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Assam violence death toll rises to 21, shoot-at-sight order issued

ooooohhhhh everybody is shivering.

Don't worry. You were the bastard child of US, now adopted by China. Daddy dearest will come to the rescue at the parent teacher meeting.
I am not going to waste my time. Your own people who were part of the team and international experts, all say the same. And you say, I disagree. OK disagree. And read 454 yourself till you drop dead.

If you had bothered to read, your pea-sized brain would have understood that the very scientists and experts that you cited, have questioned not the efficacy but the yield of the bomb. Even they have conceded that the yield is 20KT, as against indian claims of 45KT. the pakistani nuke yield is 12KT. And all of this ONLY for the thermonuclear device.

The fission bomb performed as per the plan, with a yield of 20-25KT. No questions have been raised against this.

Just because you've been told to believe something, and just because you have an apparent lack of critical thinking, the status quo does not change.
Don't worry. You were the bastard child of US, now adopted by China. Daddy dearest will come to the rescue at the parent teacher meeting.

ohuhuhuhuh ..... I am again shivering.

The reality is that Pakistan's geo-political strength has relegated Indian importance to merely being an economic milkman for the US and West. On your east and west are two strong nuclear weapon states and you are not even a regional power. You can scare Nepal, Maldives, Bhutan.

This is what kills you. Big Bharat - big $hit no chief.
Please use some logic. Do you think that they will jump Fences with passport, birth certificate, name of of their grandfather or father and birth place? Do you that why are they known as illegal bangladeshi immigrant? If they are Indian then why they don't have Indian passports?

You read my post in a hurry. Here, read this part:

apo_Asura said:
They don't have to have copies of it. They just need to know their own names, their parents' and grandparents' name and their permanent address in BD. That's how the government officials can identify them.

I'll get back to the rest of your post when I have time. :)
This was the most shameful act in the modern history of this state (apart from ULFA of course). Instead of publicly punishing the perpetrators and calming the crowd, the government is playing politics again...:angry:
If you had bothered to read, your pea-sized brain would have understood that the very scientists and experts that you cited, have questioned not the efficacy but the yield of the bomb. Even they have conceded that the yield is 20KT, as against indian claims of 45KT. the pakistani nuke yield is 12KT. And all of this ONLY for the thermonuclear device.

The fission bomb performed as per the plan, with a yield of 20-25KT. No questions have been raised against this.

Just because you've been told to believe something, and just because you have an apparent lack of critical thinking, the status quo does not change.

Dr. Santhanam said it was a FAILURE. Doesn't it get through you. He was the head of one of the teams which carried out the explosions.

Choro yaar - go make some one believe this stuff who doesn't know these things.
To me all these drama of rioting is pre planned and have been done by Indian intelligence groups or other groups possibly extremist terrorist hindu groups to kill two bird with one stone.

1. The 4 youth those who have been killed are member of banned terrorist group bodo liberation army.

2. It was not certain who killed them but a rumor has been spread that muslims killed them.

3. Muslims could be Indian but this same vested group then propagated another heresy this has been done by illegal bangladeshi migrants.

4. It is quite apparent what is the mind set of this radical hindu extremist groups... Anyonewho is bengali muslim is illegal migrants.

5. All these article specially this one has been written by extreme right wing hindus and taken partially from an article written by hindu terrorist group BJP member.
Did the Persians, Mughals etc. just vanish in thin air.....without leaving any descendants????:woot:

Yes, MAJORITY of them HAD Hindu ancestry.......
BUT a Muslim has to marry another Muslim right!!!!......and when you marry another Muslim with Persian,Mughal ancestry.....your child becomes a Hybrid......and when your child marries another Muslim.....their child becomes Hybrid........and so on........simple logic.
Like this after so many generations, there is hardly any 'pure blood' left in the Muslims of the whole Indian subcontinent either from the Indian side OR from the Invader's side.....


I hope you will convey this to Subramaniam Swamy...:toast_sign:

we may have faced them ! and trust me "chambal region" where i belong too is not an easy nut to crack . we were invaded but never ruled by invaders . our territories were ruled by "scindias" till 1947.

You may not have been ruled but majority of India has been ruled...
Bodos are Christians not evil yindoos as far as I know. Anyway resentment towards bengali speaking people is well known and age old. BODO, Ulfa etc came into being to clinse assam of bengali speaking diaspora. Although some of you have wet dream of them helping you to get NE for Bangladesh. Given a chance they will kill all immigrants, only thing that's preventing them is Indian Army.
Dr. Santhanam said it was a FAILURE. Doesn't it get through you. He was the head of one of the teams which carried out the explosions.

Choro yaar - go make some one believe this stuff who doesn't know these things.

Thick skull. That's what you have. There were two types of bombs tested in 1998 -
1. Thermonuclear
2. Fission Bombs

Its the thermonuclear bomb that generated the controversy. But despite the controversy, Dr. Santhanam said that the yield was lower than the expected 45KT. He said the yield was 20KT.

The fission bombs worked perfectly, giving a yield of 20-25KT.

To save yourself from further embarrassment, please read the following report.

Not all are born with the same heart..not all capitulate to threats of violence. Many do fight back. Infact they did fight back. They resist. Please read my signature..

Anyway let's not get offtopic.

Rightly said "Not all are born with the same heart...", not all are stubborn enough to follow something just for the sake of following it, many do question it and try to seek truth and then when they find the truth they accept it. Plz read real history, this conversion by Sword theory has been debunked hell number of times....!

Yup let's not go off topic.:)
ohuhuhuhuh ..... I am again shivering.

The reality is that Pakistan's geo-political strength has relegated Indian importance to merely being an economic milkman for the US and West. On your east and west are two strong nuclear weapon states and you are not even a regional power. You can scare Nepal, Maldives, Bhutan.

This is what kills you. Big Bharat - big $hit no chief.

Geo-political strength, you say?!?!? It’s funny how you see strength as a measure of exploitability of pak by bigger powers, and not as a measure of the ability to bring to an end to constant bombing in its own backyard.

You’ve guys have only relegated yourselves into becoming a pawn of China, instead of the US. What could have been a prosperous, strong muslim nation (as envisioned by the likes of Jinnah) is now on the precipice (if not falling already), while resorting to desperate “beg, borrow, steal” policy.
you are saying as if war is playing games on on ur ps3.dude war is different. a lot of ppl will get killed (of course u wont ,u will hide in canada). u might underestimate the indian defence forces but dont underestimate life of ur ex-countrymen i.e bangladesh.

Its all exciting for them but not for the people on the ground....
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