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As the Hajj begins, the destruction of Mecca's heritage continues

I don't understand why do you expect us to take an action against them :what:

Anyway, I recognized the area, the march took place from the Ministry of Health Hospital nu.3 not far away from where I was stationed.

As Iranians and other Shias have been hospitalized in this area we knew already such things will happen, and that's why we are putting our feet up to them as long as they don't inflict damage on others.

lol remembered one of you came up with this when arguing with Iranian users1987 Mecca incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

KSA have expensive toys, don't think those people have balls to spread chaos anywhere in the KSA because lesson learnt in 1987 :lol:
And I suppose you people are bearers to that. Can't argue here, I suppose because most of you are Medieval in your thoughts and arguments.

When it comes to holy places and serving Islam, heritage comes second.
I do not know how to take you seriously when you cannot even argue properly. Perhaps the nation and background you come from has this norm but that is really not my fault. You are on a forum with diverse people if you do not want to hear them out, buzz off.

Regarding your sources, I have posted some too. It is unnatural for you to assume that my premises are baseless. Secondly, as someone having no knowledge of History you take to being an expert. The exhibition is called 'Gateways to Arabia', you do not even know that, and archeologists have been reduced to using Google Earth to scan Saudi territory for your government does not allow them access. The teams that have been allowed are from France and they are under Saudi chairship, main reason being that Saudi Arabia does not want UN heritage status for many of its sites. This has happened before, by the way.

Exploring the Roads of Arabia - YouTube

Foreign teams to study 15 Saudi archaeological sites | Arab News

Jaibi, not even when I provide plenty of sources from different newspapers, videos, pictures, earlier information you still keep writing nonsense.

I have no problem if you think what I am writing is non-sense, I know who I am addressing. If you are tired of repeating yourself, get off the Internet and these forums because there are saner ways of replying. What I do is link up my previous posts. Not surprising it's different for you.

In short keep writing nonsense if that makes you happy. I am quite frankly tired of repeating myself.

Again, the idocracy is in your repeated pulling of arguments. Archaeologists are not banned in SA, they are not allowed the freedom to work independently, take Makkah for example, the Archeologists from SA have been protesting to the government that they are not allowed to do their jobs and that is to properly study and PRESERVE artifacts which were bulldozed for the Makkah Tower which had no real use for Hajj.

Archeology works this way: you explore a site, you cordon it off, you invite experts (this is usually international), you take samples, and if the site is important enough you declare it as a heritage site. This process is missing in SA, the international experts that come come due to their expertise, SA invites them based on governmental decisions, why? Because they wish to control the Archeological finds, why? Because of your religious views perhaps, perhaps because of something else. Who really knows the minds of your people? Frankly after interacting with you I am convinced of the views the world holds of your people, I see why your nation is referred to as the "Medieval Kingdom". I've nothing against your people you are just one person and a bad representative.

I suggest that you actually watch the videos I provided or read the articles. The female standing next to that giant stone with ancient stone carvings was part of the archaeological team who went to KSA. She is an American senior archaeologist. See tells about her experience in that video. Your version = archaeologists were banned.

Not anymore, Plato states in the Republic: 'You can learn or you can learn how to learn; never at the same time.' That applies to you. I am not going to post manuals and links on links to show you how academia works be happy in your ignorance.

And you are telling me to have a serious debate? Come on.

Never said that kid. I said SA does not allow archaeologists to work as they should.

Ok, Saudi Arabia neglects its heritage and do not invite any archeologists. Happy now?[?QUOTE]

Jews are actually one the most learned people on Earth their representation in the academia and prestigious awards such as the Nobel is astronomically high. Furthermore, Israel has one of the highest number of heritage sites in ME. Had the House of Saud been their agent it would have been much different. The tragedy is the monarchy on the land of Islam, the Holiest Cities, is an ignorant, corrupt, zealous and bigoted lot. You asked for my views, here they are. I had refrained from them as I did not see it appropriate to the context at hand but as you wish.

The House of Saud are Jewish undercover agents and their great plan is to bulldoze Makkah and Madinah to the ground and make Khaybar the capital.

The more ignorance I see in the Muslims the more sad I am. So no.

More happy now?

You are coming from a nation and it is your nationhood that clouds your judgement. Repeatedly you have presumed I talk from the religious-political angle, I have not done so. I've practical experience in this field and I spoke from an academic PoV. Yet, you had to take it in a certain direction, no problem. Congratulations, you did not really come off as rude but more arrogant on your ignorance, that is a characteristic of our people (Muslims). I have no concern how you are in real life, I hope you do well enough there and here's an advice on this forum and rest of the internet you can post links to previous posts and threads so repeating oneself is easier.

Up to you what you take it as.

Adios and peace I go back to my resolution of sticking out of the Arab forums too much pride and ignorance here.

I am sorry if I come across as a bit rude and non-patient here. I have no problem with any user here let alone you. I sometimes get tired of repeating myself but I am not angry in real life. Sometimes written words can seem harsher than spoken words.

