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As the Hajj begins, the destruction of Mecca's heritage continues

building a Big Ben tower, symbol of British empire, right beside the Masjidul Haram shows very well who they really are, and whom they serve.
Now, even Christians are saying Saudis are destroying the view of Masjidul Haram and Kaaba.

Salvador Dali:

Dali is neither a Spanish nor a Catalan name, and has almost completely disappeared throughout the Iberian Peninsula. The painter repeatedly claimed that his forbears, and accordingly his surname, were of Arab origin. `In my family tree my Arab lineage going back to the time of Cervantes has been almost definitely established,' he boasts in the Secret Life. Other remarks of his show that he had in mind the notorious Dali Mami, a sixteenth-century pirate who fought for the Turks and was responsible, among other dubious achievements, for Miguel de Cervantes's period of captivity in Algeria. But there is not a shred of evidence to suggest that the artist was related to that adventurer.

Insisting on his `Arab lineage', Dali once pushed the date of the connection back much further than the sixteenth century, claiming that his ancestors descended from the Moors who invaded Spain in AD 711. `From these origins,' he added, `comes my love of everything that is gilded and excessive, my passion for luxury and my love of oriental clothes.' Again and again we find him referring to such `atavisms'. On one occasion a burning summer thirst is ascribed to this origin; on another, the `African desert' featured in his painting Perspectives (1936-7). A later picture gave rise to the commentary: `I always paint those vast sandy expanses that go as far as the eye can see. I don't know why; I have never been in North Africa. I suppose it's an atavism of the Arab blood." Dali even liked to think that the readiness of his skin to go almost black in the sun was another Arab trait.

It seems that Dali was right to claim Arab blood--or, at least, Moorish. The surname occurs regularly throughout the Muslim world, and there are several Dalis in the Tunisian, Moroccan and Algerian telephone guides (rendered indifferently Dali, Dallagi, Dallai, Dallaia, Dallaji and, particularly, Daly). Oddly, though, the painter never seems to have delved further into his background. Had he done so, he might have discovered that in the local Catalan of the River Ebro region there used to be an interesting trace of Spain's Muslim past in the noun dali, from the Arabic for `guide' or `leader', which designated a kind of strong staff wielded by the daliner, or boss, of the men employed to tow boats from the riverbank." It might also have dawned on him that from the same Arabic root comes the Catalan adalil and Spanish adalid, a not-too-common term in both languages for `leader' (and which has given rise to the Arab surname Dalil, also quite frequent in North Africa). Dali enjoyed saying that the fact of being called Salvador showed that he was destined to be the `Saviour' of Spanish art. Had he realized that his highly unusual surname coincided with the word for `guide' or `leader' in Arabic, he would no doubt have informed the world, just as he liked to tell people that it corresponded phonetically to the Catalan delit, `delight'. As it was, he hugely enjoyed its extreme rarity, emphasizing its palatal `l' by energetically pressing his tongue against the roof of his mouth, and coming down hard on the accented `i'. Salvador Dali simply could not have had a rarer, or more colourful, surname, and it gave him endless pleasure.

The Shameful Life of Salvador Dali

Yeah, we Arabs (and Middle Eastern people) have a bit of temper. Nothing like a good discussion or two.:lol:

Many famous Spaniards and Portuguese (Southern Italians) have Arab ancestry as well. You can see it by their last names and even often facial features.

Just to mention one contemporary famous Spanish film director, screenwriter and producer, Pedro Almodóvar:



I could give you many example of regular Spanish, Portuguese and Italian surnames being of Arab origin. Let alone the familiar faces you encounter.

There is a special bond there that even dates back to the Semitic Phoenician who founded many major Southern European cities and influenced Western civilizations greatly like other ancient Semitic cultures did.

You should listen to Maltese for example. It is an amazing hybrid of Arabic and Italian and some other loanwords.

building a Big Ben tower, symbol of British empire, right beside the Masjidul Haram shows very well who they really are, and whom they serve.
Now, even Christians are saying Saudis are destroying the view of Masjidul Haram and Kaaba.



Kindly go out and eat some Karbala mud.

We do not care what you pro-Mullah Shias think let alone Farsis of all people.

Why don't your mind your own business for once? Do you see Arabs commenting on your graves in Qom and Mashhad of descendants of Prophet Muhammad (saws) that you pray to and cry for? You know those new golden like domes that you have built.

Simply because we Muslims do not care about that.
building a Big Ben tower, symbol of British empire, right beside the Masjidul Haram shows very well who they really are, and whom they serve.
Now, even Christians are saying Saudis are destroying the view of Masjidul Haram and Kaaba.


Your elders built and you follow a religion like that of Jews based on Allah's true religion Islam.

Never thought of that parallel ?
Yeah, we Arabs (and Middle Eastern people) have a bit of temper. Nothing like a good discussion or two.:lol:

Pedro Almodóvar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
yeah i heared about Dali
about "temper" Dali is from catalan region : these people have a big temper :D

Almodovar i was watching one of his last movies in cinema La piel que habito - Wikipédia
crazy story

Anyway i like very much Dali. And since an Iranian gets Dali as avatar.... i was taking fun to answer him like this.

About Europeans they are very much mixed: i don't know if many Europeans can be sure have for sure only celtic or whatever European ancestors . Once i met an Italian for the first job here , he was looking so much like Arabs from North Africa (my Algerian friends for exemple) that i was speaking about Algeria to him. too bad for me: he was Italian root (from Marseille) and anti Arabs and an important client.... it was not fun at all :D

Anyway this topic should be closed.
building a Big Ben tower, symbol of British empire, right beside the Masjidul Haram shows very well who they really are, and whom they serve.
Now, even Christians are saying Saudis are destroying the view of Masjidul Haram and Kaaba.


