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Assam violence death toll rises to 21, shoot-at-sight order issued

We the Bangladeshi Never speak roughly like the coward Aryans! Aryans are always baseless, shameless, Killers of humanity. They always want to hide the truth. The liars are the low graded animals, We are not that. My evidence is that: Indians in Bangladesh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Just see that with your blind eyes. Killers are totally exposed! Shame on the Killers!

Mind your tongue if BDesi were so brave why you people failed to protect your women from getting raped. Just ask your grandma, mom or sisters about Indian braveness and courage they will tell you real stories. Don't try cheap shots.
Tell this to a soilders of Assam Regiment,Assam Rifles or Gorkha Regiment......he will answer you by using his Khukri on your head......

You know your Brothers in Bangladesh thinks that they can easily seprate NE from India...as NE people don't like India and on the other hand Pakistan think that they can easily cut out Punjab from India as sikh don't like India....but you know the biggest irony is that atleast 20% of Indian army consist of Sikh who are ever ready to fight our Their Motherland India.......and as faar as NE concern mmmmm Gorkha Regiment Bas Naam hi kafi hai....

Where were these brave Indian soldiers when on 30 June 2012, the Army of Government of People’s Republic of Nagaland held an openly announced passing out parade of a batch of officers at their military base Khehoi, merely 40 kilometers from Rangapahar, Dimapur. Rangapahar is the Headquarters of Indian Army 3 Corps and is a big cantonment also housing large Para-military force nearby. Yet the Indian Army and other security apparatus did not have
the courage to establish the writ of Indian government.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/kashmir-war/195277-india-democracy-soaked-blood.html#ixzz21cvltwfa

The Sikhs in Indian Army are not 20% as you claim. After Sikh Regiments and Sikhs in other places mutinied, there was drastic reduction of Sikhs in Indian Army. This had to happen. Your Army destroyed their holiest place on the earth. In the aftermath of Indira Gandhi's death, thousands of innocent Sikhs were murdered only in Delhi.

So when you can not trust your own Sikh, Muslim and other soldiers from Indian minority community, obviously India would resort to the Gurkhas from Nepal.

It is indeed unfortunate that a country and democracy as big as India has to resort to mercenary soldiers to kill their own, because they can not trust their own.
So you think India can tear Bangladesh in multiple parts in 2 days. Lets see what do you have to do this.

3 Corps' with 7-8 Infantry/Mountain Divisions.
Probably 1-2 IAF bases which could provide air support.
Naval assets of Eastern naval Command.
BSF in the area.

With this force you wanna tear a country of Bangladesh's size in multiple parts in two days.
I don't think it is possible without additional support.
You'll have to leave forces along Chinese front from the 7-8 Infantry/Mountain Divisions.
If the Chinese don't wanna interfere, even then 2-3 of these divisions and artillery may have to be left for China.
This would leave 4-5 Infantry/Mountain Divisions for going after Bangladesh.
And if Bangladesh have any idea about launching a counter offensive or a pre-emptive, some divisions will be required for defence as well.
You'll have to get additional support from the infantry and artillery formations of your strike forces, poised against Pakistan.
This can happen only if Pakistan doesn't wanna take advantage of the situation, and offcourse China.

India does plan for a two front war environment. If you go after Bangladesh without sorting it out with Pakistan and China, you may have to fight a three front war.

Indian Army is not prepared and neither is capable of fighting a three front war.
Open your eyes and come down on ground from the big-india syndrome, you guys live in.
Think again.

Well well well, Good analysis.

This shows that Indians are even incapable of fighting a small but brave country like Bangladesh.

ha ha ha, and they talk of confronting Pakistan and China.

The Indian Army should start preparing a strategy for a 3 front war instead of a 2 front war.
One of the red herrings being tossed around in the context of the ongoing riots in Assam is that the Muslims who attacked the Bodo tribals and drove them out of their homes are in fact Indians, and that it breaks their bleeding riotous hearts to be branded Bangladeshi settlers.

As perverse as that may sound, that claim isn’t an elaborate justification for the riots as typical ‘boys will be boys’ conduct. But it does represent another effort to draw the curtain on the foundational problem that underlies both the latest riots and the simmering tensions in Assam and elsewhere in the North East: the problem of unchecked infiltration of Bangladeshis into India.
Precise estimates of the number of illegal Bangladeshi immigrants in India are hard to come by but conservative official estimates put it at over 20 million. But every attempt to raise it as a matter of concern, and to point to the security and other social perils that they come laden with have been met with cussed unwillingness to face the facts.

