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Four leading Indian scientists--Dr K Santhanam, Dr P K Iyengar, Dr H Sethna and Dr A N Prasad--have raised serious doubts about India's thermonuclear tests of 1998.

Dr Santhanam says they have hard evidence on a purely factual basis that not only was the yield of the thermonuclear device far below the design production, but that it actually failed. Dr Santhanam was one of the four leaders associated with Pokhran II explosion team.

Same views have been expressed by many international experts as well. Stop fooling the people.

oooohhhh because the Chinese are not war mongers like you guys, you take it as their weakness. Temper with their interests and then see how do they reply.

And why is it that your leaders name China as their number one enemy.

:lol: why do you think, other than increase their defense budget, it' been 50 years since the last conflict. and, the world knows who the real war mongers and trouble makers are and the 46 countries of NATO are fighting against them. Just cos paranoid schizophrenics call someone else war mongers when infact bloodbath, violence and hatred is in their own blood - it doesn't automatically become true.
Clearly a genocide... Indian army should be sent to gallows for this..! :P
Clearly a genocide... Indian army should be sent to gallows for this..! :P

Wow..a Lankan giving us lessons about whats a genocide. Also FYI, Indian Army is the only one in b/n the full scale extermination of BD pole vaulters and Bodos.
:lol: why do you think, other than increase their defense budget, it' been 50 years since the last conflict. and, the world knows who the real war mongers and trouble makers are and the 46 countries of NATO are fighting against them. Just cos paranoid schizophrenics call someone else war mongers when infact bloodbath, violence and hatred is in their own blood - it doesn't automatically become true.

How many wars have the Chinese fought in the world since last 10-15 years.

How many wars have been fought and are being fought by the NATO, and also supported by Indians.

Answer the question and you'll find your answer, and you call others schizophrenics.

Indian security forces kill thousands of their own and get medals for their bravery for killing unarmed women and children.

How many innocent women have been raped by your brave soldiers in North eastern Indian states and Indian Occupied Kashmir.

You guys can't invade any country - can only kill your own unarmed civilians.

Wake up to the realities of this world.
How many wars have the Chinese fought in the world since last 10-15 years.

How many wars have been fought and are being fought by the NATO, and also supported by Indians.

Answer the question and you'll find your answer, and you call others schizophrenics.

Indian security forces kill thousands of their own and get medals for their bravery for killing unarmed women and children.

How many innocent women have been raped by your brave soldiers in North eastern Indian states and Indian Occupied Kashmir.

You guys can't invade any country - can only kill your own unarmed civilians.

Wake up to the realities of this world.

Funny, all this coming from a Pakistani keep living in your delusional world and I was not talking about China in my post ;). Though a war between India and China is most unlikely and for the sake of Pakistan or Bangladesh :lol:, rule that out completely.
Funny, all this coming from a Pakistani keep living in your delusional world. I was not talking about China in my post ;).

you guys are only worth talking saas bahoo amonget yourselves. Khas kam jahan paak
1. Most Indians are born with such pipe dreams and die dreaming. However, the saner elements know, should India ever try to attack BD, all hell will break loose. Like a blinded elephant of Himu or Prithviraj she will stampede on till death. Consider what the concerned parties are likely to do:

a. BD will move into Phase I of the Doctrine of Traditional People's War.

b. While holding of Indian advances, if the opportunity arises we will let loose our armored column to race towards the Himalayas to meet a likely Chinese advance.

c. NE and the East Indian peoples will magnify their insurgencies with assistance from us with arms and Special Forces leadership.

d. The Khalistanis will rise and take revenge of the desecration of the Golden Temple and the Sikh Genocide 1984.

e. Kashmiri Mujahedeen will get a lease of life and evict all Indian elements.

f. Kerala Muslims in collusion with TN Tamils would form an anti-Delhi political unit.

g. Marathas will not like to be left behind, and Bal Thackery might declare UDI.

h. The Brahmonic rulers of Delhi will really be left holding on to the Hindi/Hindu heartland of MP and Rajputana with the Rajputs back on the throne of Delhi.

2. Will China sit idle? Nope. In fact we would be working on joint strategies in NE, air defense and the Bay of Bengal ops.

3. Nepal, Bhutan and SL will all strike on India to get their piece of action.

4. Afghans and Pakistanis will not sit idle. In an instance they will forget their differences and launch ops towards Panipath and Somnath. Nothing will wrest the Pashtun tribesmen from crossing the Hindukush descending upon the plains of Hindustan replicating the raids of their forefathers.