So, every building that has a clock on it is a Big Ben tower?

The idea of building a tower clock in Mecca is to set it as a standard time for Muslims around the world rather than following Big Ben. To be honest with you, your people and country has never offered anything to Islam but rather distorted and deviated it and has always been a dagger on the side of it's followers, while Saudi Arabia has spent tens of billions of dollars to preserve and develop it as well as accommodate the pilgrims. They spare billions every year to help needy Muslim countries around the world, when they themselves still in need of money to further develop their country.

Big Ben 1, Big Ben 2, Big Ben 3 and Big Ben 4.


Where is the love people? Let us Saudi Arabians built 1000 Big Bens and let the Iranians built 1000 golden domes.

Just let me have my Arabic coffee each morning.
building a Big Ben tower, symbol of British empire, right beside the Masjidul Haram shows very well who they really are, and whom they serve.
Now, even Christians are saying Saudis are destroying the view of Masjidul Haram and Kaaba.


You perfectly fit for the role of so called, Islamic extremists.
HAJJ has become absolutely commercialized by the Saudis and is fast loosing its intended efficacy and religious purpose. People with loads of money can stay in luxurious hotels with all the western amenities while those who are poor stay in shoddy tents way outside the city of Makkah. The tall buildings in and around the Kaaba are simply ridiculous and have turned a sacred site into something utterly ugly. Ideally speaking there should be no building higher than the Haram at least 20 kms around Kaaba. To top it all off; Muslims are at there worst at the Hajj; they forget simple Haqooq ul Ibaad in order to glorify their need for Haqooq Allah. Personally I am not fond of Saudi's who treat Pakistanis as kammees while wagging there tails for any white skin (no matter how ****** it may be) comes knocking on there doors.
So, every building that has a clock on it is a Big Ben tower?

The idea of building a tower clock in Mecca is to set it as a standard time for Muslims around the world rather than following Big Ben. To be honest with you, your people and country has never offered anything to Islam but rather distorted and deviated it and has always been a dagger on the side of it's followers, while Saudi Arabia has spent tens of billions of dollars to preserve and develop it as well as accommodate the pilgrims. They spare billions every year to help needy Muslim countries around the world, when they themselves still in need of money to further develop their country.
agree with the clock
but no need to insult our country, our religion , our culture and many Iranians gave a lot to Islam
thank you to avoid such hatred here
agree with the clock
but no need to insult our country, our religion , our culture and many Iranians gave a lot to Islam
thank you to avoid such hatred here

I was being honest not rude, I do believe of what I said.
Hussein, I am sure Blackeagle was referring to a certain type of Iranians on this forum who insult everything that is Arab, Sunni, Semitic etc. and meddle while I have not seen any Arab trolling in the Iranian sector of the forum. If they do they will probably get banned quickly.

Meanwhile on this sector of the forum where 90% of all topics are about Arab countries/matters many Iranian members troll and we have no Arab moderator while we have Iranian, Turkish etc. moderators.

So if there was a local moderator who could be strict and ban trolls/give warnings out then many of the time wasting discussions could be avoided.

But it seems nothing is happening. Anyway this forum is still great and it is free after all so we cannot complain. I am just trying to give advice.

For example post number 175 in this thread is just nonsense. This is what we are up against.
agree with the clock
but no need to insult our country, our religion , our culture and many Iranians gave a lot to Islam
thank you to avoid such hatred here

Mate you are talking about Pre-Safavid era but now you guys gave nothing but destruction to Islam. Im being honest here so no offense.

@BLACKEAGLE @al-Hasani @Yzd Khalifa @Arabian Legend - Instead of building the Clock Tower so that the Pilgrims can see the time why couldn't you give every Haji a Gold-Plated-Rolex instead ? :D

I would love to have one too:woot:
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HAJJ has become absolutely commercialized by the Saudis and is fast loosing its intended efficacy and religious purpose. People with loads of money can stay in luxurious hotels with all the western amenities while those who are poor stay in shoddy tents way outside the city of Makkah. The tall buildings in and around the Kaaba are simply ridiculous and have turned a sacred site into something utterly ugly. Ideally speaking there should be no building higher than the Haram at least 20 kms around Kaaba.

Pilgrims go there to do their Islamic duty and not to enjoy these luxurious things. In my opinion, the most sacred place for Muslims should be exquisite, clean and beautiful. Skyscrapers are meant to accommodate ever increasing numbers of pilgrims who gather in relatively small place, so the horizontal expansion is necessary to do that. Those skyscrapers are designed and built in accordance to Islamic architecture.
To top it all off; Muslims are at there worst at the Hajj; they forget simple Haqooq ul Ibaad in order to glorify their need for Haqooq Allah. Personally I am not fond of Saudi's who treat Pakistanis as kammees while wagging there tails for any white skin (no matter how ****** it may be) comes knocking on there doors.

Well, even in Pakistan itself, poor people get a different treatment than rich, the same goes with Saudi Arabia, poor Saudi are treated differently than rich, like they say, money talks, and as for the "white", also intellectuals and professionals are treated with much more respect than illiterate people and this exists in all over the world. But I tell you, Pakistanis are different than all South eastern Asians, they are respected and they don't tolerate disrespect in the first place.
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