiltrators which are causing unrest in out North east.

2) BD's advance and Chinese advance :rofl: By then nuclear war would have escalated.

3) Khalistan is inside India that is punjab. If the question of Khalistan arises punjabis want the punjab of Pakistan which is a part of Maharajah Ranjit singh's empire. India has only small part of total punjab. Ask your Pakistani brothers vacate and withdraw to arabian penninsula.

4) Northeast people hate BD immigrants and they will attack you. There is a rising sentiment of Hatred towards BD immigrants in Northeast. Don't be delusional about North east insurgencies, Their first enemy is BD immigrants.

5) Kashmiri mujaheedeen are as good as dead snake enough said

6) Southern states are more prosperous and more integrated to Indian union. In south you don't find that much divide in Hindu muslim. Kerala muslim culture is diffrent than those who are decendents of oppressed and forcefully converted ones.

7) Read the statements of balthackery they are anti Pakistan not anti Indian.

8) Indian is ruled by a sikh PM you got it completely wrong the states you have mentioned are mostly rules by other castes not Brahmins

9) Nepal, Bhutan and SL they are all friendly neighbours

10) Last time I checked Afgans want their lands and they are not ready to accept Durand line. If war comes they will try to claim the their territoty.

11) So you are thinking that BD is ruled by Indian Govt.

last but not least BD year by year the as the sea level rises BD is in danger of losing its half of its territory. An pakistan is in danger of internal distruction.

When China comes in Indian subcontinent picture then You have to count US,Nato and countries around it who are not accepting Chines hegmony.
Oh c'mon .......... I can quote your own scientists who were present there when the tests were conducted. They have openly said that the thermonuclear test was a failure.

Please improve your knowledge before you come here and you ooze through your piles laden mouth.

So you do know about the thermonuclear test in1998!...what was that about " at-least make a thermonuclear device" ..how did we test it..without making it?
For one rouge scentist..I can give you quotes from dozen scientist(who were also present at the site) claiming test was a success..to further clarify any of your doubts read the below link.

India has thermonuclear bombs: Kakodkar - India News - IBNLive
If any Indians have shame they would not bring this so called illegal migration story when its own minister rubbished this story saying all these are heresy and propagated by some interested parties.

Minister eats his figures

The Telegraph - Calcutta : Nation


New Delhi, July 23: The Union home ministry has rubbished its own statistics of illegal Bangladeshi immigrants in Assam and Bengal.

Assam chief minister Tarun Gogoi had earlier protested to Manmohan Singh about the home ministry presenting inflated figures of Bangladeshi immigrants in his state. This had prompted the Prime Minister to indicate he would have the ministry take a relook at the statistics.

Today, minister of state for home Sriprakash Jaiswal said in a statement tabled in the Rajya Sabha that his ministry’s statistics for Assam and Bengal were unreliable and based on hearsay.

He was referring to figures he had tabled in the upper House that said Assam was home to an estimated 50 lakh illegal immigrants from Bangladesh and Bengal another 57 lakh. The figures were based on estimates made by the Group of Ministers on security headed by former deputy Prime Minister L.K. Advani.

Jaiswal’s “correction” of his reply to Parliament last week, however, did not question the credibility of statistics relating to other states.

Like Delhi, for instance, which has an estimated 3.75 lakh illegal Bangladeshi immigrants; Nagaland 59,500; Tripura 3.25 lakh, Meghalaya and Orissa 30,000 each, Bihar 4.79 lakh, and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands 3,000.

Jaiswal’s reply had put the number of Bangladeshi immigrants in India in December 2001 at 1.2 crore.

The minister of state today suggested he had given the figures without noticing a clarificatory note from the field organisation (intelligence agencies).

He set out to trash his ministry’s figures, claiming that this “clarificatory note” made it clear that the reported figures
“were not based on any comprehensive or sample study but were based on hearsay and that too from interested parties”.
Complete construction of the fence - problem solved! By the way, I can assure you there is no concerted effort by Bangladeshis to flood NE with illegal immigrants.

As for taking them back, GoB has to prove Bangladeshi people that they're not NE Muslims. Assuming they don't have passports, if they have BD birth record, that's great. They don't have to have copies of it. They just need to know their own names, their parents' and grandparents' name and their permanent address in BD. That's how the government officials can identify the Bangladeshis.

Lastly, why do you think only they "commit serious crimes"? Why are locals incapable of committing serious crimes? I was under the impression that people in this region are similar in genetics!

They are Bangladeshi do they look like NE Indians to you?



I think BD govt should come forward and start the process of taking back these people or else more of your people will be killed, Indian people have started protesting against them - during the next regime change the situation will turn bad for these people.