Lt Gen (Retd) SK Sinha, who served in the region and served as Assam Governor following his retirement, knows what it means to raise the red flag of warning. In 1998, as Governor, he sent a report to President KR Narayanan, in which he warned of a grave danger to India’s security from the influx of illegal migrants from Bangladesh.

In that report, Sinha had pointed out that even as far back as 1947, Pakistan wanted Assam incorporated in East Pakistan (as the eastern province that subsequently became Bangladesh was known). Only the opposition of regional leaders thwarted that transfer, but the matter rankled with Pakistani leaders who equated it as a dispute nearly as important as the Kashmir dispute. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto is known to have claimed that Pakistan had “very good claims” over Assam and some districts adjacent to East Pakistan.

Sinha’s report noted that even the father of the Bangladeshi revolution, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, whom India helped to liberate Bangladesh in1971, had expressed a covetous desire for Assam, given its forest and mineral resources. “No matter how friendly our relations with Bangladesh,” Sinha had warned, “we can ill-afford to ignore the dangers inherent in a demographic invasion from that country.”

For his efforts, Sinha was pilloried by the Congress and the CPM and accused of stoking communal tension. Some 22 Congress MPs wrote to the President asking for Sinha’s recall.

Sinha’s concern all along, as a military strategist, was that the whole of India’s north-easteren region was connected to the rest of India by a “chicken neck corder” which, if cut off, would effectively isolate the region. He feared that the influx of illegal migrants was turning lower Assam districts – particularly Dhubri and Goalpara – into a Muslim-majority region, and that it would be only a matter of time before they demanded merger with Bangladesh as part of a ‘Greater Bangladesh project’. “The loss of lower Assam will sever the entire land mass of the northeast from the rest of India and the rich natural resources of that region will be lost to the natin,” Sinha had observed.

In the decade and more since then, the plot has played out exactly as Sinha has predicted, and has been borne out by Census statistics over time, but most political parties have been blind to the security and social threats arising therefrom.

The irony is that the Indian Muslims in Assam, for all their religious affinity with the illegal Bangladeshi Musim immigrants, lose just as much from the influx as the other native people of Assam. The illegal immigrants compete for the same manual work – as rickshaw pullers and in the construction and other industries. And being somewhat more desperate for jobs, they are considered more industrious. And if they manage to procure illegal citizenship documents in the black market, as often happens, they illegal immigrants even have access to work under the NREGA program and services under the National Rural Health Mission.

Yet, political parties are reluctant to so much as have an honest conversation on this issue.

On the other hand, the argument has been made that there may even be an acceptable level of illegal immigration from Bangladesh on the ground that they add to the cheap labour pool in India. This argument is specious on at least two counts. For one, India isn’t exactly lacking in unskilled labour force, given the vast numbers that still live in abject poverty in both rural and urban areas. If it weren’t for rural employment guarantee schemes that have driven wage price inflation, there would still be an abundance of cheap labour. And now, illegal Bangladeshi immigrants have even begun to access these schemes and health services, driving up the cost of service delivery.

For another, even if it’s an overstatement that every illegal immigrant is a potential security threat, the presence of millions of such immigrants—who effectively remain off the radar of the official agencies—is a recipe for disaster.

Even if it is the case that the riots in Kokrajhar, which have since spread to other districts were not directly perpetrated by illegal immigrants, their unchecked entry in the millions over time has played an undeniable role in sharpening religious and ethnic polarisation in Assam and other States in the northeastern region. To live in continued denial over this will only stoke the tensions even further.

