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Army Destroyed Pakistan, This Army Has To Bow Before Civilian Govt - Javed Hashmi Blasts on Pak Army

Sir yor are compareing Apple with Oranges.
Palestinian problem is linked with some jewish Religious script,which instructs them to do so.
And Europe wants an outpost in Gulf,which Usrel is.
And Pakistan's problem is linked with two entities, Afghanistan and India, that both claim vast amounts of Pakistani territory and have still not reconciled with Pakistan's existence.

The US will have no issues supporting the Afghans and Indians in destroying Pakistan to build up India as a counter to China.

Stop being so naive about the threats Pakistan currently faces and has faced since its existence. It is the Pakistan Fauj that has kept the country from being destroyed like the Israelis have decimated the Palestinians.
That's Tilla Jogian Test firing Range and that's probably an annual Test of LAT Unit.
Lemme guess, this is also a testing range?

Lemme guess, this is also a testing range?

And I'm still waiting to you hear your answers on what you (or your lovely "civilian" politicians would've done post 911). Let's hear it.
And Pakistan's problem is linked with two entities, Afghanistan and India, that both claim vast amounts of Pakistani territory and have still not reconciled with Pakistan's existence.

The US will have no issues supporting the Afghans and Indians in destroying Pakistan to build up India as a counter to China.

Stop being so naive about the threats Pakistan currently faces and has faced since its existence. It is the Pakistan Fauj that has kept the country from being destroyed like the Israelis have decimated the Palestinians.
Sir,keep your boat floating,with whatever keeps it afloat.
India has not claimed any Part of Pakistan,other then AJK where there is status quo,with which they are happy because they are holding which is important part.
Afghanistan calim isn't anything because in 1947,they were having no will power to do so,nor they have today,neither they would have in 1000 years,if state in intact.
shah sa ziada ....shah ka wafadar ... his comments are useless , he was part of Zia cabinet ...

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I don't agree with Army's involvement in politics but lets be honest without Pak Army these sold out kanjars aka politicians like Zardari and Nawaz would sell the whole country to Gangadesh for few million dollars. Their fan boys are usually dumb clowns or political workers who are in it for the crumbs that likes of Nawaz throw at them.

Has anyone forget what this peice of filth Nawaz and his ilk has done to Pakistan?

Ye paisa iskay baap ka hay ya Pakistan ka?
and that dollar comes out from your bubble butt's ....really stinky...eeeww . ..yuck
Sir,keep your boat floating,with whatever keeps it afloat.
India has not claimed any Part of Pakistan,other then AJK where there is status quo,with which they are happy because they are holding which is important part.
Afghanistan calim isn't anything because in 1947,they were having no will power to do so,nor they have today,neither they would have in 1000 years,if state in intact.
Israel was also initially OK with the 1947 borders as defined in the UN - it was once it became militarily stronger and found international support that it kept on taking over more and more Palestinian land.

The Afghans even now don't accept the Afghan-Pakistan border and claim Pakistani territory all the way to the Indus river.

The Afghan's and Indians haven't taken over more land and have no will power to take over more Pakistani land because of the Pakistan Fauj, otherwise only a fool like you would think that they would have left Pakistan alone in peace.
Israel was also initially OK with the 1947 borders as defined in the UN - it was once it became militarily stronger and found international support that it kept on taking over more and more Palestinian land.

The Afghans even now don't accept the Afghan-Pakistan border and claim Pakistani territory all the way to the Indus river.

The Afghan's and Indians haven't taken over more land and have no will power to take over more Pakistani land because of the Pakistan Fauj, otherwise only a fool like you would think that they would have left Pakistan alone in peace.

Just like we pay chaprasi to guard our home, we pay army to protect our borders. But how you will react if chaprasi one day started meddling in your home affairs? I don't need to guess. Did chaprasi Zia ask you before allowing afghanis along with their terrorism in our homes?

If some general want to take decision on our behalf then why he doesn't resign and contest election? And after they destroy country we are not allowed to even blame them?
Just like we pay chaprasi to guard our home, we pay army to protect our borders. But how you will react if chaprasi one day started meddling in your home affairs? I don't need to guess. Did chaprasi Zia ask you before allowing afghanis along with their terrorism in our homes?

If some general want to take decision on our behalf then why he doesn't resign and contest election? And after they destroy country we are not allowed to even blame them?
Cheekho aur cheekho nawaj ko koyi nahi bacha sakta
Just like we pay chaprasi to guard our home, we pay army to protect our borders. But how you will react if chaprasi one day started meddling in your home affairs? I don't need to guess. Did chaprasi Zia ask you before allowing afghanis along with their terrorism in our homes?

If some general want to take decision on our behalf then why he doesn't resign and contest election? And after they destroy country we are not allowed to even blame them?
Look, you're talking about two different things. Most people are in agreement that the Army should stay out of domestic affairs and that the Army coups should not have occurred and should not occur in the future.