Haven't you guys put a fence all around the border? Then how come you're still blaming immigrants?

Remember back the 1980 Neelie massacre, when Bodo tribesmen killed 3000 Bengali Muslims? They were also illegal immigrants?
wo wo wo Dude i am damm sure by now you would have ejaculated your load and now you came back to the real world.......control your harmones dude you are on Defence forum.....

Man you guys are so gullible, what happened?? Madarassas not offering the latest in education? Who would've guessed?! Media plays up an issue and you guys yap along with your own arm chair analysis, without any due diligence.

India tested fission and thermonuclear devices in 1998. Questions have been raised about the TN device. And the questions concern not the efficacy of the device but, rather the yield. According to who you choose to believe the yield of the TN device was either 20 KT or 45 KT.

Meanwhile, the fission device worked like a song. With a yield of 20-25 KT. No controversies have been raised about the fission bomb.

Now for some perspective. Even the fission bomb, with a yield of 20-25 KT, is nearly twice as powerful as the pakistani nuke which had a reported yield of about 12KT. Meanwhile, the nuking of japan saw two bombs being dropped - fat man and little boy - with the name itself suggesting which was the more powerful device. Fat Man had a yield of no more than 21 KT.

So before wacking off to india's "nuclear dud", remember - that my di@k is twice your size and hence the greater penetration. Kapish?
Haven't you guys put a fence all around the border? Then how come you're still blaming immigrants?

Remember back the 1980 Neelie massacre, when Bodo tribesmen killed 3000 Bengali Muslims? They were also illegal immigrants?

Yes we have put up the fence..but even fence is not enough to Bangladeshis out..you do remember Felani and what she was doing, when she was shot..seemingly not even risk imminent death is enough to deter these people from jumping the border.

Nellie massacre was infact again Bangladeshi immigrants...left over from ten million who came seeking refuge in 1971...they were not Benglai Muslims..they we Bengali speaking Bangladeshi Muslims.
1) Are you in dreams why would India attempt to invade BD which is poor and sinking into Bay of Bengal on each year passing. Worry about El Nino and its effects your enemy is not India. We need to stop these infiltrators which are causing unrest in out North east.

It was Indian posters who said India would invade Bangladesh. Do you think the Bangladeshi people should start shivering - they responded and it was Nassr who posted an excellent analysis and Indian posters dropped their pants.

2) BD's advance and Chinese advance :rofl: By then nuclear war would have escalated.

Your nuclear policy is based on use of second strike and no strike against non-nuclear countries. The Chicken's (Indian) Neck, as the Siliguri Corridor is known would have been cut before you could fuel your nuclear capable aircraft or ballistic missiles. You think it is a joke to threaten nuclear nuclear strike against power like China and a non-nuclear country like Bangladesh

3) Khalistan is inside India that is punjab. If the question of Khalistan arises punjabis want the punjab of Pakistan which is a part of Maharajah Ranjit singh's empire. India has only small part of total punjab. Ask your Pakistani brothers vacate and withdraw to arabian penninsula.

I agree Khalistan is inside India, currently as a movement only. India divided Punjab into two or three smaller states which were under Ranjit Singh. First of all you withdraw your forces from Indian Occupied Punjab and let the Sikhs have an independent homeland. Sikhs themselves left Pakistan for India - not knowing that the Indian Hindus would destro their holiest shrine and kill them in thousands.

4) Northeast people hate BD immigrants and they will attack you. There is a rising sentiment of Hatred towards BD immigrants in Northeast. Don't be delusional about North east insurgencies, Their first enemy is BD immigrants.

Why then the North East Indian insurgencies are fighting for freedom from India since last over sixty years. Over 70 such groups exist there - how many are in Bangladesh. I think they find support in Bangladesh and because they do, they can't hate them.

5) Kashmiri mujaheedeen are as good as dead snake enough said

Wishful thinking. Kashmiris hate Indians and you guys know it - if you think they don't hate you, you guys are living on Mars. As long as Kashmirirs hate Indians, Mujahideen are not dead.

6) Southern states are more prosperous and more integrated to Indian union. In south you don't find that much divide in Hindu muslim. Kerala muslim culture is diffrent than those who are decendents of oppressed and forcefully converted ones.

If you think this is true, then why is it that South Indian states also hate North Indians migrant workers settling in the South. There have been major clashes between the two and I think in due course, the Southerners would not want support poorer North Indian states and may decide to separate from India.

7) Read the statements of balthackery they are anti Pakistan not anti Indian.

Probably for this, in Bombay, he is also known as Bal-less Tharki.

