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Assam violence death toll rises to 21, shoot-at-sight order issued

Bodoland autonomous region comprises of 4 districts kokrajhar,chirang,baksa and udalguri.....this incident is happening in kokrajhar, chirang and why only in this two districts?......similar clash happenned in 2008 in udalguri and baksa districts....bangla muslims in this two districts learned a lesson and now they live a life of fear under the bodos many of them had fled to another districts ....they had even toned down their MICs that we hear 3 times a day, many mosque now don't us MICs for namaz.....same thing will happen to muslims in this two districts.....
Yeah I was wondering too.. why are they so evil? And why do they look so ugly? eww look at them.. damn criminals those BD muslims. :)

It's not about the ugliness but the swarming, the numbers of illegal immigrants are a burden and create major law and order problems, all these folks are uneducated and poor and scavenge the lands. They take up menial jobs at low wages causing job losses to ethnic Indian nationals and to top it all they indulge in serious crimes. The Indian Government is too lenient on them assuming them to be economic migrants but the ill effects on the demography these people cause is of great concern.
I also want India to attack Bangladesh, it will destroy India's already screwed economy which will lead to their bankruptcy as we will make America's attack on Vietnam a walk in the park. A bankruptcy will lead to breaking up of India into different states and we will get our west bengal, tripura and assam back.

india will require only few dollars to attack bangladesh and even if india goes bankrupt before that bangladesh will disappear.....
It's not about the ugliness but the swarming, the numbers of illegal immigrants are a burden and create major law and order problems, all these folks are uneducated and poor and scavenge the lands. They take up menial jobs at low wages causing job losses to ethnic Indian nationals and to top it all they indulge in serious crimes. The Indian Government is too lenient on them assuming them to be economic migrants but the ill effects on the demography these people cause is of great concern.

Complete construction of the fence - problem solved! By the way, I can assure you there is no concerted effort by Bangladeshis to flood NE with illegal immigrants.

As for taking them back, GoB has to prove Bangladeshi people that they're not NE Muslims. Assuming they don't have passports, if they have BD birth record, that's great. They don't have to have copies of it. They just need to know their own names, their parents' and grandparents' name and their permanent address in BD. That's how the government officials can identify the Bangladeshis.

Lastly, why do you think only they "commit serious crimes"? Why are locals incapable of committing serious crimes? I was under the impression that people in this region are similar in genetics!
No. This means that they were not forced to convert, otherwise even the Hindu Rajas etc would hand over their daughters and money etc to save their kingdoms. This is history. It is just that your fourfathers were not tested.

No, I am just outlining some historical facts.

and interestingly, it used to work :lol:. sometimes, enough taxes could be waived, and even the state could be protected by few girls. and these Hindu Rajas mainly used to use their good looking Dasis (servants) with projecting them as their daughters and the other side used to get satisfied this way :rofl:
Complete construction of the fence - problem solved! By the way, I can assure you there is no concerted effort by Bangladeshis to flood NE with illegal immigrants.

As for taking them back, GoB has to prove Bangladeshi people that they're not NE Muslims. Assuming they don't have passports, if they have BD birth record, that's great. They don't have to have copies of it. They just need to know their own names, their parents' and grandparents' name and their permanent address in BD. That's how the government officials can identify the Bangladeshis.

Please use some logic. Do you think that they will jump Fences with passport, birth certificate, name of of their grandfather or father and birth place? Do you that why are they known as illegal bangladeshi immigrant? If they are Indian then why they don't have Indian passports?

Lastly, why do you think only they "commit serious crimes"? Why are locals incapable of committing serious crimes? I was under the impression that people in this region are similar in genetics!

yes local are also capable of doing crime but they don't do in such huge numbers like those alien do. Local are usually naive where as those alien are very cunning. They don't only do crime huge numbers but also very nasty which we can even think of. I will tell you one incident. In 2008. Two sister were closing shop at night. Some of those alien came to their shop, they just not did with gang rape with those two girls but cut their breast and entered a huge bamboo in their uterus sophistication they can hide their crime. Whole itanagar was in shock and lives in fear for few days.