However, that does not mean that the Army has not played an important role in keeping Pakistan and Pakistanis safe. Like I said, without the Pak Fauj Pakistan would likely be dismembered and in chaos like Palestine. Criticism of the Army needs to be rational and logical and critics of the Army need to also accept that the institution has played and will continue to play an indispensable role in protecting Pakistan.

Criticize Ayub, Yahya, Zia and Musharraf by all means, but don't malign the entire institution of the Army and its discipline because of the actions of some of the COAS. Your position is along the lines of rejecting democracy and politicians for ever because democracy and politicians have not delivered according to everyone's expectations so far.
Just like we pay chaprasi to guard our home, we pay army to protect our borders. But how you will react if chaprasi one day started meddling in your home affairs? I don't need to guess. Did chaprasi Zia ask you before allowing afghanis along with their terrorism in our homes?

If some general want to take decision on our behalf then why he doesn't resign and contest election? And after they destroy country we are not allowed to even blame them?
By your analogy, if a chapprasi (ARMY) is paid to defend the home, then he WILL defend the home EVEN against a corrupt representative of the home (politicians) who would be willing to sell out home out to the neighbourhood thugs...

Simple as that...
Look, you're talking about two different things. Most people are in agreement that the Army should stay out of domestic affairs and that the Army coups should not have occurred and should not occur in the future.

However, that does not mean that the Army has not played an important role in keeping Pakistan and Pakistanis safe. Like I said, without the Pak Fauj Pakistan would likely be dismembered and in chaos like Palestine. Criticism of the Army needs to be rational and logical and critics of the Army need to also accept that the institution has played and will continue to play an indispensable role in protecting Pakistan.

Criticize Ayub, Yahya, Zia and Musharraf by all means, but don't malign the entire institution of the Army and its discipline because of the actions of some of the COAS. Your position is along the lines of rejecting democracy and politicians for ever because democracy and politicians have not delivered according to everyone's expectations so far.

Sorry but Pakistan is in chaos because of army generals. Afghani/secterian terrorism thanks to Zia. Altaf Hussain terrorism in Karachi thanks to Zia and especially Musharraf who gave them free hand.

So if Pakistan is going to be dismembered then blame will go to army who instead of protecting borders started governing country themselves.
Sorry but Pakistan is in chaos because of army generals. Afghani/secterian terrorism thanks to Zia. Altaf Hussain terrorism in Karachi thanks to Zia and especially Musharraf who gave them free hand.

So if Pakistan is going to be dismembered then blame will go to army who instead of protecting borders started governing country themselves.
The Army Generals may have their mistakes, no one denies that. But how long are you gonna struggle to ineffectively sideline the FACT that the Generals HAVE to intervene and take over because your "civilian" political leadership is:
1. inept
2. undeducated
3. corrupt
4. lazy
5. greedy

you need to face the music @Kabira , if your noora and his likes including zardari and going back to bhutto all the way back to nazimuddin were intelligent, smart, honest, patriotic and God fearing leaders, the Generals would have never had to intervene. That IS where the buck stops! so merely standing there and whining like iblees ki bayva that The Army never let the civilians work is just NOT gonna fly. the civilians are on notice to do the job right THE FIRST TIME!

AS PER DR SHAHID MASOOD, phir agar martial law laga, TO PEHLI DAFA LAGAY GA! (means this time, it'll be a REAL martial law where every politician and beaurocrat will found hanging by his neck from light posts)!
Sorry but Pakistan is in chaos because of army generals. Afghani/secterian terrorism thanks to Zia. Altaf Hussain terrorism in Karachi thanks to Zia and especially Musharraf who gave them free hand.

So if Pakistan is going to be dismembered then blame will go to army who instead of protecting borders started governing country themselves.
Wrong, Pakistan is in chaos because of the politicians just as much as the Army generals.

ZA Bhutto and other West Pakistani politicians did not want to share power with East Pakistan & Mujib.

Benazir and her advisers were just as involved in building up the Taliban as a means of pacifying the civil war in Afghanistan as the Army was.

And finally, the politicians have had, at least, the last 10 years to implement changes and reforms to start rectifying Pakistan's issues, and they have done almost nothing when it comes to FATA Reforms, governance reforms, police reforms, education reforms, health reforms etc.

What reforms have the PPP/PMLN initiated in the last year on police, education, health, FATA that the military stopped them from implementing?

Noora league is a bunch of cowards - they were begging the Taliban to not attack Punjab because PMLN did not support military operations against them. They had to be forced by the Army to support military operations against terrorists. That's the kind of divisive and bayghairat mindset the Nawaz League has.

Calling Nawaz and company Khusra and Bayghairat is an insult to Khusra's and Bayghairat's everywhere.
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