8) Indian is ruled by a sikh PM you got it completely wrong the states you have mentioned are mostly rules by other castes not Brahmins

It may be true in some cases but not all.

9) Nepal, Bhutan and SL they are all friendly neighbours

Then you are living in fools paradise.

10) Last time I checked Afgans want their lands and they are not ready to accept Durand line. If war comes they will try to claim the their territoty.

Some one wrote earlier here - If aunty had balls she would be an uncle.

11) So you are thinking that BD is ruled by Indian Govt.


last but not least BD year by year the as the sea level rises BD is in danger of losing its half of its territory. An pakistan is in danger of internal distruction.

ha ha ha ....... no one can stop you dreaming

When China comes in Indian subcontinent picture then You have to count US,Nato and countries around it who are not accepting Chines hegmony.

WoW, when China comes to India, tum chacha mian ko bulanay ki dhamki do ge ........ as if they will send troops to fight for you - unless maybe you are not ready to fight for yourself ....... ha ha ha
WoW, when China comes to India, tum chacha mian ko bulanay ki dhamki do ge ........ as if they will send troops to fight for you - unless maybe you are not ready to fight for yourself ....... ha ha ha

LOL the Chinese can do jack against India - have you wondered why even their warnings have tapered down recently :lol: so stop jumping and cheer-leading them.
So you do know about the thermonuclear test in1998!...what was that about " at-least make a thermonuclear device" ..how did we test it..without making it?
For one rouge scentist..I can give you quotes from dozen scientist(who were also present at the site) claiming test was a success..to further clarify any of your doubts read the below link.

India has thermonuclear bombs: Kakodkar - India News - IBNLive

Four leading Indian scientists--Dr K Santhanam, Dr P K Iyengar, Dr H Sethna and Dr A N Prasad--have raised serious doubts about India's thermonuclear tests of 1998.

Dr Santhanam says they have hard evidence on a purely factual basis that not only was the yield of the thermonuclear device far below the design production, but that it actually failed. Dr Santhanam was one of the four leaders associated with Pokhran II explosion team.

Same views have been expressed by many international experts as well. Stop fooling the people.

LOL the Chinese can do jack against India - have you wondered why even their warnings have tapered down recently :lol: so stop jumping and cheer-leading them.

oooohhhh because the Chinese are not war mongers like you guys, you take it as their weakness. Temper with their interests and then see how do they reply.

And why is it that your leaders name China as their number one enemy.
1. Most Indians are born with such pipe dreams and die dreaming. However, the saner elements know, should India ever try to attack BD, all hell will break loose. Like a blinded elephant of Himu or Prithviraj she will stampede on till death. Consider what the concerned parties are likely to do:

a. BD will move into Phase I of the Doctrine of Traditional People's War.

b. While holding of Indian advances, if the opportunity arises we will let loose our armored column to race towards the Himalayas to meet a likely Chinese advance.

c. NE and the East Indian peoples will magnify their insurgencies with assistance from us with arms and Special Forces leadership.

d. The Khalistanis will rise and take revenge of the desecration of the Golden Temple and the Sikh Genocide 1984.

e. Kashmiri Mujahedeen will get a lease of life and evict all Indian elements.

f. Kerala Muslims in collusion with TN Tamils would form an anti-Delhi political unit.

g. Marathas will not like to be left behind, and Bal Thackery might declare UDI.

h. The Brahmonic rulers of Delhi will really be left holding on to the Hindi/Hindu heartland of MP and Rajputana with the Rajputs back on the throne of Delhi.

2. Will China sit idle? Nope. In fact we would be working on joint strategies in NE, air defense and the Bay of Bengal ops.

3. Nepal, Bhutan and SL will all strike on India to get their piece of action.

4. Afghans and Pakistanis will not sit idle. In an instance they will forget their differences and launch ops towards Panipath and Somnath. Nothing will wrest the Pashtun tribesmen from crossing the Hindukush descending upon the plains of Hindustan replicating the raids of their forefathers.

5. Peoples of BD, NE and Eastern India has been waiting for such an eventuality to present an opportunity to regain what we lost on 23 June 1757. We do not see the Delhi Govt anything other than continuation of English colonial rule.

Bangladeshi version zaid hamid?
M a assamese guy. A local. My question is who are you to comment on NE????
The only difference is between ne and Mainland is culture and neglegiance of Delhi towards NE. With time that difference is becxoming neglegible.
One question- do you understand our problems better than we do???
Dont try to play ULFA card, Paresh Baruah is my cousin in relation and many of surrendered ulfa are for my family and place. So I knw wheres all independent ne thing heading.

Haan!!!cousin?? etu xosa niki hain?? ghar chabua-dibrugarh phaley niki???
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