The Assam Tribune Online
Complete construction of the fence - problem solved! By the way, I can assure you there is no concerted effort by Bangladeshis to flood NE with illegal immigrants.

As for taking them back, GoB has to prove Bangladeshi people that they're not NE Muslims. Assuming they don't have passports, if they have BD birth record, that's great. They don't have to have copies of it. They just need to know their own names, their parents' and grandparents' name and their permanent address in BD. That's how the government officials can identify the Bangladeshis.

Lastly, why do you think only they "commit serious crimes"? Why are locals incapable of committing serious crimes? I was under the impression that people in this region are similar in genetics!


Do these people looks like NE Indians? They are Bangladeshis and they should be either send back to bangladesh or should be feeded to our Tigers in Kaziranga National tiger Park or even send down to our Tiger Reserves of Periyar. Anyway we have to get rid of those rats out from our country..:angry:
On topic..
Latest news is that situation being clamer today. Its all due to flag match by army.
Honestly, crpf or police is good for nothing. No 1 is ever afraid of them. But when army enters the scence, people realise discresion in the better part of valour.

@samranAli sir
well these things happens here. Its just too much muslim sentiment towards pakistaan. Its been the biggest source of mutual hatered among local people and these immigrants.
I dont understand if they love ur country so much why dont they leave this land to its locals and go and live in pakistaan.
Food for thought: NE was the only region in india which due to rule of great ahom empire was never been able conquered by Muslim dynesties in older times.
Yes with the help of RAW. It is time Bangladesh repaid the favour and assisted the Assamese to remove the occupying Indian Army from their lands.
At present Assameese people are busy in removing Bangladeshi illegal immigrants from their Land....So why don't you ask your army to help them in removing illegal immigrants from Assam.......And btw i don't know wether you know that or not....Most of the Assameese actualy hate Bangladeshi Muslims and they want to kick BM out of Assam...

But the actual problem in removing those illegal immigrants from Land of Assam is congress as it has included those Illegal bangladeshi's in the voter list....so that they can win election in Assam....
spot on bro. If any1 ask me. Bt one thing sure, peace and harmony will always been there among assamese people be it hindu or muslims. Many thinks assamese is a tribe, but assamese community is consist of assamese speaking tribes ex- ahom, kasari, muttuck, mising, kalita, assamese punjabi's, assamese muslims. We are brothers and all of us hate these illigal immigrants regardless of religion. Even majority of local people hate Bihari's too, but thats mainly die to gunda gardi done in railways crossing bihar.
On topic..
Latest news is that situation being clamer today. Its all due to flag match by army.
Honestly, crpf or police is good for nothing. No 1 is ever afraid of them. But when army enters the scence, people realise discresion in the better part of valour.

@samranAli sir
well these things happens here. Its just too much muslim sentiment towards pakistaan. Its been the biggest source of mutual hatered among local people and these immigrants.
I dont understand if they love ur country so much why dont they leave this land to its locals and go and live in pakistaan.
Food for thought: NE was the only region in india which due to rule of great ahom empire was never been able conquered by Muslim dynesties in older times.
it shows how much they hate india and love Pakistan.
it shows how much they hate india and love Pakistan.

This kind of attitude is common among muslims earlier Arabs , Afaghans, Persians , Turks ransacked modern day Pakistan and killed men and raped your women but still Pakistani's chest thumping about their invaders achievements. Same thing applicable to BDesi.
Samran sir..
Thats why they should be kicked out of our country.
They are stumping their own kick us out card. I know they love pakistaan, thats why I think the local people have all the right to kick them to Pakistaan. Although its a wreckless comment, why does even govt trying to protect these traitors.
Note- M not at all supporting these violance. In the end, its a loose loose situation to both the communities.
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