Right now, the immediate need is for calm to be restored, but the longer a mature discussion on the underlying problem is delayed, the bigger and more serious will it get.
Where were these brave Indian soldiers when on 30 June 2012, the Army of Government of People’s Republic of Nagaland held an openly announced passing out parade of a batch of officers at their military base Khehoi, merely 40 kilometers from Rangapahar, Dimapur. Rangapahar is the Headquarters of Indian Army 3 Corps and is a big cantonment also housing large Para-military force nearby. Yet the Indian Army and other security apparatus did not have
the courage to establish the writ of Indian government.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/kashmir-war/195277-india-democracy-soaked-blood.html#ixzz21cvltwfa

The Sikhs in Indian Army are not 20% as you claim. After Sikh Regiments and Sikhs in other places mutinied, there was drastic reduction of Sikhs in Indian Army. This had to happen. Your Army destroyed their holiest place on the earth. In the aftermath of Indira Gandhi's death, thousands of innocent Sikhs were murdered only in Delhi.

So when you can not trust your own Sikh, Muslim and other soldiers from Indian minority community, obviously India would resort to the Gurkhas from Nepal.

It is indeed unfortunate that a country and democracy as big as India has to resort to mercenary soldiers to kill their own, because they can not trust their own.

1. Most Indians are born with such pipe dreams and die dreaming. However, the saner elements know, should India ever try to attack BD, all hell will break loose. Like a blinded elephant of Himu or Prithviraj she will stampede on till death. Consider what the concerned parties are likely to do:

a. BD will move into Phase I of the Doctrine of Traditional People's War.

b. While holding of Indian advances, if the opportunity arises we will let loose our armored column to race towards the Himalayas to meet a likely Chinese advance.

c. NE and the East Indian peoples will magnify their insurgencies with assistance from us with arms and Special Forces leadership.

d. The Khalistanis will rise and take revenge of the desecration of the Golden Temple and the Sikh Genocide 1984.

e. Kashmiri Mujahedeen will get a lease of life and evict all Indian elements.

f. Kerala Muslims in collusion with TN Tamils would form an anti-Delhi political unit.

g. Marathas will not like to be left behind, and Bal Thackery might declare UDI.

h. The Brahmonic rulers of Delhi will really be left holding on to the Hindi/Hindu heartland of MP and Rajputana with the Rajputs back on the throne of Delhi.

2. Will China sit idle? Nope. In fact we would be working on joint strategies in NE, air defense and the Bay of Bengal ops.

3. Nepal, Bhutan and SL will all strike on India to get their piece of action.

4. Afghans and Pakistanis will not sit idle. In an instance they will forget their differences and launch ops towards Panipath and Somnath. Nothing will wrest the Pashtun tribesmen from crossing the Hindukush descending upon the plains of Hindustan replicating the raids of their forefathers.

5. Peoples of BD, NE and Eastern India has been waiting for such an eventuality to present an opportunity to regain what we lost on 23 June 1757. We do not see the Delhi Govt anything other than continuation of English colonial rule.
1. Most Indians are born with such pipe dreams and die dreaming. However, the saner elements know, should India ever try to attack BD, all hell will break loose. Like a blinded elephant of Himu or Prithviraj she will stampede on till death. Consider what the concerned parties are likely to do:

a. BD will move into Phase I of the Doctrine of Traditional People's War.

b. While holding of Indian advances, if the opportunity arises we will let loose our armored column to race towards the Himalayas to meet a likely Chinese advance.

c. NE and the East Indian peoples will magnify their insurgencies with assistance from us with arms and Special Forces leadership.

d. The Khalistanis will rise and take revenge of the desecration of the Golden Temple and the Sikh Genocide 1984.

e. Kashmiri Mujahedeen will get a lease of life and evict all Indian elements.

f. Kerala Muslims in collusion with TN Tamils would form an anti-Delhi political unit.

g. Marathas will not like to be left behind, and Bal Thackery might declare UDI.

h. The Brahmonic rulers of Delhi will really be left holding on to the Hindi/Hindu heartland of MP and Rajputana with the Rajputs back on the throne of Delhi.

2. Will China sit idle? Nope. In fact we would be working on joint strategies in NE, air defense and the Bay of Bengal ops.

3. Nepal, Bhutan and SL will all strike on India to get their piece of action.

4. Afghans and Pakistanis will not sit idle. In an instance they will forget their differences and launch ops towards Panipath and Somnath. Nothing will wrest the Pashtun tribesmen from crossing the Hindukush descending upon the plains of Hindustan replicating the raids of their forefathers.

5. Peoples of BD, NE and Eastern India has been waiting for such an eventuality to present an opportunity to regain what we lost on 23 June 1757. We do not see the Delhi Govt anything other than continuation of English colonial rule.