Anyway lets agree to disagree.:coffee:

Not even worthy a serious answer considering the staggering amount of ignorance. But I guess that I am used to it by now when ignorants and outsiders meddle in Saudi Arabian and Arab matters that they know very little about. I provided plenty of references. You can stick to your own version of the events and history. How you regard our rulers, us, Arabs and Muslims is quite frankly your own business.
I know what you mean by coward, most of you guys say demanding taking tougher actions, but we tend to look to the matter from a different perspective. We don't wan to reach a level in which we might consider a full-militarization option during Hajj as much as we try not to politicize faith. I don't think they crossed the line yet, but if we were physically provoked we will hit hard and the Iranian regime knows this very well.

Allow me plz, you're being coward here, you could act pragmatic in anything but not in Haj. I'm not saying you kill them or sth, but just cotact their gov and tell them that this is unacceptable, and if they refused, ban them until they obey.
lol remembered one of you came up with this when arguing with Iranian users1987 Mecca incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

KSA have expensive toys, don't think those people have balls to spread chaos anywhere in the KSA because lesson learnt in 1987 :lol:

We are not afraid we respect the holy places and we are not like you we don't beg the NATO unlike you when the Serbs raped you and fu***d your Adem jashari
Here we go again -_-

Who said it's Pakistan's? .-. You are 1 out of tens of millions of our closet friend, your opinion makes no difference to me how harsh it may seem.

You may need to talk to Pakistani members here living in Saudia or used to live such as @salman108 @Pakistanisage @BATMAN

LoLz. Pakistan has the same DNA as Saudia's :lol:

I am still in the Kingdom, was busy @ Hajj.

Now, one thing I found more difficult and disturbing than anything else was to control my temper.
If it were to me, I'd take a stick or a knife to these stupid people !

I just do not understand what is the point of reading Quran in the Haram, when it is all the same.
Why can't they leave Haram for Tawaf ?

I do not understand why do people stick to a place in the front and don't want to leave it.
Don't they have no regard for others ?

from personal experience, I can say, muslims behaved almost like animals.. and I kept asking my self, what is the point of Hajj ?

I want to go there again next year, in a a whole different role.

anyone who wants to yap about heritage and whatever can pay hearty tribute by downloading a big load at Abu Jehal's house.

The services which are not present for Hajis is amazing, the train, the discipline at Mina, at Arafat etc.
Just imagine how difficult Rammi would be without the complex.

yet the Majusis and their sympathizers will talk otherwise.
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The services which are not present for Hajis is amazing, the train, the discipline at Mina, at Arafat etc.
Just imagine how difficult Rammi would be without the complex.

yet the Majusis and their sympathizers will talk otherwise.

I take your words as a badge of honor. We don't care about what they say, otherwise we wouldn't run phase 1.

Funnily enough, I heard some dumbs hear suggesting that we are doing the expansion for money :lol:

These articles have been debunked many many times but still continue.

Would you kindly respond to these claims then?

Thanks ..

Still fighting over bricks & buildings ?

Phase 1 is almost done, those who are mad can pound sand :lol:
I take your words as a badge of honor. We don't care about what they say, otherwise we wouldn't run phase 1.

Funnily enough, I heard some dumbs hear suggesting that we are doing the expansion for money :lol:

Would you kindly respond to these claims then?

Thanks ..

Phase 1 is almost done, those who are mad can pound sand :lol:

Ok :D,

1- Most of these articles were written by some one who claimed specific sites have been destroyed and public wash rooms have been built on top (that I guess was about adding more spice). All claims were debunked the sites in question were never touched.

2- He then came up with some theory how useless Arabs were and how sewerage wastage wrecked havoc and damaged the sites. A professional city planner from UK responded (in another article) how the picture painted was factually incorrect and how the measures taken by Saudi Arabian govt was the only way to do it in current circumstances.

3- Third instance related to when the mayor (or someone in administration) in a Saudi city claimed something about mosquito breeding in running water. Same author ridiculed the claim but later was debunked as the said type of mosquito did breed in running water.

4- Another article mentioned how Saudi govt fleeced the Hajis (pilgrims) most of the data was incorrect and made up. Author mixed up data of pilgrims and tourists and tried to show pilgrims were forced to pay very high prices for services.

Now keep in mind this is all by the same person who first wrote 6-8 articles on heritage sites then started criticising Saudi govt, this developed in criticising Saudis in every last detail from economy to city planning to their eating habits. Not only the stuff was fabricated/ exaggerated it became racist in the end with the author taking shots on Arabs in general. I have seen the same claims rehashed and published time and again about Saudi heritage sites.

One good way of checking the veracity of claims is to see if your respective govts have taken any official stance on the issue. If they have not then it is likely that the claims are fabricated or highly exaggerated. Take the literate way out and criticise the policies of Saudi govt you disagree with.
No need to take those ignorants seriously. They play no role and have no idea what they are talking about as always. Let them eat Karbala mud and let them cry. They are a unwanted element anyway in my opinion.
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