5. Peoples of BD, NE and Eastern India has been waiting for such an eventuality to present an opportunity to regain what we lost on 23 June 1757. We do not see the Delhi Govt anything other than continuation of English colonial rule.

Is that what you guys tell yourself? Whatever works for you to get a hard-on, man.

Your fantasies of balkanisation of india apart - i'll tell you how its going to go down.

We will encourage disturbance towards your south, to get you a taste of two front war. After arming the ultras from myanmar, we will procede with a sealing of borders with deployment of forces from the eastern command of the army. What follows is a naval blockade to choke you guys out. Given the obvious lack of resources in BD, either financial or otherwise, it can't be long before you guys are gasping for breath.

Then come the birds. The Eastern Air Command, will bomb strategic targets and any advance formations of metal scraps that you guys refer to as the armored division. The potent mix of ballistic (prithvi) and cruise missiles (brahmos) will disable infrastructural aids such as roads, highways, bridges, rail-lines, ports, harbors - parliament.

The longer range of our weapon systems will allow us the luxury to strike from a safe distance, and the sheer numerical man-to-man advantage will allow us to maintain a 3:1 superiority at BD's borders.

And lets not forget that the only war that you've seen is a street brawl where you guys got massacred by the west pakistanis. On the contrary, India has seen the extent, scope and after-effects of full blown conflicts and is adept at handling issues such as diplomacy, international negotiations, strategising, war reserves, planning, etc.

And of course, nukes are never completely off the table.
Four leading Indian scientists--Dr K Santhanam, Dr P K Iyengar, Dr H Sethna and Dr A N Prasad--have raised serious doubts about India's thermonuclear tests of 1998.

Dr Santhanam says they have hard evidence on a purely factual basis that not only was the yield of the thermonuclear device far below the design production, but that it actually failed. Dr Santhanam was one of the four leaders associated with Pokhran II explosion team.

Same views have been expressed by many international experts as well. Stop fooling the people.

For the sake of your uneducated brain, refer to post number 454.
Is that what you guys tell yourself? Whatever works for you to get a hard-on, man.

Your fantasies of balkanisation of india apart - i'll tell you how its going to go down.

We will encourage disturbance towards your south, to get you a taste of two front war. After arming the ultras from myanmar, we will procede with a sealing of borders with deployment of forces from the eastern command of the army. What follows is a naval blockade to choke you guys out. Given the obvious lack of resources in BD, either financial or otherwise, it can't be long before you guys are gasping for breath.

Then come the birds. The Eastern Air Command, will bomb strategic targets and any advance formations of metal scraps that you guys refer to as the armored division. The potent mix of ballistic (prithvi) and cruise missiles (brahmos) will disable infrastructural aids such as roads, highways, bridges, rail-lines, ports, harbors - parliament.

The longer range of our weapon systems will allow us the luxury to strike from a safe distance, and the sheer numerical man-to-man advantage will allow us to maintain a 3:1 superiority at BD's borders.

And lets not forget that the only war that you've seen is a street brawl where you guys got massacred by the west pakistanis. On the contrary, India has seen the extent, scope and after-effects of full blown conflicts and is adept at handling issues such as diplomacy, international negotiations, strategising, war reserves, planning, etc.

And of course, nukes are never completely off the table.

ooooohhhhh everybody is shivering.
How many wars have the Chinese fought in the world since last 10-15 years.

How many wars have been fought and are being fought by the NATO, and also supported by Indians.

Answer the question and you'll find your answer, and you call others schizophrenics.

Indian security forces kill thousands of their own and get medals for their bravery for killing unarmed women and children.

How many innocent women have been raped by your brave soldiers in North eastern Indian states and Indian Occupied Kashmir.

You guys can't invade any country - can only kill your own unarmed civilians.

How much you care about our citizens.......i don't know what happens when its comes to your own people no matter wether they are Balochs,Ahmedis or in Past Bengali's...

Wake up to the realities of this world.
Dude did he pointed out Chineese here ?....
or Is Nato fighting with Chineese ?.......

Answer to Both the question is NO....
For the sake of your uneducated brain, refer to post number 454.

I am not going to waste my time. Your own people who were part of the team and international experts, all say the same. And you say, I disagree. OK disagree. And read 454 yourself till you drop dead.
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