Since now we are firmly in realm of Bangladeshi "metal masturbators"

So tell me what will happen, if we smoke dhaka with a thermonuclear device..who will come to your rescue..who will risk a nuclear war with us for ur sake?
1. Most Indians are born with such pipe dreams and die dreaming. However, the saner elements know, should India ever try to attack BD, all hell will break loose. Like a blinded elephant of Himu or Prithviraj she will stampede on till death. Consider what the concerned parties are likely to do:

a. BD will move into Phase I of the Doctrine of Traditional People's War.

b. While holding of Indian advances, if the opportunity arises we will let loose our armored column to race towards the Himalayas to meet a likely Chinese advance.

c. NE and the East Indian peoples will magnify their insurgencies with assistance from us with arms and Special Forces leadership.

d. The Khalistanis will rise and take revenge of the desecration of the Golden Temple and the Sikh Genocide 1984.

e. Kashmiri Mujahedeen will get a lease of life and evict all Indian elements.

f. Kerala Muslims in collusion with TN Tamils would form an anti-Delhi political unit.

g. Marathas will not like to be left behind, and Bal Thackery might declare UDI.

h. The Brahmonic rulers of Delhi will really be left holding on to the Hindi/Hindu heartland of MP and Rajputana with the Rajputs back on the throne of Delhi.

2. Will China sit idle? Nope. In fact we would be working on joint strategies in NE, air defense and the Bay of Bengal ops.

3. Nepal, Bhutan and SL will all strike on India to get their piece of action.

4. Afghans and Pakistanis will not sit idle. In an instance they will forget their differences and launch ops towards Panipath and Somnath. Nothing will wrest the Pashtun tribesmen from crossing the Hindukush descending upon the plains of Hindustan replicating the raids of their forefathers.

5. Peoples of BD, NE and Eastern India has been waiting for such an eventuality to present an opportunity to regain what we lost on 23 June 1757. We do not see the Delhi Govt anything other than continuation of English colonial rule.
wo wo wo Dude i am damm sure by now you would have ejaculated your load and now you came back to the real world.......control your harmones dude you are on Defence forum.....
Since now we are firmly in realm of Bangladeshi "metal masturbators"

So tell me what will happen, if we smoke dhaka with a thermonuclear device..who will come to your rescue..who will risk a nuclear war with us for ur sake?

ha ha ha at-least make a thermonuclear device first before you wanna smoke anyplace with some thing like this. ha ha ha
Where were these brave Indian soldiers when on 30 June 2012, the Army of Government of People’s Republic of Nagaland held an openly announced passing out parade of a batch of officers at their military base Khehoi, merely 40 kilometers from Rangapahar, Dimapur. Rangapahar is the Headquarters of Indian Army 3 Corps and is a big cantonment also housing large Para-military force nearby. Yet the Indian Army and other security apparatus did not have
the courage to establish the writ of Indian government.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/kashmir-war/195277-india-democracy-soaked-blood.html#ixzz21cvltwfa

The Sikhs in Indian Army are not 20% as you claim. After Sikh Regiments and Sikhs in other places mutinied, there was drastic reduction of Sikhs in Indian Army. This had to happen. Your Army destroyed their holiest place on the earth. In the aftermath of Indira Gandhi's death, thousands of innocent Sikhs were murdered only in Delhi.

So when you can not trust your own Sikh, Muslim and other soldiers from Indian minority community, obviously India would resort to the Gurkhas from Nepal.

It is indeed unfortunate that a country and democracy as big as India has to resort to mercenary soldiers to kill their own, because they can not trust their own.

India is a secular country unlike pakistan which is cleanising the Ahmadi community and killing Balouch's.
ha ha ha at-least make a thermonuclear device first before you wanna smoke anyplace with some thing like this. ha ha ha

Perhaps a little more reading on the subject and less embarrassing one self by needlessly spewing BS on a topic, one has no knowledge off ,might serve you better in the future
Perhaps a little more reading on the subject and less embarrassing one self by needlessly spewing BS on a topic, one has no knowledge off ,might serve you better in the future

Oh c'mon .......... I can quote your own scientists who were present there when the tests were conducted. They have openly said that the thermonuclear test was a failure.

Please improve your knowledge before you come here and you ooze through your piles laden mouth.
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